Local Government TV

Friday, January 03, 2020

What Counties Use The ExpressVote XL?

According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, all of Pa.'s 67 counties will have new voting systems with voter-verifiable paper trails in time for this year's Presidential election. The last hold-out, Dauphin County, chose new machines on Monday. Thirty-nine counties chose an Elections Systems and Software system. This is the company that manufactures the ExpressVote XL in use in Northampton County. At least seven counties have opted for an ExpressVote system. These include McKean, Elk, Montour, Northampton, Philadelphia, Cumberland and Juniata Counties.

Northampton County Exec Lamont McClure told the Inky he stands behind the XL. He vowed there will be "no dispute" in the upcoming Presodential. "There may be light and heat, but at the end of the day, those ballots will be in people’s hands, and they can examine them. And they’re going to hold up.”


  1. What?? His quote doesn't even make sense. He sounds like Trump. What the Hell is he talking about. Light? Heat? In your hands?? Time for someone to take the nuclear codes away from McClure. He sounds unhinged.

  2. Lamont McClure stands behind the XL and Kamala Harris.

  3. McClure is a baby Trump in blue. Who can hold a printout in a plastic tube? Northampton County will be on the list of places contested by the RNC in November which will keep Trump in office forever while they fight it out.

  4. Every time he utters more nonsense, he appears to be uttering more nonsense. He's become a caricature of himself. Single worst executive in Northampton County history. And that's saying something to get past Brown and Reibman.

  5. He better stand in front of the machines if he is vowing no disputes and guaranteeing no voter problems.Nothing like entrusting one of our most sacred freedoms to a suspicious and hollow promise.

  6. any voter with a search engine can read history of the machine company and print out and read the articles and problems discovered, except this ministration and council

  7. I can only go by my experience.

  8. 7:04 am the read will not tell you the build was subcontracted to the rissians!

  9. Looks like a number of Pa counties are going with the XL. Republican counties, too.

  10. I endorse 7:41 A.M.'s comment, this past election was truly flawed.

  11. Trump is canceling all 2020 elections and will be assuming supreme power so no need for voting machines...

  12. Only 7 bought into the XL. I'll be hand carrying my true paper ballot to the county thank you (or trust the post office to get it there). Thanks to the new law allowing anybody to submit that way! The XL is a flawed design period. Lasers across the screen to register a vote even if you dont quite touch it??? Yeah, what a master stroke that is! People's votes will not be recorded properly if they dont be VERY careful and if they dont make sure to really examine their paper ballot under the glass. Again, what could go wrong right?

  13. Lamont forgot to finish his sentence--" And their going to hold up-OR I WILL RESIGN ".

  14. Lamont forgot to finish his sentence--" And they're going to hold up-OR I WILL RESIGN ".

  15. Bernie, are all the comments made by the tinfoil brigade i.e. Sandy and bob Werner?

  16. You mean the tinfoil brigade that was proved correct?? And no, there are many of us out there that are dissatisfied with the boondoggle that are our "Cadillac" of voting machines.

  17. Of 67 counties 67 will be charged with falsifying federal records. This is all ready a verifiable fact in the most corrupt State of the union were hospital wars are of like games chance in casino's.

    Bern your copies are showing?

  18. Typical McClure BS. He has a secret plan to fox everything. He is the smartest guy in the room, or I that Dertinger. They deserve each other. Keep shaken those pom=pom.

  19. Sadly this is what happens when you refuse to consider any decisions you have made. He will stand by thee machines even if the Primary is screwed up. He will blame the voters and naysayers. He even damned councilmembers who stated they had problems with the machines. How can one person have so much power over something so important? Time for a different county government. Too much power in one local guys hands.

  20. Bernie, with all the tweets of another dictator killed by drone attack no Saturday article?

  21. An article has been poste don how foreign companies are involved with these machines.


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