Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Does Rev. Dowd Have Bats in His Belfry?

Last year, Northampton County very nearly awarded a $20,000 grant intended for the restoration of the church steeple at First United Church of Christ in Easton. Now I suppose you could argue that a 187' high church steeple, which are peculiar to Christian faiths, serves some secular purpose. But the church itself described it as a "beacon of hope and faith." That's clearly religious. Fortunately, Council member John Cusick succeeded in persuading Council to pull the award, although the money still sits in county coffers, waiting to be spent. This is where Rev. Mike Dowd, pastor of the church and a former president of Northampton County Council, enters the fray.

I told you last year this religious donation to the UCC is blatantly unconstitutional. What also bothered me is Rev. Dowd using his connections to tend to his flock. Though he was unsuccessful last year, he is still trying to grab that dough. This time, a church leader is using a sneaky end run to have the money laundered to him through a third party.

On August 22, he sent this email to Linda Zembo, County Council's Clerk:
"Linda - I've had conversation with a several council members and a number seem amenable to transfer the grant that was originally awarded to our church for preservation to The Greater Easton Development Corporation (GEDP). It was for $20,000; Bob [Werner] is willing to sponsor a resolution and he asked me to contact you and to ask you to put it in the correct language and to leave the name of the church out of it.
"I think it could come up at a September meeting."
Is dishonesty a tenet of the UCC? Clearly, that's what's going on.

Rev. Dowd wants the money to go to the GEDP, which will then find $20,000 it can award to the UCC.

I could respect an argument that the money sought last year is really for a secular purpose. But I have no respect for this attempted end-run.

What's worse is that Dowd has been caught trying to pull a fast one. From what I understand, there will be no money for the church steeple now.


  1. Who leaked the email to you?

  2. He could sell his BMW for the funds. Drive something less expensive. Jesus would approve.

  3. I believe I gave the work-around for this matter when it cam up previously. Maybe you can pass this on to Mr. Dowd, if he's not a loyal reader of this blog. Since the UCC is one of those denominations that no longer affirms the basic tenets of Christianity, a strong case can be made that this would be a secular donation to a community organization.

  4. 12:05, there are nine people on Council.

  5. Your mancrush McClure slid it in there. Nothing happens in his Admisntration without his OK. After two years everyone is well aware of that,so pleas don't say he was unaware. Watch what he tries this year. Also your other mancrush Cusick is no hero as more than a few people caught this BS and agreed it was BS. He had to persuade no one except Dowd pal Ferraro.

    You need to be a bit more objective if you want people to think you are giving them real information.

  6. Hey Bernie, you may want to ask Jerry about the new titles one of McClure's political hires has given themselves. I guess when you are one of the rulers the rules do not apply.

  7. The GEDP would be required to submit paperwork showing bills and payments made to any project they received grant money toward. They wouldn't be able to just pass it to the UCC unless the grant provider intended to turn a blind eye toward the use of it.

  8. Keep up this investigation.

  9. Your anti-religious bias clouds your judgement.

  10. Actually, I am pro Constitution. It consists of more than the second amendment.

  11. 1:40, if you are so sure it is him, why did you ask? Actually, I do not divulge sources, but McClure and I disagreed on this grant. He believes it serves a secular purpose. I don’t.

  12. ”The GEDP would be required to submit paperwork showing bills and payments made to any project they received grant money toward. They wouldn't be able to just pass it to the UCC unless the grant provider intended to turn a blind eye toward the use of it.”

    I am sure it would do that for a completely separate project and then spend $20k on UCC. Come on, this is child’s play.

  13. I love how the Protestants became everything they originated from. Good jobs guys!

  14. I brought this issue to the bloggers attention last year. The FFR org. contacted NH county at that time and told them that a law suit would follow if they breached church and state separation constitutional laws. Dowd should be ashamed of himself for allowing this to continue.

  15. Because all religions are led by humans, it necessarily follows they will fall short of their ideals. But this applies to all religions, not just Protestants.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. And the bells shall play AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

  18. "Hey Bernie, you may want to ask Jerry about the new titles one of McClure's political hires has given themselves"

    Instead of telling me to contact Jerry, why not name the political hire and the new title? I like talking to Jerry, but what you post is actually insulting to him. Jerry is his own man and more knowledgeable than anyone about NorCo. People should always listen to him. But he is no gossip. And why would anyone care that someone decides to give his or her job a new title?

  19. religion has no place in goverrment

  20. Grants, Grants, the root of all evil. Every City, Town and Township is out get all they can from the County via Grants. About time to tighten the spending and better oversite.

  21. Remember, it is not only Dowd who is complicit in this scam but non other than our own Republican in disguise Bob Warner who is "willing to sponsor this end round"

    Mr Werner should be removed from office for attempting this

  22. Werner needs to recuse himself on this if it comes to a vote before council. He is tied too closely to the whole downtown Easton money grab. He is basically a shill for Panto and other EconDev money procurers.

  23. He has no conflict of interest as a matter of law. He is a district rep, and any district rep will support their community. What bothers me is the attempted end run.

  24. Bern this grant grab get to give is like one in the same as rewriting the ZONE law to be designed for one in the same recipient. This shit storm of the valley is one corrupted organization that only has one grabby person sitting in the federal pen.
    Most local are someone's sisters cousin on there second brothers side that makes up the good conflicts of interests pander.

  25. Anon 9;24 ,remember the Kunkle that got into Sheriffs Dept. ? Was as result of political donations by wealthy relative. He eventually started wearing 0-6 Military insignia as if he was a Full Bird Army Regimental Commander . He ended up putting the rubber gloves to the doves he wanted to hire that were willing to “bend over”,and the county had to relieve themselves of this selective group at $10,000 each to go away. Warning -It was also demoralizing to the good and proper employee at that time. The Sheriff s Dept basically was dead in the water . Let any unauthorized runaway titles be a forecast for a down fall of top leadership . People must earn leadership positions and be vetted. Othwise the mistakes they make cost more than hiring the right person in the 1st place. It also make other possible qualified candidates avoid that employer and go elsewhere. HR depts should defend selection process they established and not allow political and patronage to interfere with the prudand hiring process. Leadership is an art form ,it is NOT bestowed upon one as result of rank on their collar ,it can only be earned.Lots of imposters are a result of improper hires.

  26. Peter, the problem is Bernie is mesmerized by the upper physical attributes of the female employee referenced. Only the county's council can create a job title and he knows that, so normally he would say it does matter what she calls herself. He tends to pick and choose his outrage. If she called herself the full chest colonel of the county he would gleefully nod his head.

  27. Is that to trouble? If Bernie didn’t have his county orientation of his blog ,we tax payers would know almost nothing.So it goes with the territory. I myself don’t look at upper physical attributes directly,or without sunglasses on. Ah , I’ve been in Europe on French beaches with trim ladies in the old days . I’d rather be in a 70s muscle Car like a 442 Olds nowadays.


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