Local Government TV

Friday, June 15, 2018

A Special Place in Hell

Authoritarian Donald Trump tweets all kinds of personal insults at perceived enemies. We've become habituated to this diminution of his office. Now, administration officials are sinking to that same level. Over the weekend, trade adviser Peter Navarro blasted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on network TV, claiming there's a "special place in hell for him." Navarro, who has since apologized for his childish remark, was miffed at the time that  made Trump look weak on the eve of a historic summit with North Korean dictator Jim Jong Un.  But still I agree with Dante that there are indeed special places in Hell. I'd stick Trudeau in there for at least a day or two as a way of saying thanks for Justin Bieber. But Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have condemned themselves to Lucifer's Lair for a much graver sin.

Both of these so-called leaders have adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards immigrants who enter this country without the proper papers, and have separated an estimated 500 children from their parents thus far. In one instance, federal authorities ripped a child from her mother as she was being breastfed. While I agree that people should be discouraged from entering this count illegally, this sanction is cruel and heartless.

Mahatma Ghandi once said that "[a] nation's greatness is judged by how it treats its weakest members." Based on what is happening at the border, it's safe to say that Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions are hardly making America Great Again. They are instead poster boys for the Ugly American.

US Senator Jeff Merkley (D. Oregon) has actually claimed that children were caged at at least one facility. While I have a hard time believing that federal officials could be so monstrous, The Washington Post confirms that this has occurred, at least temporarily. Merkley was denied access at a second facility, where all the windows were blacked out.

Forcibly separating these children from their parents and stuffing them in cages with other children who speak no English has to be traumatic. I'd call it torture.

Cardinal Seán P. O'Malley, the archbishop of Boston, believes in civil authority, but "I cannot be silent when our country’s immigration policy destroys families, traumatizes parents, and terrorizes children. The harmful and unjust policy of separating children from their parents must be ended." Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, echoes those sentiments. “Separating babies from their mothers is not the answer and is immoral,” he said.

"I think it’s disgraceful, it’s terrible to see families ripped apart and I don’t support that one bit,” says Rev. Franklin Graham, who is otherwise a Trump supporter and son of evangelical preacher Bill Graham.

Updated Saturday, 6/16/18, 1 PM: The LA Times has a very detailed story about exactly what is happening. In tis stories, homeland officials deny that that separated an infant who was breastfeeding, whie lawyers for the mother continue toinsist that is what has happened. It does appear that deceptive means are used to effect the separation, such as excuses that the child is being taken away for a bath, although again, homeland officials deny deception. the practice of separating children from their parents was initiated by Trump,and through May 31, a total of 1,995 children have been separated. Health and Human Services is currently housing over 11,000 children at 100 shelters in 17 states, and have actually created a soft shelter,derided as a tent city, for some undocumented minors. Reporters have been given a tour at one shleter, a former Walmart, but were allowed no interaction with the kids. At another facility, a caseworker quit and has claimed conditions are bad and have led to runaways and attempted suicide.


  1. Illegals are flooding in claiming sanctuary for violence. Hell, we have violence in America. The illegals have a choice as I understand it. They can leave with their children or leave without their children. So I guess many are leaving without their children. How much can this country do for all these people. Do you favor no rules at all?

  2. Their careless parents belong in hell for putting the children in this predicament. Why doesn't Mexico offer them asylum? Why do they even allow them to cross their southern border? Because they know the refugee train is non-stop to the U.S. Maybe we should adopt the same policy and allow the hordes of refugees to cross our border under the condition that they travel non-stop to our wonderfully compassionate neighbor, Canada! There are virtually no Hispanics living there. The Canucks must be racist. They don't call it "The Great White North" for nothing! Trudeau should stop lecturing us and offer sanctuary for any Latino refugees from Mexico and Central America. Diversify your nation Canada. You hockey hosers!

  3. U.S. Hispanic population 17% and rapidly growing. Hispanic population in Canada 1.5%
    Pretty boy Trudeau should welcome these refugees with open arms.

  4. You Trumpians treat Trump like he was Kim Jung ill. The guy is nuts but you will follow him to Hell. he is destroying America.

  5. "The American people are a welcoming and generous people. But those who enter our country illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the rule of law. And because we live in an age where terrorists are challenging our borders, we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, and unchecked. Americans are right to demand better border security and better enforcement of the immigration laws." Obama 2006 yep he's a RACIST.

  6. Innocent BystanderJune 15, 2018 at 5:24 AM

    When your in disparaging conditions ,children should not be an option. Children were Unfortunately dumped here and their conditions in temporary confinement are far better than when they were on the road ,under a bridge . The last administration fostered this issue and now it’s Trumps fault. Not every body gets to live in A/C and clean sheets ,shower and soap. Parents dumped them here because they know the US will not mistreat them ,as in some other place somebody would make slaves of them and they would get lost never to be seen again . The boarders were a mess by policy of last Admistration on perpose.

  7. "In the days before Merkley’s trip, some Democrats — including former Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Jon Favreau, a former speechwriter for President Barack Obama — tweeted pictures of the Nogales facility and criticized the Trump administration for holding immigrant kids in draconian settings.

    It turned out the Nogales photos were taken during the Obama administration, in 2014, as several fact-checkers were quick to note. Favreau and Villaraigosa deleted their tweets. But then Merkley said he saw these cages with his own two eyes in McAllen."Photos are out of kids in cages it was that monster Obama. The hypocrisy is killing me.

  8. I agree. But the left’s indignation is a little tough to take seriously. We abort 900,000 babies per year. Black unborn are 8x more likely to targeted by white liberals through planned parenthood. Our weakest are slaughtered and the left views this child sacrifice as their sacrament (they call it a sacred right). Both sides are fukking evil.

  9. This whole situation was created by Democrats. First, Democrats and the courts created a magnet of welfare benefits for illegal aliens who entered the country. It was so tantalizing that some families south of the border sent their children across, knowing they would get free food, shelter, and education.

    Now that the law is being enforced, it looks cruel to the children. If there is any cruelty, it is caused by the Democrats, who lured all those kids here. In the meantime, I suspect that the taxpayer-funded food, shelter, education, and entertainment these kids will receive will still be a big step up from the shacks they hail from. And perhaps when word filters back across the border that crossing the border illegally is once again taken seriously, the unsustainable flow of illegals, created by the Democrats, will be reduced.

  10. If you look at what caused the children to be here in the first place, it was Democrats. Democrats expected the parents, and their kids, to be able to walk across the border, be given a court date many years in the future, and be free to melt into the population – in effect, be given a "get out of jail free" card. People south of the border, knowing this, have flooded across by the millions.

    Sorry, Not going to happen. If you want to keep your children, then don't break the law by coming here illegally. Children can not accompany parents to jail, therefore they had to be sent somewhere.

  11. Why would their parents do such a horrible thing? Why don’t you let us know when the least among those who are already here are properly cared for - kids, elderly, veterans. Then, we should discuss newcomers who wish to bypass a system that permits 1.5 million a year to become legal citizens. We’re not a bad country. Obama separated families as well, and he wasn’t a bad guy.

  12. In America American children are separated from the good parent by CPS while the bad parent poisons the child's mind. This allowable act is criminal and has life long damaging effects that can be irreparable.

    All to keep the insurable peril marker upon the child's head and keep it in a life long injustice system. How and what are the true criminals on American soil?

  13. You really have a lot of gall O'Hare. You support the "right" to kill the most helpless and innocent among us, children. And you bitch at your OWN PARTY's policy of bribing illegals to come here, so you can get more VOTES? Actions have consequences, you hypocrite.

  14. And what are you doing about it Bernie Behare. What are you doing about anything to make this world a little bit better. I know what I do to make this world a better place and Trump is not part of my equation. I know what Dennis Rodman did and I know what Kardashian did. But Bernie just flaps his trap and tries to irritate people . Let's face it Bernie you serve no purpose in life and yours was a life wasted.

  15. You probably have no idea about how Canada treats this whole situation because you haven't been there and you can't go there . You see they have zero tolerance for allowing drunks to cross the border. So that leaves you out. I have been there and I see what they do. You want in permanently just deposit one million in a bank and you are in like flint. Hum makes you think .

  16. There are two solutions.

    1. Keep them out.
    2. If they manage to get in, immediately send them back.

    Allowing them to stay has only one purpose - to allow the Democratc-controled media to elicit "sympathy" and thus encourage more expense.

    They don't have a right to be here. They come in illegally. We have enough economic problems among our own citizens, we cannot afford to support the world's population, and we have no responsibility, legal or moral, to do so.

  17. you're a bunch of heartless monsters

  18. I'm a "Dreamer"

    I want to have a nice house. I want to have a good job. I want to have money for a nice car. I want to be able to go to college. I "Dream" about a lot of things I'd like, a vacation, a cruise, live somewhere on a beach maybe

    Why do the Democrats want people who aren't supposed to be here, but they "Dream" so it's ok if they break the law?

    I'm an American Citizen. I dream also you know. Where is MY free stuff because I dream about it ?

  19. Kids have been temporarily separated from their CITIZEN parents for decades. Take the example of a women put into custody for a crime while she has a child in the car. The cuffs go on Mom, Mom goes to a holding cell, then maybe someplace else for a very long time. The child goes into the care of another person, or agency. There's a definite separation.

  20. 7:08,

    3) machine gun nests

  21. We did not split any families up, they choose to split by coming here illegally.

  22. We should make a deal with Russia, they have a low population, and could let these displaced persons build new cities in eastern Russia. They would be free from the violence in central america and could be the 21st century pioneers. They also would have a very hard time returning to our borders.

  23. This is a dilemma. The people are here ILLEGALLY,!! Which means they broke the law..WHEN caught they are either deported OR incarcerated.if you are worried about the children being separated from their parents send them to JAIL WITH their parents that way the family stays together..Now in an advanced society it is deemed abhorrent to incarerate children.....so what do we do?..........I always go back to something I read. What happens if you get caught sneaking your kid into Disneyland or even Dorney park?? They DO NOT LET YOU STAY!!

  24. So it seems now that when Democrats aren't demanding the right to kill them in the womb, kids, prior to their births, as well as brainwashing them well within our public school system, they're using them wholly by bringing them in from foreign countries by the tens of thousands, along with every known relative, and vast numbers of pretend relatives, subjecting them to such as cages and disease infested shelters and camps all FOR THEIR inevitable votes! Use doesn't get much worse than that.

    In all actuality, it most certainly seems, Democrats care nothing for these kids, or for their families who, for the most part, are committed to and contained by government subsidized poverty that we the American tax payer has to foot the bill for, that takes away from we the people our own ability to rightfully thrive, in a nation we built from the ground up, be we red, yellow, black or white, that is being no less than destroyed by the most greedy, self-serving and dare I say deceitful and ignorant lot, on the planet! The Democrats and their kind who destroy near everything they take control of, as it suits them to; as it profits them to.

    One might even wonder who's profiting much from all of the drug money exchanging hands from the narcotics that are coming across our borders. Certainly, for as far as I can tell, the Democrats care nothing about our kids who are becoming addicted and dropping like flies!

    But that is as it's always been.

    Enough is enough!

  25. Bernie: you've unleashed all the kool-aid drinking, immoral, racist, un-American, hateful lunatics with this post. Of course they think they're defending America, but they're the epitome of ignorance and they're drinking it by the pitcher full when they listen to Fox/Hannity & Giuliani. This is Trump policy, not law.

  26. One just needs to look how Great Britain, Germany, and a few other European nations have destroyed themselves through unchecked borders. The damage there is stunning. This is OUR future. It seems Italy has learned their lesson. So must we.

  27. It is the democratic plan that since they have alienated white voters to the point of revolt, rather than adopt policies that the present population supports, they want to change the population with uneducated, unskilled, dependents on government services.They will keep promising them free stuff for their vote.This is really treason.

  28. 9:12 Countries such as Germany have allowed millions of refugees into their country, far ,far more than the U.S.... you're comparing apples and oranges. Also, our country is a land of immigrants, your ancestors as well as mine were immigrants. Immigrants have a rough time assimilating in Europe, because those places are very homogeneous culturally. Also, the story is about separating children from their mothers in some cases very young children. This is NOT about whether strong borders are a good thing or not ... it's about whether or not we're going to be unnecessarily cruel and inhumane as a country. Our future is dependent on immigration.

  29. I didn’t hire Trump to be a pretty face sweet talking to everyone but rather hired him as CEO of a country that lost its backbone & resolve for independence. Prior politicians democrat & Republican have let liberal agendas undercut the rule of law, sovereignty & national pride. They have bowed to rogue nations & let the world destroy our manufacturing base with unchecked unfair trade. This strategy favored high tech employees at the expense of blue collar & minority inner city people from raising families & escaping poverty.

    Trump is like Churchill as the right man at the right time & our last hope to recapture our national & individual pride. Liberals lost & they can’t get over it like petulant children looking for something to cry about regarding their parents actions. Go Trump—Keep on trucking!!

  30. I quit the GOP. I don't like Trump. I don't watch cable news or listen to radio talk circuses. I also realize that the math of open borders and a welfare state don't work. We need immigrants. But we need to accept them in an orderly and reasonable fashion. These stories are heartbreaking. Although, fake news abounds and we were recently shown images of ICE buses with kids car seats and told Trump was mobilizing for the Final Solution. The photos were from two years ago; before Trump took office. The Obama administration used the buses to safely transport kids to schools and events. Honest discussions are few and far between. This post isn't one of them, either. A pox on both houses and on the shills, like Bernie, from either side.

  31. 9:45, excuse me, but I will speak out at something so morally repugnant as this. No one is denying that chikdren are being ripped away from their parents. You can go to hell.

  32. "Blame the criminal Bernie, not the victim. Sorry."

    Anyone who supports separating a child dfrom his parent over this is himself a moral criminal. Sorry.

  33. Authoritarian Obama-era policy. Trump will eventually clean it up like he has most of the messes that were left by President Mom Jeans. We've seen this movie for 18 months and know how it ends.

  34. Actually, it's the parents who are responsible for bringing their(?) children with them when they come to break into our country. If they don't like it, they shouldn't come here.

    Stay home and work hard to improve your own country. BTW, they have no interest in improving our country, they're just here to plunder what we have built.

    And Yes, we did build that.

  35. Enjoy the blog and I personally agree with you more often then not, but I have to agree with many of the above posters on this issue. If I put my kids in harms way trying to illegally sneak into another country, the consequences would be on me. Like him or hate him, Trump ran on stopping illegal immigration and its refreshing to have a non-politician in the White House who does what he says he will do. I agree that once word gets out that the US is no longer passively allowing entry into the country, many non-residents will stop trying to break the law and risk getting their families broken up sneaking into our country illegally.

  36. "Actually, it's the parents who are responsible for bringing their(?) children with them when they come to break into our country. If they don't like it, they shouldn't come here."

    I am NOT exonerating parents, but am saying that is no justification for separating families. This could be done humanely but is instead being done in a morally repugnant way. And some of these people are NOT here illegally, is torture. The fact that so many of his supporters are attempting to justify this torture is yet another demonstration of just how ugly we have become as a people.

    I'm now ashamed to be an American.

  37. What other crimes do you think we should allow children to live in adult prisons to be with their parents Bernie ?

  38. Come to the Court House on the 19th ,and observe real people with guts and pride - to become an American leagally. If you don’t think these folks did without that came here ,your not paying attention. Open to the public.

  39. Are the children of Americans separated from their parents when the parents go to jail?

    Oh, why, yes they are...

  40. So to the Trumpians you claim this is part of the Trumps plan on fixing America. Is saluting a North Korean general part of the plan? Is claiming N. Koreans stand at attention when their leader speaks, he wants his people to do the same?

    You just blindly say democrat,democrat. Do you only listen to Hannity and the Fox Faux? What do you feel should be done to a child on our border??

  41. I find the bulk of these comments extremely depressing. Are we really that heartless? Are there really that many ideologues out there that would justify these horrific events by blaming the children and their parents? Would any of these people be willing to go down to the border, look these kids in the eye and tell them personally that it is their fault, and they should just go back to where they fled from? Ironically, many of these same right wing ideologues will proudly stand tall at football games, or brag about how great this Country is, and then bemoan the lack of morality (read, THEIR morality) in our society. So very very sad.

  42. I recall Elian Gonzalez being taken by armed force away from his family and deported to Cuba of all places by Janet Reno. One of Hillary's girls.

  43. "Are the children of Americans separated from their parents when the parents go to jail?

    Oh, why, yes they are."

    Completely different situation after due process and plenty of opportunity by parents to make arrangements. here, in some cases, the parent is here to seek asylum, and before anyone knows anything, a child is ripped out of his mother's arms. that is just obscene. In cases where there is an actual illegal crossing, the cases are usually handled fairly quickly and the remedy is deportation, there is no compelling reason to separate parents from children under those circumstances. It is wanton cruelty. These children, who themselves have done nothing wronf, are warehoused with other children in a strange country. It is outrageous. Of all the cruwl things that have happened under Trump, this by far is the worst.

  44. "Illegal aliens" are the Republican boogeyman, made up problem by Fox News/Republicans. While we should improve immigration laws, and provide a humane process for immigrants, "Trump's Wall" and those that support WILL BURN IN HELL. Sanders and Sessions have the audacity to quote the Bible to justify their torture of these families, and they will rot in hell with their "Fearless Leader" of the new republican Cult. Deniro is right, if not politically correct, and it applies to everyone who supports the Traitor in Chief, mr. bad example of a wannabe dictator, lead kleptocrat of the criminal enterprise that runs Amerika.

  45. 1:19 So it's ok to separate Americans from their kids but not Illegals?

  46. The level of ignorance and hatred being expressed here by many of my fellow Lehigh Valley residents is --- biblical. You make me sick.

  47. "taken by armed force away from his family and deported to Cuba"

    His mother died on the way here and his biological father in Cuba wanted him back. he sent to his father. Try and be truthful.

  48. Monsters, you have become monsters. What are we to become? What have we become?

    Who do you hate more illegals or non-Trump praising Americans?

  49. Elian Gonzales At GunpointJune 15, 2018 at 11:44 AM

    "North Korean Leader Criticized For Meeting With Leader Of Country That's Killed 60 Million Babies"


  50. 11:39 The fact is that Elian Gonzalez and his single mother both tried to get OUT of Cuba. He was rescued on the high seas after his mother drowned fleeing here, and then taken to his loving family in Florida who cared for him, only to be snatched back by federal goon squads and handed back to his absentee father, who promptly clapped the child into Castroite propaganda indoctrination boarding schools to produce a robotic communist.

    So much for family values from the Democrats on that one.

  51. 11.48
    So you are saying that unaccompanied children arriving in the US should not be deported back to their home country?
    A example of a illegal kid who came to the US

  52. 12:23. ICE is supposed to believe that illegal aliens traveling without documents really are family because they say so. However, it hs been found that in many cases these supposed "families" are not families at all. They are unaccompanied minors traveling with adults that have been put together by child-trafficking smugglers, kept together based on the unverified claims of the lawbreakers.

    So what the Democrats are calling for is nothing more than a call to make these human smugglers' lives easier.

  53. Have all the Drumpf followers out there heard the news?

    Drumpf just said the following about Kim Jong-un: "... he speaks and his people stand up at attention, I want my people to do the same". So, Drumpf apparently wants to rule over Americans like a murderous dictator? Hes a great president for a nation of free people. This guy needs to be impeached and indicted ASAP! Dump Drumpf! Make American Sacred Again!

  54. Comrade trump need a diversion for his other sins.
    One thing i have not seen from trumpie is the crackdown on the businesses that hire illegals.
    Using cruelty to separate parents from children is OK but there is no push to punish those people who encourage illegals to come here.
    Seems to me if a business gets fined say a thousand dollars a day for the amount of time an illegal worked at that business would have advantages.
    Those illegals coming here for economic reasons would find difficulty getting work.
    Currently if a business owner is found guilty of "knowingly" hiring someone with a bogus SSN the fine is 250 dollars.
    Gee what a draconian punishment.

  55. 12.43
    "They are unaccompanied minors traveling with adults"
    so by law they are to be admitted to the US.
    "the United States doesn’t deport Guatemalan minors who arrive without family. Gutierrez was made a ward of Los Angeles Juvenile Court. He was placed in a series of group homes and foster families. He learned English and finished high school.

    When he reached 18, he got residency documents, Castillo said."
    He then joined the US Marines and died for this country.

    So when those kids are family members you support separating them from their parents?
    no knowledge of where their kids are and the kids have no idea where their parents are?

  56. The family that gets deported together, stays together.

  57. The Democrats are actually encouraging the illegal invaders to bring as many children in as possible in order to create the optics. They care as much for these children as the ones that are still in the womb

  58. 1.29
    And when Arizona passed the "papers please " law(sb1070) the AZ chamber of commerce was against it as sb1070 would make AZ less competitive with other border states.
    So those fine upstanding republican business owners were worried about less illegals.
    Sounds like they wanted illegal invaders as they made more money with them then hiring Americans.
    Pretty clear what they cared about.
    Or Texas.
    one idea proposed by one of the Texas tea party.
    "The law would not apply to people who hire illegal immigrants to clean their homes or mow their lawns.

    Though Debbie Riddle wants Texas to pass Arizona-style anti-immigrant legislation, she clearly understands the importance of a clean house and refraining from manual labor."
    glad to see the adults in the room kept that from going anywhere.

  59. And for Sessions who likes to quote the Bible.try

    "Woe to those who make unjust laws,
    to those who issue oppressive decrees,
    to deprive the poor of their rights
    and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people,
    making widows their prey
    and robbing the fatherless.
    What will you do on the day of reckoning,
    when disaster comes from afar?
    To whom will you run for help?
    Where will you leave your riches?
    Nothing will remain but to cringe among the captives
    or fall among the slain.
    Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away,
    his hand is still upraised."

  60. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Emma Lazarus - Inscription on the Statue of Liberty

    The light of liberty is fading and the golden door is shut...

  61. Bernie and your friends should each apply to take in at least 1 illegal and be responsible for them until they can become self sufficient. This way they will actually be doing something to help these poor people and not attempting to force their ideas on the rest of us.

  62. 3:15 Emma Lazarus's poem had and has absolutely nothing to do with immigration policy.

  63. If they do not enter the country legally, these people have no right to be here regardless of their age or any other factor. End of story so fast there is no time for "sympathy".

    If we can't seem to keep them out, then send them back as soon as they are in reach. No need for a tent; use a bus.

    I don't need politicians or popes telling me "who I am" or what my "obligations" to illegal invaders are.

    This is ridiculous, we are not the world's refugee camp.

  64. Today's Democratic Party is pro-single parenthood, pro-out of wedlock birth, pro-homosexuality, and anti-Christian

    Those don't sound like family values to me

  65. Republicans want a steady flow of slave labor. Democrats want needy voters who respond to free shit. Both parties agree about open borders and amnesty and such. Most Americans disagree with both parties. It might explain Congress’s 12% approval. And that’s how you get a President Trump. Most believe that we are a generous nation that opens its doors to over a million souls per year - LEGALLY. And most are tired of hearing how shitty we are from right wing businessmen interests and left wing registration drive phonies.

  66. Then Wake up and start standing up for what is right

  67. 3.28
    International and US law will tell you what "obligations" are deemed appropriate.
    Or you can leave.
    Separating parents from children is a policy that Comrade trump decided to implement for no other reason than cruelty.

  68. Bernie, some of the people living were I did at the time suffered the same dillusion. Under the now defunct dead edz rule there was a toddler covered in bed bugz and fleaz. We had called the mayors office as well as the oppropreate agencies. The toddler was of this very articles persuasion as was the perant. This is cruel and unusual existence for dead edz imports, but that was a except able living condition for this child for about a year.

  69. It's like summer camp for these kids. Pool tables, video games, three squares a day. Has to be better than the shit hole countries they left. So please spare us the compassion card.

  70. Should cops not arrest DUI offenders if their kids are in the car?

  71. The illegals never cared about family "separation" when the parents, brothers, sisters, etc came to the US alone breaking up the "family" left behind in Mexico or Central America. It is only a break-up if it happens in the US due to criminal acts.

    And parents dragging their minor children, who cannot give consent, across international borders without permission of the sovereign nation they are invading should be called what they are legally. Child traffickers. They are moving children without consent illegally for financial gain.

  72. There's no reason families can't be detained together pending prosecution, other than pure wickedness. There are already hundreds of reports of physical and sexual abuse by border patrol and children have been LOST, some having been sold to human traffickers. Families are being traumatized. This is not a zero sum game. We can be tough on immigration while also treating children humanely.

  73. 5.42
    "So please spare us the compassion card."
    Yep the same used to be said about slaves on the plantation.

  74. 5:46, are you serious? Asylum is LEGAL immigration...so says both US and international law. Even if some of these families are guilty of illegally crossing the border, the punishment for this misdemeanor should not be having your child kidnapped. Can you imagine not knowing where your preschool aged children are? Not knowing if they're safe? If you'll ever see them again? It doesn't have to be this way. We can and must do better.

  75. "There's no reason families can't be detained together pending prosecution, other than pure wickedness."

    That would be the appropriate response. It would be the humane response. But these are ugly people following an ugly President. Thy make me ashamed to be an American.

  76. 5.46
    "And parents dragging their minor children, who cannot give consent, across international borders without permission"
    So you want to punish the children for the acts of the parents?

  77. I suppose the only ones who care, really, are those who hate Trump anyway. I know I was brought up to obey the law, not make excuses for those who break it. Who really cares about their children. They're not ours. Let them go back to the shithole they came from. If they want to live here we have embassys where they can aply when they get older.

  78. "without permission of the sovereign nation"

    So parents can't consent to where their child goes? Not where they are welcome,
    but where they physically go? Parents are "child traffickers"?! This is how a dictatorship starts...Trump is successfully convincing people that a nation should have autonomous control over people.
    The NATION has absolute power over

  79. Besides, we're not the world's nursery anyway. Americans have their own children to take care of.

  80. "Torture of children"? Are you frikin serious?? The kids irresponsible parents put them in this situation, and the kids never had it so good. How are they being tortured? Other than being forced to read your inane posts?

  81. These kids lived in squalor, worse than Bernie's apartment. Now they are being temporarily being housed in a clean, air-conditioned building with running water, three nutritious meals a day, a nice cot and activities and that is torture?? WTF? According to them, they lived in hell. Their detention is 100% better than that! We have been more than compassionate with these illegal Invaders.

  82. 6.35
    "Who really cares about their children. They're not ours."
    So why would you care about children (that are not yours) in the neighborhood where you live?
    I do not know anyone in Iowa but i would care if folks in Iowa were suffering for no good reason.

  83. 6.36
    All Comrade trump has to do is pick up the phone and stop the suffering.
    For a guy who claims to hate the separation of parents from their children it seems too much trouble.

  84. They have been through hell. So why are we tearing them away from the only parents they've ever known? It would cost us less to detain families TOGETHER. There is no rational argument supporting this grotesque policy that makes a shred of sense.

  85. 6.48
    "Their detention is 100% better than that! We have been more than compassionate with these illegal Invaders."
    Under that logic Comrade trump is just encouraging more parents to cross the border and put their kids into a paradise on Earth.
    Guess "two scoops" trump is soft on illegals.
    Separating the parents from their children serves no useful purpose.
    If trumpie is trying to deter asylum seekers he is breaking US law.
    not that trump cares about the rule of law.

  86. 6:52 Because they're American children. That's why.

  87. 7.10
    So only American children deserve humane treatment?
    Fortunately most Americans disagree.

  88. 7:22 Foreigners don't treat their children well at home ?

    We aren't the world's nursery, sorry.

  89. We should house illegal families in the nearest La Quinta with room service and unlimited snacks.

  90. 8.19
    "We should house illegal families in the nearest La Quinta with room service and unlimited snacks"
    Probably cheaper then the way it is done now.

  91. 7.22
    "We aren't the world's nursery, sorry"
    Then that means the US has no business telling any country what to do.

  92. 8:39 We can tell, no one has to listen, normallyl to their detriment. As they choose

  93. 8:57 you're disgusting

  94. Unfortunately the parents are crimminals. Children of crimminals are ripped from parents everyday in the US. Send them back with their children till they can enter legally. We must get tough on immigration. Seem the parents did not care about dragging them on a trip to a country they have no legal right to enter.

  95. I have deleted a number of comments that are off topic, personally insulting or that just repeat the same points that have been advanced multiple times. My guess is that most are coming from the same one or two people.

    12:53, They are accused criminals. It is a crime to enter this country illegally, but the inhumane practice of separating children from parents is something new.

  96. Let em eat cake!

  97. Children of crimminals are ripped from parents everyday in the US.

    I've hesitated to comment but like Popeye the sailor I cants stands no more. What's the matter with you people? These are not criminals we're talking about. These are people who applied for refugee status at legal border crossings after waiting for weeks in line afterwards falsely charged having their children kidnapped by the U.S. government on orders by Donald J. Trump. I have no problem with our government detaining families and their kids till their status could be determined. Nor deporting them if they were refused acceptance. What I do have a problem is with you SOB's and Trump making shit up. I hope one day folks like you have your kids snatched at some border when you travel overseas and see how you like it. What a bunch of ignorant bastards!

  98. BTW This abortion shit falls into the category.. what about, what about, what about,
    what about, what about,... It's a deflection. This has nothing to do with liberals, conservatives or the price tomatoes. Stick with the topic-- Trump wanting to punish immigrants he considers invaders.

  99. It wasn't so long ago I wondered how nations, who had a Democratic or Republic form of government could allow themselves to be led by a dictator, tyrant, or fascist. How was it that a nation of people who were known for tolerance, intelligence, and compassion could be turned 180 degrees, following an idiot who spouted rhetoric and constantly lied to the populace?
    No compassion. No empathy. Just blind faith in a fool they think of as their "Glorious Leader."
    I now see exactly how it happened. Get leader who emboldens the minority of bigots who believe themselves to be superior above all others and who thinks he is above the law.
    I'm embarrassed for us as a nation. We allowed a wanna-be dictator to sit in the oval office.

  100. Indeed 5:53. The dregs of our land have been brought to the surface to spew the FOX lines that are fed to them. They will only listen to FOX and Trump because their worst instincts find confirmation there. We're in danger of losing our nation's soul.

  101. I have compassion and empathy for the thousands of homeless US citizens who go hungry every day. Many of them vets. Many of them who work 2 minimum wage jobs to keep a roof over their kids heads. That is who you should have empathy for.

  102. No you don’t. You in fact support Tdump’s efforts To cut SNAP benefits for them.

  103. Responsible people don’t need to have their children on government run health insurance. If you can’t clothe, feed, house and make sure they get medical treatment, DONT HAVE KIDS! And expect taxpayers to support them. Unbelievable!

  104. Your wrong Bernie. Just because I believe immigration must change doesn't mean I support all of Trumps ideas. Most rational people can think for themselves.

  105. 7.53
    and your rant has nothing to do with asylum seekers getting their kids separated from them.
    you forgot if farmers can't make money why should tax dollars go to them,or seniors that get social security and medicare--they are called an entitlement program for a reason.

    Seems Comrade trump want to run a tent city (guess that asshole arpaio needs a job).
    yep tents in Texas at 105 degrees.

  106. also Comrade trump wants to install
    "“Mr. Mortensen’s role at CIS, an organization with disturbing longstanding ties to racists, and his past extreme anti-immigrant rhetoric are disqualifying,” Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive of the ADL, said in a statement. “He is simply unsuited to head a bureau whose charge it is to provide protection to refugees around the world escaping persecution.”

    yep "two scoops" trump hiring the best people again.

  107. ”Your wrong Bernie. Just because I believe immigration must change doesn't mean I support all of Trumps ideas. Most rational people can think for themselves.”

    Bullshit. If you gave even the slightest shit about veterans, you would be up in arms about th3 latest version of Trump’s Farm bill. You have no empathy, and when Trump tells you to jump, you jump.

  108. ”Responsible people don’t need to have their children on government run health insurance. If you can’t clothe, feed, house and make sure they get medical treatment, DONT HAVE KIDS! And expect taxpayers to support them. Unbelievable”

    You are drifting off topic again. What I find ubelievable are ugly Americans like you.

  109. one overlooked item is the former Walmart tour is the facility is inspected by the state of Texas,which requires them to at least have people licensed to Texas standards.
    the tent city is on Federal land so there is no guarantee that anyone running the camp is licensed for child care.
    and no regular inspections either.
    so the New Cruelty marches onward.

  110. I am surprised to find an article by you which I fully agree with. I'm sure we will disagree on other matters in the future, but, good article now.

    I am not surprised by the load of opinions written by ugly Americans who have zero compassion in their souls. I've come to expect that in the age of Trump. Fortunately they are not a majority, not even a plurality in the last election. What can I do? Use my vote and hope that the majority uses their vote, too.

  111. This is a matter of morality, as numerous religious leaders have already made clear. I know many people who voted for Trump who are decent and just. I am appealing to them to stand up for what is right.

    I should add that some of their parents these children are accompanied by guardians who are not their parents. In those cases, unless some kind of connection to the family is established, I believe the best interests of the child might require a separation.

  112. MANY of these immigrants are showing up at our door with NO reliable identification. No Birth Certificates, no health records, no educational records,etc. We can't even be sure the adult with the child actually is the real parent. Child smuggling?

    YES, detention/separation is NECESSARY for as long as it takes to sort this mess out. We are not prepared to deal with unlimited entry into this nation. Our borders are not secure. We have little control without an effective physical barrier.

  113. "I know many people who voted for Trump who are decent and just. I am appealing to them to stand up for what is right."

    You are right to appeal to them. But I question the effectiveness of your appeal. I believe that I am fairly able to look facts in the face; and what I see is a sizable sub-culture with rotten racism at its heart. Trump currently gains approval from over 85% of Republicans, despite his depravity. Considerably more than approved of the two Bushes. I will look elsewhere for relief.

    The future of our nation is in the hands of Democrats and Independents. The future of our nation depends on them prevailing.

  114. Agree that we have no clue if the kids are with their parents. The law reinforced by the courts does not permit detaining kids in prison for crimes of the parent. The parents are here illegally & we need a deterrent to them coming in the first place & if they know their kids will be separated & they care about that they can stay in Mexico!!

    Oh-I forgot that Mexico will throw them out of their country.

  115. Comrade trump figures he gets a diversion from his federal investigations by being wantonly cruel.
    He does not even have the balls to admit he ordered the separation of parents from children he blames others.
    Clearly his base loves the idea of cruelty to brown folks.
    It allows them to be racist while claiming they only want to follow the law.
    Somehow i doubt Fox is going to show white kids with illegal Irish parents being separated by ICE.
    From a political view Comrade trump also gets to turn Americans of Hispanic descent against the republican party.

  116. 2.27
    So explain why trumpie separates parents with children seeking asylum who ask for that at an official crossing station?
    Those people are following the proper procedure yet they are subject to the New Cruelty Act anyway.

  117. 7.50
    And when will the right wing decide to punish those employers who hire illegals?
    Ask romney he had some illegal gardeners.
    or ask Comrade trump himself

    "Trump hired a group of undocumented Polish laborers who put in “12-hour shifts with inadequate safety equipment at subpar wages that their contractor paid sporadically, if at all.”

    Unless the kids can work on the demolition of buildings trump will continue to be cruel to them.

  118. Look at all you clowns who still can't get over that crooked and corrupt Hillary Rodham Clinton LOST. You know that you sad people aren't fooling anyone. Trump IS making America great again and you Leftist freaks just can't face facts.

    Yes, I said "clowns" because it IS exactly what you fakers are.

    I know you are fakers because not one of you heroes have taken one of these precious illegal alien children into your own homes and not one of you will, either.

    You fakers fool no one.

  119. Love how the Repubs control all three branches of government and STILL complaining about the damned libs. Quit your fucking whining and pass legislation. You own this. How about doing something - I'm still wondering how you failed to repeal Obamacare after fantasizing about it for years and holding fake votes every month.

  120. The constant attacks on Trump are NOT helping the view of Democrats going into the next election. Approval for Trump's performance continues to rise. Democrats need a better message than just "We hate Trump."

  121. Are we really that heartless?

    Some but I believe most are internet tough guys hiding behind their computers to spew their hateful nonsense they'd never do in public. They are pieces of shit - deplorable some might say.

  122. "Torture of children"? Are you frikin serious?? The kids irresponsible parents put them in this situation, and the kids never had it so good. How are they being tortured? Other than being forced to read your inane posts?

    Evidently a jackass with no children OR a person seriously lacking in critical thinking skills. Could be both.

  123. Today's Democratic Party is pro-single parenthood, pro-out of wedlock birth, pro-homosexuality, and anti-Christian

    Those don't sound like family values to me

    No, Democrats offer those choices without judgement in addition to traditional lifestyle choices. WTF is wrong with you people? The left this. The left that. Try taking some responsibility for your own inactions and inability to govern.

  124. We need to let the rest of the world move in to America. We need to guarantee to feed, cloth and house the whole world, that is our responsibility, because we have been privileged to be born white.

  125. Bernie- you just don't understand the idea of the SWAMP. Not only is the swamp in DC but right here in our backyard. I was involved in the SWAMP for 4 years and I couldn't clean it out because I was one of five and the SWAMP was tooooo entrenched. But in my municipality the SWAMP is alive and well and I think of running again. One of the SWAMP rats is finally leaving and he left his SWAMP mark all over this municipality. So sad. Remember ---Clean the SWAMP. Go Trump!

  126. Friggin moron, Trump and his cronies are the most corrupt group ever to take office and you're talking about draining the swamp? Get a clue, goober.

  127. The United States is NOT a migrant camp. The United States is NOT a refugee holding facility.

    Okay, back to the manufactured outrage that won't be doing the Democrat Party any good at the ballot box anyway.


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