Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Negron Decides Against Running For Bethlehem Mayor

Bethlehem City Council member Olga Negron has decided against running for Mayor, reports Gadfly. He has posted what purports to be a message he received from her. She refers to herself in the third person, just like he does.


Councilwoman Negron WILL NOT RUN for MAYOR! Not now, not EVER! ☺

Councilwoman Olga Negrón

Lately, Gadfly has twisted himself into a pretzel with about 7,000 posts while trying to explain why Negron and Paige (call me Doctor) Van Wirt are so opposed to a wage equality ordinance. They even refuse to submit amendments. Gee, I thought they were progressive. By the by, Gadfly still has failed to mention that Negron told Bryan Callahan to "shut up."


  1. The insecurity of those who refer to themselves in third person is skin crawling. It's even worse than those demanding titles.

  2. It’s all a ridiculous farce.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Paige and Olga should start listing Gadfly as an in-kind contributor on their campaign finance reports. All that free content and spin has a value.

    "Anonymous Jack Mehoff said...
    Dana for Mayor"

    LOL! Dana "I'll punch you in the face" Grubb would be a horrible mayor. The man has anger management issues and an ax to grind. Council should be scared if he becomes Mayor, he may punch them all if they disagree with him. Town Hall would become a wrestling ring.

  5. I am going to delete all comments coming from Jack Mehoff.

  6. Is there a gadfly spray?

  7. "The Gadfly" thinks a little to much of himself. He is really out there. Can you imagine his reaction if one of the men on Council told one of the women to "shut up"? Negron has walked out of several meetings when the discussion gets heavy and she totally emotionally lost it at that committee meeting. That outburst was a glimpse into who she really is!!!

  8. The Gadfly captured Constable Mezzacappa's first ammendment audit at Bethlehem City Council last year and for that we are eternally grateful.

    Sal From Iron St

  9. This poster believes it's important to locate and crush gadfly larvae by gently scraping with a credit card or other similar method.

    Dr. Ilene Wright, PHD.

  10. To make sure all larvae as well as adult gadfly shitflys wont be swarming the general public mix roundup with your favorite bug removal substance in a spray bottle and coat generously! Make sure you have your favorite sanitizing wipes and cleans all skin thoroughly and you too will be safe from this reprehensible shitfly and all its attack subordanants!

  11. Gadfly should run for mayor. He’s the true municipal messiah. I don’t understand how Bethlehem’s government functioned before Ed Gallagher came on the scene with all his devoted “followers.” The proff has come to the rescue to teach everyone how to think properly. Thankfully, He has adopted council as his extended family as he points out every time he speaks. He’s getting more self absorbed and power hungry with every meeting as he repeatedly references his “Irish temper” when implicitly threatening council with bad coverage on his blog. Council members who think he’s a useful surrogate should treat this guy with more caution. He’s getting crazier and more ego driven and will lash out when he feels he’s not getting the attention or influence a messiah deserves.

    1. Ed Gallagher is the poster child for the Birkenstocks a total ivory tower wanker who rides around on a "hobby horse" probably part of the New Green Deal

  12. 7:42 pm forgot to add some crushed moth balls to the elixir so it will even defumigating spray for the cornavirus. We all must work together as the warm weather approaches and shitflys spread there infection carried from afar.

  13. Ive heard him talk once at Council, Gallagher should run for Mayor or Council since he thinks he knows everything. Pompous horses ass! He thinks and believes that he is right and in the know, yet he has no clue what is really going on in the City.

  14. you have been attacking her for sometime why? she is hispanic trying to help us

  15. Thank God! She is a emotional wreck, unstable and not the sharpest tool in the shed! She would have been a disaster as a Mayor!


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