Local Government TV

Monday, November 25, 2019

DigDeep: 2 M Americans Have No Running Water

DigDeep, a human rights nonprofit, has just released a report concluding that nearly 2 million Americans lack running water. As explained in MarketWatch, "Native Americans are 19 times more likely to lack indoor plumbing than their white counterparts, putting them in the worst spot of any group, and African-American and Latinx households lack indoor plumbing at almost twice the rate of white households ... ."


  1. Outrageous. Indians should never have surrendered their weapons. I'd feel quite justified shooting whomever was preventing my family from getting running water. Process is process. law is law. But running water? All bets are off. No holds are barred.

  2. LatinX?

    It's LatinO or LatinA, you buffoon.

    Stop with the cultural appropriation, and segregating PEOPLE into non-existent groups for your BS advocacy purposes.

  3. I have done nothing other than quote a linked source. But it makes sense. It economizes language. The words Caucasion, Asian or black are not split via gender. The word Latin is best used, in my view as "Latin." According to Wikipedia, "Latinx is a gender-neutral neologism, sometimes used instead of Latino or Latina to refer to people of Latin American cultural or racial identity in the United States. The ⟨-x⟩ suffix replaces the standard ⟨-o/-a⟩ ending of nouns and adjectives, typical of grammatical gender in Spanish. Its plural is Latinxs."

    I would simply use "Latin."

    And if you get this angry over the use of a word, you should consider seeing someone.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. It's better to process your OWN water than drink whiteys anyway.

  6. Does the report include Democrat utopias like San Francisco and Los Angeles, where there are large numbers of homeless people using the city as their bathrooms?

    Does it include Democrat-run Flint, Michigan, which if I remember correctly was having some water issues (and poisoning its residents)?

  7. Why don’t you read it instead of watching Hannity?

  8. I deleted a few more angry and insulting comments from the person who hates the word "Latinx". Whomever you are, you need to get some help for your anger and hate. Also, try sticking to the subject.

  9. Bernie, I know the native Indians on the continental USA make up for a large number. Than you are quoting that African Americans and Latinx make up a part of these unfortunate ones.
    Seeing as Lehigh county water authority pipes bacteria ridden water to homes as drinking and bathing water for a outrageous FEE. Maybe just maybe some chose not to use the authority or any other municiple water for that matter. Than they have another arm of the municipality tagging there home as unfit for human habitation, when the fact remains a 500ppm count is unfit for human consumption. There are federal regulations that are faked at city levels and recorded as fact at state level given to the FED?
    One convelooted mess after another set out as a pension cure that stands at a hundred million in the redd?

  10. Re anger over words:

    Wasn't there a millennial a couple of years ago having a snit about hispanic vs latino/a/x? Seems Bernie went pretty easy on her at the time. Interestingly, she was neither, just a concerned woke "intellectual."

    And if you really want to see anger, try using "he" or "she" in the wrong company.

  11. I've begun to identify as a polysexual supernatural being that/whom/x wishes to be addressed as grand favah.


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