Local Government TV

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Washington Tp Police Chief Rolls Truck ... and Leaves Scene

As a Washington Township police officer, Scott E. Miller once filed criminal charges against a gentleman who committed the dastardly offense of flying the American flag upside down, in its traditional distress mode, as a protest against then President George W. Bush, Nancy Pelosi "and all the other democratic politicians." This American citizen refused to remove the flag or fly it properly, so then Officer Miller charged the guy with "insulting the American flag," and as a second degree misdemeanor. This prompted prominent criminal defense lawyer Gary Asteak to ask, "How the hell do you insult the American flag? What do you do, walk up to it and start cursing?"

This case went nowhere. Then DA John Morganelli, who is something of a free speech purist, tossed it. Perhaps Miller should have been tossed, too. Not for insulting the American flag, but his own badge. In 2011, he was charged with simple assault, terroristic threats and harassment following a domestic dispute with his then wife. She also filed for a protection-from-abuse act order. Those charges mysteriously went away, and Miller and his then wife divorced.

Officer Miller remarried and was amazingly promoted to Chief, but it appears he has issues.

Which brings us to the early morning hours of January 5. Miller, driving a white truck, rolled it somewhere along Kesslerville Road, near someone's home. Miller left the scene before the Slate Belt Regional Police Department arrived. I don't know whether he or someone else reported the one-car accident. Miller reportedly left plenty of evidence, including parts of his uniform and his badge. There is video of the incident and the truck was towed.

I called Chief Miller for comment, but he's not talking. Chief David Mettin of Slate Belt Regional told me the investigation into the accident itself has concluded, but has declined to say whether charges will be filed.

I hope this matter does not mysteriously disappear, too.

Updated 9:30 am: - I am informed Miller did not call the police but instead called his girlfriend and Lane Towing. The tow truck driver called police. I also am informed that Slate Belt police did seek a blood test for alcohol.


  1. this guy has so many problems- he NEVER should've been promoted to chief. The Washington twsp. cabal fell in love with him, and screwed the former chief!

  2. Cover up and corruption. PSP should have handled it. Now we see first hand how corrupt the Chief of Slate Belt Regional PD is. Both of these corrupt immoral, no integrity slime should resign. Both are two birds of a feather. What low Life scum. Thank you Bernie for peeling the scan off these two puss infested corrupt cops.

  3. Scott Miller has always been a train-wreck!

  4. Miller is nothing but mall security material. This guy rolls with more baggage then Greyhound Bus. What a mentor for the community and it's youth. What ever happened to the other loose cannon Gwozdz? This PD needs an enemia with all the fecal matter " protecting and serving".

  5. A mental case. From wife beater to a drunk he covers the whole spectrum of a loser. Add leaving the scene of a roll over car wreck to his disastrous resume. Somebody better get this clown out of a uniform soon before the public gets hurt. I guess DWI is not a crime if your a Chief. Change his title to just wife beater, drunk and low life. Does law enforcement needs this guy's integrity representing them?

  6. What Miller is missing are summed up in three words. Integrity, morality and honor. The citizenship of Washington Township should be so proud of the lack of leadership of it's Police Department. Miller should be terminated or demoted. The Supervisors need to return honor to the community and gain it's respect back. The Township deserves nothing less.

  7. Law Enforcement deserves better in it's ranks along with the general population. The entire region should have nothing less then this man's resignation. He is a walking time bomb with authority and a gun. Scary and a horror show.

  8. So Chief Mettin advises investigation complete. So shady. Nothing here but a cover up folk's now move along. Bernie I think a RTK of the accident report should be for starters. This smells worse then a pig pen on a hot day. If Chief Mettin thinks the investigation is complete I think he is mistaken and a fool to allow his own integrity and Slate Belt Regional PD's to be called into question. This occurred eleven days ago. See now how long before real State and Federal law enforcement with integrity becomes involved. Word is it's happening already. Stay tuned my friend.

    1. Mettin doesn't care. He is leaving and he already knew it

  9. I wonder if the West Easton Constable can deputize this hit mess. What a team! Cat woman and Batman.

  10. A quick reading of this incident tells me the man was most likely drunk at the time of the crash. He then ran off to ‘dry out” before having to explain what happened.

  11. Where is and why isn't the Northampton County District Attorney's involvement in this? This guy was touted as the best man for the job without like John Morganelli. JM would be all over this shady corrupt cover up!

  12. Bernie aren't Police Chiefs exempt from criminal charges in a DUI roll over of thier own vehicle? The man left his gun, badge and uniform in his truck and ran like a rat from the scene. I think the SB Regional Police need training in ethics and values on their handling of this crime. The oath of a law enforcement officer promise is demanding of nothing less.

  13. This man while drunk rolls his truck over leaves his gun and badge and leaves the scene? Slate Belt Regional Police YOU OWN this debacle! Ethics and values in law enforcement sad, very sad. How does a Police Chief leave his gun and badge and he ran away? What a mess- A HOT MESS

  14. We don't have a District Attorney anymore. You remember his office WAS the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the County of Northampton.

  15. Just look at the newly elected District Attorney one can wonder who ties this guy's shoes everyday because obviously he couldn't tie even one of JM's.

  16. Chief of Police Miller drives drunk, rolls it over and leaves his gun, badge and uniform behind and runs off. Priceless!

  17. Some "Roll Model"...keep it on all four wheels there gun slinging cowboy. He should not have even a mall security uniform on. Bozo with authority and a badge.

  18. Past Police Chiefs in our township like Tom Laurito, Vince Aversano and Danny Cotturo all are men of honor, integrity and respectable character as well as gentlemen. Scott Miller should resign or be terminated for being non of the above. We deserve better. R

  19. I'm not surprised by this incident- it was only a matter of time. This guy is a narcissist- A pathetic POS! I agree with previous comments- he's mall security material- or better yet, his "other" job- Bangor School Security. What an example, just like his underling Mark Gwordz, another documented wife beater. FORMER supervisor Dave Renaldo, another shining example of integrity, loved this jackass, and along with his cohorts forced out the previous Chief, who went to work everyday while battling MS. Washington Twsp.needs an enima- from the top down. They deserve better than this 3 ring circus!

  20. Lack of leadership: 1 of the reasons Slate Belt Regional is short officers. Metton & Miller, no, not a prestigious law firm, but a very good comedy act.

  21. How much does it matter that he might be gay?

  22. The Bangor School District needs mentors, leaders and role models with our children on a daily basis. Not a man with this mind set, mental ilness and destructive behavior.The Bangor School children deserve more then a wife beater or a DUI accident leaving deranged man with police powers near our kids in the Bangor School Police Department. No character, integrity and poor judgement. The School District needs to remove him from his role as a police officer near our children. BASD needs to act before he endangers our kids.

    1. Fellow wife beater and drunk officer Gwozdz is suspended with pay and has a second job driving children on the bangor school bus!!

  23. One of many coverups this loser was involved in.

  24. just check out this losers FB page- tells you everything about this jackass!

  25. "Bernie aren't Police Chiefs exempt from criminal charges in a DUI roll over of thier own vehicle? The man left his gun, badge and uniform in his truck and ran like a rat from the scene."

    What is the basis of your claim that he left his gun? I have not heard this. I heard parts of his uniform and badge were there. Also, he left the scene, but Miller might have called it in. That was a question I had for him.

    "We don't have a District Attorney anymore."

    We have a DA, and it is John's former top prosecutor. If Miller violated the law, chances are he will be prosecuted. If there was a coverup, this will be prosecuted, too. I have no evidence of a coverup by Slate Belt Regional. Chief Mettin is leaving the force and has no reason to cover up anything.

    " Bernie I think a RTK of the accident report should be for starters. "

    I might. Thinking this might be a criminal investigation.

    I just noticed SBRP charges $15 for an accident report. This violates the RTKL. They can only charge $0.25 per page. Not the end of the world, but they should revise their fee schedule so it is at least legal. Also, most people who want accident reports are those who were involved. They have already gone thru that trauma, so I don't understand why police departments do not make these reports available free of charge to involved parties.

    "What ever happened to the other loose cannon Gwozdz?"

    This refers to Mark Gwozdz, former Chief in Portland. His LinkedIn page shows he's been a cop in Portland, Roseto, Washington Tp, Bangor, E Bangor and Wind Gap. He has been chief at some of these departments. Hew was recently charged with terroristic threats to a woman. That matter has been held for court.

  26. The Chiefs Facebook page says *Living the Dream". What I am reading is a path to public danger in a horror story. His dream is a sane persons nightmare. I am thankful that you don't let this stuff get covered up. A bad cop is everyone's worry.

  27. Is good that the area has a reputable business to do the right thing and called the police with good judgement when all Miller did was call his GF and pray the tow truck gets his truck out of there before the police show up. Thank you to Lane's Towing for being in the up and up and doing the right thing.

  28. Good reporting, Bernie. Thank you.

  29. He followed a sound path to getting away with it, until the tow company did the right thing. A lawyer once told me to take off and report later, making yourself unavailable - as long as no property is damaged or injuries occurred. That way, you have a chance to run out the metabolism clock on BA testing. Doesn't always work, but it's your best shot at getting away with it. It's also not the best behavior for a community pillar, such as police chief.

  30. "I just noticed SBRP charges $15 for an accident report. This violates the RTKL. They can only charge $0.25 per page. Not the end of the world, but they should revise their fee schedule so it is at least legal. Also, most people who want accident reports are those who were involved. They have already gone thru that trauma, so I don't understand why police departments do not make these reports available free of charge to involved parties."

    Title 75 Sec.3751 Reports by police.

    (a) General rule.--Every police department that investigates a vehicle accident for which a report must be made as required in this subchapter and prepares a written report as a result of an investigation either at the time and at the scene of the accident or thereafter by interviewing the participants or witnesses shall, within 15 days of the accident, forward an initial written report of the accident to the department. If the initial report is not complete, a supplemental report shall be submitted at a later date.

    (b) Furnishing copies of report.--

    (1) Police departments shall, upon request, furnish a certified copy of the full report of the police investigation of any vehicle accident to any person involved in the accident, his attorney or insurer, and to the Federal Government, branches of the military service, Commonwealth agencies, and to officials of political subdivisions and to agencies of other states and nations and their political subdivisions.

    (2) Except as provided in paragraph (3), the cost of furnishing a copy of a report under this subsection shall not exceed $15.

    (3) In a city of the first class, the cost of furnishing a copy of a report under this subsection shall not exceed $25.

    (4) The copy of the report shall not be admissible as evidence in any action for damages or criminal proceedings arising out of a motor vehicle accident.

    (5) Police departments may refuse to furnish the complete copy of investigation of the vehicle accident whenever there are criminal charges pending against any persons involved in the vehicle accident unless the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure require the production of the documents.

  31. i heard he was thrown out of big woodies before the accident in forks twp

  32. How this jackass was ever hired, is beyond me. He should be sent out the door, just like the voters did to his buddy, former supervisor Dave Renaldo. When the former Chief's health became an issue, Scott Miller & company smelled blood, and made Chief Danny Cotturo's life miserable. In fact, on the way out, Dave Renaldo & Co. made sure Miller's pension was "well taken care of." Compare the annual salaries of the previous Chiefs to Scott Miller's- he got 1 hell of a cost of living raise! Congrats to Dick Lane for doing the right thing! I hope the Supervisors get rid of this stain on the township!

  33. He was tossed out of Big Woodies then the cameras will show alot. How does this man enforce the law when he violates it?

  34. And which Girlfriend did he call? Obviously not the one whose HUSBAND has a Towing Company!!!

    1. Maybe that's because her HUSBAND was busy having an affair with her close MARRIED friend!!! He is controlling and abusive. You read that right. Or should I say it a little louder for the people in the back?!

    2. Her affair was on going for 3 months way before his . He doesn't get pass and yes he may have been a bit controlling but it that a reason to have an affair??? YOUR NOT HAPPY YOU LEAVE .

    3. Not true. A bit controlling. Just a bit? Funny how everyone thinks he's an angel in the situation. Far from it. You never know what life is like behind closed doors. I guess you never made any mistakes in your life?

  35. Chief Miller is not a chief! He has 3 people in the office doing his paperwork everyday. A good chief earns the job and does not get it by kissing the ass of the supervisors and I'll bet he never told the supervisors that he had a DUI in another state when he was interviewed.

  36. he has brought shame on the masons as well, great example to set

  37. His lips are brown from kissing the supervisors asses- only reason he got the job, and lasted this long!

  38. Oh Lord this derelict is a Mason in the local Masonic Lodge? He brings shame and embarrassment to the Mason Lodge as to his family, community and Police Department. This and the extra marital activities alone are reasons for resignations. This man has no place in any authority or organization that has a moral values to uphold. Resign Brother Miller.

    1. Both officers are masons. Gwozdz and Miller

  39. How do you uphold the law when your known to break it? How do you belong to the Masons when you are no where near the values they portray? This man is a mess. He needs a new job without any authority.

  40. Miller and Gwozdz two peas in a pod. Both cheaters and liars. A danger to society. Yet both are representatives of the law. Gwozdz gets suspended WITH pay for threatening to kill his wife. OH yes wife number 4!!Miller’s is driving drunk... repeatedly going to kill someone. GET RID OF THEM.

  41. Miller's FB page states he's "living the good life." Gwozdz's FB page is full of pics while hes living it up in Hawaii- while he's getting paid. Taxpayers get hosed again!

  42. Speaking of which,,,, anybody have the number for klavers? I need an oil change.

    1. Sure. Highly recommend! Great service on your vehicles....and your wife.

  43. This guys gets hammered and drive most days of the week. He is a wife beater and is a complete narcissist. He is a danger to the public

  44. Miller and Gwowdz are the true clowns of the Lehigh Valley.

  45. Thou shalt not covet thy Mason Brothers wife.....I read that somewhere maybe at the Masonic Lodge maybe....

    1. Apparently the oath means nothing to him. He Has gone after a brothers wife not once but twice.

  46. Must also be in the same club with Pat Browne for outstanding drunk drivers.

  47. This article is only here. Not on Lehigh valley live or wfmz. No one will know of this. This will be hidden.

    1. This has been looked into by a reputable news organization. Mr. O'Hare should call DA Houck and update this post with what actually happened.

  48. He's like any politician. He was appointed because of a political connection. The mayor is to blame here

  49. Dashcam of the accident happening, or of the aftermath? Where is it?

  50. his out of state DUI was also swept under the rug

  51. Good job Douche bag. It takes a drunkin loser to know a drunkin loser! You deserve a Pulitzer.

  52. 100% true story. I saw the home he hit. There us evidence of this

  53. Isn't this normal behavior over there on that side of the county? LOLOL

  54. It would seem short of a death local police get a pass from the DA's. It has always appeared to be is an insider deal and everyone knows it.

  55. Mettin is involved in this cover up. Good riddance that he’s leaving, that guy is arrogant. Did you know he walks on water?

  56. what happened to his Maryland DUI?

  57. IF you or me would have done this our names would have been spread all over that rag of a newspaper! Disgraceful!


  58. He didn't roll the car, he slid off the road in a squall.

    He didn't leave the scene.

    Two Slate Belt officers determined he hadn't been drinking.

    Apart from that, great account, Bernie.

    1. And who may this be the girlfriend you know He was drinking because you were with him

    2. If Mr. O'Hare had called DA Houck before publishing, that's exactly what he would have heard. No story.

    3. A trained police officer does NOT simply slide off the road in a squall in a 4wd vehicle.

  59. Separate vehicles but you were with him. this goes to show how it has been covered up...again And where is his truck if he just slid off the road perhaps at Lanes?. And why is he driving a different vehicle he just so happened to buy a new one the next day? Just face it we all know it’s true

  60. He just "slid off the road" is laughable. Check the house he hit- He was so drunk, they didn't want him to leave Big Woody's!

  61. Why don't you all mind your own business?? All of YOU are obviously the losers... nothing better to do so you all sit on your computers and gossip about other people. Grow up and mind your own business!!

  62. Shots fired! Nerve hit! Who picked the driver up? did big woodys want him gone or did they want him to stay?? I cant see the staff blocking the door chanting please dont go. Perhaps it was a song requested on the jukebox coinciding with them removing him from premise before he added a front entrance to someones house. Hallmark movie channel needs to pick this up for the 2020 holiday lineup.

  63. Until you have facts you should't slander anyone. Get your facts in order before someone ends up suing YOU.

  64. I wish there was a like or laugh button for some of these comments. Slander? Please. Too funny.

  65. Judging by the looks of the truck and home it was rolled into the house. That appears to be fact.

    1. Where did you see the truck? I wanted to see it too.

  66. At least he proved he can hit something other than a woman.

  67. Has anyone seen the police report? I did some “research” and the night of the accident was when we had that brief snow storm but enough to have the snow cover the back roads, So, drinking or not...anyone could have potentially experienced an accident. I’ve seen Chief Miller on the job since the accident and if he rolled the truck and fled the scene,I’d imagine he would have some sort of injuries or at least a scratch on him!?! I’m not a medical professional but in what the story (blog) reads is that “he rolled his vehicle & fled the scene.” The comments say he left his gun, badge & uniform behind!?! If he was out socially...why would he have those items on him or wearing them, wouldn’t it be easy enough to look at his vehicle to see if in fact “rolled” it?
    Also, if he left the scene why would he have called a tow truck company to get his vehicle and have someone pick him up? Based on the comments and this blog it’s not making sense to me.
    Oh well, I’m as guilty as anyone...I wasn’t there and yet I have my own version of what happened that night. I guess it’s easy for us to sit on our computers & phones to make it our reality but I’m in no position to make judgment or assumptions because I wasn’t there. If you like the guy or not I’m just grateful no one was seriously injured. Keep on fighting all you keyboard warriors and my hope is one day we all have enough courage & honor to lift people up rather then tear them down.

  68. But a trained police officer doesnt simply drive off the road in a squawll. They are traind to drive at high speed during incliment weather....change my mind.

    1. Again, I’m not an officer & I don’t have knowledge on what driver training they go through in the academy or on the job but Mario Andretti is considered one of the best professional race car drivers of all time & he just drives in circles on dry pavement and he has had accidents... so add snow, ice or even wet conditions and I’m sure even the most professional drivers can have an accident. So I guess I ask you... change my mind? :)

    2. Change your English. It's spelled squall and inclement.

    3. Mr andretti is 79 years old. Reflexes are a bit slower these days but given the fact he didnt close big woodys, he made it home with his badge, gun and firesuit.

  69. Excuse me, but I know he did a great deal of damage, not only to his own vehicle, but another person's property. I know he left the scene without making any effort to contact the home owner, not so much as a note. I know the scene was strewn with debris, and know that police items belonging to Miller were still there when the property owner woke up. I never said a gun was found. I know Miller returned the next day to look for his stuff, and never bothered asking the owner for permission. I know he returned, not in a personal vehicle, but an unmarked police vehicle. It is certainly possible for a police officer to have an accident along a snow covered road, but when you damage someone, you stay and make sure that person is ok. Miller failed to do that. In fact, Slate Belt Regional failed as well. If they also failed to seek a blood test, this is a cover up.

  70. I would like to congratulate Chief Miller with getting away with another crime. This is not the first time he has been caught drunk driving and while yes you can argue that he may not have been intoxicated at the scene of the accident you know if it had been any regular citizen there would have been field sobriety tests given. The thin blue line has protected him again. Hopefully the Washington Township Supervisors act remove this criminal before he commits his next crime.

  71. 3745. Accidents involving damage to unattended vehicle or property.
    (a) General rule.--The driver of any vehicle which collides with or is involved in an accident with any vehicle or other property which is unattended resulting in any damage to the other vehicle or property shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident or as close thereto as possible and shall then and there either locate and notify the operator or owner of the damaged vehicle or other property of his name, address, information relating to financial responsibility and the registration number of the vehicle being driven or shall attach securely in a conspicuous place in or on the damaged vehicle or other property a written notice giving his name, address, information relating to financial responsibility and the registration number of the vehicle being driven and shall without unnecessary delay notify the nearest office of a duly authorized police department. Every stop shall be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary.

    And if its true he returned in a Police vehicle outside his jurisdiction to intercede in his own off duty accident, hes voilating department policys and stealing from the township, that's official misconduct. He has a department full of misfits with OTN numbers and his own Masoic fraternity doesn't want him for violating ruels, the guy is a bum!

  72. I find it interesting that Washington Township police departments Facebook page has been down since Friday and is still down as of 6:51 p.m. coincidence?? I hope someone isn't deleting comments on a official government web page (destroying public records)
    That's a big No-No!!

    I will be contacting Washington Township Police Department non-emergency tomorrow morning regarding this matter, I encourage others to do the same, just remember your results May Vary. I'd be very interested in reading your experience.

  73. Contacting the non emergency number will probably go no where. Definitely a cover up. What needs to happen is Washington Township residents need to come out in number for the next Supervisors meeting to be held on Feb. 12th.

  74. Who was the getaway driver? Leaving the scene? An old get out of a d.u.i. trick. But by a CHIEF OF POLICE! And strut around like king shit tagging masonic wives like trophies. Disgraceful. Embarrasing for the masonic lodge, Washington twp and its residents. Time to change it up. Watch out Roseto borough! You'll be the next stop for that crazy train..

    1. Just want to clarify....so it's wrong to tag the wife of a Mason but it is acceptable for the Mason to tag the friend of the wife? Got it!

  75. Wow. Glad i moved out of the area. Cops shooting up bodyshops, chief is partying it up, closing bars and crashing and fleeing the scene of the crash while leaving firearms, badges and uniforms in the wake of the scene, then returning the next day in an police vehicle to pick up his belongings. Spouses getting beaten and threatened, girlfriends/sidechics defending their actions. Council needs to clamp down on their rogue police force. #supertroopersPd

  76. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors. No one is perfect. You, not him YOU started an affair several months before. He did whatever he could to save his marriage. You wanted no parts of it. You wanted him to except the fact that it was over. He has. Now your giving him a hard time for moving on? Is is possible that your realizing the grass is not greener on the other side? Is it possible that your realizing that the person you chose to end your marriage for is nothing but a piece of shit? You wanted this, not him. Now deal with it.

    1. Sounds like his new gf here. Good luck! You can have him. The only reason his ex would be crying that she wants that asshole back would be if she missed getting thrown around by the idiot. Any woman that would consider being with him knowing his past relationships would have to have zero self esteem for themselves. So you just keep defending your man.

    2. I don't blame her for starting a relationship with someone else while she was still with him. Smart woman. Maybe she figures he'll be sitting in jail soon so she can grab his pension.

    3. Hey new girlfriend, did you really really feel the need to post your girl drama here? Miller has bigger issues to worry about then his ex and new gf having posting wars. Grow up.

  77. One gf?....hell he had many...probably hard to track down which one picked him up. Definite coverup. Hard trust any police when this type is cover up takes place.

    1. Kinda makes you wonder...what's wrong with these girls? Talk about self-hatred. They know they're going to get thrown around by this guy.

  78. He works on cars? Side job from being Police Chief??

  79. Last count Washington twp has 10 police officers !! The twp supervisors do nothing but spend money and help get jobs for all their unqualified buddies . Taxes have already gone up to support the cop happy nonsense ! We here in Washington twp have the bottom of the barrel and this guy is the ring leader . The township will eventually go broke trying to provide pensions for these clowns . It will be interesting to see if the DA sweeps this away .

  80. After being in relationship with Anderson for years, he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to my friend and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem. His email: {drogunduspellcaster@gmail.com} you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or any other Case.
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    Contact this great man if you are having any problem for a lasting solution
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