Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Wild to Host Town Hall

Lehigh Valley Congressperson Susan Wild, who is seeking a second term this year, will host a town hall somewhere in Easton on Thursday, January 23, between 7 and 8 pm. For what I presume are security reasons, the exact location is a secret until January 20. Her town hall conflicts with a County Council meeting so it's unlikely it will occur at the courthouse.

In her first term in Congress, Wild has sponsored 18 bills and resolutions. None have passed the House. 

Unfortunately, Wild's life partner committed suicide recently. She courageously addressed this issue on the floor of the House, and is working to expand mental health treatment options.


  1. Real courageous. Joined her Dem cronies in the Trump coup. A lawyer who can't tell the difference between a harmless conversation and a crime. Hope she gets tossed out of office in November.

  2. They tell me it's gonna be a wild old time.

  3. Ah the Trumpers! "Can't tell the difference between a harmless conversation and a crime" Yes, Ms. Wild can indeed tell the difference...can you?

  4. Had to be arranged by the know nothing Easton DEMS since it is scheduled on a county council meeting night again

  5. Good. A bi-partisan for once.

  6. The smile can't hide that she's a radical environmental cultist with an agenda that will bankrupt the country while inserting the government into every aspect of your life and divert resources from the needy. She's also a radical abortion extremist who supports abortion to the moment of birth, as well as grisly experimentation on fetal remains that she's OK with being sold for profit by her chief financial owner, planned parenthood. Having lost a dear loved one to issues related to mental illness, I'll acknowledge that even an intrinsically evil, tragically broken clock with an aggressive hatred of unborn life and an especially racial aspect to her abortion support, may still be correct twice per day.

  7. So, we can assume Wilds partner was a women.

  8. Wild's staff is on the ball with this scheduling conflict.

  9. 6:27 you're a hater for sure. You must be a great person to be around. 6:29 why does that assume her partner was a woman? Where do you get these low lifes Bernie?

  10. How does one gain admission? Thank you for this news.

  11. The people of the valley made a big mistake in voting Wild into office--most of her money to run for office came from Pelosi-she owes Pelosi that why she voted for impeachment.Wild does not represent the people of the lehigh valley--she will always side with Pelosi--the worst majority leader in history.

  12. Morganelli lost..so get over it!

  13. The Lehigh Valley should be represented by a local with local support. Susan Wild is a Congresswoman from Beverly Hills CA. Follow the money. That's whom she represents.

  14. "For what I presume are security reasons, the exact location is a secret until January 20."

    "Security reasons"? Give me a break!

    It's to make it easier to exclude anyone that has an opposing viewpoint. Meanwhile, she's doing all she can to pack the room with her supporters.

    Another phony Town Hall meeting from a phony in Congress!


  16. All one has to do is watch the first two minutes of that video to learn that Wild's life partner was male. Also, if something like this does happen in your inner circle, it does take real courage to talk about it openly, let alone on the floor of the House. There is a real stigma associated with mental illness and suicide, and when someone like Wild discusses it openly, it can actually save lives. So I credit Wild for what she has done here.

    This has nothing to do with her position on other issues, with with I am largely in agreement.

    I get that Trump supporters would not like her impeachment vote. You can let her know what you think at the town hall.

    What's troublesome to me is that I did watch several of the witnesses (nearly all of them, to be honest) and there is no doubt in my mind that Trump corruptly influenced a foreign power to interfere in a presidential election. Given what happened in 2016, I consider this a high crime and impeachable. Not sure if it warrants removal. Having said that, I have friends whom I respect who are just as well or better informed as I, and they think the whole thing is a circus.

    Under circumstances like this, where there is a lack of consensus, I consider it a mistake to push an issue. This was Pelosi's fatal flaw with Obamacare, and it is her fatal flaw with impeachment. Important matters should be supported by people from both parties. Pelosi is a California Democrat and I doubt she gets out into the real world. She has done a great job putting Trump in his place on several occasions, but has gone too far here. She especially went too far when she attempted to tell the Senate what it must do.

    But this town hall stars Wild, not Pelosi. Readers of this blog know I am no fan of hers, and it has nothing to do with the issues. I must in fairness, however, credit her for speaking openly about her life partner's suicide. I am sorry for her loss.

  17. @6:29
    Obviously in your attempt to be funny, mean, demeaning or critical, you showed your real level of education by your use of the word ‘women’.
    It’s ‘woman’ genius. Obviously you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed buddy.

  18. Bernie, you can define High Crimes and Misdemeanors any way you like, but NOTHING Trump did even comes close to reaching that threshold. Many crimes are being identified to have been committed by holdovers from the Obama Administration still working in Washington, but Trump has NOT committed any crime.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Susan Wild is a lame duck exactly proven but her 18 bills and resolutions that have GONE NO WHERE. She hasn't done anything to take care of the district. I've written her many of times only to get back the typical staff email that she never touched saying "Thanks for contacting me, your (insert issue) here is really important to me and I will keep fighting in Washington". This year will be an even bigger waste of time for her since she will have to deal with an election and of course forget her duties in Washington because just like her pal Fed Ed she wants to stay in power and barely have to lift a finger to make that cool 6 figure salary.....tough life.

  21. I have warned before many times about tribal comments. I am uninterested in your uneducated assessments of political parties.

  22. ""Security reasons"? Give me a break!"

    Given the rampant violence that has increased in this country, I see nothing wrong with security precautions. Pat Toomey does it before his town halls as well.

    1. Bernie, no one wants to travel to boogy boogy land to assinate a oompaloompa like wild! Toomeys brother threatens people while city employees are present too.

      Give what you get with the democratic spin played with words.

  23. Federal elections are about abortion, handouts, immigration and national security. She's radically wrong on all these issues. Her record is one of a toothless freshman. She's not influencing a single bowel movement, let alone meaningful legislation. She represents big money interests from outside the state. She's not one of us. A mistake was made and should be quickly corrected.

  24. Bernie hate to see the truth about the dems. HE will delete it. Boy did President TRUMP get one heck of applause at the national championship game.--the AlabaMA GAME --THE aRMY-nAvy game trump will win in a landslide in 2020---the next 8 years will be Trump jr ha ha HA

  25. Bernie, will Wild be spewing the federally housed x mayors spin on the accomplishments. The spin classes must be a really hilarious in the federal pen, I didn't do nuffin your honor just like Wilds accomplishments. Working Americans would love to get a check for doing nothing.

  26. wild is a surrogate of Pelosi wild will vote any way Pelosi wants her to vote. Pelosi will keep funding her as long as she votes Pelosi way .how sad for the lehigh valley who voted wild in.

  27. Wild's lukewarm acknowledgement of impeachment cost her in my eyes. It won't cost her my vote unless she's primaried but it all cost her my money.

    I think she fails to realize impeachment is what got her elected whether she likes it or not.

  28. Real courageous. Joined her Dem cronies in the Trump coup. A lawyer who can't tell the difference between a harmless conversation and a crime. Hope she gets tossed out of office in November.

    Using a perfectly legal element of the Constitution is not a "coup". That type of language is imbecilic and provocative.


  29. Why is that sad? Thats precisely why we voted her in: to support impeachment AND Democratic policies. You lost many seats in 2018 and more are to come.

  30. If you voted wild in for impeachment and democratic policies you are the sad person first of all trrump did nothing wrong. And which democratic policies do you like baby killing and beyond no borders - sanctuary cities--or do you like the cities run dems. poor foreign policies giving iran billions or bengazie--or the way California is run or maybe you Pelosi Schiff or oas or omar--yes wild and dems sure have great policies.ALso great presidential candidates---no trump by a landslidein 2020 then Trump JR for 8 more years HA HA HA

  31. This Impeachment Step is an effort to HIDE crimes by various politicians and bureaucrats in Washington. Many in Congress, both Republican and Democrat, have been linked to secretive money laundering schemes and campaign donations from overseas “foundations and PACS. Family members have received high-paying pretend jobs. Huge advance book deals that make no financial sense. Insider stock trading. Kickbacks using United States Foreign Aid money, from places like Ukraine.

    It ALL goes away with no harm to these scoundrels if TRUMP goes away. It’s now either remove him by Impeachment, or cheat like never before in the next elections.

  32. THE truth is our political system breeds corrupt politicians--THE political class and deep state in Washington is actually worse than the mafia.They try to be nice to your face but boy are they corrupt.

  33. Just watch last night's democratic dummied down debate.

  34. WILD was a bad choice she was funded by Pelosi and the people of the lehigh valley voted for her we will pay dearly for that. must vote her out in nov. or else you must like Pelosi Schiff and the california people--san fran here we come

  35. Wild and many other democrats must be voted out or else nothing will be done again the dems are destroying the country . We must also get rid of the left wing media people, they are more for Iran than the us---

  36. This now is really getting nuts with latest news about Parnas, Rudy G and other assorted GOP movers and shakers. Even Pence has been accused of lying or misleading about the Ukraine. God Bless the USA . If you think there is a current need for better mental health care now wait until it sinks in that Nancy Pelosi is third in line to replace our disgraced POTUS.

  37. This kind of scandal is very sad and very serious. What is wrong with these people. Didnt they get it with the watergate and campaign dirty tricks which led to the end of Nixons presidency. Stupid especially since there was questions about dirty tricks in 2016. So they think there above the law. Just cant process all this nonsense. Qualified Republicans better step up to the plate and run in the primaries. This is craziness but we gotta do something.

  38. 10:54 - Mr. Parma’s is attempting to keep his own butt out of prison. He’s under indictment and has offered to “compose” in exchange for immunity. Don’t think this lasted Democrat stunt will accomplish your desired result. We’ll soon find out.

  39. I think it is interesting to read all the hate comments from Trump supporters and Wild haters on this blog. Is it a requirement to join that tribe that you must demonstrate a lack of ability to spell and punctuate your comments? Just wondering ...

  40. No. But those folks elected YOUR president. Insult them if you must (and I know you must). But don't take them lightly.

  41. I find it amazing that many of you hard right wing commentators won't own up to the real reason why Susan Wild is in Congress today. If you need a clue take a look in your mirrors. Much of the Lehigh Valley was long represented in Congress by Charlie Dent who was a right of center Republican who did not support Donald Trump but was by far the most electable candidate in area general elections. Yes Dent sometimes was more liberal than you liked particularly on social issues, but most of the time his votes represented rational and sane policies that reflected traditional Republican and conservative leaning positions that could attract voters of both parties as well as independents. I and many people like me consistently voted for Dent because he always acted intelligently and honestly, even on issues where some people legitimately disagreed with him. Dent was not good enough for a lot of you and you slammed him at every opportunity. The Republican candidate who ended up running for Dent's seat was weak and lost both in the old and newly defined districts. Many people in the Lehigh Valley who would have been happy to re-elect Dent voted for Wild as the lesser of evils, not because they supported her. Donald Trump likes to boast how he knows how to win and his 2016 win proved he knew how to win a big one at least once. Many of the Trump supporters in the Lehigh Valley have not figured out how to win in this region right now, and Susan Wild's victory in 2018 proves it. Given the even more recent trend exhibited in the the voting for the Lehigh County Commissioners where the Democrats pulled off a sweep that was inconceivable just a few years ago, if the Republican Party voters cannot figure out what works well here in the Lehigh Valley, Wild will win again.

  42. Charlie Dent? What did Dent actually achieve in Congress besides posing with Girl Scout troops? The man was too much Ant-Trump as evidenced by his new line of work. This was the poster boy for RINO. Bad form for Dent to behave as he is now.

  43. Guess 10:13 lacks the ability to comprehend 9:30's words. Thats the problem with deplorables, no critical thinking skills. Parnas exposed a far reaching corruption similar to Nixon pranksters and yet is talking about RiNOs.

  44. Dems are anti America most of them want socialsm like the Nazis and Russians--they were sad when Trump got the Iranian general. THe democratic party is anti jew,and hates Israel. IF the dems take over our economy will crash. The country will become like a third world nation just like the cities run by the dems. a vote for a dem is a vote for the death of America as we know it.

  45. Pat Toomey strikes again! Only Republican(?) to vote against USMCA. Who controls his puppet strings?

  46. @10:13 - your desire for Republican purity is what will be the parties ultimate downfall.


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