Local Government TV

Monday, January 13, 2020

A Road Trip to Wilkes-Barre

On Saturday, I drove to Wilkes-Barre because DeSales was facing off against Kings' College in both men's and women's basketball. The men won convincingly, while the women lost by 1 in a tight game. This story has nothing to do with the games.

This trip takes me about 90 minutes through the mountains, with my ears popping about every five seconds. I had exercised earlier in the morning, and was getting a slight headache, so I stopped and drank two bottles of water. The headache departed but now I needed to take a leak. Of course, that hit me suddenly, nowhere near anything. So I pulled over along Rte 80 and pretended to be inspecting something while I was really watering the weeds. I got back in the car and continued up and down those mountains. This must must have done wonders for my digestion. Now, instead of needing to urinate, I needed to take a dump. I figured I could last until Wilkes-Barre.

Did you know there's no parking in Wilkes-Barre? I had forgotten that important little detail. I spent a good 20 minutes looking a spot and finally found one, a good half mile from the gym.

Did you know parking costs an arm and a leg in Wilkes-Barre? For a quarter, I got ten minutes. There was nothing in which I could feed a credit or debit card, but I could install an application called Pango and use it. So I started, and as more minutes ticked away, I realized I now needed to go both ways, and badly. In addition to the app, there was also a number I could call, so I tried that.

A recording on the other end told me that, if I was over 50, I qualified for a special discount, and I should press a number. I did so and some woman got on and started trying to sell me a medical ID badge. I could see how that might be really helpful if I passed out along the road, and was found in a pile of excrement. But this was not the time. I tried telling the lady on the other end that this was no time to discuss medical IDs. But she continued talking. I told her I was in a hurry and needed to go. She was undeterred. I finally hung up.

By this time the app had loaded, but now I needed to confirm it with my email. I also needed to give my credit card data. More time. When everything loaded, I learned that, in addition to paying an exorbitant sum to Wilkes-Barre, I was also paying Pango for the "convenience" of using their shitty system. One second cost me 64 cents. I stopped the session immediately.

I'd rather get a ticket.

At this point, I hastily made my way to the gym. Fortunately, there was no line at the ticket booth, and I asked for directions to the nearest rest room. I've noticed those are always located a long way from ticket booths.

The rest room was located in the gym, where the women were already playing. To get there, I had to wait for a break in the action so I could cross the court. I stood there and waited, as patiently as I could, while the refs suddenly decided to just let them play without blowing a whistle. Finally, a quarter ended and I marched across the gym, saw a sign directing me to the restrooms, and was in.

It was like heaven. The stalls were much larger than I've seen at other places, and there was plenty of toilet paper. I erupted like the Taal volcano, with just as many toxic fumes. But I felt great. At my age, a good dump is better than sex.

Just as I was finishing, the door opened, and in walked two people talking to each other.

They were women.

I was in the wrong frickin' rest room.

I sat in my stall, as quiet as I could be, until they were gone.

I was able to get out of there without getting arrested.

When I returned to my car after the games, I had no tickets either.


  1. Whew...I'm pooped out after reading this story.

  2. ������

  3. So?
    Kennedy put a man on the moon.
    Obama allowed you too go use a women's room.

  4. Anon 623am, for chrissakes give it a rest!

    Any port in a storm Bernie! Glad I was 100 miles away.

    The Banker

  5. This is all kind of your fault! If you would’ve remembered that there was no parking there and you would’ve had a walk half a mile from your parking spot to the gym you wouldn’t have had to exercise in the morning. If you didn’t exercise in the morning then, you wouldn’t have been thirsty on the drive up and therefore wouldn’t have to have pulled over to take a leak and then eventually a dump. In my eyes, you brought this all upon yourself for not planning better lol

  6. Thank you for the Taal volcano reference. Since it didn’t really make the news much here, I’m sure a lot of people have no idea what you’re talking about....but I do. Having been to Tagaytay in the Philippines and seeing the volcano from a close distance and how absolutely beautiful the immediate area is, it’s a shame. What is a bigger shame is is that The Philippines is a very very poor Third World country and the people are poor and the country and infrastructure is really not built necessarily to deal with something like this. The homes are not built anything like they are here and most are just crude structures with Little or no windows and certainly no air conditioning. Although this happened on the other side of the world and most people don’t really care, I do appreciate your ‘passing’ reference. For those that might care, please say a prayer for those poor people over there!

  7. Anon 127pm I am anything but a "left wing liberal." I feel sorry for people like you, incapable of simply enjoying a story without having to inject politics. It's ok to laugh once in awhile, and it's also ok to laugh with a liberal or a conservative - not at them, with them.

    So I stand by my 'crissakes' comment, and suggest you get out in the sun, enjoy the day, go see a movie, or whatever it takes to get away from the computer. You need it badly.

    Thanks for allowing me to clarify a comment that needed no clarification.

    The Banker

  8. You need a care taker!

  9. Banker, I deleted that guy (OR GAL). We have people like that on both sides.

  10. I read reports of seismic activity in the area. This all makes sense, now. I hate pooping in a visitors' gym. I never feel satisfactorily wiped. Be it ever so humble, there's no place to go like home.

  11. You're right Bernie, we do on both sides. It's so tiring.....

    The Banker

  12. "I read reports of seismic activity in the area. This all makes sense, now. I hate pooping in a visitors' gym. I never feel satisfactorily wiped. Be it ever so humble, there's no place to go like home."

    The river probably has issues now. I can see why it costs so much to park.

  13. Hope you taped a buck or two to the meter


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