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Scott Miller |
It was standing room only with about 50 people packed into the meeting room. Among those in attendance were Dan Cotturo, the police chief who was forced out at Washington Township to make way for Miller, despite pending drunk driving charges in Ocean City Maryland. The audience also included the tow company operator who called Slate Belt Regional Police after Miller's accident.
Before anyone uttered a word, the Board of Supervisors went into executive session, which they can do when discussing personnel. When they returned, they voted to suspend Miller without pay, pending an investigation. That investigation will be conducted by Bethlehem Attorney John Harrison, who happens to be the lawyer who uncovered the streetlight scam in Bethlehem Tp.
It would have been very difficult to charge Miller with drunk driving. Though he was "mush-mouthed" and at least one Slate Belt Regional Police officer detected the odor of alcohol on his breath, police failed to conduct a field sobriety test because it was snowing and slippery. They also failed to conduct other tests like a HGN or VGN (horizontal gaze test). They failed to administer a portable breath test (PBT) or ask follow-up questions to determine if Miller was capable of driving safely. They failed to issue any summary citations, even though the accident report indicates Miller was driving too fast for conditions and there were indications he had been drinking. DA terry Houck said a PBT should have been administered.
His office charged Miller with failure to report an accident and driving too fast for conditions, both of which are summary offenses.
According to Agent 8, several individuals addressed Supervisors after they took action. Most condemned Miller.
My previous stories:
DA Files Summary Charges Washington Tp Police Chief For Failure To Notify Homeowner of Accident
Washington Tp Police Chief Rolls Truck ... and Leaves Scene
Washington Police Chief Who Hit Home Failed To Notify Owner
DA Opens Investigation Into Police Chief's Crash
His picture reminds me of Paul Blart Mall Cop.
He disqualified himself to even be a Mall Cop!
It took the Washington Twp Supervisors how long to suspend this clown police chief? Why wasn't an emergency special meeting called at least after the DA press conference and get this bozo out? Instead they waited for the regular monthly meeting to act with a standing room only crowd demanding? What a circus of clowns. So do they all have that clown show Mason ring on? The Supervisors left the community in danger and liability with this incompetent donut eater who should not even be a school crossing guard.
They have two turds to flush. Wife beater Mark Gwozdz who's new GF is young enough he could be her father and the drunk driving home wrecker wife beater police chief Miller. Time to flush and purge the township police of these two turds/ POS....
It's sickening to think that two Slate Belt Regional Police Department Officers failed the community by not doing the job they are sworn to do and doing the right thing instead of incompetent police work and engaging in a cover up. To see another immature acting police Chief Hoadley try and justify these men's actions is over the top. As it's coming out now that Hoadley should not even be as appointed acting anything more then a mall cop. Hoadley has more baggage then an Amtrak. The Police Commission needs to bring in a qualified Police Chief who is a leader and not an ass kissing incompetent unqualified goof who was part of thus covert cover up showing a fire works show of red flags why he should not be a police officer let alone Chief. He just proved to the entire community what he is. Do not appoint Hoadley Police Chief permanently!
What about the roadside service that tow truck drivers wife that was called. BJ better then AAA. Add home wrecker to the list when you steal your brother Mason's wife and destroy another family. What a sick mentally ill human.
Boo Hoo..,.cry me a river. Poor Scott. Is out in community trying to make himself a victim. Your living the dream? For our communities welfare it should not involve you in a uniform other then at a McDonald's Miller.
You cannot make this up. A reality TV show "Miller & Gwozdz, douchebags with a badge"
Wow it's been quiet at the police gossip station number 2 known as Penn Jersey. I thought Mark Gwozdz was the security guard there. So much time there on the Washington Township taxpayers money. Hawking on married women and the young girls there for all to see.
How does Portland Masonic Lodge 311 have drunk drivers, womanizing cheaters,wife beaters, home wreckers among the breatheren? Portland Mason Lodge has more white trash then a trailer park.
Poor Miller, Poor Gwozdz. Pour me a double shot so I can cheat on my wife and then go home and beat her. These aren't men but just the lowest filth.
Hey to the squirrels Gwozdz and Miller tell us how proud your families and children are of you as your playing the victim card. Two narcistic slobs
STFU Harry before I expose you to everyone on this shitty blog about the real reasons you're not a cop in pen argyl anymore
Every venue gets what deserves if the hiring standards are compromised by some type of favoritism. Road crews , code , parks ,management,the same thing.
The boys might not have jobs but they can always work for the Indian at Penn Jersey selling cigarettes or tires. Let them wear a Penn there Jersey uniform still standing around getting paid for it while trying to pick up young single girls and married women. That went on right in front of the entire Washington Township community and Supervisors and no said a word. They are pigs. Our daughters would not go there if that police car was out front. Which was for hours at a time.
Mark Gwozdz might want to wear his Hawaiian shirt as his new uniform for his new counter job at Penn Jersey and Miller can be a bar back or work alongside Gwozdz like the two brother Mason's they are.
3:44 You're absolutely right- every time I drove by Penn Jersey in the morning,a Washington Twsp. Police vehicle was there. I thought it was a new police substation.
What? I thought Penn Jersey was the Washington Twp PD HQ!
FINALLY, the Supervisors did the right thing, and took the FIRST STEP IN PURGING the Police Dept. Unlike the Bangor Area School District, who immediately fired these 2 wife-beating cowards! Washington Twsp. deserves better!!
Where else but in the Slate Belt can you get your wife or daughter hawked on by the local cops but Penn Jersey and Turkey Hill. Every cop in the area should be on notice that the public and elected officials are seriously watching now what's going on with our local police departments.
It all started with an upstanding business man doing the right thing. A man with integrity, honesty, values doing the right thing. Thank you
Good first step; however, much more needs to happen with this department. You still have two cops who did not file a report on their chief, especially when one individual commented on the alcohol smell and his mush mouth.
If the average citizen cannot have faith in their department to uphold the rule of law in a equal manner for all citizens, then they will not have faith in the department.
Thank You Dick Lane, the only person who showed any integrity in this investigation!
Slate Belt Regional needs to purge themselves of their "acting Chief" and the 2 officers too- they're either incompetent and or corrupt!
Thanks Bernie for exposing this!
The "Acting Chief" has more baggage then a Greyhound bus. Who vetted this corrupt inexperienced train wreck? The two officers should be disciplined and the ranked officer on scene should be demoted. Shady, corrupt and sleezy that is what these three at SBRPD are. No integrity or honor. Oust them.
Don't tell us he covered up a crime or slept with your wife please.
Acting Chief Hoadley is exactly that acting! Acting like he is a real cop to. He is incompetent and has shown he has NO integrity, honor, trustworthyness NOR leadership. I implore the SBRPD to hire a qualified Police Chief from outside and not this corrupt on his knees incompetent goof. If you lay with a dog you get up with flies. Say NO TO HOADLEY Being named permanent Chief. No Way to Hoadley, he has proven what he is right here.
Mark J. Gwozdz - AWOL from the Marine Corp Reserves and gets tossed out dishonorably. What a clown with no integrity. This man should not be in a uniform other then a janitors.
So, they suspend Miller without pay, and who takes over as the Officer in Charge? Sgt. Krome? Maybe someone should look into him as well. As we may, or may not, know, Krome worked for the City of Easton. Someone should look into the reason he left there. Hmmm, oh, that’s right it’s public knowledge that he was involved in a DUI that resulted in an accident as well. Only the Wilson Police actually did their job and charged him. Yet, here we are, another chance. And, the cycle continues. Believe it or not, there are decent cops out there but they just seem to stay away from the Slate Belt.
Thanks for the reminder of the street light scam in Bethlehem Twp where the taxpayers were fleeced of almost $900,000.00! No one was fired or reprimanded and Hudak to this day defends the board's actions, disgraceful!
What an ongoing saga. Bernie your next story has arrived! The arrest record and accident report of Acting Chief/ In Charge Sgt. Krome! So one drunk driver is suspended and a convicted drunk driver placed in charge. Easton got rid of this turd and he ends up in Washington Township and now in charge? A drunk driver replacing another drunk driver and both have badges? You can't make this shit up! Bernie Please look into Krome in Wilson Boro arrest and Easton firing him!
You can't make this stuff up. Jerry Springer we need you here in the Slate Belt. Wife cheating and wife beaters along with drunks who steal wives and onward to widespread corruption of law enforcement and public officials. We need the FBI up here asap!
I'm sorry but in the Slate Belt Integrity has moved out and left no forwarding address.
SGT. Krome a drunk driver with and accident replaces Chief Miller another drunk driver with an accident? Washington Township Police Department should be disbanded and save a million dollars a year and bring in the State Police. A million dollars a year for this disgusting vile group of men? No Way!
Bernie how can this Krome be a cop what happened in Wilson and Easton? I cannot wait to hear the truth on this Insanity. This man in charge is like from the pan into the fire.
Yup time fo spring cleaning that be what we sayin up der in da 'Tate Belt.....My name is Tater and I wants to be Po lease Chief next. I only ditteled immediate family. I qualified!
The question now is What is sbrp commission going to do about their inadequate decision making by their police officers? Are they going to allow that sergeant to keep his position?
Now booking a trip to Fla for Spring break for dirty old creepy cops. Must be corrupt with no integrity or morals. Must be into young single girls or married women. Wife beaters and drunken cops encouraged to apply. We already have Miller, Gwozdz, Krome signed up and in the corruption section with No integrity are Acting Chief Hoadley and his two low life dishonest corrupt SBRPD officers. Should be a trip to remember. Dress attire is a Hawaiian shirt. Please see Gwozdz at Penn Jersey to order one.
SBRPD needs to dump corrupt Acting Chief HOADLEY and bring in a leader with integrity and demote him, the Sergeant and the other cop out the door. HOADLEY should not be anything more then a meter maid or mall guard. Get Hoadley out as acting Chief. He has proven how incompetent and what an untrustworthy leader he is.
You beat me to it!! Here is the cycle of Corrupt journeyman cop all over again....
It sounds to me that everyone seems to forget the true ring leader of this “cover up” The previous chief Mettin. Ya know, the guy who knew he was leaving out the door a week after this incident. The guy who headed the investigation that lasted what 1 day to clear his officers. This guy is all about HIS reputation, he could care less about the department. He’s yucking it up somewhere else now and somehow is relieved of the mess HE left for SBRP to deal with. Bring that ass clown back to answer some questions, he’s a liar, a devil in a suit, a true arrogant pos.
As what he has planted is what he will harvest in the field called KARMA
When your a vile disgusting human you come back as a fly and eat poop- Kurt Cobain..... A message to Miller, Gwodz Hoadley and the other dirty cops in the Slate Belt " Bon Appetite Slate Belt flies" KARMA
What Crowns you shall Crucify you - Gibron
How did Krome slinky his way into the Washington Twp PD when he has a DUI accident in Wilson Borough and Easton PD fired him? How does one DUI wife beater cop take the place of another and be the rank of Police Chief? What a cesspool the Slate Belt law enforcement is. Krome should not be acting Chief but fired for lying to get in there along with the rest of this debacle participates.
This latest Scott Miller incident stinks to high heaven- John Harrison needs to do a thorough investigation of both the Washington Twsp. & Slate Belt Regional Police Departments!
Now, how about the SBRPD officers who let a dangerous drunk go free to potentially maim and kill one of us or our family members. They had one job: to protect their citizens. They failed miserably, and chose to protect a connected cop instead of the citizens they swore an oath to protect. That they haven't been fired already is bizarre. I suspect DA Houck's soft glove treatment is the reason.
Mr. Miller,
write me I'm looking for deputies with experience in law enforcement who are as highly respected as me.
Are there any good officers left in the Slate Belt? What an embarrassment for Washington & Skate Belt Regional-Save the taxpayers almost $1M a year, and hire the state police!
You can't make this stuff up- this is Jerry Springer & Mayberry P.D. all wrapped up in 1
Thanks to "former" Supervisor Dave Renaldo for promoting his buddy Scott Miller to a position he was never qualified for. Now, do the right thing and replace him with someone from outside the Department with credentials!
Krome resign now your going into the mud pit with the rest of the scum
All because Mr. Big shot went out BOOZING AND THINKS HE IS ABOVE THE LAW
You mean the Washington Twp Supervisor that voted to hire himself into the cookie jar of the tax payers and for caught res handed and was fined? Renaldo Electric that sleezebag?
yes, "mr. clean" himself. he sold his soul a a few lousy bucks. his father was a true gentleman, the kid, not so. thank God he's no longer there!
You can have him! How close is the local watering hole to your office?
I never thought I'd live to see the day that Washington Twsp. would turn into UMBT
The famous West Easton Constable will have a stable full of corrupt low hanging fruit off the tree of Justice. She will be the envy of all law enforcement. By the looks of what Miller and Gwozdz go after she is a beauty as the others cheaters bans hard in the eyes.
They all seem to find and flock together. Hard on the eyes is an understatement. Hard in the light is more like it.
Krome is as much a corrupt DUI accident driver and was fired as Miller is. What a tool and should not even be in a uniform. Guess what Krome your a STAR now!
Bernie what is the Krome guys background with a DUI accident and arrest and being fired? How can he even be in a uniform?
Low hanging fruit off the tree of Justice. How true
Washington twp is nothing more than bad helping bad! The tax payers are funding this giant police department we do not need and the state police would save us tons of money. Someone needs to ask these supervisors why we have a department at all! Its just a giant nest of scum helping scum with our hard earned money. Its clear Miller and the others should be fired. Those in charge hoped this could be handled quietly but its all out in the open now. Keep going to the meetings , demand things change! drain this swamp !
Umm in looking at the West Easton Constable she/he/it looks already like she had a bout with an ugly stick so this stable of loser corrupt heathens would not be a good fit. We know they like to hit women so keep her collar tight in West Easton thank you. Since they are all headed to court maybe meet for coffee in the cafeteria on trial day?
Wow Pen Argyl. What goes on there? LMAO
'Top cop' Could not handle a Dept. That does not even provide 24 hour coverage. Hahahaha What a tool. He and the Gigalo should be ashamed of themselves. They are posing as Police Officers.
Qualifications shall be as such... Do you drink? Yes! Are you a womanizer? Yes! You're hired!
All the rats are now being exposed- Miller & his buddy Dave Renaldo never thought this could happen!
Hire someone qualified from outside the ranks i.e. a retired state trooper. I'm sure after seeing Millers compensation package for heading such a small department, you could find someone!
Washington Twsp. needs new leadership- the police force, supervisors, and the solicitor. Most of them have been there way too long, and they created this mess. Dave Ceraul is an average solicitor- at best. He also represents East Bangor- you know the town that allowed contaminated dirt from NYC to be dumped in its quarries, and sold its former police station to his buddy for $7,500.
Is the wife beater Gwozdz still on paid leave?
Hey D good luck with this mess...At least J is happy now. Kudos. at least one will be moving on in the right direction....
Dave Renaldo orchestrated this mess, and the other supervisors and solicitor were played for fools. Now the rats are turning on each other- time to clean house!
Disband and save a million dollars. PA State Police will make us proud and not this type of dereliction of law enforcement. Vote and get rid of this so called police force before we end up on national TV.
You mean AWOL Gwozdz? He is on unpaid leave in his Hawaiian shirt planning his next vacation. I am sure with his ARD application will include his MPOTEC card and badge. Cannot wait for the trial
You mean the police station building on RT. 512 valued at 100K that Ceraul saw the bidding process was rigged so his buddy corrupt businessman Comunale stole from the people of East Bangor for 7,500 dollars.Valued at 100K sold for 7,400K. The Pius 10 connection both are related and on the board of Pius 10. Thieves of the Catholic Church and people of East Bangor. Don't do business with these two corrupt suits roofing, siding or real estate.
Drunks And wife beaters running the police dept, There is also officer Dieter which was charged with terroristic threats and harassment while off duty. www.lehighvalleylive.com/slate-belt/2017/06/tyrannical_cop_charged_in_slat.html. While on duty he is out harassing people while at traffic lights and stop signs and pulling them out of there vehicles. Clean up Washington Township and make it beautiful again, but change needs to start at the top so get rid of 2 of the 3 supervisors, then all the bad seeds we are supposed to call police officers.
With these 2 running the show, you wonder why Pius had to close!
how stupid could you be dating someone that has had 3 wives!!!!
Whatever happened to miller leaving the scene as first reported?
Did these guys ever work in Portland under the old cop years ago who is now selling coffee beans ?
Any relation to the New Bangor school board President who’s wife use to allow kids to use her fathers house in Downtown Bangor to party while underage ?
Who is vetting these policemen? No one does a background check on them before they are hired? This is ridiculous!! Anyone with a DUI looking gor a cop job should have at least 10 years of sobriety under their belt. What kind of example are they setting for young people?
Very sad state of affairs!!
I was wondering if he is related to the candy man who sells under weight chocolates for full price in Bangor? You know the clown that got tossed out of a basketball game when he was the town idiot and VP of the board. They school really needs a private investigator to check the south 2nd Street address that the town idiot thinks no one knows he lives in Nazerath and is cheating the Bangor School Taxpayers with his kids going to school and lives in Nazerath. That's Bangors town idiot.
Yah but Barney Fif only had one bullet not 46!
Mark didn't beat his wife... he said some words in anger, which we all do... get your facts straight before slamming him.
Krome made 1 mistake and learned. He didnt repeat it several times like officer ego miller has. He didnt get cought bangin and beating wives. And his incident was years ago.he has since loyally served on the fire company and has kept his nose clean. Change my mind.
1:43 PM which wife or GF are you talking about? everyone of them has a history of this mentally ill man.
"Mark didn't beat his wife... he said some words in anger, which we all do... get your facts straight before slamming him.
February 15, 2020 at 1:43 PM
Mark Threatened to kill his wife! His words might have been said in anger because he got busted trying to have his cake & eat it too! Why should his WIFE be accepting of him having a girlfriend?!
Another thing, ABUSE comes in many forms. His words and threats (especially in anger) are just as damaging! Just because she DOESN'T have bruises DOESN'T mean she hasn't been abused!
Mark Gwozdz is a control freak that should be held accountable for his mouth!
He is apparently a long line of cops that are getting away with things that are getting swept under the rug.
So, it’s ok if cops break the law, as long as they only do it once? Asking for a friend.
It may have been said in anger but because of his ability to carry out the threat this definitely should be taken seriously. The man carries a gun and has access to them 24/7.
Why is anyone shocked by cops and DUIs look at Remaley from Easton PD who now RUNS the Easton School District Police!!! He had a DUI crash and was given desk duty in Easton!!!
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