Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Turning Point Founder Honored For 45 Yrs Service to NorCo

Kevin Dolan, who administers the Children, Youth and Families (CYF) Division in  Northampton County, is retiring after 45 years of service. He was honored with a Certificate of Recognition by County Council at their January 23 meeting.

Dolan began his work in 1974 as a caseworker. He rose through the ranks to direct the Child Abuse Investigation and Emergency Units, and eventually became Director of the entire division. Over the years, Dolan's commitment to at-risk youth was noticed by state officials, and he has been named State Child Abuse Worker of the Year (1984) as well as State Social Worker of the Year (1990).

Dolan is a founder of Turning Point of the Lehigh Valley, which provides assistance to the victims of domestic violence.

In its Commendation, County Council notes that Dolan's "commitment to public service has clearly demonstrated that one person can make a difference."


  1. Why not post about the riot at the Whitehall=-Central Catholic HS basketball game. Some kids were acting up and police asked them to leave. Other punks surrounded the police and prevented them from doing their jobs. More police were called and the students rioted. This is the problem with the thug sports scene in the new Lehigh Valley. So of course the momma was outside crying that the poor 16 and 17 year old "children" were being assulted by police. My thug is a gooo boy he didn do nuthin. The new "children". We don't need social workers we need cops and real parents.

    Where is your write up?

  2. Congratulations to a dedicated and professional man with a big heart.
    Well done, sir.
    Thank you.

  3. Good man. Well deserved.

  4. They were probably Central Catholic students and therefore it will be swept under the rug and ignored.

  5. I worked with Kevin and he is the most professional down to earth humble guy the County employed.His life long championship of Children makes him well deserved to this Honor.Gongrats Kevin you deserve the acolades SW

  6. Three words, Professional and Class Act. Thank you for your services to those that did not have a voice. God bless Kevin

  7. All around good man.

  8. Hey Bernie, in case you missed it 1:14am wants you to get some work done.

    Of course starting his own blog and doing his own reporting never entered his mind. Nor getting involved in trying to help. He'd rather sit in his parent's basement and dictate what's wrong with society instead of actually doing something.


    Sorry for the rant, but shit like that gets old.

  9. I worked with Kevin when I was Solicitor to Child Protective Services in the 1990s. We had some nasty cases, as you might well imagine there would be in that field, and I learned a lot from him. He's a good man and was very good at his job.

  10. "Where is your write up?"

    write your own freakin' blog.


  11. 6:16pm: You're just a ray of racist nonsense, aren't you.

  12. The guy was famous for stupping secretaries and caseworkers for decades. What the hell is he going to do now?

  13. Here is a salute to my friend, colleague, and collaborator for the past thirty years, Northampton County Director of Children, Youth, and Families, Mr. Kevin Dolan. You don't have enough fingers and toes to count the agencies and service providers he has helped found and shepherd, nor the hairs on your head to equal the number of children and families he has helped heal and preserve, and not enough words to sum up the debt our community owes him and the professionals he has mentored. It will be a sad day when he truly hangs up his running shoes. Thanks, Mr. Dolan, for all you have done and, we hope, may continue to do as a private citizen-advocate.

  14. Congratulations, Kevin! You have been the champion of children for 45 years. The dedication you have shown to the cause of protecting children is what we all should strive for. It has been my pleasure to work with you! The Lehigh Valley is a better place because of you! Congratulations!

  15. To last so long and be so committed so long in such a realm is quite the feat. Congratulations and enjoy! Those who worked with you and know you best speak quite highly of what you have accomplished. Well done. Thank you, Mr. Dolan!


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