Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

A Tale of Two Hospitals

According to its website, St. Luke's University Hospital is "dedicated to providing our patients and visitors with easily accessible services and excellent quality care delivered with outstanding customer service." It's named in honor of one of the apostles who was also rumored to be a physician. It has numerous locations throughout the Lehigh Valley and beyond, and most are tax-exempt. Its 990 states its mission is "TO PROVIDE COMPASSIONATE, EXCELLENT QUALITY AND COST EFFECTIVE HEALTHCARE TO THE RESIDENTS OF THE COMMUNITIES WE SERVE REGARDLESS OF RACE, COLOR, CREED, SEX, NATIONAL ORIGIN OR ABILITY TO PAY." Never mind that its President was paid over $2.4 million according to its 2017 990. Or that 11 other executives were paid salaries over $500,000. This hospital is named after a Saint, so it must be very caring, damn it! Except it isn't. Just before Christmas, this so-called non-profit turned someone away precisely because he had no means to pay. You see, he's homeless. He was even threatened with arrest. At this moment, he's at Lehigh Valley Hospital on Cedar Crest Boulevard. He's been told he'll be there awhile.

His name is Mark. I wrote about him back in 2015. One of my readers recognized him because she and he at one time traveled in the same circles. She now tries to help him and other homeless people even though she's an evil Republican. Fortunately for Mark, she was there for him very recently. St. Luke's was not.

On December 18, exactly one week before Christmas, Mark was in downtown Allentown. He was sitting, but noticed a very sharp pain in his hip when he attempted to stand up. He attempted to make his way back to his hooch, but the pain kept getting worse. Eventually, as he neared the Union Street bridge, he collapsed. He called 911 from his dumb phone, and paramedics responded. He asked them to take him to Lehigh Valley Health Network at 17th & Chew because a Street Medicine clinic is right across the street. They know him, and he is one of the stars in the above PBS video about street medicine. Instead of doing that, the ambulance dropped him off at St. Luke's at 4th and Chew.

St. Luke's took an x-ray, found he had no broken bones, gave him morphine and told him to be on his way. Mark tried, but was unable to walk. He spent the night in the waiting room, trying to reach the evil Republican so she could take him to a hospital that might actually treat him. While waiting, security personnel approached him twice and told him to leave or the police would be called. He was unable to move.

Mark eventually reached this evil Republican and she came to get him. He was still unable to walk, but St. Luke's reluctantly agreed to let her borrow a wheelchair so she could get him to her car. She took him to Lehigh Valley Hospital at Cedar Crest. They treated him like he was a human being.  Medical personnel drew his blood, and determined immediately that he had a major staph infection. It had actually entered his spine, which is why he was unable to walk. He's been at the hospital since, and is being treated with antibiotics.

In addition to treating him, Lehigh Valley Hospital sent someone to help him sign up for Medicaid and food stamps. He's been off assistance of any kind for over a year.

Lehigh Valley Health Network, which operates the street medicine program, has a core philosophy that all people matter. In contrast, St. Luke's treated Mark like he was garbage.


  1. My 91 year old mother, a first generation American has an expression——“In the old country, people died without doctors, so I will die here without a doctor.” She is still holding true to her word. Just saying.

  2. Now that we know the party affiliation of the 1 Christ-like Republican mentioned, we should know the party affiliation of the 2.4 million dollar President and the other 11 disciples making 500,000.

  3. Wow. That was a beautifully produced an eye opening video. Very humbling. But for the grace of God, there go I. Thanks for sharing, Bernie.

  4. Shame on St. Luke's. Before the competition started, they used to be the best.

  5. one must earn the right to medical treatment. You earn this by working hard and paying for it. Not by mooching off the system. I earned mine. Why should I have to pay for some worthless drifters who have not given anything to society? I applaud St Lukes.

    1. Let me guess. You are an evangelical Christian. Thomas Hobbes would be proud of you. Life is and should be short, nasty and brutish. Take that you freeloading bums who have misfortune andhappen to be members (many short lived) of your own homo sapien species. You work hard. That’s commendable. But are you so sure we should jettison compassion for your fellow man and return to the primitive jungle of survival of the fittest?

  6. Hey Remus..You should get Your head out of Your ass and Know what YOur talking about before You make assinine statements about people You do not know..This person was once a very respected individual and hard working who fell on hard times.....You could not fill His shoes in a hundred years...stop being a inhuman pompous ass..

  7. Can't wait for Remus to end up in a home, and be fed dog food by those he despises. "No sir, Mr. Remus, that's filet mignon, and I just changed your diaper last month!"

  8. The hospitals charge the people such high prices they can build football fields they are real fair to the people

  9. 1:09, I would guess these execs are all Rs, but you never know. My point is that there are many decent Rs out there, and whether you know it or not, there are many Dems who are complete assholes. I believe that both Ds and Rs are basically decent people who want to help others, but have different ways of doing it. We have to stop vilifying each other.

  10. I also am outraged that this man was treated this way. He obviously is a net benefit to our society by all the hard work that he has done. Not only should he have been treated for free but also given a $20 and a firm handshake. I would continue to share my outrage but I'm at work so gotta go be productive...

  11. I think it is time they start paying property taxes

  12. Its nice to hear that Mark is alive and well, and able to contact you with his personal i-phone 9 from a hospital room...indulging you with all these salacious details about his health records, all the while so stoned with staph, that he collapsed in the first place. Otherwise its a credible story. Wonder why New York Times didn't run with it.

  13. Blame it on social media, without it, there'd be no him to talk about! move along, next case...

  14. 10 am, he does not have an iPhone, and I did not hear this story from him. His friend told me about it, and I contacted him. His cell phone is one of those old models. I am unaware what you mean by stoned with staph. A staph infection is painful and does not stone you.

    I understand your lack of empathy. It is very typical of ugly people. But I do not expect it from a non-profit hospital named after a saint that claims its mission is to help everyone.

  15. "My point is that there are many decent Rs out there, and whether you know it or not, there are many Dems who are complete assholes.

    This article, both writer and heroine make that point clear.

    Medicare for all.

  16. I believe most smart people register in the party affiliation of their boss or employer, there's a curtain on the booth.

    Why let yourself be publicly counted and draw the evil eye?

  17. This is not about political party, but the treatment a tax exempt nonprofit hospital with loads of money gave to a homeless person.

  18. I absolutely agree with you Bernie on the points you made, but it was you that conflated the article with this wonderful woman's party affiliation, characterizing it as evil, without showing that the management of said hospital more than likely shares her party affiliation and is where the evil lies.

  19. But as I’ve already said once, that is NOT the point of the story, and I will from this point delete the tiresome tribal rants.

  20. "I believe that both Ds and Rs are basically decent people who want to help others, but have different ways of doing it. We have to stop vilifying each other."


  21. My wife and I also had a negative experience with St. Luke's and an arrogant young doctor. We now have used LVHN for years and received great treatment from quality (mostly) people, with nary a negative experience.

  22. Hospital wars at its finest Bern. This not only happens there but LVHN grant grab specialists protected by the infamous LLP has done this to children. Not protecting there rights as a individual human life. And we have the bus rielys children's hospital now as developmental toolZ?

    This monies should be being used to improve quality of life issues facing the Lehigh valley. Being sold as a distinational tourist attraction by LVRA and driving housing costs up to the highest level in the nation? With the Z Zone transfer lisencing and the re relocation process all is possible?

  23. My insurance company dictates which hospital they'll help pay for, and which doctor groups I can use, it must be wonderful to enjoy the choices like Jeff Fox.

  24. I've moaned for years we need to redefine what qualifies as a none-profit. There are some religious organizations having gigantic incomes which go well beyond their stated missions. Same goes with many universities as well as some hospitals. What each have in common is trying to spend as much money possible to avoid showing taxable income.

    Perhaps the easiest way to deal with this is to tax all of them. Hospitals, educational institutions and churches each could have their own categories because of having differing overhead costs. They could start at 0% for the smallest up to a certain threshold dollar amount where taxes begin.

    When it comes to taxes why should these be treated differently then everyone else helping to pay for government services they too enjoy?

  25. LVCI

    The IRS gives tax-exempt status to the Church of Scientology making the IRS ridiculous and demonstrating how scandalous Tax-exempt status can be.

  26. January 7, 2020 at 1:29 PM Anonymous said...My insurance company dictates which hospital they'll help pay for, and which doctor groups I can use, it must be wonderful to enjoy the choices..
    This is what leads to some calling for Medicare for all (which I'm against) I'd prefer congress does it's damn job and start passing legislation to help resolve these kind of things. Course it'll never happen with lobbyists writing campaign checks.

    They could start by requiring all insurance companies to provide certain fundamentals such as not rejecting preexisting conditions. Requiring employers to offer several options. Allowing pharmaceuticals to manufacture generics as opposed allowing others to endlessly renew patents for decades (some a result taxpayer supported research). Pass laws against drugstores, doctors and hospitals receiving rebates. Limit lawsuits for pain and suffering which made some lawyers millionaires. These and dozens more. Medicare for all would solve any of these problems. If anything it will serve to increase them.

  27. CORRECTION--- Medicare for all wouldn't solve any of these problems.

  28. LVCI

    None of your suggestions would have helped Mark at St. Luke's.

  29. January 7, 2020 at 2:11 PM Anonymous said...LVCI None of your suggestions would have helped Mark at St. Luke's.
    As Bernie posted Lehigh Valley Hospital sent someone to help him sign up for Medicaid and food stamps." I've already taken up too much of Bernie's bandwidth to begin addressing Medicaid.

  30. Well, we have the solution then... take all homeless people and those without insurance or the ability to pay in the area to the best hospital LVHN.

  31. Report on Sam Murray (not Irish/Lebanese Fraud ) fixing an All Star Vote for his Son Joe Murray.Selective Reporting !

  32. WW3 meme from the great Allentown hospital freekZ and geekZ 8 outa 10 say my momma use to stuff cigars were i came from does that make me a draft doger?

    Than there iis the guardian on 7th the musinex man itself puss and snort oosing from its every pore?

  33. So very sad..."There but for the Grace of God go I " Blessings and prayers for your friend from another Ugly "R"

  34. The point of this story is not lost on me, however, painting St. Luke's Hospital with such a broad stroke as uncaring is disingenuous. Should this particular incident have happened? No. But I am sure that 99.9% of the cases within the hospital are handled correctly. Is LVHN better? I don't know. I'm sure that they care for their patients, just as well, but from time to time, fail a patient by the standards that are expected. I won't judge St. Luke's any less because of this one incident. What would be interesting to see, is the statistics of malpractice filed against each hospital and the doctors they employ.

  35. Jeff Fox - LVHN has arrogant doctors as well! Like the one that gave my brother MRSA when he did his back surgery and then when I went to the doctor's appointment, he told him to be a man. JERK!

  36. Went to ST Luke's to discuss radiation options for prostate cancer. Met with Dr who looked confused. Seems he had my father's radiation records. Thought I was 88 years old. Out of there immediately.

  37. Anonymous @ January 7, 2020, at 1:29 PM

    "...it must be wonderful to enjoy the choices like Jeff Fox."

    Some have better health insurance than we do. Some have worse. Some don't have any. I am thankful for what we do have. The experience I referred to happened to my wife years ago. My wife and I do not share the same insurance. There have been various and differing coverages throughout the years, for both of us.

  38. I'm not sure that this is necessarily a case of St. Luke's mistreating a person because they're homeless as much as it is a case of a misdiagnosis. Nobody is perfect, and that happens from time-to-time in any practice or hospital.

    That said, I think LVH/LVHN is far superior to anything St. Luke's has to offer.

    If I were shot in front of St. Luke's, I'd have the ambulance drive me to LVH.

  39. bob Ryan what an asshole.


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