Local Government TV

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Boscola: Why Women Should Vote For John Morganelli

State Senator Lisa Boscola endorsed Northampton County DA John Morganelli for Congress yesterday. That's no surprise. They've been friends for years. What is surprising is why. John has been painted as anti-woman by the Nancy Pelosi types, but Boscola draws a more accurate picture.

"District Attorney John Morganelli has a progressive record when it comes to empowering women. He increased the number of female prosecutors from less than 5% on his first day in office to over 50%. He appointed the first woman ever to serve as First Deputy DA, and he created the county's first Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Units to address crimes against women. John Morganelli has taken on the tough fights in law enforcement his entire career. As a congressman, John will fight for affordable health care, equal pay for women, new laws to protect pregnant women in the work place and to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, children and the mentally ill."

As Morganelli himself observes, Senator Boscola is the most prominent and highest-ranking female elected official in the LV. Her support matters.


  1. She's also a DINO like Morganelli. She's a former member of ALEC, the corporate group that literally writes legislation and her voting record on gun laws is with the Republicans as well. These 2 are not progressives.

  2. Can you spell inbred dems

  3. I'll drink to that!

  4. The hot mess we have elected endorsing anything is a loss of votes period. She needs to be endorsing a commercial for the 12 step program out of the tax payer door. How much did my tax payer funded health care that I don't have pay for rehab's for this mess ?

  5. Neither Lisa Boscola nor John Morganelli have traditionally Democratic values. Both are DINOs. The real Democrat in the race is Susan Wild. She is hard-working, compassionate, reasonable and smart!

    Vote Susan Wild on May 15!

  6. Joyce, You do realize that there is such a thing as a conservative Democrat, don't you? John was the first of these so-called DINOs to support Wolf when everyone else in the LV was flocking to Fed Ed and McCord, both of whom were found guilty of political corruption. He's the DINO who hosted several fundraisers for him.

    I agree that Susan is all the things you say she is. If that's who you support, good for you. John and Lisa are also "hard-working, compassionate, reasonable and smart!"

    It's a big tent. If you start condemning people just bc hey don't agree with you on every single issue, you'll soon find you have no one to support. Having said that, I have no problem with your support of Susan, just your condemnation of John.

  7. Joyce Moore’s support for Susan Wild is all I need to know.
    Got it.

  8. So smart she took PAC money from Fed Ed and worked hard for the man himself.
    Very smart indeed.
    Way smart.

  9. Can Lisa dance the night away if JM wins ? lol

  10. I am so thankful that when I need to make a tough decision there’s a partisan hack available to define what it means to be an authentic party loyalist.

  11. I’m waiting for Joyce Marin’s endorsement.

  12. http://articles.mcall.com/2000-07-20/news/3323746_1_alcohol-driver-s-license-state-police-barracks


  13. Bernie, there are two very important issues that have been handled by Morganelli's shierffs and the other big one is Adams actions this week. Notice not a peep out of the fed eds backers that are suffering from complicit mafesieance in the crimes against the public commited by fed ed and his gang. Still til june the city populus will be suffering the jail bird for life's wrath since charges were brought upon by a jury of his peers.
    The Pelosy types don't like Morgannelli because he will not participate in there tent acts.

  14. 3:33, I broke that story. I wonder if she would have received the same treatment if she were a male.

  15. I’m an R - in hard right turn . Boscola lives 297 yds from were I grew up . And she could not respond to me as a voter , Now , I know I’m know a nobody and just an old man with hair in my ears ,deaf and got Swiss Cheese Braines ,but I remember her NOT responding after I was in one her offices that is a waist on tax dollars too. Time to go..

  16. One Northampton County sheriffs deputy was charged with a criminal conduct and two other deputies forced to resign, plus many more disturbing offenses done by the same person. Over and over JM discretion JM discretion. Morganelli's discretion because he was friends of the father. Give me a break.

  17. This is definitely Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips. You wanted him to prosecute everyone, and when he refused, you went to a judge and lost. Then you went to the Superior Court and lost. That is bc you are not the District Attorney. He is. But right now, we are all more interested in your claim that Otter threw you under the bus. Please enlighten us.

  18. Increasingly Boscola has become stuck up. She knows she can't be beat in her current seat and takes people for granted. People whom have known her for years will tell you she gives them the cold shoulder unless she wants something.

    Sadly, she has go to the place where she will knock you down running to the big insiders.

  19. Bernie, this isn't a personal attack: I don't understand Boscola's popularity.

  20. That’s great! A drunk is endorsing Morganelli. Will all alcoholics be supporting him? How bout you O’Hare? I’m sure he would be so happy with the endorsement of a disbarred, alcoholic such as yourself!

  21. Lehighvalleylive March 2018 "13 Lehigh Valley civic leaders embroiled in scandals" how would you like to be endorsed by number 9 on the list.

  22. A large number of people are well aware of Boscola's problems with alcohol and vote for her, sothe endorsement has value.

  23. I Guess it's better than being endorsed by number 2 on the list.


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