Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

(Updated): No Challenge Expected in NorCo Election

Northampton County's November 5 election was an ugly affair, especially if you were any of the three judicial candidates running for one of two open positions. As bad as things were, defeated judicial candidate Vic Scomillio has decided against challenging the results. I believe he's the only candidate who had a legitimate argument, so his nonaction pretty much means that Northampton County's results will be certified.

Updated 11/26, 8 am:: In a much more detailed Morning Call story covering this issue, NorCo GOP party boss Lee Snover tells reporter Riley Yates that the county party had a complaint ready to go, along with 20 affidavits from people concerning specific problems with the ExpressVote XL. Lee Snover's sister,  Maude Hornick, is the sole returning Elections Commissioner. In the interest of ensuring the best possible elections we can have, I would hope the details of this complaint, and especially the affidavits, be shared with the Elections Commission. The exact identity of the affiants is unimportant, but what they say could prevent a repeat.

"No excuse" absentee voting, which will be permitted for the first time in Pa., should help reduce lines at the polling place.

(Originally published 11/25, 1:13 pm)


  1. Why is no one covering the story that Lehigh County left a candidate off their election day ballot entirely and didn't notice until 2 weeks AFTER the election? I understand reporting errors in the Judge's race might be a juicier story but that was corrected within 12 hours. Aside from a tiny blurb buried in the Morning Call, no one has reported on this at all.

  2. It’s official!
    This is a Banana Republic.

  3. 10:46, You're anonymous and have failed to ID the candidate in question. Of course that is a mistake, but you could do a much better job of explaining who it is and why the candidate did not raise a ruckus.

  4. Bernie, he's a Bethlehem Area School Board candidate named Kyle Miceli. And why didn't he raise more of a ruckus?

  5. Bethlehem Area School Board candidate left off Lehigh County ballots


  6. Free Shawn Christy@!

  7. I like the ongoing rationalization of new, Lamont Lines at polling places (i.e. they're not going away, so just vote from home). What an unprecedented incompetent. The days of simply screwing up a popcorn machine purchase seem rather rosey compared to this ongoing train wreck. After so terribly undermining NorCo elections, there's a strong argument that Lamont's certifiably retarded, or a Russian ass et.

  8. The comment at 11:58 is from Tricia Mezzacappa, who like Christy is a criminal defendant.

  9. The Lamont Lines will only get worse next year. He bungled the election because he never ran anything. Bob Werner wrote an excellent editorial on the voting machine disaster. You know he is right because he us a democrat just like McClure.
    Your emperor has no cloths Bernie. The way you knew him in the past. When you remembered how lazy and incompetent the is. Many in his own party are already tired of his pompous and arrogant ways.


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