Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Bernie Sanders Proves He Can Never Be Elected

Bernie Sanders was at Artsquuest last night before a friendly crowd of about 500 to answer some tough questions from Fox News hosts about tax returns showing that he is one of the reviled one-percenters. His answers and thin-skinned attitude prove he's no answer to Donald Trump. He is instead a re-election ad for him. While I largely agree with the classic American liberalism of maximizing the minimum, his there is no way Americans will elect someone who promises to raise their taxes. In addition, he is just as intolerant of criticism as Trump.

Democrats would be better off looking for someone who can actually be elected.


  1. Article I, section 8 of the U.S. Constitution suggests pretty strongly that under no circumstances may the president unilaterally raise taxes.

  2. Let's keep on Making America Great Again 2020!

  3. Bullshit!!! The Foxians set the trap. They had Rock Bluntjaw as the muscle. They had the usual Roger Ails, leggy Blond in a short skirt that all the old white men love to watch while being brainwashed. She tried her cutesy "I gotcha" questions and Bernie was magnificent!

    He parried all their thrusts and jabs. He turned the tables on them. They allowed only a couple audience questions and Bernie sniffed them out. Their preselected conservative kids asked questions with a couple moderate Dem questions allowed. It was wondrous to behold.
    The Trump propaganda apparatus wanted to shame the man but he out Trumped them all.

    Bravo and Bellisimo. Al Hail the mightiest Bernie of them all!!!

    1. Okay, you just keep smoking your pot, and living in your own little dream world.

  4. Bernie Sanders does not want to admit he can drive high end sports cars as the result of capitalism.

  5. Hey 1:47 AM : Ain't that the truth?!?! Saunders, and you, as a Bernie-Bro, should saunter on over to the MS(lsd)NBC or Commie News Network where you can be swaddled in warm, tolerant praises. If that don't work; try Always Been Crappy (ABC) or Never Been Correct (NBC). By election day the main slime media WILL Direct you as to which Demoncrat you will nominate to drown in the landslide to come. TRUMP 2020.

  6. He didn't really answer any direct questions but states taxes to go up and babies alive on the table are to die.

  7. There is only one communist in this race. It is the guy who softened the GOP platfrom in favor or Russia. The guy who rufused to impose santions of Russia for crimes against America. The guy who apologized to Putin looking for political favors and permission to build a hotel. The guy who submitted to Putin in Syria. They guy who sided with Putin over US intellignece agencies. The guy who supported the leader of some country of the 18 hijackers on 9-11. The guy who supported the leader of some country who murdered a US journalist. The guy who thinks people who carried torches chant 'jews will not replace us" and are "fine people". Worst President in US history.

  8. Americans are so spoiled, and have spoiled their children so badly that they are vulnerable to exchange the greatest economic system in the world for the worst. Maybe that is just what america needs.

  9. I’m with Bernie O on this one. Also, Bernie S is nuttier than squirrel turds.

  10. If America would vote the nut sanders in as president America will go down in flames '

  11. Bernie should run for president of the future country of California.

  12. It is a similar story to other ideologically persuasive Democratic candidates during my lifetime who can win primaries and the nomination of their party but go on to lose in the general election. Ironically the Republican party now has a similar problem as Trump won an unlikely victory only because his Republican primary opponents were wimpishly weak and a significant portion of the general election voters in 2016 thought he was the lesser of evils in a race of two incredibly unlikable candidates. Sanders may indeed win the Democratic nomination with his strong ideologically left block of supporters but his views will not be attractive to the 50% or so of Americans in the overall population who will decide the general election. If so, Trump is likely to be re-elected and the United States will suffer the consequences.

  13. Bring back Norman Thomas who always said “I get more applause than votes”

  14. Anyone contemplating moving or building a business here and watching their potential labor pool applaud and yell for free handouts from a socialist has to have second thoughts. If I am them, I am packing my bags and looking for greener pastures. Is it any wonder the only development taking place here is either poached business or warehouses?

    That displayed last night proved that the education system has failed multiple generations.

  15. You’re just mad that you didn’t get to ask a question lol

  16. Anybody who doesn’t realize that Trump is just a piece of shit whos ‘beliefs’ change from day to day is just an uneducated, uninformed, close minded tool.

  17. Raise taxes on 74% of families who don't send kids to college so they can pay for the 26% who do. I can't understand why this proposal is so problematic for so many. Meanwhile, back at any of Bernie's three homes ....

  18. Are there any believers out there that see Bernie, Killary and the most henious of all war criminal against the USA Obomanation colluding with Russia. This all to spy on the Trump campaign as well as voter fraud.
    Word from most illegals is they will be voting Trump.

  19. @10:10

    9:17= your clueless !

    I think you just proved their point. You’re uneducated and a tool.
    The correct spelling is ‘you’re’ genius

  20. If you are a Republican that’s fine and if you are a Democrat that’s fine as well. Anybody who thinks our current president is anything but a lowlife, immoral, unethical, piece of shit is just naive and stupid. It’s scary that some people actually believe his ideology. He already has surpassed Jimmy Carter as the worst president this country has ever seen. I think even Roy Afflerbach could do a better job than him.

  21. Have another drink 11:17

  22. I don't care what you say Bernie is a good man with a lot of good ideas as opposed to trump who is all about himself and loves dictators someday that 35% that love him will find out what a fraud he is I just hope it is not to late.

  23. Anon 6:36 said:

    "There is only one communist in this race."

    Damn right about that.

    BTW, remember how Trump honeymooned in Russia because he was so enthralled with their system? And that was when the USSR was still oppressing millions in their gulags and satellite countries. He even tried to pass it off as a "dialogue-building exchange program"

    What, wait, that was Sanders? Nevermind.

  24. 11:00 AM

    So in 9:17, what does the word "whos" mean?

  25. On a serious note, This weekend was impressed with the most unlikely candidate we have seen in a lifetime. We are in for a very interesting debate on his run and what ultimately will show as a result. Will never lose hope in our country nor the american spirit. Bravo Mayor Pete.

  26. I really hope Sanders isn't the dem nominee, but if he is I will vote for him. I agree with most of his policy proposals. This country needs universal health care. The rich and the corporate elite should be paying more taxes. We need to expand social safety nets and increase access to opportunity. Hard working people shouldn't be living in poverty, unable to feed their children or pay for child care. Enough is enough.

    1. Yeah, okay buddy- keep smoking your pot and being a good little epsilon semi-moron.

  27. A vote for Bernie means much higher taxes an estate tax you work your whole life and Bernie wants to take it away. and other taxes he won't tell you about. he wants to set up a government health system will work just fine -- just like the VA. Do not worry about killing babies because we do not kill that many anyway. BErnie hates fox because they tell it like it is. The politicians in this country hate Trump because he exposed them for what they are.If the people in this country vote for Bernie forget the stock market forget business growth we will look like a third world nation in 6 months. BY the way this goes for any democratic socialist the dems put up.

  28. The best part about Donnie Trumpster ran down his daddy‘s leg


  30. Bernie combs his hair with a balloon

  31. Bernie you didn't report on Bernie's stop at Lehigh University's cuddle credit class? Them Dems are all the modern social ills in America today and most should be Locked Up!

  32. 12:54 pm
    The best part of you mostly was still stuck up your mommas ass and than promptly deposited in the toilet to be flushed!

  33. Our country will be in a financial collapse in the next 3 years, and it won't matter who is President.

  34. You Trumplodytes would sell your mother if it meant an uptick in your 401K. Bernie is predicting the future you are helping to create.

  35. Bernie,

    Are you serious? Ever since your buddy got caught wearing women's clothing while in the Court House, it's been all hush-hush. It's like you don't care anymore. You don't even take the commentators to task for spewing all their messed up b-s. I am amazed that since they got caught with the little kids, nothing was done. Maybe that's why he left town? You are going to rue the day when the pigs come home to roost.8

  36. Hoof Hearted?
    Ice Melted

  37. "You Trumplodytes would sell ..."

    I'm an Independent who voted against Hillary. We are legion and we swung the election. All the name calling has finally convinced me to vote Democrat. Going against the Dale Carnegie school was a tricky approach to regaining power. But it worked with me. Keep up the name calling! You're sure to win lots of new adherents!

  38. 12:47 you are the most correct in your analysis of the communist sanders or the rich person he is . but Bernie wants no body else to get rich

  39. can't wait for the debate between president Trump and Bernie Trump will have a lot of fun with Bernie and trump will bring that socialist out in the open that's why the politicians hate Mr. Trump he can really smoke them out

  40. Trump is the best person to be elected president in many years he has really brought out the true colors of our political state they hate him because he is not like them to be a politician you must be a phony and a good talker with no morals. our system of government will not work in this modern world unless we get more people like trump in positions of power.Term limits must be put in in order to try to keep these political people at bay; are they will eventually MAKE OUR COUNTRY A THIRD WORLD NATION.

  41. Screw Bernie Sanders and his "we have a President who is a pathological liar BS".

    Bring on the Trump vs Sanders debates already!


  43. Trump has all so showed us just how fake the news is 95% is biased to the democratic left we owe President trump a lot for trying to clean up these corrupt media people. Thank the LORD for Mr.Trump

  44. vote for a dem if you want to pay more taxes

  45. let it up to the politicians to fix health care and the border you know they will do the job right???

  46. omar and aoc true americans

  47. no schumer and Pelosi true americans..

  48. no the true American leaders is waters from california

  49. Bernie Sanders held a mirror up to the Fox propaganda fake news viewers and showed them for what they are. Crude, selfish, stupid and old with old ideas that are fading away like their lives. You got the largest wealth transfer from the dying parents if WWII and you think you worked for it. Your kids are underemployed, cannot afford housing or transportation. GO ahead ask them. Oh I forgot, its all about you. Magic Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all"
    Not Trumpiy unless you are challenged.

  50. 7:54 bitter, spoiled Mellenial are we?Head back into your underappreciated parent's basement and don't come out until Uncle Bernie gives you government handouts to replace your allowance.

  51. Bernie Bernie really brought the assklownZ out on your blogg today, now they will all go back to rollin on the floorZ jiZZ frothing out there mouthZ!
    humanist by design with a good nightcap for the night with all the hate spewing on the pages.

  52. It's amazing how little all the Trump supporters here seem to care about policy. Do you all really just show up to insult people?

  53. They think Fox is the only truth in reporting AND Trump is the only truthful politician in the Nation. You wonder why they are hateful and ill-informed?

  54. 1:07 am two words, "Low Energy" and than there is the moon bat aoc the up and comming jizz flowing from its mouth.

  55. Bernie talks the good left doctrine, but lives the life of a bad right demo

  56. Hey stupid at 6:36 AM. The worst president in history huh! HOW'S YOUR 401K doing?
    Are you dumb as you look?

  57. 9:13 your stupid he is best president we ever had look at your 401k your so stupid you have nothing that's why your a socialist or communist or a radical dem who follows aos

  58. The Money boys have done a great job fleecing the people and getting them to not only thank them but defend them. The crumbs taste good.

  59. All news is fake news except the great honest and reliable FOX NEWS

  60. The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money - Margaret Thatcher

  61. The only thing not free under socialism is freedom. Freedom from government control of our lives. Freedom from over taxation. Freedom of choices. Freedom of innovation. Freedom of thought and expression. I would rather keep my freedom than hop on the alt-left free stuff for all bandwagon.

  62. 6:45, I would be happy to answer any questions you have about what I actually think of the issues if you can manage to ask them without calling me an idiot.


  63. radical left dems suck they are really anti american

  64. 2 plus years & $22 million later & Dems owe Trump an apology for disparaging him without cause.

  65. Literally everyone with a functioning brain agrees that Bernie crushed it.


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