Local Government TV

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Susan Ellis Wild Snags Three LGBT Endorsements

Three LGBT community leaders in the 7th congressional district have endorsed Susan Wild for Congress. They are Adrian Shanker, a Democratic State Committee Member for Northampton County and Chair of the LGBT Caucus of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party; as well as the Lehigh Valley's two LGBT-elected officials, Allentown City Council Woman Candida Affa and Lehigh County Commissioner Amy Zanelli.

“In this era of increased hatred and violence that we’ve seen since Donald Trump took office, it’s imperative that the 7th Congressional District is represented by a candidate who believes that LGBT people deserve equal treatment under the law. I am fully confident that Susan Wild will be that representative." said Shanker, "I’ve known Susan for more than a decade, and she is an intelligent, proven leader who will approach policy making from a fair-minded perspective. Susan believes in LGBT equality and will fight for fairness at every turn. I look forward to having her as my representative in Congress.”


  1. I wonder if there was a "Straight Community" or a "White month or week "what the outcry might be? Why all these special look at me groups? The ones crying equality and racism are the ones that divide us all into special social groups. ??? Then again, that is liberal thinking.

  2. Spankers endorsement plus a dollar will get you a McDonald's cheeseburger.

    1. It gankers and also it is a spankers too!

  3. Shanker was a BIG FAN OF CONVICTED (47X) FELON *EDWIN PAWLOWSKI* and repeatedly endorsed Fed. Ed.

  4. She is and always will be attached at the hip with Ed "I'm going to jail" Pawlowski. Any which way you cut it, political contributions, jobs, they both lavished each other with political coverage when he ravaged Allentown and she let him do it.

  5. Candida Affa?
    Pawlowski’s last loyal rubber
    The Allentown City Council memember who walks around looking like a deer caught in the headlights?
    That Candida Affa?
    That’s like an endorsement from Austin Bomber.
    Good golly!

  6. "I wonder if there was a "Straight Community" or a "White month or week "what the outcry might be? Why all these special look at me groups? The ones crying equality and racism are the ones that divide us all into special social groups. ??? Then again, that is liberal thinking."

    Not liberal. Tolerant. The reason why certain groups like the NAACP or #metoo exist is to deal specifically with issues that have negatively affected them, and in some cases, for millenia. Also, there is nothing wrong with diversity.It makes us stronger, not weaker.

  7. I was trying to consider all D candidates, but an endorsement from Candid Affa, a made man in the Pawlowski crime family?
    This is Judy crazy!
    No way in Hell.
    I mean never!!!!!!!!

  8. Wilde is a big government Pelossi type democrat that took this country too far left resulting in Trump ascendency. Practical democrat Morganelli is clearly the better candidate for the dems without any affiliation to Pawlowski politics like Wilde.

  9. I am gay and I can assure you that anything that has Shanker's name attributed to it I turn the other way.

    His "endorsement is meaningless and useless as the gay community wants nothing to do with the empty narcissist barrel of "pride". He is an embarrassment and anyone accepting that endorsement is a kiss of lost votes. Susan Wilde should say Thank you- but NOO Thank you!

    The gay community has REAL leaders and not the ones looking to make a name for themselves.
    Anyone that endorsed and loved Fed Ed that says it all- Wake UP- there is a whole planet with REAL thinkers beyond the city limit of the circus called "allentown".

  10. Has Pawlowski offered a preferrance yet,
    or is he going to wait a decent interval and endorse after sentencing?

  11. Let us not forget of all the lawyers in Allentown former Mayor Pawloski picked Ms. Wild as his solicitor.

  12. I’m voting for a woman, any woman.

  13. Some people will do just that. Identity politics.

  14. Shanker likes to strut around pretending he is the LV LGBQT MLK.
    Not everyone buys his act.

  15. 8:51 Mr. O'Hare, WRONG, this divides us by having to many smaller, dived groups who want special privileges and rights just for themselves. We have laws in this country for "All Americans", not for certain groups or organizations. Why is it then that we are more divided today than 10,20 30 yrs. ago. ???
    Ask the NAACP director in Philly about his racist ( read between the line) comments regarding the location of a football stadium, school expansion , businesses for the school campus and neighborhood of and near Temple Univ. in N. Philly. You know the neighborhoods which are filled with vacant buildings, drug dens ... but he wants the school to explore using Rittenhouse Square in center city where the neighborhood is thriving. Hmmm, a brilliant idea. Instead of making the poorer neighborhoods better and cleaned of poverty, drugs, crime, he rather tear down what is supporting the city tax coffers ( just happens to be primarily white or successful business people living there. He should be helping and attempting to make it a better place in N. Philly as well as other poorer areas of the city. If he wasn't basing his comments on race. Well? Take of the blinders. That is all these groups are for. Poor me,me ,me and not for the betterment of society or our country as a whole..

  16. I support woman in public office.
    Well, as long as they are Democrats.
    As long as they are Democrats as I define the meaning of the term.
    Hear me roar.
    I am woman.

  17. Is it too late for Lisa Pawlowski to file?

  18. Lost in the conversation is the need to nominate and then elect the most qualified person to serve in any office.... If the most qualified person is a woman - great ... If the most qualified person is a man - great ... If the most qualified person is black - great ... If the most qualified person is brown or white or green - great ... If the most qualified person is of this ethnic group or that ethnic group great ... And if the most qualified person is married or single - great ...

    But in this election my main concern will be whom I want to represent my district in the 9th Congressional district ... But I do have an interest in whom shall be the ultimate choice of voters in the 7th Congressional district ... But in reality I could care less whom Shanker, Affa and Zanelli endorse ...

  19. What I didn't say is that the criteria for judgment for the trio may be too limited not looking into the total picture

  20. Sadly the "leaders of the gay community" as they refer to themselves are that narcissistic to think their opinion or as they call it endorsement matters to anyone that's gay. I'd just like to say "Divas get a grip on yourself cause what you think does not have any weight in anyone gay. We all have our own minds and certainly don't need what's in yours. So stop thinking your the legend as it's only making a fool of yourself. The LGBTQ community is way past your narcissistic selves.

  21. I have in the past been critical of Shanker, who at least at one time was rather militant. Also, I was bothered by his close association with Fed Ed. But I think part of my animus might have been my own unfortunate homophobia. Although Adrian has told me he does not read this blog, and I can't blame him after seeing some of the comments, I do think I owe him an apology for some of my past harsh treatment. I have no regard for Zanelli or Affa, and that has nothing to do with their orientation, whatever it is.

    1. His panties have been in a knot today BO and he does read your blog regularly. I for one will vote for John Morganelli as he is best for the job and will represent all. As for you being homophobic never suspected that you seem very open minded.

  22. I think I might be a tad homophobic. I try to be open-minded.

  23. I love their flag, the thing is fabulous.

  24. I would hardly call Zanelli a "leader of the gay community". She's an elected official who happens to be a lesbian. Before that she had squat to do with the community, probably because she wasn't a member of it herself until recently. Zanelli has that "new gay" feel to her, the one where she brings it up every other word. We get it.

  25. "“In this era of increased hatred and violence that we’ve seen since Donald Trump took office, it’s imperative that the 7th Congressional District is represented by a candidate who believes that LGBT people deserve equal treatment under the law," Get the hell out of here. That's the most insane comment I've ever heard, "since Donald Trump took office". Maybe it's because the LGBT throws this crap in everyone's face. Who cares if you are gay. But shoving it down our throats and now demanding their are more than two sexes is pretty absurd. It's not Donald Trump doing the damage, it's your own people. The LGBT commumity can do no wrong while the rest of us can do no right. Got it!!

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. With its administrational skill set of it and its bed time patterned obviously monies are missing and will have been tainted by its fingerprint too! Just think with its skill set it will be able to bankrupt the whole state.

  28. I have deleted what appears to be an anti-Semitic remark.

  29. America...rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell.

  30. Now a days homophobia is a thing of the past. Fudgepacking goes on everywhere.

  31. Wankker does injustice to his fellow tribe memebers. He needs to wash his yamaka at least once in a while. Come on man, you make us all look bad!

  32. Sexuality is not an absolute. It is a scale. Some people are more shaded to the middle than pothers. Many are BI and don't even realize it. Some change depending on the day and person.


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