Local Government TV

Monday, November 25, 2019

Trump Coming to Hershey Center

Donald Trump will woo Pennsylvania voters with a visit to Hershey's Giant Center on December 10, 7 pm. It will be his 4th visit to Pa in 2019. Trump won Pa in 2016 by a scant 44,000 votes


  1. I have to darn my socks that night

  2. Absolutely cannot wait to miss it.

  3. I was turned down for a ticket to attend. The screening committee found out my mother and father were married.

  4. 8:26 I was turned down because of my propensity for critical thinking. I wish I wasn't such a loser.

  5. With every single D candidate saying they'll ban fracking by executive order on 1/20/21, it's a good time to campaign against them in PA.

    Big Orange now supports his own impeachment and Senate trial. And why not? Impeachment sentiment has swayed in his favor by 10 points in MI and 8 points in WI. It's the gift many predicted and after only three days of televised hearings. Never though he had a chance at re-election, until now. By the end of the week, Ds will start opposing impeachment, simply because Big Orange does, too. Same guy flipped Ds like Bernie to being pro-war hawks re: Russia and Ukraine. Like him or not, he's accomplished some remarkable political achievements. His vortex is powerful.

  6. Bernie, Im feeling the "BernO" I got you a ticket to see The President of the United States!

  7. The conspiracy party...

  8. 9:27 stop watching Hannity and the other Faux spinners. Is this the same poll Trump said showed his popularity at 95%?
    The majority of Americans know Trump needs to go, but few relish the idea of an Impeachment conviction of a sitting President. He'll get voted out if the GOP Party loyalists stand firm and many of them will go with him.

  9. It is a great experience, It is always a friendly cheerful optometrist crowd, Everyone has a good time. I was surprised at the number of young people there.

  10. Interesting video...


  11. I want more impeachment hearings. Where did they go, and when will there be more?

  12. TRUMP will win by a landslide in 2020 just look at what the dems did the last 3 years--only a fool would want them to lead this country.

  13. Pelosi is the greatest dem leader of all time

  14. Obama calls me a Clinger.
    Hillary calls me a Deplorable.
    Bernie calls me an idiot.
    Warren calls me Rich.
    Biden doesn't know what to call me.
    Omar calls me an Infidel.
    Democrats call me a Racist.
    Trump calls me an American.

  15. TDS will be off the charts in November 2020.

    Trump Detachment Syndrome will engulf moronic, yet overly confident message board commentators across the country who are currently shoulder deep into Trumps colon and are so blinded by their habit of only watching and listening to non main stream media sources that they will be utterly shocked that large swathes of the country do not actually enjoy the constant stream of drama and agitation the White House has consistently churned out since 2016, despite "all the great things" he's done since being placed in office.

    Forget polls - Republicans have been getting HAMMERED in election after election since 2017 - impeachment is unpopular and the Dem's don't have a smoking gun, but that doesn't change the math. Trump won by the slimmest of margins in multiple key states to give him the Electoral college. He will not be running against a Hillary in 2020, Dems have an active and agitated base that will not sit at home or protest vote elsewhere. A lot of moderate Republicans will either break from him, or just stay home. Independents always have a history of voting against the incumbent.

    "Trump 2020" people need to start accepting and planning for the very real scenario that he is more than likely going to get drubbed next November.

  16. @10:17 AM - And a prostitute tells you that your the biggest and best lay ever.

  17. @10:17 AM - The rest of American calls you and Trump a skidmark of the underpants of society.

  18. Anyone who has been enjoying the Trump cuts, has an IRA, 401(k), etc. would be STUPID to risk losing some of those substantial gains by electing into office someone with "other" ideas. Should Trump lose the next election, I expect an immediate 25% drop in equities.

  19. Bernie, were did the comment of fourteen thousand Lehigh valley residence holding tickets that will be in attendance.

  20. Beats me. That prediction violates no rule.


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