Local Government TV

Thursday, September 05, 2019

Mezzacappa Responsible For Half of OOR's NorCo Caseload

Pennsylvania's Office of Open Records is the state agency deciding appeals of Right-to-Know Law denials. In Northampton County, this office has decided 25 cases this year, as of today. Of these, 13 were brought by Tricia Mezzacappa. She alone is responsible for over half of this state agency's caseload in NorCo. She has challenged decisions by Colonial Regional Police Department, Northampton County, West Easton Borough, Tatamy Volunteer Fire Department, Nancy Run Volunteer Fire Co and Colonial Intermediate Unit 20.

Of Mezzacappa's 13 appeals, she has outright won two and received partial relief in another two. The rest were dismissed 



  1. She needs to get a life, this is ridiculous.

  2. What the hell does she have anything to do with colonial regional police, Tatamy volunteer fire department and Nancy run volunteer fire department. She’s costing the taxpayers money all over the Lehigh Valley. For god sake‘s change the right to know law now. I wonder if she’s asking for state police right to know information.

  3. Mezzalooneytunes isn't just a West Easton problem anymore. We are all feeling the affects of having a nut in Northampton County. It's thanks to Mezzacappa that the right to know law is on its way to being changed. Word is the change will be called the TM Amendment. It will allow a harassed agency to present evidence of a person being a vexatious requester. If proven there will be a fine imposed and the loss of requesting information for a certain period of time.

  4. You probably make more goofy RTK requests than anyone. Stop attacking this woman. What you and your accomplices are doing is paramount to stalking. Leave this young woman alone.

    She needs medical help and not your continuous harassment. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You are the ones in need of mental health evaluations, not this young and vulnerable woman.. I hope you don't own any firearms as your own mental stability is in question.

    1. And maybe you should be the one to knock on her door and force her to get the help she desperately needs! She could've had someone wrongfully jailed and jobless because of her heinous act. She's a loose cannon who needs reprimanding before one of hr neighbors gets hurt. Go sit down and stfu

  5. Mezzacappa 4:03,
    I read you have 150 Right To Knows in West Easton since January of this year. Two dozen to Colonial Intermediate Unit and who knows how many others to police departments and fire departments and elsewhere. You are a menace and an OLD woman, so drop the young woman bullshit. You need to be locked up for trying to frame an innocent black man. I hope my brother sues your boney ass for everything you own before you lose it in a sheriff's sale. We all hope the court keeps your weapon and puts you on a No-Own List. You are a menace. Sell your house. Move out of the state.

  6. Another reminder to women that this is what happens when you get old and don't have kids. Get married. Have families.

  7. If she won some and partial on another, maybe those RTK recipients should be doing their jobs right from the start.
    Are they frivolous requests? Different story.
    How about listing the RTK's Bernie?

  8. Anyone who refers to Mezzacappa as a "young Woman" is dilutional or has extremely poor eyesight. As for her RTK requests, she has every right to ask and has proof that her RTK requests were appropriate.

  9. 152 S Union St is a liability. BO why doesn't the county demolish and provide more parking for the hard working Correction Officers. I may file a OOR about this property

  10. Don't take the rope from someone willing to hang themselves. She is doing a pretty good job all by herself. Maybe one should reflect on giving a nudge to someone already so unbalanced.
    If her detachment from reality turns for the worst, how will this look on the front page of the NYT? The media is never your friend, especially when there is a story to sell.

  11. RTK Judicial Sale List

  12. She really is being a nuisance, and costing taxpayers a lot of money despite her assertions to the contrary. When I worked for CPS services, there were a couple people who did something similar- constantly made false allegations of abuse to the PA Child Abuse hotline.

    There was one woman who used to bounce residences between Northampton and Lehigh Counties, as she was very unstable, transient and constantly losing her housing, but remarkably she was able to "pull herself together" enough to sound credible and determined to "fight the good fight" against big bad government and their fake news.

    I ultimately removed her two children from her care. One child went to live with her biological father (who had partial custody of her to begin with) and the other one was placed with a family resource. But, this woman called the Child Abuse Hotline reported allegations of physical and sexual abuse against the biological father on a regular basis, before and after the children were removed. Every allegation was Unfounded. There were times when she called the Hotline and made a few different reports on the same day. In one year, she made approximately 50 Child Abuse reports to the Hotline and incredibly every report was assigned an investigative number- all costing taxpayers a lot of money to complete the investigations and diverting resources away from other pressing matters. This went on for three years straight (in my County alone) and then she finally moved up North somewhere. The Lehigh Valley breathed a sigh of relief. She lived in Northampton County for several years, too, and did the same.

    CPS had the mother and father complete Psychological examinations- Hoofah. I'd like to see what TM's profile would reveal and recommend. The one child underwent a pediatric examinations and caseworker physical examinations to look for injuries and we provided extensive in-home services to try to help stabilize the family,, prior to removing the children.

    And before people come on here and tell me that sometimes children just aren't ready or old enough to disclose sexual abuse, the one child was a verbal, articulate teenager who not only constantly denied abuse, she would say, ""Everybody knows it, my mom is f*cking nuts". The mother not only made reports to the Hotline, she used to call the local Police Departments to reports all kinds of nonsense. She was cited a few times (sound familiar), but, the Police new that CPS was actively involved so they took a back seat for the most part (no blame). Their position was that our agency is providing Mental Health services, which is more that a few summary citations could enforce- which she couldn't pay anyway.

    If any good came out of this- from a taxpayer standpoint, our Director and our Agency attorney finally contacted the PA child abuse hotline and they agreed that they would not assign any more CPS investigative numbers on her reports without corroborative evidence.

  13. Thanks for sharing that story. It is fascinating!

  14. The court should order a psychological exam of Mezzacappa.

  15. In all fairness to this deranged individual, she won two of the 13 appeals - which isn't that bad. At least she can get something right once in awhile.

  16. If I'm not mistaken, it was the attorney who was disparaged during the Grace Packer scandal by that former disgruntled caseworker identified.


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