Local Government TV

Thursday, September 12, 2019

O'Connell Makes Excellent Pick for Allentown Police Chef

Mayor Ray O'Connell made a good pick for interim police chief yesterday, Captain Glenn Granitz. He lives in the city, close to William Allen High School, and attended Allentown's schools as well. A nice crowd attended his appointment even though it was in the middle of the working day. He clearly has the public's support.

Chief Granitz thanked everyone who came and told O'Connell that, though the Mayor may have done an extensive search, "There's a little one here who thinks she could be Chief."

He was referring to his four year-old daughter.

Granitz is second generation APD. His father, a retired officer, was there.

"We have the same concerns," he told the crowd.

His expectation for his fellow officers? "To work," he said. He acknowledged "it has been a difficult summer," adding that many of his officers are putting in extra hours.

"Our goal as the APD is to fight back against violent crime," he pledged. "The current level of violence and the fear it has created is quite simply unacceptable. We've endured a difficult and heart-wrenching year." He noted that he had a personal relationship with the first homicide victim of this year, including his cell phone. He promised to keep that number until the case is resolved.

He told everyone to expect increased communication via media and social media, a commitment to a neighborhood community policing program, a pilot program to address gun violence in neighborhoods that need it the most, attendance at community watch meetings and expanding the city's relationship with other law enforcement agencies.

"This will take time, hard work and effort from each and every one of us. I, for one, am ready for this challenge. I am asking you to stand alongside me as I am prepared to stand alongside each and every one of you."

Blogger's Note: I was unable to attend this appointment and am relying on video from social media.


  1. Good Luck Sir. You have a challenge. The city is a cesspool of low life criminals and ex NY and NJ lowlifes attracted by slumlords.

  2. The judge is correct Allentown is a cesspool and no politicians pick is going to improve it.

  3. Cool.
    A popularity contest.

  4. Finally. Gun violence in Allentown down to Zero starting today. Why didn't they go with this guy years ago. Geez. (PS Nothing against Granitz)

  5. Congratulations to the new, next ex-chief. As he's insultingly called "interim," and the cesspool has had five chiefs in four years, why does anyone expect he'll be there long? He won't. It's a cesspool of progressive policies run amok. No police chief can succeed when city leaders work every day to undermine the mission of law enforcement, in order to achieve a greater, more progressive cesspool. No new, next guy is going to change anything. But he's a mensch for taking a shot.

  6. Anyone, civilian or LE, anyone who thinks the “community policing” is a “program” does not know what they are talking about and have already flunked the competency test.

  7. I give him two years plus one month - 25 months.
    Has anyone else seen the pool?

  8. COMMUNITY POLICING is NOT a program.

  9. Bluebloods Team is needed !

  10. also maybe the best name for a police chief

  11. The problem is not the police, it is the citizens of the city.

  12. @5:50 and @ 7:39

    I agree with both of you!
    Although he might’ve been the best candidate, it sure seemed like it was a popularity contest.

  13. As long as community policing is treated like a program it will continue to come and go.
    The APD has a fresh new face.
    This is little more than a PR move.

  14. Hey, great, a really nice guy.
    So what changes operationally?

  15. Alan Jennings should be the Chief of Police.
    What the hell, he should be the mayor, too.
    Jenningss is perfect for Allentown.

  16. This guy is already polishing his resume, it’s just a matter of a minimally decent interval.
    Some other place will make him a deal he can’t refuse for his families sake if he has any success and he is the next guy thrown under the bus if the down hill slide continues.
    The writing is on the wall.

    PS The shooters don’t care how nice a guy he is.

  17. "Although he might’ve been the best candidate, it sure seemed like it was a popularity contest."

    I see. Though you acknowledge he may have been the "best" candidate, you are actually criticizing him for being popular. Do you have any idea at all how ridiculous some of you sound?

  18. @10:22

    I was the commenter at 9:18. I take exception to what you just said even though it’s your blog and you can say what you want lol. He very well may have been the best candidate but it seemed from the get go he was the one the community wanted and city council wanted. I wonder how much of an ‘extensive’ search was done before picking him? He does seem like a very nice guy but being a nice guy isn’t going to change the clientele of the cesspool that is Allentown. Most of the thugs who commit the crimes and do the shootings have no idea nor do they care with a chief of police is. I’m glad the handful of noodnicks who regularly attend council meetings are happy. Let’s see what happens in six months or a year from now when things don’t change. These aren’t the days of Pete Malloy and Jim Reed of Adam 12.

  19. The Allentown haters are out in force! The city is far from being a "cesspool." Gun crime has been up, but other crimes are down. Granitz is an excellent choice for Chief of Police. I wish him well.

  20. 10:39, You can "take exception" however much you want. Your criticism is nutty and from the perspective of someone who wants this guy to fail so you can continue to complain. Gove it a rest already and give him a chance. That community support is a positive thing.

  21. I agree with the above commenter who said that the criminals could care less who the chief of police is. Heck, you have dirt bikers and three wheelers riding down Hamilton Street right in front of the police station unabated. Allentown IS a cesspool (thank you Judge Anthony for pointing out the obvious) and will not change unless some of the ‘citizens’ go elsewhere to run amuck.

  22. I blame old white men.

  23. This is how the Prom King gets elected.

  24. I'm taking the under on 25 months. That's some easy coin. Put up the pool.

  25. Bring back Chief Kuhn and Roy Afflerbach!

  26. y no black peeps? rep the peeps of the city!

  27. The judges cesspool comment is spot on except he did not include local political powers up too but not limited too state representational tools that are butt floaters in the cisternious cesspool. One would have thought that they would have first bought a vat big enough to hold all the solids before hitting the sand mound with the water and its stench now destroying the air quality too.

  28. It would seem necessary to determine whether Allentown is in fact worse and in what areas.

    I have seen a unsubstantiated articles of just under 20 homicides which seems low for a population of over 100 thousand people in a employment challenged city.

    I have tried but it is difficult to find comparative crime statistics for Allentown.

    Perhaps those who continually call Allentown a cesspool or those who think it's time to implement new "programs" or investment in more law enforcement, can point to the statistics they are using to justify their opinion.

  29. Try selling this sadd sack o shit to the ignorant that have not watched this cities decline since the originator of the melting pot! The family had a excavating company with equipment being city bought, hint, hint deep and wide is cesspool?

  30. This is OUTRAGEOUS!!!!

    Why do the Allentown Police need a new Chef? They shouldn't have had one in the first place.

    They can bring their own food from home or get takeout like the rest of us. But they don't need a Chef.

    Thank you, Bernie, for bringing this to everyone's attention. Great job, as usual.

  31. So not a cesspool.

  32. “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.”

  33. good guy you are all wrong about him


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