Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

NorCo Council Poised to Buy New Voting Machines, Electronic Health Records

Northampton County Council is poised to make some major purchases this week to address our elections as well as problems at Gracedale.

The first big-ticket item is the purchase of Express Vote XL voting machines from Election Systems and Software for $2.9 million. This new system is necessary because the Department of State has mandated all 67 counties to purchase voting systems that include a paper trail, and have it in place in time for the 2020 Presidential election. This system was the overwhelming choice of election judges who visited Lehigh County to look at four different systems. It was recommended by the Elections Commission in a 3-2 vote. It is also the choice of Executive Lamont McClure.

The second major purchase is $1.7 million for electronic healthcare records software at Gracedale. The vendor is Point Click Care Technologies, which is one of three proposals received. Officials have argued that electronic health records will enable nurses to spend more time with the residents.

These purchases will be reviewed at today's Finance Committee.

Finally, Council will consider a $15,000 payment from its own contingency fund for Recovery Revolution, a drug treatment center in Bangor. Numerous people, including Bangor Mayor Brooke Kerzner, complained two weeks ago that Human Services had arbitrarily cut off funding in favor of a for-profit company that is located in Monroe County. Executive Lamont McClure has denied that funding has ended.  .   


  1. The administration is orchestrating a real hit job on RR. They are even throwing dirt at the Director and her husband. Talk about going low. Are you still slurping McClure's words? Hear the guy has thin skin and hair trigger temper.

  2. Lamont did less harm to the county when he was stealing his council pay by not showing up. Show of hands: how many would gladly pay Lamont to not show up anymore?

  3. McClure, Dertinger, Kelly, and Cozze need to go!

  4. Recovery Revolution is such a valuable community resource. I shudder to think that they have been replaced by a for-profit. There is an extreme need in the Slate Belt area, and they have filled it nicely. Years ago, while in a terrible marriage to an alcoholic, I was fortunate enough to be able to take their "Friends and Family" class. I believe this class was in some way subsidized by Northampton County, as the cost was quite reasonable (and I was totally broke and grateful at the time). The class helped change my life and I'm sure there are many stories like mine out there today thanks to RR!

  5. Are they donors and/or friends of Lamont? Are there union interests at stake? Please don't tell me RR doesn't know how this all works.

  6. Hell don't worry about drug and alcohol treatment as the Mexican drug cartels also have that market cornered. MS13 gang members are communicating with Trump as there lives and direction has changed by incarceration?
    The recidivism rates on that treatment deal is a sweet one for all takers.

  7. 1.7m to start plus a yearly fee. More taxpayer dollars that won't improve hands on resident care.

  8. Sam Murray Haddad fixed an All Star Vote for his Son Joseph ! (Wrong)

  9. Resign Judge and droo the Irish surname =you are a Haddad !

  10. Bernie
    When are you going to say enough is enough, This contributor of hatred and racism is a sick individual using your blog to create a racist situation in our community. Make him or her sign their name when spewing forth this venom. The Lebanese community deserves better.


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