Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tricia Mezzacappa, Independent Journalist

West Easton's Tricia Mezzacappa is many things. A candidate who's lost every race in which she's run. A NJ school district business manager fired for her bad attitude. A bankrupt. An R.N. unable to hold a job. A political blogger who lost a defamation action. Defender of a mass murderer. A constable whom no judge will use. Now she's invented a new title for herself. Independent journalist. That's how she refers to herself in messages she's sent on Facebook, trying to dig up dirt on West Easton Borough Council Prez Matt Dees. She thought Dees was stepping down, and went nutzo when he not only stayed in office, but got himself elected Council President. On her West Easton Boro Constable Facebook page, she posted a lengthy diatribe when she got the news. There were 44 comments to her screed, and all of those came from her, too! It's safe to say she's come unhinged.

Now, in addition to habitually placing Dees in a false light with crude distortions of his image, she wants people to say bad things about him. Tricia Jenn, as she refers to herself on Facebook, is hoping his own family will smear him. Here's what she's sent to all the Dees' of this world.
"I am an independent journalist doing a story on Matthew A Dees of West Easton Borough. He was recently named Borough Council President, but has been silent about wether [sic] or not he has family members. Please reach out here or at [redacted], if you would like to add anything. A number of people in the Borough think he is unfit for public office."
In addition to dirt on Dees, Independent journalist Mezzacappa recently wanted to smear two West Easton residents who dared to criticize Donald Trump. She sought their local tax records, hoping to humiliate these Trump critics. But the state office of open records rejected her request because private citizens still do have at least some privacy rights.

Not Dees. She routinely posts his salary, hours and even his mileage as an IU-20 bus driver. She wants to harass him out of office, and has abused the Right-to-Know Law for that purpose. Over the course of 2019, she filed 16 of the 42 Open Records appeals heard by the state from Northampton County. She flooded tiny West Easton Borough with, by my count,82 vexatious requests. In fact, her conduct has led to the state legislature to consider a bill giving some small municipalities like West Easton relief from the Tricia Mezzacappas of this world

She can call herself an independent journalist. But in my view, the title that best suits her is criminal defendant Mezzacappa. She's been charged with false reports to the Pa State Police, and her trial is scheduled February 3.


  1. She's probably working towards a press secretary job with the second Trump administration. She'd be perfect for it, actually.

  2. I just woke up at 7:15, checked out your blog, and am amazed that as of yet; that amazing "stop picking on that poor young woman" has yet to appear. Then I remembered; West Easton held it's first meeting of the year last evening. It probably sent the "poor young woman" into a triple-wine overdose and she remains comatose this morning.

  3. No doubt she has issues. Just look at her "West Easton Constable" facebook page. Part of me feels sorry for her, the other part loves the freak show.

  4. Will you be attending the trial and reporting back?? I'm sure as a supporter; she'll be looking forward to seeing you there. :)

  5. Marry her already.

  6. Its especially gratifying when a blogger advertises his micro penis syndrome, conveniently pin posted at the top of the Constable facebook page. Record keeping has extreme advantages if you happen to know the right people.

    Record keeping is not the strong suit of Goudzouzian Borough.

    Just ask shortbus webmaster

  7. Mezzacappa, your anonymous comments here just prove what I say. Thank you.

  8. Please do a story on why West Easton failed to notify their insurance carrier of its Federal Lawsuit filed against them as a Borough and its Council members in their individual capacities. We all know that once an insurance company gets involved in a Federal Discrimination lawsuit, they appoint their own counsel who specialize in that arena, and pick up the legal fees as well.

    I guess Goudzie is so hell bent on raking in more cash by taking advantage of stupid people, that he would rather the tax payers take one in the teeth, than let an insurance company lawyer make the money.

  9. micro penis syndrome

  10. Criminal Defendant Mezzacappa, You don't seem to understand that you just make yourself look bad.

  11. Yuk Bernie please stop posting that picture you are giving your readers nightmares.

  12. Bernie I agree with 12:27 You should always use her salute to John Morganelli picture, she did it, she owned it and was proud of it.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Oh my! Feral cats humanely trapped and taken to the ASPCA!?
    She's done it! She's uncovered the great cat roundup conspiracy. The horror! It's the end of his political career and dreams of the White House.
    This woman is nutzo.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Micro penis syndrome, how about you had the intellect to get through law school ,but not the the moral character to sustain it ?

  17. I'd bet Mezzacrazy is hung bigger than either Booberry Dik Tic or Lil' Petey J!

  18. Trish @ 7:02pm. I honestly used to feel sorry for you and wished that you could find some peace, but you are just a mean racist,vexatatius person. When you lose your Court Hearing, the probation department will most likely anger management treatment as well as D/A assessment. Moreover, the Judge should order that you are not allowed on the Internet or would be in violation of your probation. This would stop you from posting racist comments, character assassinations and outright lies about community members. Further, it would prevent you from filing more baseless RTK requests which you use to specifically use to haress people and not to make meaningful changes about quality of life issues.

  19. Trisha is a train wreck. I want to look away, but can’t. Seriously Trisha, please seek help.

  20. Was that thing in the pic a candidate for the first sex change operation that clearly went wrong.

  21. Didn't know that not only is Dees still on Council, but he is President. AWESOME! She must not me able to sleep - which will not do that sagging and wrinkled aging body any good. She looks like a toad in comparison to this old picture you posted. This is the best news I heard in the last week - to think this gutter snipe will be tormented for at least the next year.

  22. Looking over the comments above, it appears 30% are from CrAzY, and several others deleted were also. Go back to writing OOR appeals - something that you apparently think are useful. Every time you mention Council's Solicitor, you expose who you are. First it was Layman, then Schlotzman, now the current one. Go away - you're stinking up the joint.

  23. Enough bashing of this poor young woman. When is enough, enough? This is just men attacking a lady. Not cool!

  24. I’m just surprised that there isn’t something else Bernie would spend his valuable time on . Nobody’s perfect, some people just hide it .better. She will burn her own bridge in her littlest venue by herself. Judgement always return . We all got it coming somehow. Want revenge,? Dig two graves. I’d like to see information on how our school district waisted our tax dollars, What positive traits distinguish Nazareth from other public schools districts. Good day,and do something nice for someone today.

  25. 7:28,
    Please refer to 3:25.

  26. hot like the heat you get from a venereal disease

  27. Nuts don't like you. What about that drug addict the blog mentor is he still stalking you?

  28. Independent journalist is posting to soon report a sad story about Mr. Dees. As part of her imminent probation (I'm certain that Attorney Waldron is working a plea deal), the stipulation should be that she is not allowed on the Internet.

  29. What a sicko. Obsessed and deranged. She needs a straight jacket and a truck load of medication. An Independent Journalist who can't spell a simple word like "whether" correctly? The clown of the Lehigh Valley.

  30. Yeah, the real stalker.

  31. She’s another wanna-be cop flaunting that gun on her hip which she probably can’t shoot very accurately...

    1. The Ridge st Stunner is top gun at Heritage Guild she has disgraced Peter Cuckhrane in a head to head match with her Deagle at 25 yards with a half inch group

  32. How did the trial on feb 3 turn out?


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