Local Government TV

Friday, January 31, 2020

The Ugliness of Tricia Mezzacappa

I delayed posting a tribute to Rick Orloski for one reason. Tricia Mezzacappa. Rick represented me in my successful defamation litigation against her. I suspected she would trash him anonymously. I was going to deny her that opportunity.

Instead of posting anonymously on my blog, she published this screed on her West Easton Borough Constable Facebook page:
Now its [sic] my turn, and Mom, this one is for you. I could care less [sic] who may be "offended" by this rant. Heaven gained no angel, rather Hell gained a sadistic parasite named Richard Orloski esq, who practiced an evil brand of law. This is the dirtbag who sued my innocent mother on behalf of a lazy degenerate sleazbag [sic] disbarred sociopathic sadist, who was too lazy to ever find a fucking job and support himself. The stress that was caused by this evil scumbag was no doubt, [sic] what lead [sic] to her death. A fine woman who hurt no one, and lived her life to always make sure others came before herself. Not to mention , at the same time, suing an 85 year old man in a nursing home, who died during the litigation. I hope the Mezzacappa family money that you extorted from my innocent mother paid for a fine looking casket that places you face down, to show you where you are headed. May you burn in Hell where you belong.
It's hard to believe hateful people like Tricia Mezzacappa exist. She's scheduled to go to trial May 4 on charges that she lied to Pennsylvania State Police in an attempt to frame a black man whose car exhaust was too loud for her tender ears.  Yesterday, on the eve of trial, she applied for a continuance. Under these circumstances, a normal person would want to keep her head down. Not Tricia.

I think she's already in Hell.


  1. Attorney Waldron file for a continuance is his typical MO- not being negative toward his (and many other attorneys) method. Having worked in the system, I've seen him do this time and again. It allows him to continue negotiating for a better outcome for his client or, if he can delay it long enough, sometimes the victims get tired of the process and stop cooperating leading to a dismissal of the charges.

  2. I disagree with her analysis of this situation. I believe Mezzacappa's mother to not be this innocent and aggrieved party. Instead, she bore and raised Tricia to the person that she is today. Tricia is lucky that there wasn't really a Child Youth Service when she was younger because I am sure they would have been involved with that family MANY times.

  3. She sounds like a real wackadoodle.

  4. Wow I did not know you are a "lazy degenerate sleazbag [sic] disbarred sociopathic sadist". Why did she leave out the pot belly pig? Hope your not in tears over this slander.

  5. Waldron sought the continuance because Dershowitz is busy saving the union he is vital to her team .

  6. Mezzacappa will be exonerated the CSF and R.A.T are funding her defense that's how they landed Dershowitz

  7. Is that the finger she stuck up your ass?

  8. Bern WTF is that picture of some sort of monster in your as well as maniacs nightmares????

  9. Trisha did you put it on your mother to pay off your debts, and get stuck with having your house and car in her name? No wonder your sister despises you.

  10. Is true Lawrence "Spraint" Otter served as Mezzacappas Esquire "pro boner "?

  11. Used toilet sale this weekend buy two and I'll toss in a freshly trapped feral +€

  12. Trish trash is takin' a bath in that pic! That's one hot sweat lodge mama right there! Advertising an anonymous prostate finger fuck! Hot damn! Sign me up!

  13. Shopping Cart PusherJanuary 31, 2020 at 9:54 PM

    I had my mother accept the transfer of my house on some bogus "easier to get a loan scam" and never told her she could be dragged into a lawsuit. It's not my fault.

  14. Allentown Parking GarageJanuary 31, 2020 at 9:57 PM

    Come back to work Tricia. We're now paying more than the $10/hr you made for the two weeks you worked here.

  15. BO, did you not date this woman?

  16. Thank you for letting us know about the continuance. Planning to watch the court light this human waste on fire.

  17. It is so sad that she blames your lawyer for successfully nailing her ass to the wall - when that should fall on your shoulders only. A lawyer just represents their client, like that wrinkled up rodent she has used. That fool got in my face once at one of her trials - asking what my name is, and I laughed at him and walked away. Just JQ Public watching a trail wreck in action.

  18. "BO, did you not date this woman?"


  19. The picture attached to this post is much more accurate depiction than another you often use. Would suggest you use this one until this person moves away and we no longer have to deal with her in the Lehigh Valley - which she claims she is trying to do but a few people in West Easton are preventing her from resolving her mother's estate. A total crock of doo doo - we'll likely never be rid of her until she is at the pearly gates, and Rick laughs from he inside as she is pulled out of line and faces questioning.

  20. Shame on cRaZy Trish. She put her mother into legal jepardy and cRaZy's lawyer sister knows it. Everybody is sick of her evil rantings that blame other people for her own problems.

  21. Her sister should have her committed to a mental health facility.

  22. she needs good d..c to get the demons out!!!

  23. Its a real travesty that you have allowed this stranger of a woman to control your life for 10 years straight and rent 100% of the space in your delusional head. The worst part being, you have no control over yourself or your twisted obsession. Its a good thing she carries guns.

  24. @3:02 PM Why is it a "good thing she carries guns"? No one is threatening her. It is the other way around - she is a threat to her town. Bankrupting them to satisfy her obsession. You are probably she, because she has everything twisted upside down the same as you. Nothing is your fault, it is always everyone else's. I recall in a deposition an attorney asking you "Since you are the common denominator in all these conflicts, have you ever stopped to consider that you may be the problem?" and your response was "yes, that is possible." Not possible sweetie, IS. LV will be so much better off when you are gone - please stop blaming people here like Matt and Dan for delaying your exit.

  25. She's so pretty, though. Inside and out.

  26. 3:02,aka criminal Defendant Tricia Mezzacappa, when you post a story expressing pleasure over the death of another person who happened to be both my lawyer and friend, you can expect me to call you out for the ugly creature you are.

  27. She is a ugly twisted mezz of hate and anger. Jelous of what others have, earn and accomplish. The best she can do is $10 hour working part time at a parking garage and not making enuogh to pay taxes. while geting free goverment health care.

  28. 3:02 Carry a gun, the state police confiscated her gun because she lied, fabricated a story about discharging her weapon at an innocent neighbor. She will now go to trial and be put in jail.

  29. Wait she forgot the time you were caught cross dressing at the courthouse...lol Come on Trish the dish get it all out!!


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