Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Joe Biden Will Be a "Hands On" Prez

Joe Biden has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth and say things that make no sense. Some of you think this is a sign he's just too damn old. The reality is that Joe Biden has always had a tendency to put his foot in his mouth and say things that make no sense. So in a debate, he looks bad. But one-on-one, as was recently the case with 60 minutes, he looked and sounded like a statesman. One who, unlike the current occupant of the White House, is willing to laugh at himself.

Hey, if he's good enough for Jennifer Aniston, he's good enough for me.


  1. His major gaffe in the debate was when he stated "no man should strike a woman, except in self-defense." You could hear the gasps. Then he had to pound the lectern like a maniac to drive home his point. Some gasps and chuckles. Yeah practice that beat down of a woman half your size with her tiny fists. Or if she charges you with a rolling pin, wrestle it away and clobber her with it. He should have stopped at "no man should hit a woman." Period.

  2. the real story Bernie won't touch is the current railroading of bush craft legend Shawn Christy who had the bravery to stand up for himself against the red nosed trump boot licking John MAGA-Nelli. Shawn we love you and the community knows the mayor assaulted you, keep fighting !

  3. "Joe Biden will be a hands-on Prez." Yes, I think several women and girls can attest to that.

  4. Just ask Joe Biden's old "butt buddy" Neal Smith about how hands on the VP can be!

  5. It’s over for that “ President -want to be “ crowd. The dynamics are about to change for all of them .Its over now the Dems will now commit -political cannabullism,as The Mayor will draw support by anybody for any reason anti-Trump . The Mayor will give Evan a sense of sanity even to Bernie and Elizabeth supporters.

  6. Biden is corrupt as their is and he teaches his whole family how to be corrupt.

  7. Biden =hand on --good example how he got his kid all that money from tne Ukraine and let's not forget china.

  8. What a joke, Joe Biden would the be the ultimate figure head president, The establishment bureaucracy will have full reign over our country.

  9. This country is in big big trouble.


  11. Joe Biden's biggest problem to overcome will be his participation as Vice President during the Obama Regime. Just to be an official part of that cabal will be rejected. The FISA abuse report and other revelations to come from Mr. Durham are ready to drop.

  12. American history in the context of Trump vs. Biden:

    Discovery/Conquest/Settlement Era
    Agrarian Era
    Industrial Era
    Information Era
    We Lost Our Minds And Stopped Giving A Shit Era

  13. I like that Joe likes girls. Desiring a man's exit point where food waste is expelled is kinda weird. C'est la vie. Have at it and wear it out. But still weird.

  14. Biden is a phony he fake out many people in this country for a long time--he never did anything for America--look at dems they have nobody any good they are starting to panic---they realize they can not beat president Trump so they are trying this fake impeachment hoaz--but the American people realize this so they are starting to back down. dems are bad news for our great country.

  15. How am I supposed to fire two shotgun blasts to deter an intruder, when Joe wants to disarm me, altogether? Every Indian or Pakistani running a 7-11 knows that's ridiculous. As Joe famously stated, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself," and, "a stitch in time save nine," and, "gee, your hair smells terrific."

  16. BO by the looks of 7:47, I'd say the russsian trolls have arrived.

  17. Why Bernie would you think a person on film bragging about getting the prosecutor fired for looking into his son Hunter's business would be a better choice than Trump? I find it hard to believe that he's not the one in trouble. At least his family's making a lot of money for? Since Hunter doesn't know anything about the job he was hired for, I can only assume that there is some amount of influence peddling but if you're a democrat, that's just fine... nothing to see here. I'd like to know the real reason for the giant paychecks for Hunter.
    You and the Dems will throw your country under the bus for your hate of Donald Trump.

  18. That's nice too bad he has ZERO chances!

  19. Got any more of them Ukraine gas company director gigs?

  20. Take all my guns but please leave me the shotgun like Joe sez.

  21. Let's face it, if a Senate Impeachment trial does occur, both Joe and his son will be forced to testify. Even if Joe is totally clean, the stink of the details from the coup attempt will reflect negatively on Joe. He was in the White House when the plan was hatched.

  22. ”Biden is corrupt as their is and he teaches his whole family how to be corrupt.”

    Someone should teach you grammar.

  23. It is a shame that democrats would slander a immigrant to this country for his not perfect command of English. Just because 7.47' message was in opposition.

  24. 9:21 How can all Americans be either a Republican or Democrat? Pretty simple minded to assume we all either "Are" or "Are Not" an ethical an moral individual based on our political party affiliation.

  25. Sleepy Joe Plugs with his neon implants. He's going nowhere. He's too old and senile. And if he expects us to believe that his influence as VP didn't get Hunter a lucrative do-nothing job with a corrupt Ukraine gas company, the he must think WE are senile.

  26. 1:06 Well, you sound like you are definitely senile.

  27. If Joe could complete a sentence without spitting out his dentures, he still wouldn't make any sense.

  28. I've decided to identify as one of Jennifer Aniston's shirts. Don't hate me because I was born this way.

  29. Anyone who thinks Hunter Biden got his $50k a month job with Burisma based on his talent or experience is a a left-wing fool. Kiss Sleepy Joe's butt all you want. He'll be out of the race in six months. Even his "pal" Obama knows that he doesn't have what it takes.

  30. What the hell. OMG peter. You should be ashamed of your self. You throw around Accusations on Joe Biden's wife's death. He also lost his young daughter. You are disgusting. How about your hero Lt. bonespur Trump. He just grabs pussy and sleeps with porno women. You are really messed up and a republican sheep baaa!

  31. And you confuse a sheep with a Mountain Goat . 6:25

  32. Peter,I delete you bc you spew nonsense and have proven to me that you lack credibility. I have warned you about your Biden conspiracy theories.


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