Local Government TV

Thursday, January 30, 2020

My Take on the Whitehall HS "Riot"

Most of you know I'm only one person. Every day, I get older and slower. Yet I was taken to task for failing to cover a fracas that ensued when the Whitehall Zephyrs were scheduled to host Allentown Central Catholic' Vikings in boys basketball on Tuesday night. "Where is your write-up? demanded a reader who's already certain the kids involved are all thugs.

I wish I had been there, not for the near riot, but the game. The two teams met last night, and the Vikings are now on a 14-game winning streak with a 49-31 victory, led by Nick Filchner and Liam Joyce. I had the privilege of watching the Vikings play earlier this season, and hope to do so again.

What happened is unfortunate, but as Vikings' Coach Dennis Csensits told The Morning Call, "It's just one of those things."

I have attended many games between Whitehall and Central over the years. My grandson has numerous friends who attended or played there. These kids are no "thugs." They are awesome. Funny, too!

Unless things have suddenly changed within the last two years, what happened is an aberration.

My own experience is that basketball tends to bring out the best in people. It brings people from many different backgrounds together. Rich or poor, white or not, there is more to unite us than divide us.

It's a good thing to stand up and question authority. I do it frequently. But you need to do it the right way. When 16 or 17, some kids will occasionally cross lines they would think twice about with a little more maturity. With what has gone on at some high schools, police rightly need to be very firm.


  1. You should check out the channel 69 news report. Hardly an innocent challenge of authority. A teen was asked to leave, he refused. A group of thugs challenged, surrounded and fought with police. It turned onto a brawl. Sadly, the actual game could not be played.

    Instead of excusing and even congratulating this type of behavior you should advise young people to not act like thugs. The central coach may be use to this behavior in Allentown but not everyone finds it acceptable.

    By the way the game was played on Wednesday and the 69 news media was barred form the game. So you are OK with not only thuggery but also covering up and denying press coverage.


    1. You should stop reading this blog. You don't get to demand news coverage one day and then get your panties in a bunch because the story did not swing the way you wanted it to.

      Keep up the journalism BO. Leave the news flashes to the amateurs.

  2. Whitehall high is turning into an allen high

  3. "Every day, I get older and slower"

    you're tom brady?

  4. I agree with nearly each of your points. My kids would have been in for very serious consequences, aside from the charges filed. My old man would have throttled me. But I thought the "firm" response was a bit aggressive. After reading the perils of local cops who shouldn't be anywhere near a gun and badge, I fear a cop is going to shoot a kid some day. The images, complete with baying dog, were a bit disturbing. I've never so much as jaywalked and I respect and support local LEOs and contribute regularly to several benevolent associations. I pay taxes to hire and arm them and their job is one I could never perform. My libertarian side says while that's the right thing to do - we should hold those LEOs to a very high standard of conduct. I imagine this is an unpopular opinion.

  5. When the parents are losers the offspring will be losers. Apple don’t fall far from the tree. Awesome they are charged with felonies. I’m sure there will be some hefty fines also. Dig deep losers and deal with what you raised.

  6. There is a lot of not-so-deep racism in the sentiments of those slamming these teenagers for acting like teenagers. Defying authority is common teenage behavior. But you don't do it the way these kids did. The police were a bit tough but they need to be that way in a place in

  7. That guy find it "awesome" that teens are charged with felonies?

  8. If you knew anything, you'd know these teens have been charged with delinquent acts, not felonies. My own experience has been they are pretty much awesome, if you take the time to get to know them. Some of them crossed a line Tuesday night. They would not be the first teenagers I've seen to act out. I cannot say why bc I was not there. Nor can you. Nor are we allowed inside juvenile proceedings. All we know is that some parents think the cops were too rough while others are using this incident to reinforce their racist beliefs. My own view is that, given the recent gun violence at schools, cops need to be firm.

  9. The Morning Call article this morning quotes defense attorney John Waldron that the kids were charged with a felony count of "Inciting a Riot." Is that incorrect?

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. When I was young my dad gave me sound advice. Never argue with a cop.. save it for the judge. I always considered it good advice. At least a judge won't clobber you. I kinda figured he knew what he was talking about since he received state police training.

  12. "There is a lot of not-so-deep racism in the sentiments of those slamming these teenagers for acting like teenagers."

    I believe your comments regarding this incident provide fair insight. I do not, however, see the racism you did. I did not view any video of the incident and perhaps I do not know and I am not able to read "between the lines" or judge some of these posters like you can.

    Every day, I also get older and slower. I also get wiser as I mature. I am no Tom Brady; however, I have been a Patriots fan since about 1967. I must admit the TB line did make me laugh. Watching TB "run" is cringeworthy.

    1. The Boston Patriots. Cool helmets. TB's rookie year?

  13. We need guns in schools!

  14. Everyone wants to be a victim..."heavy handed" cops...the police tell you to leave, you listen....I was more afraid of my dad than the cops when I was in school...wait, I'm sure all the kids who were pinched doesn't worry about his dad, cause he ain't around!

  15. Aside from being a bigot, how do you know that? And I got news from you. Your Dad did a pretty shitty job.

  16. I have gone to several WHS games this year and sat in that area. I never saw any misbehavior or heard any inappropriate comments from the students. They seem to cheer the loudest when an unlikely player makes a great shot. Maybe some better decisions could have been made that evening, however, the vast majority are kids there to socialize and probably feel they are held to different standards. I have seen adults yelling at refs by adults. Never saw any admonishments.

  17. Anonymous @ January 30, 2020, at 2:56 PM

    Anonymous @ January 30, 2020, at 2:56 PM

    "The Boston Patriots. Cool helmets. TB's rookie year?"

    The Boston Patriots became the New England Patriots in March of 1971 when they moved to Schaefer Stadium in Foxborough. The logo was changed from "Pat Patriot" to the current logo known as the "flying Elvis", in 1993. Tom Brady was the 199th pick out of Michigan in the 6th-round of the 2000 NFL Draft. Tom Brady became the starter when Drew Bledsoe was injured on 9/23/01 vs. the NY Jets. The rest, as they say, is history. TB has never been known for his running ability. Bledsoe considered him a Jason Garrett type QB, a professional back-up. Who knew?

  18. As a student in your own school, If a school administrator asks you to do something you do it. Let your parents work it out later. If a police officer asks you to leave the premises for what ever reason, you leave. Let your parents work it out later. But to defy both the admin. and the police and then have your friends cause even more of an issue with trying to prevent your arrest for refusing to obey the admin. and police officers request for you to leave......then you have escalated the situation and must deal with the consequences.


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