Local Government TV

Thursday, January 02, 2020

Why Are We in the Middle East?

On Tuesday, I told you about Richard Brookhiser's Give Me Liberty, who postulates that American nationalism, at its very best, is its engagement with the idea of liberty. He goes on to discuss 13 documents over 400 years showing our commitment to this ideal. His 13th document is Ronald Reagan's "Tear Down This Wall" speech, in which the Great Communicator said our commitment to liberty requires us to tell the Soviets that the Berlin Wall had to come down because all of Europe should be free. Another is FDR's 1940 "Arsenal of Democracy" fireside chat, in which he argued that America's commitment to liberty meant we would help Britain, another free nation, defend itself against the Nazis. This same principle is why we are in the Middle East. It has nothing to do with regime change or oil. It has everything to do with freedom.

Donald Trump made a big mistake when he decided, seemingly on a whim, to pull American troops from Syria and abandoning both Kurds and Syrians before our mission was complete. But he did the right thing when he launched five retaliatory airstrikes against Iranian-backed militias in Iraq and Syria. These are the same folks who shot down an American drone, attacked a Saudi oil refinery and, most recently, killed an American contractor and wounded four American soldiers.

According to some pundits, an unsuccessful attack on our embassy in Iraq has made us look weak. What makes us look weak is when we stop standing up for freedom.


  1. Trump screwed up, but was left a mess - just like every US president before him. Obama inherited a mess, let Syria down and caused a genocide. We used to have to be there for energy strategy. Worse than the murderous Saudis are the radicals who desperately want the nukes, and control of Mecca and Medina. Everybody's going to get nukes, eventually, and yes - they will be used with devastating consequences. Americans have no sense of this, don't care, and can continue to drive F250s because fracking and aggressive energy exploration have changed that for the US. We should continue fracking and becoming energy independent, get out of the Middle East, and pray we develop better missile defense that will be necessary as isolationists. In fairness, they haven't resolved their hatred in thousands of years. Some 240-year old country from across the planet isn't going to fix it, either. The future's so bright, we'll have to wear shades.

  2. We absolutely need to get out of the Middle East. Those nations are in such a confused state nothing America can do ever sort it out and provide stability. Not 700 American troops, not 70000. It’s a region that needs to solve it’s own problems.

    Hope you’ve noticed, the suspicious embassy breach there has ties to IRAN, aided by IRAQ hardcore radical savages who actually opened the gates to the embassy and allowed the protest to grow. It is no longer possible to trust ANY faction over there. They turn on each other all the time.

    Together with getting our troops out of that region, we must also clip the wings of OWN Military/Industrial complex who actually WANTS war for its benefits. We have a “war” going on right in America. Understand why these escapades happen in the first place. You could be surprised.

    Oh, yes. President Trump’s restraint and good judgement in not killing those protesters inside our embassy could have staved off starting WW3. He knows what’s going on, and he’s not taking the bait!

  3. U.S. troops are in Iraq and Syria because FREEDOM.

  4. ” It is no longer possible to trust ANY faction over there. They turn on each other all the time.”

    Like Trump turned on the Kurds? Get real. I agree with what Bush said and what Powell said. The fight against terror and for freedom is a long one and one we create a mess we have an obligation to clean it up.

  5. Those who strongly believe in FREEDOM, as I do, need to do everything to ensure OUR OWN FREEDOM in America. The Middle East needs to create its own accepted way of life. I’m more concerned with preserving MY freedom here. Today’s danger is found in my country.

    Today’s Radical Left Democrat Party is all about big government and increased control over our daily lives . . . right here in America! Just look around. Democrats want more control and increased restrictions on every aspect of life. Where we live, what we eat, what we can say, our medical decisions, how we heat our homes, how much of our earnings we are permitted to keep. The list goes on and on to limit our American freedoms. Wake up! YOUR freedoms are under attack by this Democrat/Socialist Party.

    You say you want FREEDOM? Then keep it here, by recognizing today’s DEMOCRAT PARTY is a threat to your freedom.

  6. The assholes who think we should be in the middle east should go over themselves. the middle east has been fighting for thousands of years --tribal warfare--and more --we are idiots for being over there. We should seal up our borders but if anybody bothers us we should bomb them back to the stone age--we are capable of this with all the money we spend in the middle east.

  7. Bernie, I could cite numerous opinions from people much more knowledgeable than either of us that describe how the Kurds actually gained safe passage out of harm’s way due to our actions in that situation. But, what’s the point? You simply reject any idea that Trump is capable of making good decisions. Too quick to discount anything he does. Carry on.

  8. When do we come home from Korea? 66 1/2 years is pretty long. Why are we there?

    Asking for many since July, 1953.

  9. America set foot with soldiers in Lebanon, 1958. That's how long we've been there but Dickface Chaney has kept us there since his war mongering republican gang needed a war for their own personal gains and what do we have? How much in lives and dollars later?

  10. 8:22- as you already know, to a Democrat, all that matters is getting Trump out of there. To get what they consider to be a “win” and to say “See, I told you so!” Too many Democrats have no time for logic, reason, and truth. It’s desperation time.

  11. "The assholes who think we should be in the middle east should go over themselves. "

    I volunteered but was rejected. My daughter served there. It is what Americans do. We have been standing up for freedom for 400 years. It is what sets us apart.

  12. 8:28 - you must admit, President Trump has proven he’s no war monger. He thoroughly understands it’s not worth shedding American blood, not even funding, for nefarious conflicts in foreign lands mostly for profit to corporate conglomerates and their Globalist puppet masters. MANY of these excursions have nothing to do with preserving freedom, only profit and payoffs to keep the money machine up and running. YES, the swamp is real.

  13. Your comments are quite noble but reality on the ground defies the logic of the artificial nation states imposed on the region by western powers from colonial times through the present. The region's true loyalties are determined by combinations of tribal/family/religious relationships not the territorial lines one finds on a map. The Kurds have been a threat to most of the regions nations for decades. Although no one can deny that they exist as a people, no other nation in the region is willing to acknowledge and recognize them as controlling the physical space on which they live. I started looking for different sources of information about this region at the time of the first Gulf War and found that the only people that truly understood the realities of the place are people who live there or a very few others like my Syrian American friend who understands the languages of the region and can hear and understand what is actually being said without translation. The issues there are enormous and it is impossible to determine successful answers when the US and other world powers don't even know how to ask the relevant questions.

  14. Those of you who cherry pick your talking points, are yourselves radicalized. "Your freedoms are under attack by this Democrat/Socialist Party." Spare me the BS.
    Every administration and party has been restricting/eliminating freedoms so slowly the masses don't revolt. Like a frog put in water that is heated to boiling. It will sit there and let it happen.
    Patriot Act - Bush II
    Americans subject to search and seizure without a warrant, on a mere suspicion of terrorism. American citizens can be arrested, secreted away without the right to a lawyer, and held indefinitely awaiting a "trial.".
    FISA - Carter
    Warrants: More than 34,000 issued with only about a dozen denied. Wiretapping that expands 3 out from contacts, with each of them subject to a FISA Warrant for a wiretap, on and on. That means, even if not the target, you could very well be wiretapped.
    Court: Not a court, but a tribunal held in secret. Records are not available to the public.
    Energy Policy Act of 2005 - Bush II
    Exempts oil companies from disclosing chemicals being used in their fracking process and contaminating water supplies. Obama voted for it as Senator, tried unsuccessfully to change it as President. The Act received bi-partisan support and was strong-armed into acceptance by V.P. Dick Cheney.
    Military - Trump
    Military cannot be used to police American soil, but there they are on the border with Mexico, "assisting" police and border patrol.
    There's plenty of blame to go around for loss of our individual freedoms and there are many more examples of both parties playing a role.
    Some people woke up when Snowden, now the most wanted man by our government, revealed secrets that informed the American people of just how closely we are all under surveillance.

  15. Sometimes I wonder why I read comments made by 7:55 AM and other idiots spewing out hate and discontent on their neighbors. Anyone who buys into the theory that Republicans or Democrats are the sole reason why their dis-functional lives are in disarray is out of tough with reality. Pollution like that in China where you can't go outside without wearing a mask is reality. Smog like in California and other major cities around the world is reality. It is caused by people of all denominations and all income brackets and must be addressed with a realistic approach to solving these problems. 7:55 wants to blame everyone else for the woes of his failures in life just like Hitler blamed the Jewish Community for their woes in Germany. We are all in this together and we need to work together to resolve these issues.

  16. Some things never change. Name a US president since Harding who didn't face an Iran crisis. Name a US president since Jefferson who didn't face a Middle East crisis. I'll wait.....

  17. The attack on our embassy brought back the film of Americans evacuating the embassy in Saigon so many years ago.America needs to develop a plan to disengage from Iraq in the next few months before its too late

  18. I am highly critical of Trump, but he was right to respond to Iran’s provocation and is right to beef up our embassy. Our most critical ally in that region, Israel, may be an imperfect bastion of freedom, but so are we. Israel needs our support. Iran is no defender of freedom.

  19. 9:09- thank you for calling me (7:55) an idiot. You help to prove why uniformed, hardcore partisans in America are a danger. I’m neither Democrat, nor Republican. But, it’s NOT about political party. It’s about whatever the CURRENT political party’s message is. I was once a Democrat and worked on Democrat campaigns. But, things change. Also can’t support weak Republicans who are more than satisfied to go along-to get along as as UniParty stooge. Think Charlie Dent and Pat Toomey.

    Woes of my failures in life? Hardly. I admit to woes about America’s future though, especially given the perspective of contemporary Democrats. The junk coming out of the mouths of some modern day Democrats should scare the death out of every productive American family. I’m much too old, and financially secure, to experience the hardships ahead if THIS kind of Democrat Party maintains control.

    I think you know China was made exempt by the Paris Accord pollution controls.

    Anyway, I wish you no harm and will not call you names. I know nothing about your real person, doing so would make me look foolish to do so. But, I’m not going away, so long as Bernie permits opposing viewpoints. His call, not mine.

  20. My disagreement is that our involvement in the area involves protecting their freedom.
    That was the same line fed to us to justify Vietnam and Iraq (both times).

    Vietnam was to stem the influence of China and Russia, not to ensure the freedom of South Vietnam, run by a corrupt regimes backed by the U.S.

    Iraq I was in response to the threat of oil supplies. Hussein decided that the Middle East should control it. Not the U.S. oil companies. Saudi Arabia didn't go along and Hussein had to have their oil fields for his plan of control to succeed.

    Iraq II was Bush Jr., the Dick Cheney puppet, being an idiot. Convinced WMDs existed and having the respected Powell lie to the UN. Cheney made millions through Halliburton and Bush made plenty.

    It's political and everything is about the economy propped up by the war machine and oil interests. If Iraq was located in Europe with their natural resource being camel shit, nobody would give a damn about it.

    Plenty of countries with no freedom and even genocide. We don't get involved in those after learning our lesson in Somalia.

  21. Not only are we there for fuel and money some Americans bring them too the US for there terrorist tactiks.

  22. Let’s not forget the role some of our corrupt Members of Congress play in State Department matters, foreign aid, etc. Thanks to the internet and a growing number of honest, independent investigative journalists, it has become too difficult for many in our government to hide their misdeeds. We have hard evidence of money-laundering, kickbacks, insider trading under the guise of huge sums of our tax dollars being sent to other nations in the name of freedom.

    America has been sold out and compromised by factions within our own nation, particularly our career politicians. The emergence of an outsider like Trump has put everyone involved in these schemes in disarray. We even have enough Republican secrets trying to hide. Trump could well be removed in the Senate to save many careers and reputations.

    It’s time to recognize the next elections in Congress are critical to cleaning-up a mess that affects all of us, regardless of political party preference. This time, the Democrat Party presents the biggest threat to our families’ futures, NOT Trump.

  23. Obama dropped pallets of cash and said hasta luego to the Middle East. Russia moved right in while ISIS reformed and took land. None of this was unexpected. The Middle East comes at you fast. In Obama's defense, one thing is consistent. Every time we arm some radicals who are enemies of our enemies, they eventually turn and shoot at us. He learned this the hard way when fast and furious guns were used to shoot US LEOs.

  24. 7.55 is right on.

  25. 12:31 Difference between Trump and other corrupt people in government...he will make deals with ANYONE to further HIS OWN interests and pump up his ego whereas some of the players in government will do it to benefit corporations and thereby they say the country.

  26. How about this. We, as a country, just stop trying to run the world. I know crazy idea but hear me out. Maybe the term "freedom" and "liberty" mean different things to different people. To some it means the ability to consume goods without limit. To others it means living in the devotion to a (g)od. To others it means being able to live in peace without having another county consistently bomb you. Long story short, America needs to shut up and step back from the world stage. We don't add "liberty" or "freedom" to the Middle East and to think that we do is absolutely crazy.

  27. Tribalism and religion rule the middle east. Nobody's gonna change that. It hasn't for 1,000's of years and it isn't going to now.

  28. You know the warhawks are buzzing around when "we must fight for freedom" is being touted out. I thought we did that in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkins, Kuwait, South America during the 80's, etc...tried of the same old war crap.

  29. Nothing is about freedom. It's always about money and power. Religion is how you get the masses to act in your interests. Israel has nukes and probably isn't afraid to use them. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have nukes that radicals in their countries would love to use on Israel and the west. It's why Rs and Ds alike have stood by Israel, and averted their eyes from the human rights abuses in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. It's not a complicated world. But it certainly is putrid - especially when it comes to nuclear arsenals.

  30. Looks like we are spreading freedom and took out Iran's top general. There will be blow back, and we have learned nothing. Lookup Operation Ajax, we are still paying for that.

  31. "Freedom" lol Like who has not gotten the message that we can't export that in some places ? And as far as Israel goes, they can defend themselves .It isn't like the Zionists didn't know what they were getting into trying to move back after 2000 years

    "Palestine is our ever-memorable historic home. The very name of Palestine would attract our people with a force of marvelous potency. If His Majesty the Sultan were to give us Palestine, we could in return undertake to regulate the whole finances of Turkey. We should there form a portion of a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism. We should as a neutral State remain in contact with all Europe, which would have to guarantee our existence. The sanctuaries of Christendom would be safeguarded by assigning to them an extra-territorial status such as is well-known to the law of nations. We should form a guard of honor about these sanctuaries, answering for the fulfillment of this duty with our existence. This guard of honor would be the great symbol of the solution of the Jewish question after eighteen centuries of Jewish suffering."

    Theo Herzl, Father of modern Zionism , in the book THe Jewish State 1896

  32. We came to America for freedom, killing those that were here we did for fun, and when we ran out, we killed each other, just like in Europe. I suspect the same to be true of the Middle East. Our 500 hundred year long world wide rampage will end one day and the fun will be over, enjoy it while it lasts.

  33. This question is the equivalent to asking, why do dogs lick there balls?

    Why aren't we in China? Just saving that for the grand kids freedom?

  34. A strong, highly visible response needed to be sent to IRAN. Taking out one of the world’s master terrorist leaders behind so many American military deaths was an appropriate and meaningful step. Iran needs to be careful how, even if, it reacts. Trump has repeatedly made clear he does not want a full scale war in which many innocent lives are taken, including Iranian citizens. As ugly as these things are, this American action, in self defense, showed as much restraint possible.

  35. Where is the post of Bernie applauding this military action by Trump?

    It seems this is the reaction he wanted not to appear weak.

    Now it seems inevitable that more american youths will be sent to that middle east shithole and die for no reason.

  36. Put politics aside. Our nation MUST respond when attacked. The alternative of cowering to a bully or, maybe, sending them pallets of money to leave us alone would only serve as an invitation for more attacks on American people and property. Some aggressions against us must be dealt with lethally with resolve. This was one of them.

    Remember your response when Osama bin Laden was taken out?

  37. I posted no story when bin Laden was taken out. But I agree completely we must respond when attacked. I detest Trump and his foreign policy isolationism and alienation of allies, but completely support the military actions he has taken in recent days.

  38. The Military had the information and asked the President if they could remove these terrorists from the map. The President gave his approval. Move on to the next terrorist on the list. Just like Syria when US missiles struck. This President will defend, not draw a line in the sand. Nuff Said.

  39. Bernie - I was not implying you, specifically, posted a reaction when Bin Laden was killed. My message was to all the Democrats who are out there now trying to tell us how wrong of Trump to approve this. Those same partisans rejoiced after the bin Laden incident and praised Obama for helping to make that possible. I detest hypocrisy.

  40. Bernie, what are your thoughts on Trump's latest actions - the assassination of one of the world's most dangerous terrorists? A terrorist credited with killing hundreds of our troops...

  41. Anyone care to paint a picture on how this all really ends over there? I mean history either repeats or rhymes right? I don't see any length of time where the arab/Muslim population accept Israel . We are the guarantors now that Herzl was talking about back in the 1890s .But as history has shown us things wont stay static , and in 50/100/200 years will we still be able to or even want that job anymore? We can balkanize the middle east for a while longer but sooner or later that will change, and guess what then? We are just playing in the sand holding off the inevitable.

  42. 8:25am

    Are you saying your vote doesn't matter and that there's no difference in foreign policy no matter who is President? Is this what you detest, the false choice?

    Or do you just detest the fake differences displayed by partisans entertainers when doing the same thing?

  43. 12:08 - What happened here, and years ago with bin Laden, was needed and appropriate. I say this without regard to which political party occupies the White House. For some Democrats to criticize this week’s action, to differentiate it from the bin Laden event, as Schumer is now doing as I speak, for political gain, is simply wrong and hypocritical. Politicians can’t have it both ways, i.e. Good for me, but not for you. This Is the hypocrisy I detest.

  44. So you detest Schumer's political entertainment, got it.

    You don't detest Hans Gruber just Alan Rickman for playing Hans Gruber for monetary/political/personal gain.

  45. When you start assassinating (right or wrongly) another governments' official a price will be paid. Also keep in mind congress approved a long time ago a hit on Bin Laden who incidentally was not linked to any official government. So there is a difference between the two.

  46. It's not a response, the scripts the Democrats are reading were written before the first bomb was dropped, it's just a role they're playing to make you think there's a difference.

    You're among the lucky who are getting what you want either way. Just get some popcorn and enjoy the show.

  47. January 3, 2020 at 3:15 PM Anonymous said... It's not a response, the scripts the Democrats are reading were written before the first bomb was dropped, it's just a role they're playing to make you think there's a difference.
    I have no idea what "the democrats" are saying. I'm saying this. Believe what you will.

  48. 3:36pm

    DOWN IN FRONT! You're not part of the show.

  49. 10:48, I completely support the action taken to eliminate a serious threat

  50. Just visited a website hosted by someone in IRAN. Viewed live video and photos of Iranian people celebrating Trump for taking out that terrorist military leader. There were images of people dancing, holding signs saluting Trump, Massive trays of food and pastries. Amazing times, I’d say.

  51. Bernie , all we are doing over there is balkanizing the place. That is it. Take a look around, almost no one believes in this anymore .A few " our dick is bigger than theirs " types and maybe some of the people waiting for Jesus cuz Israel and all are happy. That is about it... You can't hand people freedom or force them into your version of it .Not that that's what this was all really about anyway..... The vets are killing themselves at the highest rate ever because it is not an existential threat and the shit war gets one into is far harder to square to civilized people if they are not in that kind of danger .To top it off Pax Americana as it has existed is coming to an end and we need to start making adjustments . This won't do anymore.

  52. Love how people on here talk about how neutral they are and logical. They claim to only follow the facts. Of course their facts always takes them to their glorious leader Her Tramp. They also hate people based on their political party. You do realize you are no better than any other cultist. Your facts are cherry picked and you are anti-republic since you honor a leader over the constitution.

  53. Now then, readers

    Currently, which political party has plans that stay closest to our original Constitution? Next, name that party’s candidate(s) for 2020 President.

    The answer is not only clear, but overwhelming. Repeat. . . OVERWHELMING.

    I plan to vote Republican this time. Even if the candidate’s name isn’t Trump. Agree, our Constitution must be given preference above all else about government. Put me in the ‘Rule of Law Cult.’

  54. 8:23am

    In my best Dr. Sean Maguire (Robin Williams) impression.

    "You see this, all this shit" "It's not your fault" "Look at me son" "It not your fault"

  55. More cherry pickin goin on here folks. Another Trumpian phrase, our "original Constitution" What would be the difference between our original constitution and our current constitution. One uber Trumpian who masquerades as a republican claims the real constitution is only 10 amendments.

    So my question to all the Americans who only happen to endorse Trumps with their heart and soul. Is that the meaning of "our original Constitution" in the land of angry Trumpians?

  56. An article has been poste don how foreign companies are involved with these machines.

  57. I agree with LVCI. An act of war, with a declared war by congress, is different than an assassination of a government official. As it stands, does anyone believe Trump didn't do this as a distraction from his impeachment only? The video of Trump's opining about Obama attacking Iran within a year of his election to distract the public is a great example of how he projects his own thinking process on to others.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.