Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Should County Inmates Be Charged Rent?

A recent story in PaPost reports that numerous counties charge rent to those who are jailed. At first blush, this makes sense. After all, why should taxpayers foot the bill? But think about it. Inmates who are already disproportionately poor are being saddled with debt they are unable to pay. When the counties send the unpaid bills to collection agencies, and they do, this makes it impossible for a released prisoner to build up a decent credit history and pretty much encourages him to engage in the same criminal behavior that git him in trouble in the first place. Then counties wonder why recidivism rates are so high.

I'm ashamed to say I do not know whether Lehigh or Northampton County charge rent, but will find out and report to you. 


  1. In Norco's 2019 adopted budget, page 91, there is a revenue line of $90,000 for "inmate housing fee". "https://www.northamptoncounty.org/FISAFF/FINPLANCTRL/Documents/Annual%20Budget/2019%20Adopted%20Budget.pdf

  2. Sorry, the revenue line item for "inmate housing fee" is on page 87 of the 2019 Norco budget.

  3. Yes, if they have the assets.

  4. 3 hots and a cot. How about,
    Cold cereal for breakfast. (Chex, Shredded Wheat..)
    Sandwich (2 slices Cheese) and soup for lunch. (Same size CUP of soup I pay for when I go out)
    Potato, pork, a roll, salad (Same small salad I get when I go out to eat)
    Water or cup of coffee with meal.

    Next day..
    Cold cer........

  5. I don't want to be in jail, so I don't engage in activities that will land me there. But make no mistake, these prisoners eat better than I do most days. I work half days. 12 hours on; 12 hours off. Coffee and small bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. I don't eat lunch (too busy). One each: starch veg, protein for dinner. Sometimes go a day or two without hot food. I look like a greyhound but am quite fit. They shouldn't pay rent. That's ridiculous. But they're being fed too well. And that should be addressed. I can't disagree with 6:07. If inmates had to get by on what I eat, recidivism rates would likely plummet.

    1. Wow. Really turned this about you,eh?

    2. 1) Pork cannot be served due to religious constraints. 2) I can assure you, and I work here, they do NOT eat better.

  6. Make them pay tuition for the Ed Pawlowski government classes!

  7. Of course they do..you were told this years ago and you refused to believe it. Stop acting surprised about this horrible practice. It is wrong on every level and has no real purpose except to further a released inmates stress level as to how to repay it. Once the justice system gets it's hooks in you..it never lets go.

  8. 5:37 and 5:39, I will be looking into this. We should not charge any housing fee to those with no means to pay. If we don't want to see these people again, we should focus on getting them education, housing and jobs. Also, the priority for any money collected should be for restitution to the actual victims. I intend to look into the practices at both counties.

  9. "Of course they do..you were told this years ago and you refused to believe it. "

    By an anonymous commenter? Sorry, but you have zero credibility. I need to speak to county officials.

  10. Mexico is paying, just ask trump...

  11. "One each: starch veg, protein for dinner. Sometimes go a day or two without hot food. I look like a greyhound but am quite fit."

    There's a difference between being slender and fit. You must be the former. Getting and staying fit requires exercise. I commend you on a Spartan diet. I really watch my intake but think I eat more than you. I start around 11 or noon with poached eggs, dry toast and fresh fruit. Then I have a dinner of salad, rice, protein, veggies and fruit. Nothing after 8 pm. About 1,800 calories. I exercise pretty much every day. If I eat something different, it awakens taste buds and I am tempted to binge. So I try to be strict.

    Younger people need far more calories.

  12. Comments from "Uncle Remus" are being deleted.

  13. You swallowed what they told you wholesale and now you want to right a wrong. You truly are a hypocrite.

  14. How about about work release they’re working they should pay.

  15. Develop a structured work program for inmates who qualify. Possibly even a small entry feee to participate by the inmate Provide clean up and improvement services for The County and more specific elderly with limited means or physical restrictions To me this is win win for the entire population of the County and the inmate builds self esteem and is productive until release The cost of protective services to monitor the inmates and equipment. Vehicles , tools would hopefully be offset with lowered recidivism and inmate court fee's Just a thought

  16. It is the cost of doing business- signed Government

  17. It is my understanding that now these SOB jailhouse czars put delinquent payments on the inmates' credit report, just to inflict more punishment. Check New Jersey, they did it to me for insurance SURCHARGE non-payment and I don't live in Jersey.

  18. Does the statehouse, schoolhouse, courthouse, and jailhouse, pay real estate tax?

    You broke'm you bought'm.

  19. You know that the courts offer really affordable payment plans based upon what the inmate reports as income right? It's not like you get out of prison and are immediately sent to collections. Can the court hold you in contempt and lock you up if you WILLFULLY don't pay? Sure! But keep in mind this is when an person who is making money doesn't even setup a payment plan for $10 a month.

  20. Nothing is free in this world. You do the crime you should have to pay for them. Why should society have to pay for them to sit.

  21. I've never seen anyone locked up due to non payment of room and board. Fines and court costs, yes. And you are correct about ten dollar monthly payments. But very few pay anything at all. What happens to them I don't know.

  22. If there is a court order to pay back room and board then any violation of it would be contempt of a court order. I don't know if they actually pursue these violations but I is would be legal to lock someone up for a willful non-payment of room and board assuming that it is in the court order.


  24. i smell a lot of smug sanctimony coming from some of these commentators.

    and i guarantee you, no prisoner is eating well. the food is enough to live.

  25. The question isn't whether they're eating well. The question is whether they're eating better than the taxpayers who fund the jail.

  26. The question isn't whether they're eating well. The question is whether they're eating better than the taxpayers who fund the jail"

    they do not

  27. bob Ryan what an asshole.

  28. Has anyone tasted the food at the prison? The food sucks.

  29. @9:06 - Are you out on parole? If so, remember how sucky the food tastes...

  30. The prison is not a 5 star restaurant or hotel. Unreal. Sucks breaking the law don't it.

  31. "The prison is not a 5 star restaurant or hotel. Unreal. Sucks breaking the law don't it."

    i believe the comments regarding the low quality of prison food were directed at the somewhat hyperbolic and imbecilic claims that prisoners eat better than taxpayers

    i don't believe anyone claims they should have access to haute cuisine

  32. Lehigh County doesn’t charge rent and they pay slave labor rates to work in the kitchen or maintenance. Nobody mentions the free workforce at these prisons. You leave after working 6 -12 months with a ton of fines and a couple bags of ramen noodle.

  33. The food is not good and that is why a commissary is there for inmates to buy their own edibles among other items.. to avoid the jail slop. Those with outside money can have friends put cash in an inmates account and then they can draw from it. Those with no means of support got to go it alone and survive on what is given to them.


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