Local Government TV

Friday, September 13, 2019

NorCo Breaks Ground on Forensic Center

L to R: Tara Zrinski, Kevin Lott, Lamont McClure, Lori Vargo-Heffner, Ron Heckman and Bill McGee 
Exec Lamont McClure
Northampton County broke ground on its first real forensic center yesterday. The facility will be located at the Gracedale campus, next to the 911 Center. Currently, Coroner Zach Lysek has no morgue and operates out of a small office at Louise Moore Park.

Executive Lamont McClure credited Northampton County Council for funding the project. "For nearly 30 years, county councils have rhetorically called for building a forensics center, but have never put their money were their mouth was,” he said. He also heaped praise on Fiscal Affairs Director Steve Barron for coming up with a way to finance the facility in a way that reduces debt payments.

The forensic center, which has a budget of $11 million, is slated for completion by August 2020. It includes the following features:

* Family reception and private meeting rooms.

* Two autopsy rooms with a viewing area for law enforcement and medical school students.

* Digital forensic lab.

* Offices for Coroner's staff.

* Five-bay garage with receiving and storage area.

* Solar panels.

* Capacity for future expansion.

* Secure lockers to preserve chain of custody for evidence and personal effects.


  1. Well needed project. Did solar panels inclusion come from Tara? Did she get us a good price? How does that woman support herself?

  2. Now the County can dig up those old skeletons from the Reibman Stoffa and Brown era. Some forensic analysis of those old bones may tell us how the county got so far in debt. The project is long overdue and everyone involved should be congratulated. Hats off to all who had a hand in the planning of this project.

  3. Tara Z is in great shape from lots of running, weights, organic fruits and veggies plus her extensively cycling exploits she probably could have dug the foundation herself in a week!

    Blue Badger

  4. I'm surprised that Tara would blatantly assault the Earth like that. Charges will be filed in progressive court.

  5. What an example of government gold plating. God help us.

  6. I do not believe Zrinski or any firm she is associated with has anything to do with the solar panels. Though these are paid, it would be too easy to argue that she was using her council position to get special benefits. This would violate the Ethics Act. McClure is very careful about these things and would not let it happen.

  7. Damn Bernie,
    You do suck at taking pictures.
    McClure looks like he is about to hurl chunks.

  8. Yeah I am a terrible photographer but make up for it by being even worse as a writer.

  9. Six shiny shovels and a load of dirt dropped on the grass for a photo op.

  10. McClure always looks like he is about to hurl.

  11. If you had to speak to me, how would you feel?


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