Local Government TV

Monday, March 16, 2020

Biden Holds His Own With Sanders

Though USA Today called it absurd, I liked the one-on-one Bernie v. Biden showdown. Biden seemed relaxed and on point, and was perhaps the best I've seen him. He certainly looked and sounded Presidential. I believe Sanders hurt himself with his incessant attacks at Biden, and was perhaps the worst I've seen him. I thought Biden should skip this debate. I was wrong.


  1. Biden did look good last night - I have to admit. I agree I believe it is the best he has done. He looked relaxed, and he had energy and spoke pretty well. Anyone who can walk and chew gum should do well against the orange buffoon. He's the dolt who will probably refuse to debate.

  2. Disagree! Biden had a chance to score a KO and did not. He barely held his own. He came off as one of two old crazy 'get off the lawn' brothers. Four minutes in you could hear him coughing while Sanders was talking about the Corona virus. Sadly, Sanders was abet to make Biden just look like another angry old senator arguing over their past and ignoring the future. Most voters were lost in the weeds listing to them go at it and frankly wondering why. Most voters don't care since what they did 20 year sago is meaningless to the new generation of Americans. Biden did not come off as magnanimous with the Bernie crowd.. He is adopting his handlers no mercy attitude and trying to make Bernie's people look foolish.

    I know Sanders cannot win a general election by the electoral college but I also think Trump will; mop the floor with Joe.

    Biden is a terrible debater and stumbles and bumbles trying to remember things and put together sentences. Thump in his own weird way relates to the man in the street and the frustration of middle America.

    Biden spent to much time saying Ebola and to little time on spelling out a cohesive view of the suffering middle class. Their loss of jobs and loss of security. Fear of illegal immigration is real, rational; or not and not fixed by calling the people you need xenophobes.

    I want to dee Thump[ lose as much as anyone but Old Joe did not look like he will get the job done.

  3. 2:57,
    You are full of shit writing you want to see Trump lose. You spent way too much space using Fox network talking points cutting down Biden and promoting Trump. Biden did great last night, despite Sanders attempting to stay relevant.
    Trump is going to face Biden - the one person he wanted to avoid the most.
    Like Melania wants to avoid Donald.

  4. anon 4":35, I tend to agree with the earlier poster. Sanders played Biden like a cheap fiddle. They both ended up not looking Presidential. You are reacting like a hard core partisan and not the average voter.

    I would like to see Biden win as well but last night was disheartening. Unlike Trump followers I can support Biden and still be critical. We don't need anymore yes men or idol worshipers.

  5. 4:57,
    Full Disclosure: I was never a Sanders fan, it's true. Biden was also not my first choice.

    That said, I call BS when I read someone trying to give the impression they aren't writing to undermine the potential opponent to Trump.

    Biden did well last night. Better than Sanders, who in my opinion appeared to be trying to revive his campaign.

    As for Trump, he could have guaranteed himself a second term if he took CoVid-19 seriously from the beginning and had listened to the experts. He thought he could get through this pandemic, as he has everything else. Ignore, lie, delay, and it will go away. Problem is, this virus isn't a member of the GOP controlled Senate.

  6. 6:17-

    Your last paragraph is SO wrong, and so not appropriate for the serious health situation that came to our nation.

    I have decided to no longer post on this Blog in order not to fuel even more panic. Your political mission needs to stand alone without being further encouraged.

  7. @7:28

    No longer posting is best for you. I see no political mission from 6:17 other than to put out the obvious. Trump is an ignorant screwup who believes in his gut instead of science.
    Numbers don't lie like Trump does.

  8. I deleted a few comments from Trump supporters. You'll have your chance once the nominee is decided. This is about Bernie v Biden.

  9. When a commentator asked them about their virus precautions, and mentioned 77 and 78, between them that is 155 years, there were a lot of layers to that question's onion.

    My main takeaways were that Biden is still cognitive, and that Sanders couldn't resist an entry into his health industry patter, even if it was less than appropriate.

    It will remain a vote for or against Trump in November, people will not be voting for Biden per se.

  10. Bernie, generally agree.

    I also think it was a smart move to commit to a female running mate.

  11. The White House needs to keep the Idiot-in-Chief away from a microphone. He can't even speak to the points his being feed by the experts around him.

  12. Biden---more taxes, no more fracking no more oil dependence, sanctuary country,china loves Biden and Biden loves china,his family will gain millions of dollars, he will forget the day of the week and where he is---good catholic who is for abortion--WHAT A GREAT CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT???

  13. The biggest blunder that Bernie made was when he didn't answer the question "if your opponent wins the nomination, would you support your opponent and what would you do to get your volunteers to support your opponent. Biden quickly answered he would do everything he could to get Bernie elected, while Bernie Hee Hawed around with an indirect answer. Biden looked more Presidential.

  14. Sanders is the sharper more knowledgeable and more capable candidate. His policies are too far left. Of course Biden would have little choice but to attempt to enact most of Sanders policies. They are not that far apart. both believe in open borders and amnesty and citizenship for everyone here. they also believe in medical care for anyone in the country. At they same time they claim that our present medical system is inadequate, That is a great contradiction. Because their policies would in effect offer healthcare to the world.

  15. Biden with a huge lead played defense, Sanders needed to be on the offense and thats how it played out to me. In the end Sanders didn't and likely couldn't score enough to move the needle in any measurable way. I actually kind of got the sense that Sanders kind of knew it, but is passionate about his positions and supporters and showed up in case Biden flopped. My guess is that he won't go for Biden's throat at any point from here on out, and will simply remain in the race as a stalking horse until very close to the convention.

    I think MM hit the nail on the head with November simply being an up/down vote on Trump. Biden will be viewed as a "safer" choice and be easier to swallow for independents, moderates and even conservatives who just can't fully align with Trump's personality.

  16. Limiting your VP pick to gender may limit your options. I hear Sarah Palin is not doing anything.

  17. Folks, I am deleting comments from Trump supporters, which are ridiculously easy to spot. You'll have your chance.

  18. The good news is that the socialist moment has finally passed. In 2016, the establishment was blindsided by Sanders and had to pull dirty tricks to keep him from leading the ticket and devastating the down ballot. This time, they were ready and his defeat has been steady and decisive. Biden is a safety candidate whose most important task may have already been accomplished: delivering the party from radicals and returning it to an incremental progressive organization. That may be more important to the long term health of the party, than winning in 2020, against a favored incumbent.

  19. So Anti-Trump supports get free air time?

  20. Anonymous said...
    Biden---more taxes, no more fracking no more oil dependence, sanctuary country,china loves Biden and Biden loves china,his family will gain millions of dollars, he will forget the day of the week and where he is---good catholic who is for abortion--WHAT A GREAT CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT???
    March 16, 2020 at 8:48 AM

    And not you-know-who. Works for me!

  21. Anonymous said...
    Limiting your VP pick to gender may limit your options. I hear Sarah Palin is not doing anything.
    March 16, 2020 at 10:29 AM

    That's not true, I just saw her singing on TV in some sort of crazy disguise.

    Is this a great country, or what?

  22. “.....incremental progressive organization.”

  23. Everyone gets to see a doctor, everyone gets the medicine they need, free at the point of service.
    I don't need anymore debates, others might. Bernie gets my vote, or I WILL vote for the orange clown.

  24. @11:04AM - A favored incumbent?!? Like 2016 Trump will be a prohibitive underdog. Underdogs do win here and there, but he's fighting an uphill battle with none of the intangibles that helped him last time around. He'll get 40% of the vote for sure. The last 11% along with the hows and wheres will determine his reelection and trends have been heavily against him. Not polls mind you, but actual results. Certain posters here and MAGA Hat types around this country need to be open to the fact that there is a very strong chance Trump is in the last year of his Presidency.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Everyone gets to see a doctor, everyone gets the medicine they need, free at the point of service.
    I don't need anymore debates, others might. Bernie gets my vote, or I WILL vote for the orange clown.
    March 16, 2020 at 12:34 PM

    This comes off as someone who's been for Trump all along. Divide and conquer, eh?

    It's not like the Democrats are losing a vote here. Good riddance.

  26. I watched the debate, and while the men were civil, neither impressed me. Bernie was on his socialism bandwagon, while Joe pandered left and right — female VP, black woman Supreme Court. With Trump the presumptive R nominee and these two, I just shake my head and wonder where all the good leaders have gone because these three are not anywhere close to the top of the pile. Sad that Americans don’t want more from their elected officials.

  27. The big shots that back Biden are demonstrating their craftsmanship to the "bern down the house crowd" and everyone else, that they can actually burn down the house.

  28. Is getting a biopsy of the lung to check whether Cancer is present considered elective surgery … Because someone I know had his biopsy canceled due to the current CoVid 19 situation … The man lives in Monroe County.

  29. Bernie doesn't lie or his tongue would turn to fire.

    Even if I disagreed with 90% of Bernie supporters, I know 100% Bernie doesn't lie, that's someone I can deal with even though the truth is sometimes uncomfortable.

  30. Anonymous said...
    The big shots that back Biden are demonstrating their craftsmanship to the "bern down the house crowd" and everyone else, that they can actually burn down the house.
    March 16, 2020 at 1:34 PM

    Nonsense. Biden was fairly nice to Sanders. The proper word for those "big shots" is "voters". Sorry you can't accept when your candidate loses. Tomorrow, you can lose some more, your candidate will drop out, and we'll see if he or his people can poison the Democratic well.

  31. Dennis - Ultimately yes it is elective. Utilizing hospital resources, materials, cleaning products in the face of an expected wave of COVID-19 cases likely swamping the hospital wouldn't be optimal. Secondly, exposing your loved one to such a situation, especially someone who already has high risk respiratory issues - the last place I'd want them would be anywhere near a hospital.

    Have you seen what's happening in Italy? It's literal triage...

  32. "Sorry you can't accept when your candidate loses."

    Even if Bernie doesn't get the most votes, it's not a loss, anymore than the first Minuteman to fall dead during the American revolution, the idea lives on.

  33. "The proper word for those "big shots" is "voters""

    Nonsense: "big Shots" don't vote, they don't need to, they buy.

  34. Biden had a white collar last night...Bernie's was blue.

  35. Anonymous said...
    "The proper word for those "big shots" is "voters""

    Nonsense: "big Shots" don't vote, they don't need to, they buy.
    March 16, 2020 at 2:52 PM

    I think we all understand that money plays a role in politics. So how do you explain that I and many other prefer Biden? I don't think I got my check...

  36. Yang is the check guy.

    Biden was bought and sold out years ago. Don't ask me to explain your ignorance of that.

  37. Joe Biden commits to having a woman as vice president and here's why.


  38. Anonymous said...
    Yang is the check guy.

    Biden was bought and sold out years ago. Don't ask me to explain your ignorance of that.
    March 16, 2020 at 3:11 PM

    Pretty sure I didn't ask...

  39. It’s difficult to take this site seriously any longer.

  40. Anonymous said...
    It’s difficult to take this site seriously any longer.
    March 16, 2020 at 5:16 PM

    So start your own blog. I'm sure you can gather a group that reinforces all of your opinions.

  41. Cough, cough. No tissues provided by CNN. Forgot to use his elbow. If positive contaminated the studio. Cough, cough. Great job

  42. Illinois released election results Monday, the day before the election, calls it for Biden.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al8OckqMQfA <---watch here



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