Local Government TV

Friday, March 30, 2018

Angle Named Trustee to Northampton Community College

Over the past two years, Bangor School Board has reached out twice to appoint Ron Angle, Emperor of the Slate Belt, to vacant positions. The voters were always 5-4. Magisterial District Judge Sherwood Grigg  actually subjected Ron to a 45-minute oath the first time he was appointed. 

The directors who voted against Ron must have been pleasantly surprised by what they saw. Though Ron has spent decades of his life building up a reputation as a flamethrower, he has over time mellowed.They learned that he actually is a consensus builder whose financial acumen has saved the school district money.

On Monday night, the school board voted to appoint him as their trustee to Northampton Community College over the next six years. Usually, that role is assigned to a school director. What's most amazing to me is that the vote was unanimous. Directors who voted against him initially now recognize that he really does care about schools.

I spoke to Ron afterward, and though he'll never admit it, I think he was really touched by this honor. It was also very smart move by the school board.

I'll leave you with a point of etiquette. An Upper Mount Bethel reader who saw Ron at the recent meeting concerning Tannerite genuflected as he walked past her. Ron tells me that a slight bow is sufficient.             


  1. They are probably pissed at the community college and want out. They know Angle is just the political maniac to create havoc and discord for the college.

  2. Last year more then once the issue of the fact that we the taxpayers pay over 400 thousand dollars to the college. The community has been screwed over for a year because Pam Colten, the appointed trustee to represent Bangor has not attended a Bangor School Board meeting in over a year since scandal was revealed and even after several votes of 5-4 she had no class to resign screwing our students out of proper representation that every other school district has. It was on this blog and in the minutes. At least this closes an ugly chapter of the Bangor version of the "Garden of Eden". Interesting as well is the fact that the Board of NCC Trustees were aware of her non attendance and lack of representation/participation to the school board and they have as much leadership and class as her as they did nothing about it but take Bangors School tax money. At least Harper valley has a song.

  3. This is why Angle is going there. He is a master at blowing up agencies

  4. My dad used to say, "The guy hasn't mastered the Queen's English. But he knows how to count his change." Our public school systems need more people who know how to count their change.

  5. Much ado about...nothing.

  6. Please Ron slow down the frivolous spending at NCC, it's out of control. Do not let them build a taj mahal of a police station when one is totally not needed. Don't forget to ask about all the sports programs spending and vehicles they have purchased. It's not high school and school district tax dollars should not be spent in these areas.

  7. It should be the law, that school teachers, PSER pensioners, administrators and other school employees or their relatives cannot serve on school boards and trustees. It is a huge conflict of interest. Angle will be one vote among many, unlikely to be able to overcome the quest for more spending.

  8. The only reason they picked him caus he blowed it up.

  9. I hope he's wise enough to continue to support NCC. They are a great resource for young people in our area and make college affordable for many who could not otherwise attend. I hope Ron will help NCC in their important mission.

  10. "I hope he's wise enough to continue to support NCC. They are a great resource for young people in our area and make college affordable for many who could not otherwise attend. I hope Ron will help NCC in their important mission."

    A common sense comment. I agree with you.

  11. "A common sense comment."

    Common sense and Ron Angle. Now that is funny!


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