Local Government TV

Monday, April 15, 2019

Bernie Sanders in Bethlehem

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will be in Bethlehem tonight to discuss issues like universal healthcare, free college and a $15 minimum wage. Great ideas, though he's a bit at a loss when he tries to explain how to pay for it. I will be there, and if I have an opportunity to ask a question, I will. If you have a question you'd like answered, please post it in the comments. 


  1. Bear in mind, healthcare in the US costs 3.5 trillion annually (as of 2017), so as long as his plan costs less than that, we'll be saving money.

  2. As a senior who has paid federal taxes for 45 years, and Medicare premiums every month, I want to know how is it fair to cover everyone under Medicare, many of whom have paid little or nothing into the system. With "Medicare for All" we would face socialized medicine, with longer waits for appointments, reduced benefits, and government restrictions on procedures. That would hurt seniors the most. And they are the ones who truly earned this coverage. If you don't have to pay a dime for universal coverage, there is no disincentive to abuse the system. And you can bet that unlike other countries with socialized medicine, there will be no tort reform. Lawyers will file multitudes of frivolous lawsuits by lazy, unemployed, opportunistic patients while hospitals go bankrupt and doctors go out of business. We have the best health care system in the world. Socialized medicine would ruin it.

  3. First of all, if you are on Medicare, then you already have socialized medicine. The idea for Bernie's plan is to make Medicare available to everyone by paying for it with taxes, for which those already on Medicare would presumably be exempt. There is no reason that care paid for by a government plan would necessarily have longer waits for appointments, reduced benefits, or restrictions on procedures. in fact, Sanders' plan includes expanded benefits including vision care. Some other countries, like Canada, do have issues with wait times for specialists, but their system is set up quite differently than what Sanders is proposing. Specifically, it is not a federal system, instead each province has its own healthcare system.

    We absolutely do not have the best health system in the world. We pay double or three times as much per capita as most other developed countries. Maybe FoxNews has scared you into thinking the loss of private insurance would cause our healthcare system to implode, but this argument doesn't stand up to serious scrutiny.

    Personally, I think the Sanders plan is not the best one at there. I think the government should offer general coverage for most health needs, but people should also be able to to get supplemental private insurance. But I think his plan is way better than what we have now.

    1. The Government should stay out of healthcare. They proved their incompetency when they tried to improve a gas can!

  4. "patients while hospitals go bankrupt and doctors go out of business. We have the best health care system in the world. Socialized medicine would ruin it."

    You are parroting the alt-right position as a good Fix News apostle. Do you really doctors will go out of business as we have a doctor shortage? Hospitals are expanding faster than the economy and have for decades. Our healthcare system is broken and has been for decades. We pay more than any other country for lees coverage. Why do you think more medical students go into9 the lucrative specialist fields than general practice?

    For Profit healthcare is antithetical to the free marker system.. It is not in the best interest of the medical industry to cure anyone but rather to treat illness and maintain a healthy ongoing profit incentive.

    Medicine has changed from taking your pills and looking down your throat. It has evolved from just X-rays and penicillin. Those days of low science low cost medicines are over. You may not realize this due to the billions spent each year on propaganda but you are already receiving rationed healthcare based on your ability to pay. Ask medical professionals and not your neighbor or the chamber of commerce.

    Bernie, you know it is not "free', it will be paid the way we pay for tomahawk missiles and roads that benefit us all.

  5. Yes, ask Mister Freeshit if he sleeps well at night after lying to people all day.

  6. It is hard to get past the "I have mine so screw you" attitude that is now prevalent in the US. After WWII Britain instituted universal healthcare since they felt all had suffered for the common good and all should be cared for AS part of a humane society.

    Sadly, the idea of the "COmmon Good" has been successfully destroyed by the moneyed interests in the US. The gullible people are worse than the corporate greed doing what greedy wealth has done throughout human history. Did you think it would be different in the US.?

  7. How do I get the free stuff ?

  8. Rob Ryan of KDDI needs a 6 month stint in passages Malibu followed by a trip to the Blarney Stone where he can apologize for defaming Shamrock Sam!

  9. “Why did you kiss Clinton’s ass in 2016?”

  10. One payer makes the most sense to me. Dont know I'd it should be Medicare. What we have now does not work.

  11. People attack Sanders because they know his vision is the future. They want to believe Trump is the answer but he is the past and not tomorrow. Trump sings the song of the make believe America that never really existed. He is a buffoon and a messiah of hate.

    Healthcare must be a fundamental right of life. It is shameful we are still debating this issue while people are still going bankrupt over medical bills. I had one guy who was yelling about his rights while he puffed on his cigarette. I told him he is driving up my insurance rates because I have to subsidize his cancer habit. He claimed that is not how American insurance works. He said that is the American way. He hates Sanders. Go figure.

  12. Will a single-payer healthcare system suppress innovation?

  13. Government controlled anything results in poor service, poor results, look at the pa turnpike, look at the food supply systems of any socialist country, it always results in shortages or no availability, look at the exploding price of education and the declining results.it is all about human nature, people tend to take the easy road, free is as easy as it can be. If you really want to bring healthcare costs down, outlaw all insurance and let the real market work, pay for service! You would see an instant collapse of prices. the best and most efficient would survive and prosper the rest would look for a government job.

  14. I believe that at the very least America should have a universal basic healthcare plan. Health Insurance and be used as a supplement. However, at the end of the day there is no God given right to keep health insurance companies in business. Seriously, they are multi-billion dollar business that feeds on the sick. They only make money by covering healthy people and dumping the sick. What a stupid system of healthcare. Only in America!

  15. Universities and scientists innovate not Insurance companies and Hospitals. The National Health Institute innovates and the en glovers it to big Pharmaceutical's who charge you for what your tax dollars created. Stop the nonsense.

  16. Anon 5:03 is pulling our leg right? No one is that stupid.

  17. We have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and also not to be dictated to how we live by those who fear life, we have risks and we have to deal with them, We have become a weak, whining bunch of fearful children who believe someone owes them all the necessitates of life. Struggle produces endurance and that produces character. We seem to be short on that. Self reliance is freedom Socialism leads to slavery.

  18. Bernie Sanders is perfect example, never had a job, lived off his wives, a coffee shop philosopher just like his idol Marx. Now he has all the answers when he has never produced nothing except hot air and dreaded carbon dioxide by breathing.

  19. Bernie's a millionaire with 3 houses and a wife under investigation. He IS the problem.

  20. We already have universal health insurance. It comes in two forms. Medicaid and charity care in hospitals. That anyone in America is not cared for (covered) is a myth. I just don't see sick individuals rotting in the streets. Except, maybe, in San Francisco!

    Our public schools also involve themselves in free health clinics that include dental and nutrition services.

    By the way, let the states expand Medicaid if they choose. That way, if one state doesn't meet your needs, just move to another state that does. FEDERAL-only is the wrong way to go.

    So, ask Bernie how the Medicaid program is effected under his vision.

  21. End School District Property TAXES..... People that don't have kid's in School or Collage should be Exempt from School TAXES

  22. How in the heck did you get a ticket???

  23. our system breeds very bad people

  24. Just look at our DYSFUNCTIONAL Members of Congress. Do we really want to place our only option for healthcare in the hands of those slugs? Don't think so.

    Our Congress gets very little done, is mostly worried about re-election, and takes far too long to make decisions. Big, bloated Federal government IS the problem. No way do I want to see that body take on more responsibility over my daily life.

    Bernie Sanders is for more government control.

  25. congress is a cesspool the candidates on both sides are ego driven idiots-- we as a country has no hope

  26. We are not a country of laws if we are how can sanctuary cities exist they go against federal laws and get away with it this country is doomed 6:20 and 7:07 our right

  27. How many private sector jobs will be lost under Medicare for all? There will be an incredible upheaval of the insurance industry under this plan. When I say industry I'm talking about the actual people that work in that industry. Has Mr. Sanders considered that variable into his healthcare equation?

  28. Only in Congress can you leave your job whenever you want and campaign for other government positions. If he wants to run for president do it on his own time and not when he should be in DC working for the people of his district. Free health care for all including illegals and free college education for all is nonsense and will only result in total socialism. He's only trying to get the want that for free vote.

  29. Will the gun girl be thrown out for reporting the real story of hate by the Democratic party?

  30. we need a new government this sanders guy is running around instead of doing his job he is an idiot if he thinks his socialist plan would work

  31. What is his biggest accomplishment in the senate? What laws did he pass? I can tell you the answer is none. Almost 30yrs as a House Rep/Senator and did NOTHING.

  32. What is Bernie Sanders' experience in foreign affairs? I do know he did his honeymoon in Russia. How about his business acumen? Has he ever owned/managed a corporation? His educational background in finance.

  33. If Medicare for all is the best way to go,Why does everyone -one I know on Medicare have a supplement plan.

  34. @4:49am: AMEN!!! I speak your name. My in-laws have been chain-smoking, Fox news watching Neanderthals for years. One smokes 3 packs/day, the other is at 4 pack/day. each have serious health issues- Cancer, Emphysema, Asthma, etc...You name it, they got it!!!

    They have their Medicare, hate immigrants, always believe that "their" rights are violated, drink like fish, wave their Bible, don't go to Church regularly, hold their guns more sacred than Holy Communion and have the nerve to tell me that I am cuckoo. #ThatsTrumpsBase

  35. The opioid crisis is destroying a generation. More than 130 people die from an opioid related death a day. My little sister struggled but she wanted to change and be better. She decided she needed to get clean but no where had a bed for her until 8 days after she called due to the sheer volume of addicts struggling. She died from a overdose, 3 days after she made that call. My question is, what do you propose we do to address this national crisis? How do you think the pharmaceutical industry has capitalized on this and how can we as a national move forward from this?

  36. Bernie sanders would be the last nail in the coffin.

  37. Bernie I want free health care free college 1000 a month and no tax increase????

  38. Good on Bernie for taking his message directly to the Fox audience. Bold move. Of course the trolls will troll (like they are here), but Trump's "base" is rapidly dwindling, so there a good chance he could covert quite a few trumpers.

  39. 11:00 sure converts to communism?

  40. Is Bernie conluding with the Russians???

  41. @5:11 nailed it, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". How these people believe health care is a "right" is beyond me.
    And the person complaining about school taxes is an idiot, complain about them being too high is o.k., but we all should pay.

  42. Bernie Sanders should explain the difference between his Socialism/Communism hybrid and that beacon on the hill named Venezuela.

    For your information, FOX has a pretty strong Liberal tilt since Rupert Murdoch's sons took over the management.

  43. Student loan debt before Bernie and the gang voted for ther feds to take it over was $158 billion. 9 years later and it's $1.5 trillion. Mathing is hard. Government mathing is expensive.

  44. If you win the nomination, are there any #metoo or other issues in your past which, if revealed, would harm your chances and re-elect Trump?

    What's something on which you agree with Trump?

    What's a position you hold that the majority of Dems don't?

  45. Mr. O'Hare, will Bernie be participating in Lehigh's cuddle credit class before his departure? The story behind the story of his desire to come to this area for his true desires to be fufilled. Local edited out local fake news will not be reporting any truths about the happenings due to there own dysfunctions and disruptions in there dynamic designs.

  46. Health care IS a human right...or at least it should be. No one should die in one of the richest countries in the world because they can't afford coverage. This issue is very personal for me. My dad died at the age of 47 because he couldn't afford/didn't have coverage.

  47. How does Senator Sanders plan on addressing the price gouging of Big Pharma? If it is Medicare for all, then will we have to purchase supplements like the current plan? If so, does he understand how little they actually cover? How does he intend to address that issue despite Big Pharma's gigantic lobbying networks? Thanks Bernie.

  48. How do we pay for it?

    How do we pay for the 18 year war in Afghanistan?
    How did we pay for the troops in Iraq?
    How do we pay for the $700 billion defense budget?

    We tax, we borrow. How about less fighter jets and more services for our people?

    (And I'm not even a Bernie Bro.)

  49. 1:01

    Yeah, whenever I bash my head, I figure it's a good reason to drop a bowling ball on my foot.

  50. Be careful Bernie Bros... remember... the Murder of Seth Rich.

    At the democratic convention, at the moment Bernie endorsed Clinton, the camera was showing Bernie's brother in the audience, and the look on his face was that of Frank Pentangeli's brother in the courtroom scene from the Godfather.

    Tulsi Gabbard has 2020 vision.

  51. 1:01 needs to be reminded our Air Force capability was seriously depleted under the Obama Administration. Our biggest foe (China) could probably outlast us in a traditional war. Of course, if 1:01 prefers a nuclear war then not as many fighter jets are required.

    As for Bernie Sanders, I'm doubtful he will be thrown ANY difficult questions.

  52. "Of course, if 1:01 prefers a nuclear war then not as many fighter jets are required."

    I hear those "tactile nuclear weapons" are even worse. (Google it.)

  53. 2:05PM

    I don't know about 1:01 but of the two you outlined, I certainly prefer a nuclear war... much cheaper.

    Just exactly how do you purpose "we pay for" this traditional war you speak of, when nuclear war is more effective, less expensive, and provides and unmatched deterrent value?

  54. The Bernie mob has lit noterdame cathedral on fire that will be claimed as a renovation accident? This is the Democratic hate at work in America and abroad, they hate everything that is not of there design.

  55. 2:55pm

    So much for the effectiveness of Gargoyles.

    Nazi General Dietrich von Choltitz would be pissed.

  56. Bernie Sanders: would you care to elaborate on how your wife bankrupted a college?

  57. 2:55pm

    Your appreciation for foreign architecture, knowledge of history, and love of your fellow man, clearly guides your comment about the cathedral...?pfft

  58. 3:17pm
    Bernie's wife should know better than to steal from the educational system to pay for things.

    Bankrupting the educational system to pay for things is the government's job.

  59. 3:37 pm "pfft" is that the sound your ass makes while passing the rainbow unikorns from you and yours play toy orfices? Your momma must have loved you even more having to clean you up after you soiled your diaper, what with all them remnants all over and shit? pfft

  60. 3:53pm

    I understand. You're over your head.

    Buckley calling Gore, "A queer".

  61. "but Trump's "base" is rapidly dwindling, so there a good chance he could covert quite a few trumpers."


    Trump 2020

  62. One thing the Donald has done is make dumb and crude stylish again. The extent of stupid regardimg health is astounding. By the way, to the brain surgeon worried about one less bomber in the US arsenal should remember that the US spends more than China, Russia and the next five military nations together. Yes, due to the population China could certainly field more people in their army than America. So could India. Unless you want everyone to have ten kids that isn't going to change.

    America healthcare is expensive and ineffective at prevention. It is great at working on very sick people until they die. That is where the money happened to be. Try thinking, it will hurt at first but eventually you will discover n entire new world.

  63. time for Bernie soon the millionaire who preaches socialism and people listen to him and send him money

  64. The TRumplodytes are there dragging their hairy knuckles and holding their Trumpie signs in their teeth. Maybe a gust of wind will catch the signs and deposit them in the steel stacks.

    They are a small but noisy crowd. Too bad they don't have a real life. The alt-right wingnuts will freeze their arses off.lol

  65. 5:59pm
    Why would the government give healthcare to people it restricts medicine from in the first place? To the government, a doctor serves as a pay wall, not a healer.

    Google could be the doctor, and knows more about us, if it could only write prescriptions.

  66. Being that it's well known that all of Bernie Sanders's solutions are solved with the printing press, I would only have one question for Bernie Sanders.

    I would like to know if Bernie Sanders read the book that Julian Assange was clutching as he was dragged from the Ecuadorian embassy and arrested.

  67. Strong Conservative here. Watched the entire Town Hall event on Fox. The backdrop setting for the stage, with the blast furnaces, etc, was outstanding. Crowd behavior was good.

    Bernie (like all politicians) was evasive on many answers. Two things were clear, however. He said taxes WILL go up to support his plans, and he DOES accept the idea of abortion at birth.

    He twisted numbers on the tax contribution of the hated 1%ers to give the impression the wealthy pay virtually nothing and MUST pay more. That is generally false as the vast percentage of all income tax dollars paid in America come from the wealthiest few percent at the top.

    He believe we need stronger border security but thinks there's a better way to accomplish that than building a physical barrier between authorized crossing points. He didn't say what that better way would be.

    He said Democrats will lose if they spend too much time attacking Trump, yet did just that on several occasions. He believes elections should not be about the personality of the candidate. Hmmm.

    Overall, Sanders made a nice presentation that was well-received. I sure wouldn't vote for Sanders but many, many will. He will likely be a Top 3 Democrat challenger throughout the campaign.

  68. 2:31 - what is a tactile nuclear weapon?

    Do you know what tactile means?

  69. 3:17 - you are aware, are you not, that she was cleared on those charges?

    I didn't think so.


  70. 12:18

    "Do you know what tactile means?"

    Sure do. But one of our brilliant senators and D candidate for prez apparently doesn't.



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