Kevin Dolan |
Kevin Dolan is long-time Director of Northampton County's Children Youth and Family Division (CYF). He updated Council recently on a change of focus in child placement. Traditionally, it was thought that children who need to be placed would do best in foster care. But studies have determined that youngsters do better if they are placed with people they already know and even friends.
As of April 16, 269 children were placed outside their home. One hundred of these were with other relatives or family friends. Eight were in foster homes. The remaining 158 were with a vendor, which could include an outfit like KidsPeace. There were also two runaways.
NorCo was spending $19,442.09 per day to place these children.
He still work there? Isn't the guy like 80 years old?
Typical liberal BS. Let the government raise these kids because their loser parents can’t. Meanwhile they’re sitting at home getting government assistance too!
This is an abomination. I love the kids and they have rights ,but the costs are over the top .The county needs to : Secure vehicles owned by the parents or unresponsive parent ,as they should not have a dog or drive vehicles . An incentive to should be placed for tubular ligations and the amount of out of state scumbages that move here is a part of the problem . Some people should not have pets or children or be allowed to operate vehicles on the the highways . Somebody needs to figure out how to fix the issue with diminished demand for services . Or fire that supervisor. When we keep having absent family structures,we have social and crime issues as result . No respect for anything .
Is the $19k figure you quoted gross or net? If gross, how much of that is reimbursed by the state? How much is collected by DRS from the parents?
1:14 is an idiot. Kinder care is not just better for the child, but it’s cheaper. There often is no cost.
3:30, most of the money is reimbursed.
We are not going to allow children to be abused or neglected simply bc it costs money. Nothing the county does is more important than caring for our vulnerable.
These placement numbers should be decreasing soon as Mr. Dolan was forced to get rid of his lead attorney who repeatedly violated the rights of families and children.
@ 6:31am: Attorney Cammerenne is gone? Please explain.
Yes, Valerie is gone. Kevin was forced by higher ups to get rid of her. She was walked out by him, and the memo subsequently was issued not allowing her in areas of the Human Services building.
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