Local Government TV

Monday, April 23, 2018

Morganelli Scores Knockout in Congressional Race

Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli has scored a knock out blow in his race for Congress. He has received the endorsement of none other than the Easton Assassin, Larry Holmes. Larry was the WBC heavyweight champ from 1978-1983, and the IBF Champ between 1983 and 1985. His left jab is considered one of the best  in boxing history. He is considered one of the top 10 heavyweight champions of all time. He holds the record for the longest individual heavyweight title streak in the post-war boxing history.

Larry said the following:

“John Morganelli kept his promise to the black community and hired Northampton County’s first and second African American Assistant District Attorneys in Northampton County history back in 1992. He has been a tough but fair DA who has also distributed needed funds to help educate young people about the dangers of drugs and gangs . My wife Diane and I consider John to be a personal friend of ours."

“ I am humbled to have the endorsement of Larry Holmes who is one of the greatest heavyweight champions of all time and who has contributed so much to his community," said Morganelli. "Larry never forgot where he came from and neither will I.”


  1. What does that multi-millionaire know what's really important except when he needs a new Bentley ?

    Wild supports the people who need health care, gun control and a guaranteed minimum income.

  2. sorry to say, but i understand that the DA has kept the Champ's son out of jail at least once.

  3. "What does that multi-millionaire know what's really important except when he needs a new Bentley ?

    Wild supports the people who need health care, gun control and a guaranteed minimum income."

    Ask the people in Easton or Palmer what they think of this multi-millionaire. He invested his money here instead of taking off. He provided jobs for people here, and is certainly the most popular person in the eastern end of NorCo. He also knows what it is like to grow up black and poor and has been a proponent of racial diversity in his businesses.

    "Wild supports the people who need health care, gun control and a guaranteed minimum income."

    So does John.But unlike Wild or Edwards, John can win in the general

  4. Wasn't "Wild" Pawlowski's solicitor? The one who gave him legal advice to keep him on the straight and narrow? And now she wants us to reward her for the great job she didn't do in Allentown.

  5. A Holmes Town boy for Morganelli. Go for it John.

  6. Be John's friend and you keep your sons and daughters from being charged with any violations.

  7. Every time I have seen Larry driving around it has always been in an Infinity SUV, not a Mercedes or a Porsche or a Maserati SUV. And I live less than a mile from him and I have a nose and keen eye for high end rides. I haven't seen him in a Bentley and I look!

  8. John has been DA for 26 years. If he was anything but fair, this would have come out long ago. As it stands, you do not say who you are or name the individuals who received preferential treatment from John. You are smearing him only bc you do not support his candidacy.

  9. "Every time I have seen Larry driving around it has always been in an Infinity SUV, not a Mercedes or a Porsche or a Maserati SUV. And I live less than a mile from him and I have a nose and keen eye for high end rides. I haven't seen him in a Bentley and I look!"

    Facts matter very little to the not-so-tolerant extremes of either party.

  10. DA for 26 years. Has run for AG several times and lost. Proves he is well beyond his Peter Principal.

  11. This endorsement does not pass the smell teat considering the family troubles. People aren't stupid Bernie

  12. I’m voting Team Pawlowski.

  13. Susan wild dont deserve the position cause she couldnt even answer the public problem in allentown

  14. Great! A racist endorsing Morganelli. Only reason he’s endorsing “whitie” is because he kept his kid out of jail. It’s good people know about this.

  15. "This endorsement does not pass the smell teat considering the family troubles. People aren't stupid Bernie"

    No, they are not, and know to regard anonymous attacks like yours, which sully the reputations of both Larry Holmes and John Morganelli, with suspicion.

  16. How are your bowel movementa Bernie?

  17. Wonderful. I’ll send one to you.

  18. I do not believe this endorsement helps John but more hurts him.


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