Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Teladoc Saved NorCo $565,598 in 2019

If Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure could only be remembered for one major accomplishment, what would it be? Some might say the purchase of the centralized human services building, long a dream of John Stoffa. Others might say it's the forensic center, which is currently under construction. I think McClure himself would pick Teladoc. He loves this service, and has discussed it several times.

Last week, McClure told County Council that Teladoc, which enables county employees to seek medical care through their phones, iPads and computers, saved Northampton County taxpayers $565,598 in health claims last year.

Teladoc (TDOC) incidentally, is projected to be a top growth stock this year. 


  1. I believe the Human Res Building was set up from the beginning to be sold to the county. The developer and the county wanted to save on taxes, so they waited the appropriate time period so long term capital gains tax took hold, instead of having a sale once building was complete.. this save either buyer, seller or both about 20 % in taxes. Straight from Donald Trumps book on how to avoid taxes. The edeveloper saves on these taxes so a portion could be passed on to the buyer. It is smart planning.

  2. 1:28. Your an idiot

  3. THIS is a very concerning service. First we have no idea what this saved as maybe people would go to a doctor and maybe they would not. Also we only have McClure's word on the money part. This is the creator of Lamont Lines. A lawsuit wafting to happen. So a person calls the teledoc and since it is not a real exam they miss something important. The person gets really sick or spreads something to others and bam a huge lawsuit paid by county taxpayers.

    This is a great soundbite but the potential risks and savings exaggerations are huge.

  4. 1:28 is very astute and exactly correct. But you forgot that it also allowed it
    to be build without Prevailing Wage Rates

  5. Try as you might, his legacy will forever be LAMONT LINES.

  6. There is no empirical data to back up his numbers

  7. The negative comments here appear to be politically motivated,. Before writing this story, I did some research for anything I couLd find that is negative about Teladoc. I saw nothing but two lawsuits about an (1) inappropriate relationship between top execs and (2) fees charged to one benefit company.

    6:57, McClure is providing the empirical data. Incidentally, your "Lamont lines" line is pretty much a bust. You are the only one using that phrase. Think up another smear. 5:34, what risks? The same risk you have when seeing a MD in person? Savings exaggeration? Where is your empirical data? You have none and just want to smear a good program for political reasons.
    1:28, the human services building was set up to be sold to the county and is part of John Stoffa's legacy, a point McClure would readily concede.

  8. If teledoc works so well, how about a run at Gracefail? Think of all the money saved to the county, medicaid and medicare. What does Dr. Van Knockwirst have to say about teledoc? Oh shucks, never mind, teledoc only helps people who think they need a prescription to solve a stuffy nose...NEXT!

  9. " But you forgot that it also allowed it to be build without Prevailing Wage Rates"

    This is false. It was built with union labor and at prevailing wage. Ken Kraft would never have supported the project without that agreement.

  10. 8:41, Given your disparaging reference to Gracedale, it is clear you are only looking for negative things to say.

  11. I am now deleting comments being anonymously made by criminal Defendant Tricia Mezzacappa, who has continued to spread false information after being corrected. Her reference to West Easton gives her away.

  12. Her lies are what I expect from someone being prosecuted for false reports.

  13. Mr. Kraft had to force Stoffa and the developer to use prevailing wage. They tried to sneak it through but Ken caught them. Also the county paid all the taxes an expenses for the develop,. so it was a fantastic deal for the developer as everyone knows.

  14. I think McClure has decent intentions but simply does not know how to deliver a product. He hired too many unqualified ( and patronage type) senior staff. It will be his political demise. His biggest mistake was his director of administration. He is following Brown's example. Political loyality is not an indicator of talent. He will be voted out next election, unless he makes changes. Gracedale's negative reputation/ performance meltdown and the 2019 general election gaff does not make his tenure in office look promising. The upcoming 2020 primary voting disaster will be the last straw for the average voter. Teladoc is insignificant . Brown was dishonest and incompetent. McClure has a brain and the desire to succeed, but like Brown he does not have the staff talent to achieve positive results. Much like Brown, McClure' s senior staff have alienated the bulk of the County workforce that "get things done". Knowing the political workings of a county operation is important but understanding how to make the complex parts work well requires a separate skill set. Brown lost because Allen was a disaster . McClure will lose because of Detringer's inability to govern and lack of true experiential problem solving ability.

  15. 4:30, I am unable to speak for Jim Gentile, a very responsible developer. But I know John Stoffa, and he could never be forced todo anything. It was built at prevailing wage, and Mezzacappa’s anonymous claim that it was not is just another of her many lies.

  16. 1:28 I believe the Human Res Building was set up from the beginning to be sold to the county. The developer and the county wanted to save on taxes, so they waited the appropriate time period so long term capital gains tax took hold, instead of having a sale once building was complete.. this save either buyer, seller or both about 20 % in taxes. Straight from Donald Trumps book on how to avoid taxes. The edeveloper saves on these taxes so a portion could be passed on to the buyer. It is smart planning.


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