Local Government TV

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Crowded Dem Field in Pa. 7th Is Itself a Message

The DCCC is notorious for screwing up Congressional races here in the Lehigh Valley. I've seen it happen several times, but they continue. They attempted to pressure Rev. Greg Edwards out of the race. To his credit, he called foul. They may have been more successful with David Weidman, a disabled combat vet. He made a tearful exit from the race over the weekend. He declined to name who pressured him. But even with Weidman's departure, six Democrats and just two Republicans have filed nomination petitions. That alone should tell you that this seat is going to go Democratic. The Cook Political Report now lists the district, which was solidly Republican with centrist Charlie Dent, as "likely Democratic."

The large number of Democrats running bodes well for Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli. He's a tough, law-and-order Democrat who has come under fire for meeting with and speaking to the tea party, instead of snubbing them, as most Democrats do. As DA, he represented everyone, not just those who vote for him. He has that same attitude in the Congressional race.

His conservative views on issues like the death penalty and immigration will get him in trouble with people looking for a Nancy Pelosi clone. Just as Republican wack jobs like NorCo GOP party boss General Lee Snover liked to claim that Charlie Dent wasn't Republican enough, there are idiots on the left making the same kind of complaint about Morganelli.

Dent and Morganelli are unlike the extremes within their parties. They are centrists. Like most of us.

Given Morganelli's wide and positive name recognition, he is going to stand out in a field of six Democrats. Let's face it. Most people have never heard of Greg Edwards, David Clark, Susan Ellis Wild, Roger Ruggles or Rick Dougherty. Everyone knows Morganelli. As the sole woman running, Susan Wild will get a lot of support, and she should. As the most liberal of the candidates and sole minority member, Rev. Edwards will get a lot of votes, and he should. But John is going to get more.

I have no idea why Daugherty, who stood at the podium with Fed Ed and cheered him on as he resigned, is even running. I imagine it is pure ego. But he will only help Morganelli.

The same can be said of Republican-turned-Democrat Roger Ruggles, a Lafayette professor who rarely crawls down from his ivory tower long enough to learn what really is going on in Easton. He's running to draw votes away from Morganelli, probably at the request of Dem party boss Matt Munsey or Easton Mayor Sal Panto. What escapes them is that no one really knows the Professor, while Morganelli is very popular among Easton voters. Like Daugherty, Ruggles will only help Morganelli.

It's a much more lonely race among Republicans. Lehigh County Comm'r Marty Nothstein and former Lehigh County Comm'r Dean Browning are the only two candidates. Browning, a numbers guy, must know the only way he could have won this race was with multiple candidates. But one-by-one,they've pulled out. Opportunist Justin Simmons imploded. MacKenzie realized he'd lose to Morganelli.

This is going to be between Morganelli and Nothstein.


  1. I love how you label anyone who is to the left of Morganelli a crackpot and a Pelosi clone. Have an honest debate without resorting to name calling, otherwise you're part of the problem. If your labels were correct then FDR must have been a communist!

  2. Bernie's got a forever man-crush on Morganelli

  3. jm reached his Peter Principle years ago

  4. The Republicans will wait till after Morgenelli is the nominee to dump the "you know what " on him and you do know.

  5. Those Ds to the left of Morganelli are crackpots. California Ds think Pelosi is the most conservative member of their congressional delegation. Ds used to come on more flavors than just the wing-nut left. FDR locked up an entire race of people. Pol Pot and Stalin did stuff like that. Communists are as communists do.

    1. Any Communist Chinese apparel in your closet??
      —-Mother Jones

  6. This race will boil down to John against a Pawlowski cult member.
    Let me think about who is the better choice?

  7. Weidman wishes he was ever even close to being on the DCCC's radar. His campaign was a non-starter. The only one he threatened was himself.

  8. 7:43, I have no idea what you are discussing. You sound like Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips, who has made several outrageously false allegations about Morganelli and should know better than most that there still is such a thing as libel.

  9. It should be interesting to hear Democrats explain why they have such a big problem with 'allowing' every day, ordinary Americans to keep more of their hard-earned money.

  10. You are a centrist --- HA HA !!!

  11. If you want to run a candidate for the US House of Represenatives who has the support of all things Pawlowski, including a candidate from Fed Ed’s inner circle, and accepting PAC money from the criminal Mayor himself,
    why not just run Ed Pawlowski?
    He loves running for higher office.
    I don’t think he’s run for the House yet, or did I miss something?

  12. “I love how you label anyone who is to the left of Morganelli a crackpot and a Pelosi clone. Have an honest debate without resorting to name calling, otherwise you're part of the problem. If your labels were correct then FDR must have been a communist!”

    If you want to have an honest debate, be honest. I never said that anyone to the left of Morganelli is a Pelosi Clone. I am to the left of Morganelli. What I said is that there extremists among Dems unwilling to tolerate centrist thinking, just as there are extremes within the local GOP. I have not and will not attack Susan Ellis Wild or Rev. Edwards. They represent important points of view. Daugherty is in this for his ego and Ruggles is simply running to draw votes from John.

  13. "Libel" of an elected public official and congressional political candidate? Bernie be serious. That is funny. I wont vote for and will advise my friends and family NOT to vote for him period.

    Way to much in the turning the DA office into almost reality TV every time something happens that he can comment on. We need a Congressman not a TV monger or show host-

    Besides he is what? 0-3 in losses for running for something?

  14. It was pitiful when Morganelli (one of the top Democrats in the county) kept tweeting Donald Trump, remember me, remember I play golf at your golf course, you send a letter to my son, can I have a job on November 20, 2016.

  15. If Morganelli's twitter is any indication, he's far from moderate. He's a right-wing, Fox News watching, Trump-supporter.

    If he wins the primary, then this seat goes from likely dem to Safe Republican.

    Like Hillary, he won't be able to hold the support of his own party and lots of people will leave that race blank on the ballot.

  16. 10:11, yes, a public official can be defamed. And Morganelli knows how to sue.

  17. John is our own little Harold Stassen. He's probably already planning his next campaign after this one. Kinda like the little engine that couldn't.

  18. This is not a statewide race. This is a Lehigh Valley race, and John is 6-0 locally. That's no Harold Strassen. This is a local race. John is going to win.

  19. You are correct, FDR and Eleanor were Communist sympathizers, handed all of eastern Europe over to Stalin. tried to pack the supreme court to get his socialist agenda fast tracked, confiscated the gold of average citizens paying them $20.00 of paper for an ounce of gold. then raising the price to $35.00. His heroism mostly a creation of the media and the other communist sympathizers.

  20. This is nonsense but the author of this comment has no problem with Trump's fondness for Vladimir Putin.

  21. When John works with corruption, bribery, wire fraud, mail fraud, pay-to-play, etc. etc.
    47 etc., he is on the opposing team.
    To be Fed Ed’s solicitor speaks for itself and doesn’t require additional comment.

  22. Susan Wild only has to review the Lou Dobbs tape where Morganelli arrested and incarcerated mothers of young children who were working locally to support their families.
    He is a Democrat in sheep's clothing who will trash anyone to advance his political agenda. His tweets to Trump suggest maybe he should change his party and line-up with the rest of the political hacks whose only interests are to improve their pension and health benefits.
    Also lets not forget how he trashed Messiah Jackson, and upstanding female jurist, who he knew nothing about. A classic political hack!

  23. I’m voting for the proven Pawlowski attorney.
    Experience counts.

  24. Simmons and MacKenzie had unfinished business in their current positions. They also knew they couldn’t beat Dean. Looks like we will have Morganelli vs. Dean. It should be interesting November.

  25. JM doesn’t have big name recognition in LeCo. SW has moderate recognition in LeCo
    and none in NorCo.
    Do the math.

  26. You're usually pretty accurate in your predictions, but I'd ask you to step outside of Northampton County and see what else is going on. Edwards and Wild have a lot of energy in their campaigns. Morganelli might have name recognition, but whether it's positive or negative is the actual question.

  27. Simmons had unfinished business in his current position? Hahahaha!! What a joke. Everything is unfinished in his current position because he never gets even simple things across the finish line. I think I'll take the Colonel with 30 years of military leadership in District 131 over No Show Simmons, she'll at least be disciplined enough to show up for work. All Simmons ever produces is one excuse after another for why he can't get anything done in Harrisburg. Time for a leader not another term for the complacent and lazy follower.

  28. "You're usually pretty accurate in your predictions ..."

    I love Bernie. But, have you ever read this blog?

  29. Lets no even talk about 16% Browning, who has run for every office for the last 15 years, He is a loser, a nice person, but a political loser.

  30. How old is JM, I saw him on tv and he looked 80, looks more like retirement time.

  31. Morganelli has run four times for state attorney general without success.

  32. I think John will have problems with the abortion rights crowd on the left. They'll want assurances of his unwavering support of Roe v. Wade, and his unwavering opposition to any restrictions on abortion up to, and including partial birth. It's difficult to square a "I'm personally opposed to" view with accepting unrestricted abortion. I wonder what his fellow parishioners think when a he acknowledges the weekly Prayer Of The Faithful intention to protect unborn life from the moment of conception? Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. But don't flaunt and/or expect the support of your faith community. I truly like John. I cannot vote for him.

  33. I think in the General Election, Morganelli should fare well, though not a certainty as the two GOP also have name recognition, and Republicans are lever pullers. However, if turnout is high, I think the motivated Dems and irritated Independents carry it for Morganelli.

    I believe if there were only two, a progressive (e.g., I've heard Edwards spoken highly of) and a center-right like Morganelli, a Dem primary might be tighter, but with six in the race, Morganelli's name recognition alone should secure a plurality.

    As to some comment above about Republicans waiting until after he secures the nomination to then go after him, I just read a national progressive blog dishing out a lot of DINO ammo, including a video of a speech to the LVTP. If this were to be the GOP plan, perhaps to try to lower Dem turnout, it makes me think back to how Schumer, et al, recruited Casey to challenge Santorum in 2006. Liberals, particularly women's groups, were livid because of the abortion issue. However, it was actually pretty shrewd to recruit him, because of his (at least then) views on abortion and guns, it neutralized the cultural war, red-meat, issues that Santorum relied on, and forced the election to be about other issues. Casey won, beating the then #3 GOP in the Senate. Morganelli could likewise neutralize much of the GOP fodder, and then turn the election on to other issues that Democrats and centrist independents care about. The problem with DINO, and their counterpart RINO, hunters who look for some sort of "purity" test is their shortsightedness. Driving Dent out being just another example. Personally, I view the polarization of the parties negatively. I felt the two major parties having "wings" provided big enough tents that most could find their place.

  34. If Dean hadn't worked with the Democrats that 16% tax increase may have been 25%. As BOH said, he is a very seasoned numbers guy. He will represent the GOP well.

  35. JM is going to play the NIXON strategy in reverse. run to the left in the primary then sound like Trump in the general.

  36. Yes, BOH would love to see dean as the candidate, because he knows he is a serial loser.

  37. "Democrat Roger Ruggles, a Lafayette professor who rarely crawls down from his ivory tower long enough to learn what really is going on in Easton. He's running to draw votes away from Morganelli, probably at the request of Dem party boss Matt Munsey or Easton Mayor Sal Panto"

    "I’m in the race because I really want to show that someone can gain this position without lots and lots of money". — Roger Ruggles of Easton

  38. Roger Ruggles is in this race at the request of Matt Munsey to draw votes from Morganelli. Stop the bullshit.

  39. Ruggles is obviously running to draw votes away from John M. for Wilds benefit.
    Transparent ploy.
    Is Ruggles running as a heterosexual canidate?

  40. 2:39, you’re nutz. After 25 years as DA and being on local TV, Morganelli is a household name and it is very positive.

  41. so does john hand out crime pass gift cards for free, or is it at the price of 1 puff piece, per week, per election....i'd say thats alot of puff pieces for the pa dept of banking consent decree you and ronnie got snagged in around 2013, while john conveniently turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the mortgage fraud....

    thats alot of puff pieces

  42. Who will get the endorsement of prominent heterosexual leaders?

  43. Matt Muncy is a girlie man.

  44. @4:50 that isn't Joyce Moore's style and she always signs a name

    @5:08 what Matt Muncy does in his spare time is his business

  45. Matt Muncy is a 24/7 girlie man, and that’s not a comment directed at his sexual orientation.
    Who knows or could possibly care what the hack does in his spare time or what his orientation is or isn’t.
    A punk by any name......

  46. I do not construe the attack on Munsey as a girlie man as an attack on his sexual orientation.

  47. “i'd say thats alot of puff pieces for the pa dept of banking consent decree you and ronnie got snagged in around 2013, while john conveniently turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the mortgage fraud....“

    If you knew anything, you’d know that a county DA has no jurisdiction over the dep’t of banking. If you knew anything, you’d know that JM did not hesitate to file and win a quo warranto suit against Ron, forcing him to step down from the school board. The 2013 decree governs how many mortgages Ron may extend to people who always are borrowing from him.

    Let’s see. You hate Morganelli, Ron and me. You twist things. How’s it going, Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips?

  48. wow...you are even more stupid that most know. JM can file any number of state criminal charges against business frauds...too many to list here, and not necessary to spoon feed a disbarred (forgery deceit, misrepresentation, conduct that is prejudiciail to the adm of law, illegal conduct involving moral turptitude) lawyer

    you and ronnie got caught. you and ronnie never faced the penalties for your fraud. you and ronnie stole.

    so how many puff pieces are in return for that DA good ole pal favor???

    And whats the blackmail you have on JM anyways//

  49. mortgage fraud is a serious business, just ask Ed Redding...you know, the guy you did all those title searches for? hmmm

    another JM punt where lapdog ohare has his hands in the cookie jar

    just stop stealing and JM wont have to keep punting for you

  50. Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Phillips,

    You are insane. Please sign your name so I can so you for libel again. Your claim that Ron Angle and I stole is libel per se. You detest him bc he has your number and put you in your place at a recent GOP meeting. You are now creating falsehoods about Morganelli in your twisted mind, and that is libel as well. Incidentally, I never did a single search for Ed Redding. Libel is serious business, too.You should know bc it cost you a car and $40,000. From your deposition, I now know that you claim to have the title to the home that is in your mother's name. You have just given four people a reason to want to take it from you.

  51. “Mr. Angle engaged in the mortgage business without regard to state and federal law governing high-cost loans and covered loans, including but not limited to the Truth-in-Lending Act and the Consumer Equity Protection Act,” according to the banking department.


    there you go..How's Ed redding?

  52. Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips, The fact that the banking department wanted to prevent Ron from lending money to the many people who have sought assistance is proof of nothing. Where is your proof that Ron and I stole money? You did accuse both of us, and it is libel per se, made recklessly without regard to the truth. Why does Ed Redding have to do with me? NOTHING. Once again, you are lying, as usual. And now you are lying about Morganelli. You should know you are on very thin ice. You admitted in your deposition under oath that you now have the title to your home. Let's see how long you keep it.

  53. btw ronnie is a big bag -o-gas, and the GOP has his number

    especially after 2017 county elections, he coroded the whole ballot

    your boy-crush loves losing, just like harold stassen..but i guess all the puff pieces, tv, and grandstanding are worth the humiliation of being a perennial loser

    How's Ed Redding?

  54. Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips,

    Oh it was Ron who lost the 2017 elections? Not Trump? Not Brown? You really are in la la land.

    How's Otter?

    Now I am writing so don't bother me. Much as i would like to collect ammo for the next libel suit, I'm busy and you will be deleted.

  55. Bernie - do not know if you read these things the next day, but after 55 years of being a republican, I am seriously considering switching to democrat (if I can figure out how to do it)to help Morganelli in the primary. He is a decent guy, which you can not find very often in politics. I was totally blown away by the picture of Nothstein's castle in the Morning Call this week. Anyone who lives in a home like that has no clue about ordinary people. Morganelli does. Look forward to seeing you at Hanover elementary school in November (or maybe it will be at the fire station)

  56. Some people will do anything for a free hamburger.

  57. Ahh, the Liberal ways are still the same. Bullying tactics. David Weidman bullied out of opting out of the race? Some things never change!! Now on to the rigged voting machines!!

  58. Morganelli doesn't have time to run for congress. Most of his time is used to run Bethlehem for Donchez. Well known fact.

  59. One addendum to Ruggles post - my father got me an NRA membership early . I was shooting Inc a league in1967 at LV Police Revovler - during my 9th grade . You need to have number .The oldest organization in this nation of its type. and if wanted to compete in rifle on KD range 200 ,300,600 yards no scope. But needed a NRA number ,it was a litmus test of sorts ,I guess30 year s ago . With the demonstration s by people today that can’t incidentally identify their gender or pay taxes ,or don’t understand issues with 2 nd Amendment and how it fits less move out of their grandmas basement - worthless ! Stand around and look proud. Of there little disruption in traffic . NRA members don’t kill unarmed innocent people - it never happened. These people are fuels by Saros and Left wing organizations ,they are applying the masses of ignorance of youth in their count.

  60. Pete, I deleted one of your comments bc you left a huge gap at the end. As you know, that just drives me nutz. You are welcome to restate your point, as always.

  61. I will not vote for Morganelli if he wins the nomination> I will do what I did when Bennett was the nominate skip the race as many other Democrats did in 2008. I would not support a corruption then, and I will not now Morganelli has highered former employee's of Fleck's organization to run his campaign. That's enough courption for me not to vote for Morganelli

  62. Morganelli couldn't even be bothered to show up at the March for Lives yesterday. Why would we support him when he can't be bothered to show up

  63. Sorry Bernie , I had some super imposed two posts - I’ll stay off here . Thank you for your appropriate action to my inability to work this bottom box. I apologize.

  64. How does one get "pressured" out of the race?

    Will the big DCCC money come in for Morganelli? I'm guessing its going to come in for Wild. You know what might swing the district? On Wild's site: "Fully legalize cannabis." Also, I'm not sure Morganelli stands on Wild's entire "Criminal Justice Reform" agenda.

  65. The DCCC is notorious in this district for completely screwing up races. They have already tried to browbeat Edwards into pulling out and may have succeeded with Weidman. Morganelli will keep them at arm's length. He'll take their money, but not their advice.

  66. What can they possibly do except to say "we won't fund you or work for you"? They said that to Bernie Sanders too.

    Morganelli's Twitter feed is eye-opening. He should delete it if he wants to get broad support. It's really surprising what he says and who he re-tweets.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.