Local Government TV

Friday, September 13, 2019

Winners and Losers in Dem Debate #3

These are my takeaways. What are yours?


Joe Biden - He handled himself well, got a little feisty and stood up to several attempts to trip him. He attacked ideas, but also praised other candidates. He was the only candidate on the stage who enunciated the real problem with China, which is that nation's theft of intellectual property. as opposed to a trade deficit.

Amy Klobuchar - She had a great comeback when Bernie Sanders bragged about having written the Medicare for All plan. "Bernie wrote the bill; I read the bill," she said. She pointed out that under Sanders' Medicare for All plan, 149 million Americans would suddenly have no insurance. "I don't think that's a bold idea; that's a bad idea."

Elizabeth Warren - She excelled in the first two debates and last night was no exception. Though I consider her views too extreme,she has a folksy way of presenting them and is very likable. 


Julian Castro - He mounted several attacks at Biden and looked mean-spirited and vindictive while doing so. He drew a few boos when he implied Biden had become forgetful. Moreover,he was incorrect when he accused Biden of having contradicted himself..

Bernie Sanders - Though he is a champion of many progressive ideas, he really looked rough compared to Biden and Warren. I never noticed this before, but he has cRaZy eyes.

Andrew Yang - Someone should remind him it's illegal to buy votes.

Protesters. - No one could hear what they were saying. 


  1. The only thing Biden won was "best impession of a corpse" award. He looked as pale as Casper. Looks like they applied spackling paste to his face in the dressing room. He stumbled and fumbled his replies to questions. He seemed confused at times who was to his right or left. He was asked a question about what was the worst professional setback he had, and what he learned from it, and he went on for 5 minutes about his family tragedies. He didn't even understand the question! The guy is senile and unfit to serve as President. The whole Dem debate was a clown show. None of them will beat Trump with their radical spending plans.

  2. I love Joes cosmetic surgery.
    Does anyone know where he gets his work done?

  3. It was a Motley collection of Fools. Vote for me and I'll give you stuff!

  4. Bernie O'Hare said: "I never noticed this before, but he has cRaZy eyes."

    Bernie -

    Let me tell you a secret: They're all cRaZy.

  5. I have a plan... Dagnabbit

  6. Well, if you are completely dissatisfied with the USA, these guys are for you,

    1.They plan to put everyone on medicare, never getting it, that medicare is presently subsidized by private insurance through their inflated premiums to cover what is lost on providing medicare.

    2. They want to eliminate the filibuster so they can ram through legislation to confiscate or buy-back guns from Americans. If you think the country is divided now, you haven't seen anything yet. I hope beto and the rest of them will volunteer to lead the way in going door to door.

    3. they all promise to outlaw fracking and oil and gas exploration everywhere, If you want to see a economic depression and starvation in this country this is a good way to get there. Of course some of these people believe there are too many people anyhow, kill off a couple hundred million and many of our problems will be solved.

    4.They all believe we should allow anyone who wants to come here from anywhere in the world to please come and we will guarantee, food, housing , medical care and education to all.

    Americans at least will have a clear choice next year, they better choose wisely.

    1. Don’t worry you have that great Republican Trumpcare plan. Oh another fake promise. Fool.

  7. Didn't watch it because I'm already convinced the remaining candidates are not capable of improving America. Do read everyone's atatements and analysis from experts I trust.
    This is a lousy group of unqualified people with no practical solutions to the problems they describe.

    Unless some brand new, clear-thinking, moderate Democrat emerges to run, Trump will easily win re-election. The current group of Democrats should frighten every productive person living in America.

  8. Just too extreme. May work in this world of extreme whipsaw politics. I just can't support any of them. Our political climate sucks.

  9. I'd love to see Beta Boy O'Dourke face off against the Don Dotta in 2020 it would be a brutal affair wouldn't be surprised to see the skate boarding punk roll off into the sunset after DJT verbally castrates him in the first debate.

  10. If Joe Biden doesn’t win the election he can always apply to be an extra on The Walking Dead.

  11. Well, it sure looks like the Lehigh Valley right-wing, hateful, racist, misogynist, fearful, impotent and ignorant "experts" are up early this morning.

  12. Not since Reagan will a presidential re-election be so easy. Trump 2020 MAGALANDSLIDE!

  13. 9:42, truth hurts? Here's a clue for you: Decent people ("libtards") far outnumber you. It's all about turn out. If you control two votes, all we need is three votes to make your pathetic, macho posturing irrelevant. You FEELING me, Bubba?

    1. Oh I’m feeling it Bud. Just like I felt it in 2016... Bubba! I like your fuzzy math but you keep up the fake news!

  14. I am deleting pro-Trump comments here.

    This post is not for people who support Trump and consider everyone else "libtards." I am interested in comments from Democrats.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Like I already said, I am interested in comments from Democrats and will be deleting comments from Democrat-bashers and Trump supporters. This is not the place for it. I give you ample opportunity in other posts.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Elizabeth Warren is a very attractive candidate as she will be a fierce competitor who will not back down from Trump. In my opinion she was unusually quiet and somewhat overshadowed last night. I believe her ultimate problem will be putting some believable details as to how she will implement her promises if she is elected. I believe she is a very effective candidate but I am not yet convinced she could be an effective President if elected.

    I believe that Amy Klobuchar last night gained the most of anyone not named Biden, Warren or Sanders. For those who consider themselves to be more centrist Democrats or somewhat independent, she showed she might be an acceptable alternative to Joe Biden particularly if his ratings continue to drop due to gaffes and misstatements or if accusations about his advanced age begin to stick. Klobuchar is not photogenic nor is she as personally dynamic as Elizabeth Warren. I believe however that her positions will be more attractive to middle America as details emerge and are examined as more voters take her seriously. I do not see Klobuchar surpassing Warren as perhaps the most dynamic Democratic candidate but I do see her possibly being able to convince a majority of Americans that she may be the best person of the lot to be a good President who can actually be effective at governing if she is elected.

  19. I thought Klobuchar was smug and condescending in debate #1 and 2. But I really liked her last night.

    Warren in my view is the best debater over all. She avoids attacking others and has a way of presenting her vision that is very sincere and down-to-earth. I disagree with her, but would support her if she is the nominee bc there's enough I agree with.

  20. Sanders is 78 and comes across as angry. It is doubtful he could win in a general election.

    Biden is 76 and sorry but it is not likely he will be able to prevail in over a year of campaigning to come.

    Warren did seem to be the most prepared, best job of articulating her positions, although 70 she seems to have the energy and stamina to run a campaign.

    Beto is too far left even for the democratic party, I am sure he did not run on his present positions for the Texas senate. Likely his political career is coming to an end.

    Yang may have been the most moderate, cannot win a primary.

    Harris, who was the great hope is fading fast.

    Mayor Pete is being kept alive by like minded allies contributions, but is toast.

    Klobichar has no charisma, money will dry up.

    The other guy on the end is also toast.

    Booker comes across as so sincere that he is insincere.

    So that leaves Warren and Biden. I would expect the money and support from Sanders will soon shift to Warren. Biden will only hold on, if he can truly show he has what it takes to run for and be President. The odds are against him.

  21. Tulsi Gabbard won the debate in absentia.

    The only surprise was Kamala Harris's wardrobe...I was sure she'd be wearing white.

    Short Tulsi Gabbard, Sanders has the best chance to win but will ultimately lose because the DNC will choose Trump over Sanders.

    President Trump will beat everyone on that stage. Trumps greatest legacy will be him making aware to the American people that the media is your worst enemy and that political parties work together to screw the voters.

    Gabbard or Trump, in that order, are my only consideration at this point.

  22. I like Warren a lot. Last night she stayed away from specifics more so than usual which, in my opinion, hurts her. She does have many plans and they are well thought out. She needs to talk with more direct specificity without wandering too much into the weeds. Joe Biden rambled incoherently at times and is not up to the task of debates, he's no longer quick on his feet. If he is alone on a stage with the shallow showman that is currently in the White House, Joe will be made to look foolish instead of how it should come out with the clown show being shown for what he truly is.

  23. “Booker comes across as so sincere that he is insincere.”

    Well said. I had him pegged as a phony long ago.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. This post is for Democrats and you are obviously not.

  26. They all looked like high schoolers running for class president and didn't seem informed on the few issues that were actually brought up. What about the economy and jobs,the border?? Julian Castro stated that he was the son of a poor Puerto Rican woman and look at him now on the stage as a Democratic candidate for president. But he also seems to think that America is racist and an impossible place for poor immigrants to make it. That is a total contradiction. None of them impressed me, least of all Biden.

  27. One other thing, did anyone notice Kamala Harris began using slangy jive talk then went back to sounding nasal? I am told that she used to refer to herself as being from Indian Heritage but now identifies as mostly black. I understand her relatives are from Jamaica, so it's not surprising that she became a prosecutor and was tough on blacks since poor places in the Caribbean are often nasty policemen.

  28. "Warren in my view is the best debater over all. She avoids attacking others and has a way of presenting her vision that is very sincere and down-to-earth. I disagree with her, but would support her if she is the nominee bc there's enough I agree with."

    That's because she's using her not yet named VP Julian Castro as her attack dog. He performed nicely in that regard, no?

  29. While Warren is performing best, I fear as she gets more attention, she may have a tendency to appear unhinged. It would be nice if there was actually someone Democrats could believe in as much as Republicans believe in Trump.

  30. It's a shame the rigged rules kept Marianne Williamson from participating. She's the only candidate ready, willing and able to take the battle to Trump on the astral plane.

  31. Candidate Warren goes into Houston, Texas and claims her first act as President will be to eliminate using all fossil fuels. Say, what? Texas is one of the world's busiest oil product producers.

    Texas would be a key state for Democrats to turn over. Not good thinking on her part.

  32. 3:19PM

    If Warren was a traditional democrat she would have wore a red plaid shirt and went shooting in Texas like Hillary "annie oakly" Clinton did ... maybe go for a tank ride.

    Warren is smart enough to know Texas is not her's and played to the national base.

  33. "This post is for Democrats and you are obviously not."

    I understood their were purist when it comes to a closed primary elections but this is truly radical.

    The democrat tent just gets smaller and smaller you can't even peek under this tent.

  34. There is nothing radical about telling Trump's minions that I have no desire to hear from them in a post about the Democratic debates. Last two times, I was inundated with mindless comments that did little more than engage in identity politics. It is Democrats who will choose their nominee, not you. So I am naturally interested in hearing who they like and don't. We already know how you feel.

  35. Pocahontas is about as real as Monopoly money. Phony claim of Native American ancestry. Sending out a video of "working class" Lizbeth swigging a cold brewski. Trying to get jiggy with it
    On stage. And let's see how much Wall Street cash she has shilled over the years for her campaigns. No steak and no sizzle.

  36. Bernie,

    >"Last two times, I was inundated with mindless comments that did little more than engage in identity politics."

    I'll say this in good faith, get used to it. Our country is undergoing demographic shifts that are more rapid and dramatic than pretty much any other time in human history. This is going to get messy. Understanding these shifts are key to understanding what is going on in the Democratic party and primary, as well as national politics at large. I suggest that you, and others with an open mind who are not dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporters read this:

    An Open Letter to Liberals and Centrists

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  38. For the third time, this post is about winners and losers in the Dem debate, and I am only interested in what other Dems think since they are making the choice. 6:20 there are lots of interesting things out there but you are off topic. I did not delete you, but please stick to the subject.

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  40. Warren is totally scary as she blames corporations for all the ills of the country. There are problems there but her scorched earth approach borders on obsession and total destruction.

    Harris's background of coming from privilege (while trying to paint herself as a victim) and legislative history show her true character and how she would govern. Very troubling.

    Beto let the cat out of the bag on the Democrat approach to gun control...mandatory buy-backs. None of the candidates took a contrary position or objected (until the next day when the criticisms started to roll in) so it appears that "turn them in" is their position.

    Biden is the only one semi-sane but he seems confused and spacey at times. He would have my vote unless he picks a crazy (like Stacy Abrams or one of the losing candidates) as his running mate since that person would be only a heart beat from being president.

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  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. "For the third time, this post is about winners and losers in the Dem debate, and I am only interested in what other Dems think since they are making the choice."

    This makes perfect sense ...

    ...but instead of repeating yourself in the comment section, why not just say so in the original post which political identities may respond.

    "Conservative or Liberal, Deist or Pagan, Jersey transplant or Lehigh Valley native, we're all in this mess together. Let's talk. Let us do no harm.

    This is the all inclusive spirit in which I identify and post...and was unaware certain post were for certain tribes.

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  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Mezzacappa go tell your lies to the PSP. They know how to handle you.

  47. Warren is a screamer just like Bernie. That won’t Play well for very long in my opinion. Her anti-fracking position will cost her Pa. and Ohio.

    Everyone except Biden & Kobachar will kill the economy with their radical anti fossil fuel campaign.

    I think it will be Biden/Kobachar when all is said & done against Trump/Pence.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.