Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Susan Wild Breaks Promise to Wage Positive Race

Six Democrats are seeking the Democratic nomination to Pennsylvania's newly created 6th Congressional District. It had been a positive race. That changed yesterday when people opened their mailboxes to see a nasty flyer from insurance defense lawyer Susan Wild, attacking John Morganelli. She stood by John's side as he has announced several times that he supports the DREAM Act to protect the children of illegal immigrants. But she nevertheless falsely stated that he wants them all deported. She also misrepresented John's position on abortion (he is personally opposed, but has no intention of upsetting existing law) and dishonestly claims that John "routinely praises Donald Trump's extreme policies," including a Muslim ban. She's obviously behind, so she's distorting his record. That's to be expected. But she has done something far worse than go dark. She has broken her word to John.

Back in late December or early January, Wild asked to see Morganelli. They both discussed the race and commiserated with each other over how hard it is to raise money. Susan had another reason to see John. She wanted to know if he was going to wage a negative campaign. He told her that he'd run a clean campaign if she did. She told John several times that she was sure that candidate Greg Edwards would get nasty, but she wanted John to agree that, at least between the two of them, John would wage a positive campaign. John agreed and they shook on it. Before leaving, they shook on it again.

John kept his word and stayed positive. He even issued orders to his campaign manager, Rich Wilkins, to keep the gloves on. The only person he has attacked is Donald Trump.

He has no authority to tell me what to do, but I've really tried hard to avoid attacking the other candidates. I have actually defended Susan when some folks have tried to tie her to the corruption in Allentown, where she was Fed Ed's Solicitor. I am disappointed and saddened that Wild, a fellow attorney, has cheapened herself by breaking her word to John. It says a lot about her lack of character.

Greg Edwards, Roger Ruggles, Rick Daugherty and David Clark could all decide to go negative and I would just smile. They made no promise to run a clean campaign. Amazingly, they have all have been positive so far. The only one who has become negative is the one candidate who promised she would stay positive.

Does this mean that you should expect a torrent of attack mailers aimed at Wild? I doubt it. John is ahead and he is smart. He is the only Democratic candidate that people in the Lehigh Valley actually know, and they have a very positive view of him. His views might be too conservative for some Democrats, and they can vote for another Democrat because there is a smorgasbord of them running.

I will say this. When he was in private practice and again as DA, John has always stood for the little guy. He represented people who were victims of greedy bosses and businesses that stepped all over them. As a prosecutor, John has stood up for the victims of crime. He is the man who faces parents when their sons or daughters are killed. He has charged employers who pay slave wages to illegals, knowing they could never report what is happening. Susan Wild, who is attempting to brand herself as a "progressive," is a corporate defense lawyer who has spent her career on the side of insurance companies, corporations, and drug companies and against working people. She even defended those who have violated people's civil rights. So to those of you who think Wild cares about the little guy and is "progressive," think again. Her record tells a much different story.


  1. Yesterday Tricia and today Susan? How low can you go! Susan didn't do the push poll. You and your buddy have come up with a BS plan to attack Susan cause you know she can win. She has given voters information. You hate that she is giving out the record. When was this last minute plan to smear her plotted? You have thrown in all the classic talking points. Big corporations, insurance law.
    Shame on you! Shame on You, women are tired of being pushed down by the likes of you. This latest smear attempt by the boys will backfire big-time.

  2. She broke her word. And speaking of push polls, she did one in early April. I can write about that, too. She distorted and lied about John’s position, while failing to tell her followers that she never fought for them, but the minded interests allied against ordinary people. But she is female.

  3. I saw the fierce Facebook guy really rip on the dems that support the DA. What the Hell?

  4. I'm not surprised at all- She's a product of the Allentown Political Cesspool.

  5. Ms Wild is the future. Gun Control, more help for those of us in need.

    1. Learn to help yourself, stop being a parasite.

  6. The “Progressive Liberal” types are quite nasty. Screaming “Gun Control” and some vague boiler plate about more help for those in need is a far cry from a platform that has any real world appeal outside the failed Clinton era circle.

  7. Susan Wild should just play the Lou Dobbs tape where Morganelli basked in arresting mothers of young children who were trying to financially support their families through a local employer in Easton.
    We need a compassionate politician. Morganelli is suited for his present job. He is bully and a person who has abused his power for his own political career.
    Elect Susan Wild!

  8. Wild is an opportunist who hasn't done anything remotely associated with public service in her entire career. Don't stop here, Mr. O'Hare.

  9. Pointing out your opponents real record is not necessarily going negative. Lets face it, all candidates paint a rosy picture of themselves. it is the obligation of the other candidates to point out their opponents flaws. Show me a candidate who only runs on positive information about themselves and I will show you a loser. If this women is close in the days before the primary, Morganelli will group her with stormey Daniels, if she is far behind he will group her with Mother Theresa.

  10. If one believed enough voters followed your blog, John wouldn't have to do any mailers, you do them for him in your blogmercials. Your bias is undeniable. Enough already. What about the other races receiving little or no coverage at all?

  11. Bernie, you didn't mentioned her life-line with the Grand Deceiver of All, Edwin Pawlowski. She received her job as Allentown's Solicitor after she donated to former disgraced Mayor "Fed Ed" Pawlowski. In 2012 alone, she donated $500 to his campaign. She can never shake this connection and there is little talk on this matter. However, her misguided political cronies, [probably left overs from Sam "the Scam" Bennett], completely fail to identify her monetary connections with the corrupt one. [She even received money from his campaign on her failed run for Lehigh County Board of Commissioners].

    She is a scam artist in her own right and should be dealt with appropriately!

  12. No wonder she went negative after John is the latest flyer titled "I thought Washington was broken then Donald Trump made it worse". First thing after Donald Trump wins the election he tries to get in touch with Trump for a position, pick me pick me. The other reason, he wants to stand up for affordable healthcare, ask the millions of middle-class people who have to pay between $17,000 and $18,000 a year for health care it's not affordable for them.

  13. Susan is BROKE, she is in the process of letting her staff go. the writing is on the wall for this failed campaign.

  14. JOHN is a phony ...he has pretended to stand on dui laws yet at any given friday nite You can see him at the Bethlehem clibhouse drinking it up with his buddies Macri and others then getting in his car and driving home....he is perfect for congress......YEA RIGHT!!

  15. I did not realize that The Allentown Solicitor's office wrote all bid specs for former Mayor Pawloski .Hard to imagine how incompetent Ms. Wild is not knowing Her office was the epicenter for pay to play.Ms Wild is perfect for Washington

  16. The Valley as does the rest of the Nation needs a middle of the road Politician either a Demo or Repub. Keep both the far left and far right out of office. From what I see, Morganelli, is the only choice. only with a middle of the road politician can we see progress in DC

  17. @3:06
    Enough with the Gender Card. A woman candidate doesn't get a free pass on getting called out for being a liar. Just follow the example of your ill ustrious leader, Heir Trump. No race, religion, or gender is treated better than the other - unless it is a caucasian talking head on Faux News.

  18. Wild finishes third behind Morganelli and Edwards.

  19. Wait its not MANCRUSH MONDAY! Its tickles for John TUESDAY! We hope your enjoying your BLOGMERCIAL... and now to the weather.

  20. Meanwhile... The "Authority Solicitor" is running the 800K plus bill all while the DA is "busy" with his campaign. Is John reimbursing the taxpayers for his time spent during the day on his political train wreck then working for our money?

  21. "Pointing out your opponents real record is not necessarily going negative."

    Of course it is, especially when you lie. That is not what bothers me. What bothers me is that Sue Wild can not be trusted to keep her word, not even to a fellow lawyer.

    The real record is that Wild has devoted a career to screwing the little guy for insurance companies, corporations, and drug companies. She has defended those who violate the civil rights of others. Her campaign also tried to spin me into attacking Edwards.

  22. "Meanwhile... The "Authority Solicitor" is running the 800K plus bill all while the DA is "busy" with his campaign. Is John reimbursing the taxpayers for his time spent during the day on his political train wreck then working for our money?"

    Morganelli is very much a full-time DA,even while waging this campaign. He is spending a lot more time dealing with cops and investigators than he is on the campaign trail. Also, as the person who broke the story about the excessive fees being charged by the GPA Solicitor, I am unwilling to say it is criminal, and would not make that accusation lightly.

    You are trying to deflect attention away from Wild, who broke her word to John. How can someone who serves insurance companies, corporations and drug companies claim to be a progressive? We do have a conservative running, and it is Sue Wild.

  23. "If one believed enough voters followed your blog, John wouldn't have to do any mailers, you do them for him in your blogmercials. Your bias is undeniable. Enough already. What about the other races receiving little or no coverage at all?"

    This is a blog, not a newspaper. I make no claim to be unbiased. Those who claim they are unbaised are necessarily liars bc there is bias in everything we do. I claim to be honest. If enough voters followed this blog, John would need no mailers. There are not enough.This blog reaches about 5,000 people, and most if them have made up their minds already.

    This is yet another attempt to change the subject and divert attention away from Sue Wild's lies.

    1. You group yourself with her as a “fellow attorney?” You lost that privilege a long time ago. Your history of half truths clutters the Internet space doing lasting harm to those you criticize injustly.

  24. "Susan is BROKE, she is in the process of letting her staff go. the writing is on the wall for this failed campaign."

    Could explain why her campaign lackey did not respond to me yesterday.

  25. If you want a real Wild story talk to David Wideman.

  26. Hey O'Hare are you going to the candidate forum tonight at Ncacc?

  27. No. I am attending a Supervisor meeting in Hanover. Not sure it will be a real debate anyway. I will be at tomorrow's forum.

  28. OMG! That FIERCE group is going nuts. First they attack all elected officials for supporting Morganelli and now they are self-destructing over an Edwards-Wild split. They have become the left-wing version of the alt-right nut jobs.

  29. Het O'Hare, why do you even bother to go to Hanover mtg. The candidate event is real news and something could happen. In Hanover all they do is tell each other how great they are and then you come on that night and writer how great they all are. So if you don't go what is the difference. You think Hanover is the greatest place on Earth, your bromance with all things Finnegan and Hanover is well established.

    Go to something that has meaning.

  30. I am going to speak here defending both John and Susan as honorable candidates. I think . and I believe much of the misinformation being put out is coming from proxies for two specific candidates at the bottom trying to drag others down in hopes of elevating themselves. I can't quite prove it, but there seems to be a trail that one former failed Congressional candidate and Pawlowski acolyte in particular thinks their only hope is trashing the top two. That is what I am seeing. There is also one so called operative who appears to be working to stimulate chaos in the Democratic field because it is in their interests to get as extreme a Dem as possible to give their preferred R candidate a better shot in November. Today I got a mailing from Nothstein telling me to help Trump build the wall. Wow, to a Dem Household, no less? Why?
    I believe both John and Susan are people of good character and earnest beliefs. I have made my choice between them, I say let the rest of you think for yourselves in making your own.

  31. Chris, up until yesterday, I would have agreed with you. But there is nothing honorable about Susan Wild not only breaking a promise to John Morganelli, but then outright lying about his record. And this is not thru proxies. I have it from John himself that Susan pledged to run a positive campaign. And I confronted Susan about this yesterday, and she owned it. So it is her.

  32. The negative mailer came from Susan. There is a disclosure on it that her campaign paid for it. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who it came from.

  33. ”Het O'Hare, why do you even bother to go to Hanover mtg”

    Gotta’ love how people who are too cowardly to ID themselves like to dictate what I should do, and are insulting about it, too.

  34. Chris, there are six Dems running, and Sue Wild may not be in the top two.

  35. ”The negative mailer came from Susan. There is a disclosure on it that her campaign paid for it. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who it came from. ”

    She owned it when I confronted her. It is one thing to distort and misrepresent someone’s record. It is quite another to break your word. Susan Wild has no honor.

  36. A lawyer lying to another lawyer. It has never happened.

  37. It does not happen among good lawyers. We now know what kind of lawyer Wild is.

  38. JM has more enemies than any of the other candidates. He and his office have destroyed the lives of countless county families over the years with his hard on crime bs. A perennial loser and for good reason..the people of this county know who and what he is. A media chaser and political wannabe who never will be.

  39. He has run for a million offices. Political opportunism is killing this country.

  40. I was at Easton Kawanis this week . John was an invited guest ,I happened to be there about lunch time .John never brought up any political indevers , Now you have to know I’m an NRA Life Member , a right leaning R . I don’t believe anybody should be paid for not working ,and I should not be tasked to support children of illegal immigrants. Anyway- we were at same table , John does not know me from an corpse. I’ve never drank beer at his house or anything like that . He was informative with his speech and he is a gentleman,unlike me and Bernie. This statement is not an indication I will vote for him . It is just my observation of what I see as a good person , honest and a public servant.

  41. Not true , I have always voted for Freeman in the general elaction . Bob Freeman is not a man on Fire. But he is honest and is not at a taker . Hell the Mann didn’t Evan take car expenses that others take and not Evan a brief case , if you you remember. The brief case issue . I vote the person ,the interagency and or the major issues l. Not Perth line ,EVER. I sign my name.

  42. ”He has run for a million offices. Political opportunism is killing this country.”

    Up until now, John has run for two offices - DA & AG. He has always won DA races. He has lost the AG’s race, mostly bc it is impossible for someone from the LV to raise the money needed fir a statewide race. This is something John wanted since he was 12.

  43. “JM has more enemies than any of the other candidates. He and his office have destroyed the lives of countless county families over the years with his hard on crime bs. ”

    John does have lots of enemies. Thousands of them. They are mostly behind bars. Yes he is a tough DA, and thank God. Maybe you would prefer a DA who permits someone to kill his step daughter so he can have sex with her dead body. But it’s nice to know how you feel about crime. Maybe you can ask Susan Wild to decriminalize abuse of corpse.

  44. Hell ,I voted for Salvatore J.Panto ,Jr. Last election because he has “the grip”on what goes on in my venue. . He’s a dem. as you know . He has made mistakes ,but if you don’t fail ,your not doing anything. So- based on this ideology that if you don’t fail , you have not proceeded ,forward— I voted for him , a Democrat. The Democratic s voted for my Father In Law James Hemstreet. Against the “orange man” coach that prodded team sprite and all that stuff . Ended up family were “ Bad Sports” after the loss for NorCar commissioner in his last election .well - this goes to show the Dems would vote Integrity over party lines. I do the same, your accusations are faults.

  45. Ya John has enemies they ARE behind steel bars . What the F*** man was prosecuting the scumebages .personally I would treat them worse with Marine Corps Brig detail issues that would make them move away after they are out . So John is “Soft”in effect .

  46. Bernie not only decriminalize the abuse of a corpse but also decriminalize the abuse of the indicted one as well as aid in itz hindering apprehenciane!
    republican redd
    not a party favor

  47. Calling a real lawyer dishonest and discrediting her may cause her to seek legal action against you. Are you not concerned as your all over the place with allegations.

  48. No, I am not the least bit concerned. Truth is a defense. Also, contrary to what you assert, I am far from allover the place. First, she broke her promise to John that she would run a clean campaign. Second, she lied about his stands on the issues. She is a double liar. I have no respect for her as a person or as a lawyer. As for the threat to sue, please be my guest.

  49. Bernie, You've always seemed like a man of integrity, so I have one question for you based on an earlier comment: You said that Ms. Wild ran a push poll in early April. Since some of us know this to be false — literally, 100% untrue in any way you could construe or hedge the assertion — once this month's (or the final, if that suits you better) FEC filings are out, and they show no connection whatsoever to any entities that have anything to do with polling (let alone push polling), will you issue a retraction/apology/clarification (and perhaps divulge who gave you the (mis)information)? Not lobbing any accusations against you; you seem to have just simply gotten bad information from a source you normally trust — so, what say you?

  50. Actually, I know this to be 100% true. The push poll was done in early April. The expense is buried in payments made to the consultant, which fail to identify precisely how the money is being used. I will have full details very soon, and my source has agreed to allow me to use his name.

  51. The "payments" (more than one? wow!) "fail to identify precisely how the money is being used" — and yet you know this to be true? Bernie, you're getting played and it's sad to see. Please also name the alleged consultant, and how much was paid, and let some other truth-seekers help prove it (to be false). Looking forward to your "full" (yet "buried" and "imprecise") details — seriously. Sorry if that's all a little snarky... it's just that many of us just know this simply isn't true so I'm now on the edge of my seat and legitimately curious who's stirring up this falsehood (and not doing you — a good guy! — any favors in the process).

  52. You will soon see who is playing whom. That is something your campaign tried to do to me. My source would never play me, and my respect for him is so deep I would trust him with my life.

  53. Looking at the flyer now, Wild ONLY states that Morganelli opposes a woman's right to choose. He was asked that question at one of the forums and he did not raise his hand. This is factual material for voters. Wild then shows actual an tweet from Morganelli praising Trump, asking him for a job. I don't believe any of this is negative. This is laying the cards on the table for voters. Many voters who blindly vote for JM because he's a good guy are surprised to learn his position on these matters. If you think anyone is going to let JM's overt admiration for Donald Trump, you are sorely mistaken. If he was opposed to Trump, as his latest mailer attempts to communicate, he should have thought about that before supporting his racist position on immigration.

  54. She broke her word. And speaking of push polls, she did one in early April. I can write about that, too. She distorted and lied about John’s position, while failing to tell her followers that she never fought for them, but the minded interests allied against ordinary people. But she is female.

    It only took the 2nd post to show your sexism in this race. Sad!

  55. John does have lots of enemies. Thousands of them. They are mostly behind bars. Yes he is a tough DA, and thank God. Maybe you would prefer a DA who permits someone to kill his step daughter so he can have sex with her dead body. But it’s nice to know how you feel about crime. Maybe you can ask Susan Wild to decriminalize abuse of corpse.

    This is not about necrophilia, my god man, you are scraping bottom. This is about criminal justice reform which is sorely needed in this country and were progressing nicely until the DA's preferred candidate assumed the Presidency. Now they are justified in absurd sentences for minor offenses which effect black people at a much higher rate than whites.

    What exactly did Wild "lie" about? Because whatever you say is on that flyer that is untruthful, is a lie itself.

  56. "Looking at the flyer now, Wild ONLY states that Morganelli opposes a woman's right to choose. He was asked that question at one of the forums and he did not raise his hand. This is factual material for voters."

    Jus looking now? Bullshit. The act is that Wild MISREPRESENTED John's position on three issues. She lied.i explained how. I am not going to repeat her lies. But more important than any of that,she violated her promise to keep it clean. Her word obviously means very little.

  57. "This is not about necrophilia, my god man, you are scraping bottom. This is about criminal justice reform"

    Looks like you are a liar, too, just like Wild. You accused HIM, not Trump,of destroying "countless" lives with "his hard on crime bs." Now that I point out how absurd that view is, you lie.

  58. 9:04, I was responding to another kind of sexist - one who seems to think that Sue Wild should be selected bc she is female. There are lots of females who would make lousy elected officials. Sue Wild is one of them.

  59. Jus looking now? Bullshit. The act is that Wild MISREPRESENTED John's position on three issues. She lied.i explained how. I am not going to repeat her lies. But more important than any of that,she violated her promise to keep it clean. Her word obviously means very little.

    Meaning I am currently looking at it NOW while writing the post. You are so angry. Get a grip man, not everyone agrees with your take here.

  60. Oh yeah, before you said she LIED but now it's MISREPRESENTED. I got it.

    She didn't LIE. And you just showed that by using the bullshit excuse that you're not going to "repeat her lies". Incredible.

    Speaking of misrepresenting, you use quotes to make it look like I said "his hard on crime bs" when I did not. You are conflating multiple posts because in your mind, anyone against John is a single mind. "Waaaah, Wild posted my tweets on a mailer - thats no negative!" Absurd.

  61. 9:04, I was responding to another kind of sexist - one who seems to think that Sue Wild should be selected bc she is female. There are lots of females who would make lousy elected officials. Sue Wild is one of them.

    Let me get this straight. Absolutely NO ONE said here to vote for her because she's a woman. You volunteered that info yourself. You were not prompted. ITs in the back of your mind.

    Also, in a matter of days, you respected the candidate and went directly to she "would make lousy elected official". That is pathetic. I thought you had a modicum of integrity. I was wrong.

  62. 1:06 & 1:04, She misrepresented and she lied. She did both. Yes, I did respect her until I learned that she broke her word to Morganelli. I have lost my respect for her bc she has shown herself to be a liar. We also know what her campaign really thinks of her supporters. They are derided as "social justice warriors" who get "all tingly inside" when they can complain about racism.

  63. Bernie, do you remember Brown's clown showing up from Allentown in itZ white platter power dress suit duplicated twice by omar. Them white pleather power dress suits have flown the coup with the popcorn auction on ebay.
    republican redd
    not a party favor

  64. It seems to me that the statements are not lies. They are only misrepresentations when John M doesn't control the narrative about his past. Furthermore, I don't the flyer as going negative. Third, the SJW reference was catered to YOU who'd get a kick out of ridiculing liberals. Are you blind? They were trying to suck up to the curmudgeon wing.

    But hey, you got George Schaller on your side. Kudos.

    1. You can't read redd is not a party favor of any sort be it mind or mood altering substance or bent over a chair in a back room deal cut! Go sell your false sack of shit to the ignorant and incompeTENT for sgitz and gigglez?

  65. Bernadette, I hear you're a crossdresser. Is that true?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.