Local Government TV

Monday, September 16, 2019

Be Wary of Latest Decades-Old Kavanaugh Claims

Brett Kavanaugh would hardly be my first choice as a Supreme Court Justice. But that's no justification for smearing him with decade-old attacks that can neither be proved nor disproved. He was greeted with a Salem witch hunt during his confirmation hearings. Now, several Democratic hopefuls are calling for his impeachment based on what two New York Times reporters now claim.

They both just happen to be publishing a book about their "new" investigation into old facts, which by itself is cause for concern. They clearly have a financial interest and, for that reason alone, their employer should have thought twice.

Their story portrays Kavanaugh as some drunken frat boy who liked to prance around with his pants half way down, thrusting his peeper into the faces of innocent co-eds. In addition to Debbie Ramirez' claim that she had to slap away Kavanaugh's baloney pony, these booksellers report another party at which the Associate Justice was supposedly brandishing his pork sword. 

Unlike the liberal New York Times, the National Review is a conservative publication. It has been highly critical of Donald Trump, but its bias leans right. Their analysis concludes that the supposed Kavanaugh bombshell is actually a dud, and for the following reasons.

* The person who claims that Kavanaugh was a flame cannon flasher never actually spoke, on the record, to these reporters. "We corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Stier," they claim. I see.

* The woman who was supposedly flashed denies any memory of the incident. These "journalists" fail to report this rather salient detail.

* These supposed reporters portray Kavanaugh as a privileged white boy while Ramirez had to suffer with hardships like an above-ground swimming pool.

* Ramirez' named eyewitnesses deny the allegation, and she herself was unsure whether it was actually Kavanaugh's crank.

* The story fails to name a single first-hand witness to corroborate the allegation.

Notwithstanding this dearth of detail, the following Democratic presidential pretenders are calling for Kavanaugh's impeachment: Elizabeth Warren, Julian Castro, Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg.

Bernie Sanders supports the use of the "appropriate constitutional mechanism," whatever that means.

Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar would more fairly support an investigation into the latest claims, which have been denied by Kavanaugh.


  1. I suggest we have a blind tool off. Have Kavanagh make us of the appropriate glory hole and three others also insert their baloney ponies in said holes. One of which must be the manmeat of the Mediterranean manslab. If said female can distinguish the Kavanagh pork roll he should resign. If not, as they say if the tool is a no, let it go!

  2. Even setting aside the sexual assault allegations, this clown should never have been confirmed, and perjured himself during his confirmation hearing.

  3. Just the latest in slimy behavior by both the New York Times and Washington Post. Fake media, which includes more than these two outlets, frequently runs with outrageous claims and disinformation for its initial shock effect. Then, a couple days later makes a small correction/retraction that is printed at the bottom of some obscure back page.

    Hope there is a way to file suit against organizations who do this stuff to others as some low-rent political strategy. Expect much more as we lead up to the 2020 election.

  4. "baloney pony" was the best.

  5. When it's suggested that the news media is the enemy of the people, it's certainly true. The news media is also the best friend and central watchdog of our democracy. The media is actually both. As nearly all media is a consumer product, those who consume it are required to understand caveat emptor, and accept the veracity of their news peddlers, accordingly. When an utter failure in responsible journalism results in a story like this being offered, the offeror's reputation is justifiably tarnished. That's why most consumers understand that old guard publications were never impartial, and that what's happening now is simply a stripping of the false pretense that they ever were.

  6. The dems once again make fools of themselves and show absolutely no leadership abilities to run this nation

  7. Kavanaugh's in for life. End of story. Who's RBG's replacement going to be? This is all girding for that battle royal.

  8. Newspapers and all media are run by people and as such reflect both the best and worst of us. We have always been stuck with the "braying of asses" but I think it is getting worse. I wonder who in our universities is willing and still teaching future journalists how noble their craft could be.

  9. I see you are leaning right this Monday morning and Mike is calling for the arrest of a Allentown zoning board member.

    crazy and her comment of the glory hole would be good nationally televised rating gimmick for identification purposes.

  10. This business of false accusations/known falsehoods/slander is no longer restricted to newspapers. NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and others have gone down this path with increasing frequency.

    Yes, this has primarily been a tactic of those who favor liberalism. There is a strong possibility of various types of blackmail, too. Especially with the Epstein situation.
    Also watched an interview with Mr. Roziak who detailed an instance of an IT worker key-logging and stealing months of data from Congressional offices in California, then threatening others with release of confidential information.

  11. "I see you are leaning right this Monday morning and Mike is calling for the arrest of a Allentown zoning board member."

    I am not leaning right. Kavanaugh was a terrible choice and I detest Trump. But the NYT story is poor journalism. Any story that revives 30-rear old allegations is pretty clearly a hatchet job.

  12. Here's something you'll never see from Trump, an admission and a correction: "The New York Times on Monday added a correction to a report accusing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. The correction notes that the woman allegedly involved in the incident with Kavanaugh during law school does not recall it."

  13. I have had enough of white men to last ten lifetimes.

  14. Its book review was highly critical as well.

    The only point that bothers me is the contention that the FBI ignored the Max Steier story, which he has refused to confirm. I'd like some detail on this charge. I believe the allegation may have had little merit on its face, but do not know. This does warrant some consideration. But there is thus far no evidence to justify an impeachment inquiry.

  15. Kavanaugh is a skidmark on the underpants of society and never should have been nominated in the first place, then once nominated, should have withdrawn on his own because of the general "smoke" that clouds his past behavior. Not saying the allegations are true, but if its close, and a lot of his testimony corroborated his past behavior, he should have recognized he didn't meet a lot of the moral standards associated with such a position.

    That all said, Trump/McConnell/Republicans pushed him through and got their guy in, and its just sour grapes from Dems now. The best they can and should do is use Kavanaugh's existence and relevance in every political ad from here on out.

    The Republican party has SOLD OUT to about 35% of the country who are elderly and pleasure themselves to Trump and Hannity. They've lost literal generations of voters. The Babyboomers have maybe 10 more years left of any relevance as a political cohort - they've effectively doomed this country to what they fear the most - complete and total Democratic rule by 2030 and beyond.

  16. I have had enough.
    I’m supporting President Obama number one go to guy.
    Let’s drain the swamp.

  17. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch were solid, conservative-libertarian choices; the likes of which I was promised in the campaign. It's an important promise Trump actually kept, and the most important reason many of us held our noses and voted for such a reprehensible person. As Ds have doubled down on crazy from four years ago, I'll vote for Trump again, because the RGB seat is the most important thing at stake, and even RGB is too conservative for today's far left Democratic Party leaders.

  18. Anonymous 9:44: I thought it was considerate of Trump to nominate a Supreme Court judge who was not far right, but instead a qualified conservative leaning judge that could quickly be confirmed without any big partisan political fights. Too bad that the left hates Trump so much that they had to interview Kavanaugh's high school friends to find out that he handed out solo cups at a keg party 40 years ago!!

  19. Baloney Pony ? ye gads... what is the world coming to ?

  20. September 16, 2019 at 9:44 AM Anonymous said..."The Republican party has SOLD OUT to about 35% of the country who are elderly.."

    Why do you assume oldsters are responsible for Trump getting elected? I sure as hell don't support him and I'm 71. Take a hard look who turns out at his rallies. Not exactly a gathering for senior citizens.

    As far as calls by demo candidates calling for getting rid of Kavanaugh... they are the reasons why I don't like any of them. Each of these candidates (including Trump) jump to conclusions far too quickly. Biden's confused tales of yesteryears is no help either. Unless someone else suddenly appears out of nowhere the U.S. is not going to see it's finest days

    Regarding Kavanaugh... I found his work on the Supreme Court to my surprise fair and just. None of these women reported their complaints to police nor went to the hospital for a rape evaluation. Why not? Why wait decades till the man made a success of his life?

    Regarding the media: True journalism is dead. They're mostly a bunch of sheep reworking stories already reported. Another portion relies on items they've come across on social media. Corporate owned news reports today seem like the old Hollywood gossip columns style of writing.

  21. Responding to LVCI: I'm not 9:44, but I believe the point is that today, the GOP kowtows to a dwindling minority, not that the elderly elected Trump. But, according to the Roper Center, 52% of voters age 45 to 64, and 52% of voters older than 65, went for Trump, compared with 44% and 45% respectively, for Clinton. So middle-aged or "oldster" voters were arguably responsible for Trump's election. The younger age brackets went decisively for Clinton. The big picture from Roper is that Trump was elected by white males earning between $50k and $100k a year. Trump voters cited immigration as their top issue; Clinton voters cited foreign policy as their top issue.
    As to your third point, I'm saddened someone still trots out the old "why didn't they report" the incident back then? That's not a very progressive mindset.

  22. "appropriate constitutional mechanism,"

    Appropriate -suitable or proper.
    Constitutional- relating to an established set of principles governing a state.
    Mechanism - established process by which something takes place or is brought about.

    Everyone knows it's meaning. It ok "like with 3 fingers up" not like Bernie Sanders you don't have to play dumb.

    Even if you think Kavanaugh is legit and you like beer yourself, everyone knows Boofing is when you expel an alcoholic enema from your anus.

    Kavanaugh referred to the process as a drinking game....fair enough

    Boofing doesn't make you a rapist, but pulling your pants down is a requirement, so we know his pants were down at some point when his buddies put the funneled hose into his anus.

  23. More russiagate so the diversionist can't get any real work done. Nothing is going to be accomplished after 2020 as there is more destruction and division planned?

  24. More fake news, all to set the stage for the fight of the century. It is expected that Ginsburg has between 90 and 180 days, then the real war will begin.

  25. Bern - I am a huge Trump supporter and we all know where you stand. One thing I admire about you, however, is that you truly are fair and balanced and always give credit where credit is due. This is probably why myself and several other conservative Trump supporters keep coming back to your blog. Keep up the good work. -Louie D

  26. 2:06 PM
    Bernie is so "Fair & Balanced" I can't tell where he stands.

    This post for example, to what extent do you oppose Trump's authority when you support his decisions and appointments. Do you just oppose Trump's authority when it's inconsequential?
    Not that this isn't Fair.

    Supporting democrats when it's inconsequential and opposing progressive when it is... is where we get the Balance.

    Folks need to understand, "If you can't beat them join them" is a strategy not a capitulation.

  27. I have had enough of white men to last ten lifetimes."

    the title of 916AM's sex tape?

  28. Destroy patriarchy and white supremacy.

  29. RBG is just like a blow up doll that party uses as one of there many gloryholes. We would have all thought that that blow up doll would have been deflated years ago!

  30. Just imagine this scenario Bernie. Your favorite uncle just passed, his name is uncle Fredo, and he left you his business because you were the only relative he liked. Everyone else thought he was a clown. But he wasn’t a clown, in fact he had a legitimate business that generated $10,000,000 in profit every year. He had patented some plastic thing a ma ging that was used in all cars built in America. Fredo was a smart guy. And now you own it. Except you have no clue how to run a business that make these special car parts that you have the exclusive patent to.
    Now the question is who are you going to hire from the presidential candidate pool to run this business? Warren, Biden, Sanders,Beto, budugegegegedge, or the Donald. Bernie —— the choice is obvious.

  31. anon 4:27, none of the above.

    Of course your obvious gambit is that Trumpy is the only choice. The problem is he is not a business man, he is a carnival barker. he is a conman and a huckster. The guy is owned by the banks. When his father funded schemes started to collapse his multiple lenders faced a dilemma. They could take everything for pennies on the dollar and throw his ass on the street or they could trade on his only asset, his name.

    Trump, like the snake oil salesman he is got people to associate the name,"TRUMP" with all things gold and success. The lenders cut a deal letting him go on conning people and figured they could make more money on the long run using him as a prop to garner funds over time.

    He is a fraud . Try and do some independent research, its all out there. If you want to give him credit for living the good life while being broke, I have opt give you that. A successful businessman?

  32. 3:01, the only reason I avoid writing about Trump is bc I am sick of him and am waiting for the American people to cancel his latest reality show.,

    4:27, I will take ANY of the Dem candidates over Trump.

    But I also believe in things like fairness, and Kavanaugh is being treated unfairly ... again.

  33. The carnival Barker's are the ones threatening to take America's guns, over run our country with third world desiease and pleagues. Just keep watching the circus carnival shows each month until 2020 election.

  34. NYT already retracted major parts of this ridiculousness. These have been the rules since Clarence Thomas. Lawyers eat their own and there's a feeding frenzy at the highest levels. They are guilty until proven innocent. Not my rules.

  35. Yeah, just catching upon it now. What disturbs me most is that two reporters are attempting to enrich themselves by aggrandizing salacious stories that are 30 years old. They had a built-in bias, and the NYT should have refused to publish the book excerpt.

  36. BO, try telling that to your council buddy Zirinski. She will slap the misogyny out of your white male privileged ass!

  37. "Kavanaugh is being treated unfairly"

    The kind of unfair you are talking about is inconsequential.

    Unless you can demonstrated where this man has been held back, perhaps at Georgetown or his appointments to lower courts.

    This guy has been seated on the highest court in the land and in no way has this "unfair" treatment been of any consequence.

    In fact, it's easier for him to explain away beer, boofing, and dry humping, than it is to explain his position on Presidential signing statements being laws... which is why the democrats provided just enough unfair at the hearing so that presidential signing statements wouldn't be the issue.

    His position on presidential signing statements being one way on how laws are made is fair enough reason to disqualify him from the court.

  38. I disagree with his view on that matter, but this is the same view held by Kamala Harris, DeBlasio and most of the Democrats who want to be President. When Biden mentioned the Constitution, Harris laughed.

    I might add that Obama acted by Presidential Order as well.

    So did Bush.

    The Exec branch of government has grown far too powerful.

  39. Thank you Bernie for acknowledging the continuity. We get Bi-partisanship all the time it's rarely reported.

  40. Bernie 5:13. You would go broke the very first year. I guess you never ran a real business.

  41. Honestly his personality and attitude came across as a white-privileged spoiled frat boy type. Ok so it is what it is...but my biggest concern is not what he may have done as a beer-loving high school and college deviant; but if he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee for any reason, then he committed perjury and should not be a member of the highest Court of the Land. I am much more interested if he told the truth or not to the Committee since he was under oath. Let's find out if he lied since we know that Trump purposely limited the investigation by explicitly telling the FBI who and how many people could be investigated; while others were completely ignored.
    If Kavanaugh want to clear is name, he would welcome a true investigation. If he is lying, I do not want him on the Supreme Court of the US for LIFE!

  42. Bernie, you are confusing signing statements with executive orders. They are not the same thing. Signing statements modify the interpretation of the law, executive orders modify its execution. While other presidents used signing statements, the GWB administration's statements effectively contradicted the laws as voted on by Congress.

    Kavanaugh's belief in strong unitary executive theory, and its inclusion in Bush's signing statements, is incompatible with democratic governance driven by the legislature. This should, on its own, have disqualified him from a seat on a federal court.

  43. Kavanagh is a boofing champ and member of the orders of iron tirade and devils triangle. His prodigious appendage has wacked many a co-ed in her drunken face. A man of the people with a pocket rocket made for poking around the law.

  44. Kavanaugh is a high-achieving lawyer. They are despised by the majority of lawyers who aren't. NYT withheld exculpatory evidence, the type of violation that would earn court sanctions in the legal world. But in journalism, there are no standards. Shifty lawyers and shifty journalists know this. This is all about the RGB replacement battle ahead. If you think dragging out carefully coached mental patients with completely unsubstantiated 35-year old allegations was beyond the pale, you ain't seen nothing yet. This will make pubes on a Coke can look like a church bake sale. And lawyers and so-called journalists wonder why they're so hated. Self-awareness should be a 100-level course at all law and j schools.

  45. So it sounds like witnesses that came forward publicly and privately were never interviewed by the FBI.

    Is it possible that the other alleged victim did not remember because she may have been intoxicated but the other named and two unnamed potential witnesses could substantiate the claim?

    What is the explanation that the witnesses were never interviewed? Whether the claims are true or not, who decided to stall the investigation?

  46. That's a legit question. I believe this will and should come up. I believe Justice will have a legitimate answer, too.

  47. Only hope for demo's is Trump loses and Ginsburg lives. Stop beating a dead horse.

  48. 11:21 -

    If Trump loses, it soon won't make much difference who sits on the Supreme Court. America's Constitution will be largely ignored, or so easily changed to accommodate almost any new reduction of freedom and liberty.

    The House and Senate had their "day in court" with Kavanaugh. Enough with these do-overs. Waste of time and taxpayer dollars!

  49. I heard that Kavanaugh while in 2nd grade pushed a girl during recess and also that he kicked dirt on her. must impeach now.

  50. The "House" has no say. Only the full Senate can vote.

  51. Bernie you are a real sick person if you support a democrat they are anti American I would trust a Russian before a democrat

  52. Congratulations Bernie for your objective view on this issue. College kids do strange things & that includes both bits & girls but they outgrow it.

  53. 8:51, I will support any of the Dem candidates ,as bad as some are,over Trump. He is a danger to our government, screws the little guy, and has made us the laughing stock of other countries.

  54. Turn in your gun at the polling place.
    Repeal the Second NOW!!!!!!!!!


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