Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Jill Stein Wants Fed'l Court To Ban Express Vote XL Voting System

Jill Stein, the Green Party's 2016 Presidential candidate, yesterday asked a federal court to ban the use of The Express Vote XL voting system. She claims this system fails to provide voter verifiable paper ballots and thus violates a settlement agreement with Pennsylvania. Under that deal, the state ordered all counties to have new voting systems with voter verifiable paper ballots in time for the 2020 election. Now that three counties have purchased The Express Vote XL and two have used them, Stein sues.

Th Express Vote XL was used in November's election in Philadelphia and Northampton County. Cumberland County, which also bought this system, plans to roll it out next year.

Stein claims that despite a certification on the federal level and two from the state, The Express Vote XL disenfranchises the voter because it uses barcodes, is difficult to see through a plastic screen, and isnot really a paper ballot. 

There is little doubt in my mind that Stein's claim is frivolous. She filed no motions when paper ballot purists unsuccessfully challenged the certification. She stood by as three counties spent millions of taxpayer dollars to comply with Governor Tom Wolf's ill-considered directive. She did nothing as two counties used them in November's election. Her delay in coming forward has certainly prejudiced counties who were acting with the best intentions.

On the merits, her argument about barcodes is sheer nonsense and has been repeatedly rejected. barcodes are used in banks, hospitals and every major business. They are used precisely because they are reliable.

This motion was obviously filed for political effect  and not from any sincere desire to improve our elections.

You can see her motion here


  1. Jill Stein = Tulsi Gabbard The End

  2. Finally a rational honest response.

  3. The machines have created a mess. The Lamont Lines as they appear to be called may get worse.

  4. One must wonder if the Democrats are placing bad equipment in the counties they control. We can see that they appear to have no limits in their quest for power. Of course we all know from Hillary that Stein is a Russian agent.

  5. Never thought I'd agree with a Green nut. But she's right on the screens and pseudo-paper ballot points. Those machines are terrible.

  6. Government will never solve the voting machine problem because politicians are bad people our political system breeds these people along with the deep state even our high up military people who are appointed by congress are bad--system must change big time --term limits a must money must be taken out-very hard to do -deep state government workers must be watched--not given life long jobs and finally our judges must not be given life long terms----I realize the above thing will never happen--so I believe their is little hope for yhis country.

  7. Any method of addressing Lamont Lines is welcome. Lamont won't do it. He's just happy to have something named for him. LOL. Lamont Lines.

  8. Government sucks because of the people in it.

  9. Looking like Jill Stein is a voice of reason.

  10. Jill like I seem to know the Russians have paid for a little Chinese ladies residence inside the XL machines.

  11. Mezzacappa, cut out the vulgar posts and seek help for your personality disorder.

  12. TULSI 2020 our only possible chance at this point in the game seeing as the circus carnival parade has dummied down democrats working against there own party.

  13. Jill Stein was the reason I left the Green Party. Talk about ego-maniac with little to no internal thoughts. She is the ruin of the Greens. RIP Green Party :(

  14. Prints the ballot before final review of your vote and your vote cast. Nothing fishy here correct. ???

  15. Doesn’t matter what comes out of the machine, or if anything at all comes out. All that matters is the people who handle the results, make a count, and enter a number on some final accounting ledger. Is there any failsafe protection against someone “fixing” numbers AFTER we vote? Or, maybe, “finding” ballots to add in?

  16. Thank you Jill Stein.

  17. Bernie's Lawsuit against Joly Joe was canned because he does in fact have an extremely undersized set of reproductive organs.

    Orlowski is keenly aware of having worked Pro Boner for Edgar many times thusly He should be disbarred then placed in a stockade whilst tarred and feathered for a fortnight.

  18. Mezzacappa, As you know, my lawsuit against not-so-Jolly Joe was never canned. After being defamed on air for eight days by the likes of you, with disgusting and blatantly false stories, I am one of three people who sued the radio station, which wisely settled with us. You, on the other hand, were not so wise and ended upon the wrong end of a judgment. Now you've been charged criminally for lying about other people, and your nursing license is in danger. Not that you last anywhere for more than two months. Continue your current pattern and you will suffer the consequences you deserve. Must already be a pretty bad Thanksgiving for you. You are a pariah in your own family, as you deserve to be.

  19. Bernie you should do a story on how the conversation went at different people's homes on Thanksgiving. My brother in law announced he saw the new dinero movie and Democrats won't like it because jimmy Hoffa showed no respect for jfk when he was assassinated. Before he left he showed me an altered 20 dollar bill. It had trump written on the back and arrows pointing to the 2 bottom 20s. I couldn't help myself at that point and asked if it was 20 for bribery and 20 for obstruction. My apologies if this is the wrong place to relate that. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

  20. ESS is owned by some sketchy LLC out of Nebraska.

    At least Jill Stein uses her own name, that always seems to hold weight around here and for good reason.

    Until we actually know who ESS is, hell they could be foreign owed for all we know, the truth is weighted in Jill Stein's favor.


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