Local Government TV

Monday, March 16, 2020

NorCo Gov't Will Remain Open, Emergency Declared

Northampton County government will remain open, at least for now. Executive Lamont McClure, however, has declared an emergency. This will enable the county to seek funding for extra resources.

NorCo Declaration of Emergency by BernieOHare on Scribd


  1. Staying at your post was the right call, when the vaccines are ready you're first, right after the nurses, doctors, police and emergency responders.

  2. Does this make him a virtual dictator of the county? Can he do whatever he wants with no oversight?

  3. No. It does enable him to seek funding.

  4. its Not responsible to put people in meetings or conferences ...yet it is happening . Should be using teleconference and technology to remove exposure to any chance of Covid19 transmittal...otherwise do as I say, not as I do mentality....it must be viewed as extremely serious

  5. Here's a fun one for you Bernie. A 2 minute point of care test for COVID-19, that is now allowed to be used in the US without an FDA EUA, a test which is credited with allowing China to stop the virus far sooner than otherwise ... but is not being fast-tracked nor taken up by the US government yet ... probably because it does not need to use the existing lab network so it wasn't even considered as a possibility.

    In other words, there's a test that takes minutes, can tell people very quickly that "Yup, you're a carrier so stay isolated, and allow life to resume to normal. But it's not an entrenched large pharma company so it's not getting attention. Enjoy this link, which is old in that the FDA yesterday waived restrictions and essentially allowed EUA (emergency use authorization) to be "automatic" (that oversimplified): https://kdvr.com/news/coronavirus/englewood-company-says-it-can-get-covid-19-test-results-in-2-10-minutes/

  6. Not sure why the county is still allowing the public to come in. It seems to me that this defies the governor's order and is putting employees and the public at risk.

  7. County government exists to serve the public. If someone needs to file a summons to toll a statute of limitations, he needs to do so at the courthouse. If a bank is willing to lend someone money based on a pledge of that person's real estate, it will advance no funds unless it is able to record a mortgage. No one can buy or sell a home without a title search. I know of no county courthouse that has closed its doors. People mention LC, but that is the government center, not the courthouse. Perhaps what the county could do is limit entry to all but those who really need to be there. I've also heard someone mention being open every other day, but that is no help in an emergency.


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