Local Government TV

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Why Are Butz Elementary Parents Avoiding the Real Problem?

Butz Elementary is a school located along Bushkill Center Road in Bushkill Tp. I used to live in that area, and it's where I voted. A group of parents want the polling place moved to a nearby fire hall. They are concerned about the increased incidence of school violence. Korry Franke told the Elections Commission last week that there had already been 17 school shootings (this includes accidental discharges) this year. The request, which also included a petition signed by 1,800 residents, appeared reasonable enough. No precedent would be set by moving one polling place to a fire hall that agreed to accept them and might actually be an improvement.  Unfortunately, Elections Chair George Treisner went medieval on them. And in Facebook exchanges, NorCo Council Prez Ken Kraft told one parent it was a "made up problem.". The person taking the heat for this boorish behavior is Executive Lamont McClure. And that's probably fair. The buck does stop with him.

On Monday night, Franke and other Bushkill Township parents asked the school district to close the school on primary day "to Band-Aid what the County has failed to permanently fix. Make no mistake; our fight to protect the kids has only just begun."

Franke has also slammed McClure for declining to support legislation introduced by State Senator Mario Scavello and State Rep. Marcia Hahn that would force already overburdened elections officials to "make every effort to avoid selecting schoolhouses as polling places." The bill includes no language that reimburse counties for the exorbitant lease prices that will certainly be demanded by private facilities. What County Exec in his right mind would support that kind of ridiculous legislation?

What might pass is a bill that would require schools to close on election day. Elections officials statewide plan to rally in support of this legislation in the next few months. Franke has told me he would support this bill.

But even this measure only solves the school safety problem on election days. What about the other 363 days a year?

What are Bushkill parents doing to keep their children safe on those days? I would think that someone who thinks voters are dangerous would want to do something about assault-style rifles so prevalent in these mass shootings. Or would be at the forefront of those calling for tighter background checks.

"Bernie, that has never been our issue to fight," Franke told me.

Why not?

Why are these parents only afraid about what could happen on election day, when it is least likely?

Won't moving the polls just be a Band-Aid?

I think these parents have every right to be concerned about the safety of their children. But if they are concerned about election day mass shootings, they must think about the other school days, too.


  1. A real proportion of these "parents" are in support of the whacky NRA, so they will backpedal from the big issue. Your points are well taken. The idea of school violence on an election day is remote and probably never occurred. Actually the children may be safer with all the voters(generally decent civic minded folks) in the school.

    Sadly this is emotion over reason. What are their feelings about ending gun free zones and "hardening the targets as well as armed teachers?

  2. Anon 03:37 I fail to see your assertion about “wacky NRA “ (membership). But I would agree with ,your school buildings are probably safer with the voters out there because of organization of structures within the voting process,active eyes watching actions of the prosess . Additionally, NRA members ,the actual membership, most likely can be compared to the AARP as far as crime goes. If the composit of citizens in this country were mirroring the AARP or NRA constituents, there might not be any local prisons open today. School safety is behind in most parts of this country. Districts have failed there constiuants with self- critical culture at best . How are they ready and how do we know? Have security folks been vetted to be prepared to effectively use lethal force in a timely bases in an emergency ?. Otherwise your Better off with other people in the school. Good day .

  3. It’s hilarious that you went from using the mostly false 17 shootings number and telling us, “just move the damn polls,” to attempting to qualify the misleading number and taking a shot at the parents - only after they criticized the ambulance chasing executive. It’s funny to watch you doggie paddle in the tank for Lamont. Seriously, it provided a good chuckle to start the day. Happy Easter and thanks.

  4. If you really want to improve school safety, learning in schools and the overall safety of teens, ban cell phones for anyone under 21. Here's why:

    1) Kids are much more likely to be killed or seriously injured from texting while driving. This problem disproportionately affects those under 21.

    2) Cell phones are disruptive in class. Having them banned removes that problem.

    3) Almost all school shooters have been bullied or ostracized by their peers at some point, and this is aided and facilitated by the use of cell phones.

    4) One of the goals of school shooters is to gain fame among others in the same age group. Banning phones until the age of 21 eliminates the main method by which the shooters fame can be spread among those in that age group.

    I could continue on, but I think my point is made. If there's one thing that could be done to actually make a difference, this is it.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. The rent paid by the county for a polling place is a mere $75. Not exorbitant in my book.

  7. 7:21 said:

    "The rent paid by the county for a polling place is a mere $75. Not exorbitant in my book."

    That's while preference has to be given to publicly-owned polling places. Remove that, and there's a problem.

  8. Start with new Secret Service report on “mass shootings “ . Then do threat analysis in your own venues. Workplace, revengeful people-ect.

  9. This is the age of emotions and feelings, no real logic, It is a good reason we should be thankful we do not have a pure democracy. It truly is a wacky world.

  10. Let Bushkill Twp open it's Municipal bldg for the elections. If the Fire Department receives government funding from the township, I'm sure the will agree to a fair rental rate.

  11. 6:17, As I indicated to you before, the statistic is in no way misleading, especially when you add that this includes accidental discharges. I do support moving the polls bc another facility is available and has offered. But if these parents are concerned about the safety of their children, as they say, why are they doing nothing about the other 363 days a yer? I believe that their request is reasonable, but what are they doing about the other days? I see nothing on their social media posts about that.

  12. 6:57, Since you went into identity politics, you are deleted. If you can answer why Bushkill parents want polls moved, but say nothing else about school safety the other 363 days a year, comment. But save your left v. right crap for somewhere else.

  13. "The rent paid by the county for a polling place is a mere $75. Not exorbitant in my book."

    That's the rent at a public facility. A private facility could hold the county up for thousands, and guess who pays that money? Elections officials will have to spend hundreds of hours exploring alternative sites at the schools. They will have to prepare and execute leases that a private owner could decide to cancel at the last minute. It's a terrible bill designed to appease one group at the expense of everyone, and without addressing the 800-pound gorilla in the room.

  14. "Let Bushkill Twp open it's Municipal bldg for the elections. "

    Way too small, and how does this make the schools safe?

  15. No. There have not been 17 school shootings so far this year. Jesus Christ can anyone have a dialogue that doesn't involve bullshit anymore?

  16. http://time.com/5168272/how-many-school-shootings/

    There have,and I have made clear that the statistic I cite includes accidental discharges.

  17. "Sadly this is emotion over reason."

    I agree. It is, as Ken Kraft calls it, a "made up problem." But it's very real in their minds and they only want what is best for their children. I respect that. But refusal to support a bad bill should not be equated with not caring about the kids, as Franke has suggested. That's unhelpful. And what are they doing about improving school safety the other days? It appears they are avoiding that issue.

  18. It is about time that people stand up for reason over emotion, are we going to let the overreacters run the country, must we submit to their feelings, must we always feel we must justify their feelings, problem is their parents never told them about the realities of life and they just let them go on as little children. I just heard that 26 is now the new age of adulthood. It used to be 18, for military service and many were married by this age. Sadly, even at 26, most of them cant open a can of soup, fry an egg or change a tire.

  19. Bernie,

    I hate to hold you to the fire....

    "According to EveryTown, there have been 17 school shootings in 2018 alone..."

    1. Know who Everytown is.

    2. Do 2 seconds of digging and you'll see that that statistic was CRUCIFIED.

    3. The number isn't even right where they cite it. Everytown posted that there had been 18, not 17. So the time article is wrong about being wrong.

    Even the Washpo, lit it up as total garbage. Accidental discharge aside, several were shots that hit unoccupied buildings, one was a school shooting where the school wasn't even there anymore, it was an old building.

    C'mon man.... For as much as you pay attention to the news, how'd you miss this one?

    Washington Post -https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/no-there-havent-been-18-school-shooting-in-2018-that-number-is-flat-wrong/2018/02/15/65b6cf72-1264-11e8-8ea1-c1d91fcec3fe_story.html?utm_term=.c793248ba745

    - "t is a horrifying statistic. And it is wrong.

    Everytown has long inflated its total by including incidents of gunfire that are not really school shootings. Take, for example, what it counted as the year’s first: On the afternoon of Jan. 3, a 31-year-old man who had parked outside a Michigan elementary school called police to say he was armed and suicidal. Several hours later, he killed himself. The school, however, had been closed for seven months. There were no teachers. There were no students. -Washington post article above.

    Here's a USA Today article on the same topic.

    This all goes to my main point. We need to do better. Including you.

    These conversations can't happen when they start with bullshit. (Even if we have them in the SB on the farm.

  20. The links that supposedly debunk this stat just prove it. I have made clear that the stat includes accidental discharges.

  21. 2 out of 17 were accidental discharges. Of the 18 (in the original everytown article), only 5 occurred during school hours. TWO of those were accidental discharges. so now we have 3.

    How many schools are in America??

    What percentage are we talking about here?

    You're more likely to be eaten by an alligator riding on the back of a shark, than you are to be involved
    in a school shooting.

  22. Colin, i’d Agree everyone should read your links and draw their own conclusions. One fact beyond cavil is that these parents are scared. So why aren’t they addressing the other days?

  23. So they're scared, they need to make changes that effect the entire town? Now we are getting to the root of the problem. Media driven sensationalism and under education. (and I don't mean formal, I mean simply knowing up from down.)

  24. People don't read articles and draw conclusions anymore. They read headlines and draw conclusions. Clearly what the parents bringing up the 17-18 shootings so far this year did...

  25. The parents are being misleading. Bernie is being misleading. We're not having a substantive discussion. Regarding guns, we never do. That's why nothing changes. The good news is that the number of school and all shootings are plummeting. I get that parents are scared. One can't deem to tell others how to feel. A close friend is terrified of flying, but will drive many hours to avoid flying. He understands his fear is irrational and that automobile travel is exponentially more dangerous, but he just can't shake it. Government reacting to irrational fear is really bad government.

  26. " So why aren’t they addressing the other days?"

    perhaps the problem is that turning a school into a fortress is expensive.
    if you read the nra plan to defend schools you run into several problems.


    people want absolute security but are not willing to pay for it.
    armored glass for all windows--- about one million per school.
    prison type fencing around the school--expensive.
    hiring armed guards--expensive.
    even with those expensive changes they may not work.
    not to mention you have some folks in the school district who resent paying anything for education.
    they are not interested in anything that costs them money.
    the usual objection is "what are the odds".
    and yes the odds are low,yet most people do not wander around in thunderstorms carrying a vertical 20 foot metal pipe either.

    another problem is that security is an never ending problem.
    the school is hardened so now you need armored school buses.
    along with armed guards on every bus.

    ultimately you cannot guarantee absolute security.
    President Reagan got shot while protected by the best trained and equipped security force in the world.

    schools should try to make it harder for lunatics to hurt people.
    if you want to protect school children from drowning in their own blood you need to explore other avenues.

  27. For a little insight on security at schools, I made a delivery to Broughal Middle School in Bethlehem this week. All doors I tried were locked, cameras everywhere. Had to go to front door to get rung in. Have seen the same at Allentown elementary schools. Lehigh U has Photo ID swipe cards to get into each fraternity. The schools seem to be more secure than when I attended.

  28. Dear Carl , you are right . The staff in kitchen historically would be in and out smoking and somebody could have run in with the bread man. Now Bernie in firearms vernacular, the term ,”Accidental Discharge “ happens during unwanted pregnancies! Firearms almost never go off and hurt anybody unless handler violate a couple of carnal rules in sequence ! The term is “unintentional discharge “ And multiple shots fired by more than 2 police officers during a shooting incident is usually termed “ contagious gunfire” and thus , uncontrolled conditions . The term , Workman’s Comp , Properly its “Workman’s Comp . Additionally “clips” are almost usually - Magazines “ “Bullets “ are “rounds and so forth . Imagine failure to use proper terminology in the court room in front of your opponent. If one does not know the vernacular,one does know the subject matter.

  29. 3.29

    lets see

    "Sheriff's Office Wednesday demonstrated how a deputy was wounded by his service pistol in an accidental discharge and emphasized that additional training was being implemented"

    poor sheriff's office just does not know anything nor the magazine covering it

    complaining about exact terminology in an attempt to obscure a real issue reminds me of a general commenting on a battlefield report


    "However, reverting to my--my old style, I would describe that report as bovine scatology. OK. Better referred to the troops as BS"

  30. Ya and characters like think Spagetti and Meatball s are an Italian invention because you grew up believing it. Got another shot at me ?

  31. 4.57
    "If one does not know the vernacular,one does know the subject matter."


    one might guess you missed a word.
    perhaps switching to decaf would help.
    the discussion involves school security.
    if one wanted to give a surgeon grief for talking about a gunshot wound using common terms that is fine with that being a presentation before a group of surgeons.
    otherwise a surgeon saying someone was shot in the stomach works fine for the general public.

  32. Ya U fill the blanks . The rest of your derogative is stupid. That is your litmus test here . If you don’t know the vernacular, you don’t know the subject matter . Its would be like me at golf. A guy with a 32 handicap would recognize I don’t know what I’m doing with a club in my hands . How about you with a firearm , probably nothing , rather you think you might know. This subject is not just firearms,it’s social, It’s security issues anytime you get about more than 50 bodies in one place unsupervised without a common denominator. Think about what I said . No body behaved poorly at the Vatican , but in other areas the issues occur. I have been there and a sea of people form on Sunday - no problems . So anon 4:57 - you got nothing.

  33. one company has some advice---granted they sell such systems


    "The components described above are for a typical barrier configuration for a school with a single entry point. While prices vary for this type of set up due to the custom nature of the design needed for optimal protection and functionality in a school setting, expect to pay upwards of $25,000 or more for the barrier components and installation. This price can fluctuate based on accessories, hardware, number of entrances you want protected"

  34. I will take any officer from a school to the range with me and teach them “how to “ make PRECISION shots ,too include long range like I have Federal Agents out at 100 yds with their issued handgun - Free - as FREE means - this issue of our school are serious ,serious and most LEs are terrible markmenship wise. It’s not their fault ,most don’t have any formal firearms training until after they are after 23 years old or so . When they do it’s by Other LEs that may not have outside competitive advantage. Think about how a great football, basketball a or tennis player started - did they start at above 23? Did they only play in their own district,or state ? Well contact me and I will help you build confidence and become a great firearms handler . Confidentiality! It’s my civic duty I can apply.

  35. 6.18

    "How about you with a firearm , probably nothing , rather you think you might know."

    oh how incorrect you are.
    i own several handguns and several long guns.
    i go to the gun club range quite often.

    and yes social issues do come into play.
    some people in society feel that they have a right to assault weapons.
    i am a strict original Constitutional type you can buy all the muskets you want with no restrictions.
    anything more you can show you are responsible enough to own modern weapons.
    some people have no problems with suggesting that spending billions to armor schools is the solution to lunatics with assault rifles.
    those same people have no interest is reducing school shootings for even the simple fact of the cost to society from these shootings.
    forget the sorrow of school kids drowning in their own blood.
    what is the cost involved in training for school shooting and the cost of medical care for those victims?
    the cost involved in having armed guards and all the other things needed.
    so another example of how society gets to pay large monetary costs so a small group of people who want to use the 2nd amendment right but without any responsibility attached.
    the nra feels that the basic capability to fog a mirror with your breath is sufficient to own an assault rifle.
    i know plenty of gun owners and most are responsible yet some are IMO dangerous with weapons.
    i also know that guns do not die people do.
    reducing those deaths are something to strive for.

  36. They just showed a news report where a constable in S.Carolina shot up a guy in his car. The real police didn't fire but the fake cop did. This should be a real concern for people who claim the constables on site can protect people. Constables drive around in old used up cop cars pretending they are real police. They wear fake uniforms and have all kinds of crap hanging from their belts like Batman.
    Shame is they are usually cowboy cop wannnabes who should not be armed to begin with.

    Security is more than a fake cop with a gun.

  37. Locked doors and strong first floor glass. A monster siren goes off. Most of the kids shooting up schools are not brain surgeons they have issues. Rather than more people in school with guns that will probably shoot the wrong people make it harder to enter the school.

  38. 7.02
    " teach them “how to “ make PRECISION shots"

    nice offer and i believe you are serious in your attempt to help.

    will you have extras drenched in blood screaming and running back and forth in front of the target while fire klaxons are blaring?
    after all the more realistic the better.
    good luck getting volunteers to run around in front of you.
    use a laser tag system and save on the inadvertent casualties.

  39. 7:25 is put u on the list! I sign my name - notice?

  40. I saw the report on the constable. Police spokesman said they do not fire on a moving vehicle due to wounding innocent civilians. They stated the fake cop constable acted inappropriately with his weapon. Can you trust their people?

  41. 7.30
    that will help with the symptoms.
    it would reduce the number of deaths and injuries.
    However the disease is the assault rifle.
    same lunatic gets in a school with a crowbar and the injuries and deaths go way down.
    yes the gun humpers will claim that banning crowbars is ridiculous just like banning assault rifles.
    yet who do you want to deal with in a school corridor a guy with a crowbar or a assault rifle?

  42. No civilian needs a weapon based on the AR or AK platform. They are bought by wannabe soldiers. They should be on the list with UZI's.

    Former NRA member when it was a safe gun safety organization before Wayne"PEUUU" LA Pierre turned it into a crazy place. It will hurt gun owners more than help them. The guy is insane e and should be shown the door.

  43. Ken Kraft showed poor judgment in arguing with the parents.He should have just explained the situation and let them talk in their time. The guy argues with people to much. Not a good thing for a council president.

  44. Move it to the fire hall, doesn't seem like a big deal. It's what the people want and there's been voting in fire halls and churches forever. Why close schools? We already ask working parents to arrange schedules for so many holidays, snow days, and inservice days. It's hard to find childcare for some parents.

  45. 8::59,I personally enjoy it. If Council sits there like a stonewall, that's bad, too. But people get very offended when what they say is challenged by the person on the dais, especially when it is said bluntly. Ken Kraft is very smart, and is learning.

  46. Kraft comes off as a bully. He acts impatient when anyone other than himself is talking.

  47. He certainly can be perceived that way by those who do not know him. But he's listening and engaging you. I know Ron was the same way and people had the same complaint about him. I would submit that engaging you is actually a sign of respect, but it is often perceived as bullying. Ken will probably stop engaging speakers.

    In Bethlehem, the council sits there when someone speaks and that has led to complaints that the people are being ignored.

    I'd like to see something that enables people to speak without fear of being bullied, but allows council members to engage them so they do not appear to be unresponsive.

  48. Kraft was not engaging but arguing and bullying. On the video he tells them the problem and then is determined to argue with the citizens. That is more than giving your opinion or the facts that is just arguing for the sake of trying to win an argument. Little respect but lots of ego.

    Once you made your point let the people have their time and think them.

  49. The only way to keep their children safe is to start in home schooling. Anything can happen from the time the child leaves the home until the child returns to the home.

  50. Got your letter today , your DNA is in the stamp . You don’t have the intestinal fortitude to show your return address mailed from Lehigh Valley P.O. I’m about to figure you out. Because I know how to find you if need be .

  51. Bernie what happened to you? You used to call out the Dertinger/Kraft clan when they behaved like this. Now you have "access" so all is forgiven. These guys have not changed their stripes, they're still bullies on many fronts. You've just chosen to ignore it..."nothing to see here, move along".

  52. Got letter from I suspect poster to my home with derogatory comments as if he is taking something personally. Comments about my spouse too. So I have taken actions to secure letter . I think after an hour I have him figured out as he put in LV post office not in his home venue. Sometimes the truth hurts people and this character is personally deranged and want to intimidate me . So letter to to my home sent 28 th of March18 .he does not know me personally but has a grudge,— hope he gets over it.

  53. Got letter today sent from LV post office . Derogatory and inflammatory statements and comments about my spouse. Ofcoase I don’t hide so he thinks he is intimidating me with unaddressed return letter . After about an hour I have him figured out , he sent this from P.O. out of his home venue . I hope he gets over it ,as he does not understand so things about me so he does not know me personally.

  54. Um, i’ve Called out Ken Kraft repeatedly since he has been on council. I have agreed that Ken needs to be more diplomatic. So I don’t understand your point, if there is one.

  55. I received a letter to my home ,derogatory and inflammatory ,with comments about my spouse. Mail from LV PO I think not his hom venue .this person does not know me personally and or my spouse . He has mad comments on this blog this page ,that tell me he doesn’t know much. Hope he gets over it.Bernie .

  56. He is taking my comments about school security personally . He does know what he don’t know ,and I’ve struck his insides so he’s “ reaching out “ in his own way . But I will admit I can take some guy ,minding his own business and turn him in 45 seconds or less ,is an Infantry thing maybe? Hope he not employed by a school district , because I think as a “street psychologist “ this boy has a real problem and his family members should seek help for the poor guy.

  57. Did this person threaten you in any way? There is one reader who just hates you. I delete this person, but I suspect this is the one after you.

  58. Pls.save it , I have letter in plastic zip bag and he make e-z to distinguish characters in written floormat . He didn’t by his own stamp ,he obtained it and put it in PO during the day , probably afternoon . No direct threat however,the adjectives are without a doubt ,”gunna get me up on my horse with my saber” .

  59. You hit the nail squarely on the head, Bernie. *NO ONE* is willing to address the real problem. They want to talk about mental health, 2nd amendment, voting locations, arming teachers with guns, blah blah blah. A whole bunch of nonsense that avoids the real issue - it's currently legal to own weapons of mass destruction.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.