Local Government TV

Friday, September 13, 2019

NorCo Probation Officers Get Retroactive Raise

NorCo Council, at their last meeting, decided by a 5-4 vote to make a two per cent probation officer payraise retroactive to the beginning of the year, like it was for all other nonunion workers. There had been some speculation that Executive Lamont McClure would ignore what is, after all, a nonbinding resolution. He has honored Council's will, which promotes fairness to all workers, union and nonunion.

The four Council members who argued that probation officers would just have to wait until next year were spearheaded by two Council members who just happen to be trade union agents - Kevin Lott and Bill McGee.

Bill McGee (L) and Kevin Lott (R)
They complained about the $70,000 cost, but a responsible contractor ordinance McGee promoted (and one with which I agree) will be far more costly.

Lott and McGee were joined in giving probation officers a thumbs down by Tara Zrinski and Lori Vargo Heffner.

Tara Zrinski (L) and Lori Vargo Heffner (R)
Zrinski is running for State Rep. against Marcia Hahn and is obviously looking for union handouts. Vargo-Heffner told another Council member that probation officers make more money than she does. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Let's avoid comments about the personal appearance of other people, unless it's me, lol. I'll be happy to host your comment if you ID yourself.

  3. This was an overreach by the union boys. A minor incident that they clumsily blew up into a big deal. Some people lack vision and think they need to win every "battle" to win the war. They made themselves and sadly other union members look like petty children. Next time they should think instead of acting like the stereotype of union leaders being "thugs".
    Are they claiming people who voted for this are anti-union? Also shame on Zirinski and Heffer for not thinking for themselves. They both showed how weak they are.

  4. I have no idea what they said to Spadoni or Heckman. I have not had the opportunity to tell Kevin Lott what a horse’s ass he was but I will. I already made my feelings known to McGeee quite clearly. He denies that he in any way was retaliating, but that is complete and utter horseshit, and I said so. Don’t forget McGee is also the sponsor of a resolution to bring in a deputy clerk to assist our overburdened $100k per year council clerk. He is also the council member who was more concerned about who leaked an email to me about them trying to pull a fast one than in the fact that this was money laundering.

  5. Why did those who voted for it do it? Have you talked to the ladies? Maybe they have very rational reasons for their votes. Rumor is a county union boss ordered them to vote that way but that may be wrong. Will this affect Zirinski's state house race? Based on how angry this one vote made sume people I doubt the council Prez will remain prez next year.

  6. I’ve already explained why they voted the way they did.

  7. I am headed to Philly and have enabled comment moderation to keep weekend trolls away.

  8. State House?? Bahahaaaaaa

    These clowns won't even get re-elected in the county.


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