Local Government TV

Friday, March 30, 2018

Ray O'Connell Gets Mayoral Appointment on 12th Ballot

After three days of interviews, followed by 12 suspenseful ballots, former City Council President Ray O'Connell received the four votes he needed to be appointed Allentown's 43rd Mayor last night before a large and sometimes very vocal audience at City Hall. Julio Guridy, Ed Zucal and Daryl Hendricks consistently voted for O'Connell in all 12 ballots. Roger MacLean, Candida Affa and Courtney Robinson just as consistently voted for Allentown School Board President Charlie Thiel. The wildcard was Cynthia Mota.  She voted 11 times in a row for Dr. Hasheem Batts, a candidate whose past criminal record might make him ineligible. Having made her point,she finally switched her vote to Ray. After getting the appointment, O'Connell immediately came from the back of the room to shake hands with Dr. Batts. He also shook hands with every Council member, including those who voted against him.

On Tuesday and Wednesday nights, I watched the candidate interviews online. But nothing beats being there in person. City Council had previously decided to deny Batts an interview because of his criminal record, but reversed course last night. Most of the audience was pro-Batts. They carried signs until Council President Roger MacLean ordered them removed. They also burst into applause when ever anyone slammed white people.

The white male vilified

Over the years, I've seen  Allentown's problems blamed on minorities rather frequently. But last night, the white man was cast as the villain. 

Erin Keller, a candidate who herself is white, called Allentown's current government "boys in the hood. White guys are making money; everyone else is floundering."

That resulted in applause from the pro-Batts crowd, and MacLean had to remind the audience that no applause would be permitted. So they started snapping their fingers whenever someone suggested that Allentown suffers from systemic prejudice.

This theme continued when citizens were allowed to give one-minute speeches. Ashley Strange complained that every Mayor in Allentown's history has been white and male.

Batts and hope

Dr. Batts himself gave an eloquent speech. He "came up from Hell," starting at age 11. That's when he saw his first murder. That's when he saw his grandmother die. That's when he was arrested for the first time.

"I had been treated like garbage for most of my young life, and as a result, began to treat the world around me as garbage," he said. "Hopelessness and despair were my every day reality."

At age 15, he and a friend were arrested for stealing socks. Because they wised off to the cops,they were given "the treatment," which consisted of being placed handcuffed in a cell with sexual predators. "That night changed my life," he asserted. He said he was a "black boy in a world that does not value me," but made his situation worse by selling drugs.

He did turn his life around. He knows "the pain of poverty and the power of education." He wants "to heal the City he once damaged. I love Allentown."

As Mayor, he said the first thing he would do is sit down with all the key stakeholders to re-establish trust. But he believes "the City works best when you are white and a male." (Fingers begin snapping).

He also reminded everyone of the 2015 tragedy in which Johnesha Monae Perry, a 19 year old girl, hurled herself and her baby off the Hamilton Street bridge. She survived. Her 20-month old son died. "I lost hope," she later explained. She was herself a victim of sexual abuse, a foster child and her health insurance had lapsed.

He said the next Mayor should be a person who thinks about the Johneshas as well as the homeless.

Mann Mob Gets Nasty 

Though the Mann mob had three votes lined up for Thiel, they just couldn't get a fourth. Courtney Robinson misrepresented himself as following the solicitor opinions. "[W]e are just coming out of a situation in which rules that an elected official didn't like were ignored." He complained that Council was making the same mistake as Fed Ed by ignoring an opinion from the Solicitor.

Fed Ed committed crimes. City Council voted to ignore a bad and politically inspired legal opinion submitted by someone who was never confirmed as Solicitor. It is a misinterpretation of the "revolving door" rule in the Home Rule Charter, which is designed to prevent Council members from giving themselves high-paying cabinet positions when they leave office.It has no application to appointments to elected office. Courtney Robinson, who answers to Jennifer Mann and not the people, wanted to keep O'Connell and MacLean out of contention.

As it became more apparent that O'Connell had four votes, things got ugly. In addition to the increasingly histrionic attacks on O'Connell here, one city resident named James Whitney got up and complained that people have lost faith in the City. He attacked Rick Orloski, the prominent Allentown attorney who said that the pretend solicitor's opinion is wrong. He pointed out that Orloski contributed to Ray's campaign.

After it was all over, I saw Whitney chumming it up with Robinson.     

Candida Affa pretended that she had spent many "sleepless nights" wrestling wih a decision she had made all along.

Mota and hope 

Mota was very moved by Dr. Batts' message. "We need to give people hope," she argued. She said Council has voted to ban the box and allow people with criminal records to apply for city jobs and is employing a "double standard" by refusing to look past Batts' criminal record. "Look at all the people,"she said, referring to the audience. "Please don't give up," she implored them. "This City is yours."

In what appeared to be a symbolic message, she voted for Batts 11 times before relenting and voting for Ray O'Connell. She could have sent this to the courts had she wanted. He was sweating it out in the back of the room.

O'Connell immediately takes oath

After shaking hands with Batts, Ray wasted no time taking the oath. I think he took it about four or five times. I stole the picture you see from Ed White. I was unable to get one of my own. The president of some Syrian group had a nice shot, but he wanted to charge me.

"Damn Syrians," I groused. He laughed and said, "Damn white males."

For his part, O'Connell said everyone will be heard. "No one will be shut out," he said.


  1. The Pawlowski scandal continues. Hopefully, he will at least can Pawlowski last minute lieutenants McCarthy and Muller.

  2. people of allentown deserve what they get.

  3. What the under informed and uninformed Batts supporters don't realize or probably don't care is that it is not the Home Rule Charter that would prevent Dr. Batts from taking office, but the State Constitution. Because of that higher authority ruling, he should not have been given an interview. City Council did it as a courtesy. If he would have been voted in, we would have been going through this same process because he would have been removed.

    If Dr. Batts truly wants to be Mayor he needs to address his past by either getting a pardon or getting his record expunged. That might happen with his conviction years ago, but not the more recent drug conviction. Due to his FELONY arrest record he can still help with Allentown but will never be able to lead it from City Hall.

    My father taught me years ago and I did the same with my children to obey the law because a criminal record will always follow you and will affect your life. This was advise was proven during last night's meeting.

  4. So what does the home rule prohibition represent? Why is it there? What is the true interpretation? Why the one year clause? This prohibition is not unique to Allentown.

  5. If you thought Pawlowski's conviction was the final chapter in Allentown's Greek tragedy, you were wrong.

  6. So will council abolish the authority of the Mayor to supercede any ordinance he deems fit? Tbat is a corruptive power.

  7. Anon @ 6:01 The one year prohibition prevents a member of City Council to leave council and take an appointed position in the city administration. The key word here is appointed. These are positions appointed by the Mayor and subject to council approval. They are non-civil service positions. Typically they are the Department and bureau Chiefs that make up the Mayor's cabinet. Such positions are the Police and Fire Chiefs, DCED Director, Parks and Recreation Director, Finance Director.

  8. Who wouldn’t agree that the situation in Allentown could legitimately be referred to as a circus, and last night the third ring was prominently on display, or is “ZOO” a more accurate metaphor?
    Like a creepy clown show, it was more than a little bit scary.
    Way more.

  9. Just because Allentown is circling the drain doesn’t mean the horror show is anywhere near over.
    Off the charts.
    Identity politics has arrived in full force, it’s pug fugly and looking for it’s pound of flesh.

  10. 631...So why would the prohibition apply to department heads appointed by the Mayor and approved by council but not Mayor approved by council who has the power to appoint?

    1. State law is that any mmuncipal mayor or city controller position is an elected position no matter how it comes to be. Whether elected or appointed or imposed by Martians cconquering the Earth, a mayor is still deemed to have been elected.

      That said, the Mann Mob will easily accommodate themselves to an O"Connell administration because he will listen to their pitches on behalf of their clients and they will run another candidate in 2020 (God help us!). But by then young,dynamic, honest, transparent candidates will arise. I'm more coconcerned with the temporary havoc Thiel and Hyman (who would have made a worthy and very possibly superior mayor) would create by suing.

  11. Why do people insist on promoting the fiction that this car crash collapsed civic process has any legitimacy what so ever?
    Allentown has imploded.
    Get your family and friends out while you still can.

  12. this must be addressed by the courts.

  13. Well, the drama is over for now. Lets see what the erstwhile Mr. O'Connell can do. He has approximately 1 3/4 years to get rid of the Pawlowski stench, start anew, and radically change government from a dictatorship to a participatory form of government.

    His first and foremost challenge will be to hire a police chief who represents change, install new proactive programs, and fight crime in the neighborhoods. I would suggest he hire somebody within the department, not the current crew of unqualified junior administrators, and reach out to recently retired talent who took their experience, talent and education with them to other police departments in the area. Such as former Sergeant of Administration and chief consultant, Chief Edward Bachert of Fountain Hill. To embrace the failed concepts of the "disgraced one" and not to make wholesale changes to the existing department, will indicate where O'Connell truly sits. Carson S. Gable III

  14. Hey, white people have driven the town into the ground.
    Think about this for a minute.
    It’s difficult to deny.

  15. the city council of allentown is a collection of very bad people look what they did to our city the future is bleak

  16. City Council is a band of certifiable lunatics and assorted POS.
    What did Ray do in a past life to deserve this unimaginable fate?

  17. “It’s a new day.
    Let the healing begin as we look forward to a bright future. Bla bla bla...”

    What a fucking joke.

  18. Black racism is becoming more apparent with every day, of course there has been racism and their still is, but like in south Africa were they have recently voted to confiscate the property of whites, there is a strong movement for vengeance against whites in America. Allentown is destined to be minority ruled in the near future, we will see how it all works out.

  19. Doctor Hassan Batts is the perfect post-Pawlowski Mayor.

    “After me the deluge.”

  20. democracy at it's best city council ignored the person who had the second most votes in the fall election they changed the rules so it would suit them and then put in their own a man who lost twice and tried a write in campaign that had no chance..he is now mayor? for the sake of allentown this must be put in the court system.

  21. Allentown's problems have nothing whatsoever to do with race and everything to do with the size of Allentown's dependent class -- many members of which have no real ties to our city.

    Turning Allentown around will be extremely difficult but is extremely simple: increase the number of net taxpayers and decrease the number of welfare recipients.

    Hoboken did a brilliant job of this by rigorously enforcing zoning and building codes. This imposed significant costs on slumlords, which in turn increased rents, which in turn improved the quality of renters.

    We can heap platitudes on hypotheticals, or we can start the simple, honest work that needs to be done.

    Ray O'Connell is not up to that job.

  22. look up "Promise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh Valley" on Facebook

    when searching look at recent posts and photos and then go back a little more or include "Mota" in the search

    you will then see why Mota voted for Batts 11 times

  23. Bernie, the passing of the snake oil now goes to Robinson and itZ benafactorz. God won't open the gates of heaven and let you in, but he will open the gates of he'll and let you out! That said, " the black hole in oneZ soul" is a hole other matter.

  24. “Promise Neighborhoods” = United Way Greater Lehigh Valley, Poole Trust, ReNew Lehigh, etc.

    The Dr. Hussan Batts $how is a well funded part of the Urban Growth Regime.

    This is just the start.

  25. And those who object had better get used to an administration and council that reflects the ethic and economic diversity of the cicry because it is coming.

  26. Whatever happened to the message of Dr. King? To paraphrase, "it's time to judge a person by the quality of their character . . . not the color of their skin." I'm sure someone will correct the actual words he spoke.

    The apparent effort to make that meeting an "anti-white," or "anti-any other ethnicity" statement is beyond troubling.

  27. If only “Doctor” Hassan Batts was a woman he’d be everything the VOTE BLUE contingent could possibly ask for.

    Here is the future of Allentown in all it’s BLUE glory.

    Batts/Mota 2020

  28. Take a good look at the current ASD board.
    Take a good look at what passes for the Allentown City Council.
    Take a good long look.
    Now consider this, in a few short years you will look back at this as the good old days.

    RT@9:41 is absolutely correct.
    Get usta it because it’s coming.

  29. Field better candidates and get off your bottoms and vote. Don't blame me for your apathy. No candidate is entitled to this or that. Set goals and achieve.

  30. I always vote.
    I voted for Ed Pawlowski.
    The people’s choice of long standing.
    “Return Mayor Ed to the people who love him.”
    Vote Blue

  31. Focus people!!!!!!
    Keep your eyes on the prize.
    Ban the AR15 and the rest of this stuff takes care of itself.

  32. O'Hare objects to the gentrification of Allentown's downtown, but without it the city was becoming a cesspool. As an overtaxed homeowner in the city I am troubled by the dependent class of citizens bleeding the rest of us dry. Home ownership in the city is becoming unaffordable. And there is no way out if you cannot sell your house for market value. As council becomes more liberal, they will drive responsible, law-abiding homeowners out of the city.

  33. I hope Affa can sleep again.

  34. Gentrification????

  35. I thought you had to be a democrat to be appointed mayor. o'connell was an independent in his last losing effort--o I forgot council makes rules to fit their agenda.

  36. 11:49, O'Connell is a Democrat, and was a a Democrat when he waged his write-in campaign. You lost. Move on.

  37. ". As an overtaxed homeowner in the city I am troubled by the dependent class of citizens"

    This is code for racism. You don't like those darkies. But if you use the usual words to describe them, everyone will know you for what you are. Knowing how many people are like you helps me understand why the people last night think white people hate them.

  38. " I'm more coconcerned with the temporary havoc Thiel and Hyman (who would have made a worthy and very possibly superior mayor) would create by suing."

    I am going to try not to be nasty, but this will be the third or fourth time I explain this,and I should not have to explain it to you bc you have a law degree. I legal challenge to someone's right to hold public office can only be brought by quo warranto. The only persons who have authority to bring this kind of action are the DA, AG, or their designee. This, Nat Hyman and Charlie Thiel have no standing.

  39. 9:04, I believe Hasheem Batts is a very effective spokesperson for those who have no voice. He is the obvious successor to Alan Jennings.

  40. Jeff Anthony, I have explained what I think of people who use terms like "dependent class." It is a form of racism that you try to pretend us not there.

  41. "Hey, white people have driven the town into the ground.
    Think about this for a minute.
    It’s difficult to deny."

    True, Dat

  42. "why would the prohibition apply to department heads appointed by the Mayor and approved by council but not Mayor approved by council who has the power to appoint?"'

    Because that is an elected office and not a true city employee. The harm that the revolving door rule is aimed at does not exist there. If it were intend to apply to elected office, it would have to be far clearer than it is.

    But that battle is over. Move on.

  43. "So will council abolish the authority of the Mayor to supercede any ordinance he deems fit? Tbat is a corruptive power. "

    The Mayor has no such authority. He can disregard the zoning ordinance, but only with respect to property already owned by the city.

  44. The Allentown NAACP is disappointed that the Allentown City Council is still playing the good old boy system. Last night’s selection of the interim mayor was living proof. City Council knew that accepting an application, from an African-American candidate who was not qualified to run, yet, they allowed his candidacy to move forward, pitting him against a highly qualified civically involved African-American woman.

    We are dismayed at your total disregard and disrespect for our community.

    Barbara Redmond

  45. "What the under informed and uninformed Batts supporters don't realize or probably don't care is that it is not the Home Rule Charter that would prevent Dr. Batts from taking office, but the State Constitution"

    Article II, Sec. 7 of the Pa. Constitution provides, "No person hereafter convicted of embezzlement of public moneys, bribery, perjury or other infamous crime, shall be eligible to the General Assembly, or capable of holding any office of trust or profit in this Commonwealth."

    Batts was not convicted of a crime involving dishonesty or deceit. But he was convicted of a felony. In a 2008 decision of the state supreme court, a magistrate was removed from office bc of a prior felony conviction. https://casetext.com/case/com-v-griffin-19

    So both the Constitution and State Supreme Court are against Batts.

    Now it is true that in York, a Mayor was seated despite a felony conviction. Contrary to what was stated last night, no court ruled on the natter. An action was filed, but was withdrawn. There may have been a ruling when he was elected to City Council in 2011. I would have to see that ruling. I was unable to locate it. But the York County Court of Common Pleas does not trump the state supreme court.

    Batts does have equity on his side.His convictions were in 1995, along time ago, and he has turned his life around. He should seek a pardon from Governor Wolf, after which he can have his record expunged.

    1. Bernie, for now we only know fed edz conviction is selling itZ office for favors and other things that have teeth. Now we heard that there's possibly a 8million sort fall for the city and than 28.5 million for the school district. That calculation comes out too 36.5 million that could have been imbeZZeld from entities under fed eds rule. Now isn't ignorance of the law and participants collectively likeable be public servants and all to do there do dillagence in the faked factual budget pass? These miscalculations were made pricey to all council by the most infamous money counters of that back row of detractors.
      republican redd
      not a party favor

  46. o'connell ran as independent -2 democrats cannot run at the same time only in the primary election

  47. March 30, 2018 at 12:45 PM Allentown NAACP said...
    We are dismayed at your total disregard and disrespect for our community.

    Your candidate could have ran in the last election and most surely can run in the next. Ray was not appointed mayor for life. Perhaps you should leave it up to the "community" to decide if they feel as you do in the next election.

  48. LVCI, The NAACP is a nonprofit and is barred from political activity. The same comment appears on their Facebook page. It is inappropriate. Barbara can weigh in as an individual, but should not identify the NAACP with her politics.

  49. "o'connell ran as independent -2 democrats cannot run at the same time only in the primary election"

    He can wage a write-in campaign as a Democrat, and that is what he did. Stop posting inaccurate information.

  50. Northampton County enforces the same rule, if anybody works for the county they cannot do business with the county for a year.

  51. "dependent class" is not, on its face, a racist comment. Maybe you know the poster and they are such. Your response to the post regarding white people driving Allentown into the ground is more racist than the "code" dependent class. Those in attendance at the city council meeting, according to your blog post, seemed to be more anti-white than they were/are pro Allentown. The reactions, as described in your blog, are themselves racist. Their sentiments may indeed be shaped by true experiences. That's all we have is our perspective. That's not the point. Racism is...prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based solely on the color of their skin. The only perspective I have is mine. Who I am is shaped by my experiences. Those in attendance last evening are also who they are based on their experiences. That doesn't make us right or wrong. It gives us each a different lens with which we see the world. I am white. I did not choose to be white. I did not choose my heritage. I make no apologies for my skin color or my heritage. I should not be judged on the color of my skin or my heritage. I should only be judged by the content of my character. Racism is wrong, no matter who it is practiced by. Generalizing or blaming any individual race for our problems will not be productive in solving anything and will not help us to move forward. IMHO.

  52. I was quite explicit in my meaning, Bernie, and made it quite clear it had nothing to do with race. It had everything to do with not paying taxes and living off the dole.

    If you associate that behavior with people of color, Bernie, it's you who are the racist. I certainly make no such association.

    Let me be clear once again: Allentown needs more taxpayers and fewer welfare recipients.

    I don't appreciate your insult.

  53. I am not going to debate this with you, Jeffrey. If you want to know why so many black people hate white people, look in a mirror.

  54. "Northampton County enforces the same rule, if anybody works for the county they cannot do business with the county for a year."

    And it has no application to appointments to elected office. It was a ridiculous interpretation designed to keep Ray and MacLean out.

  55. Because I think there are only so many welfare recipients (regardless of race) who can be supported by a dwindling number of taxpayers(regardless of race)? That's basic economics, Bernie. In fact, it's not even economics; it's arithmetic.

    You're not going to debate because you have no rational argument to make, Bernie. You're claiming I said something that I simply did not say.

  56. I am not why some black people hate white people. You may believe such. That does not make it true. If my having a perspective makes me a racist, then it is those who see me as such who have hatred in their heart. You appear to base your opinion of me regarding this issue based only on my post. You do not know me. I see many things when I look in a mirror. Some good and some not so good. Hatred based on race is not one of them.

  57. I'm not going to debate you bc, in addition to being a bigot, you get trollish with people. I said what you said. You said what you said. Now move on. This is a post about Ray's appointment.I am sick of seeing you talk about the "dependent class" (wink wink). We all know what you mean. The harder you try to deny it, the more obvious it is.

  58. Jeffrey Fox, my comment is aimed at Jeffrey Anthony, not you. I don't see you use the term "dependent class" in every other sentence.

  59. To be at last nights council meeting was to view a spectacular example of an entire city in collapse and to appreciate that the worse is yet to come.
    Get out if you still can.

  60. The people of allentown deserve much better leadership than they arte gettig from this city council; there will be an ethics charge against them filed with the state ethics board, there must be a lawsuit to get rid of o'connel the people of allentown must act now or this suation will get worse. It was bad enough with fed-ed but these people will be worse --their first act was to change the charter-what a dog and pony show they put on the last 3 nights

  61. Hispanic is not a race. It is an ethnicity. Stop calling people who are critical of Hispanics in their community racists!

  62. “Doctor” Batts Ph.D. is from a mail order diploma mill.

  63. Bernie, you stated, "Batts does have equity on his side.His convictions were in 1995, along time ago, and he has turned his life around."

    I don't understand - he pled guilty to charges in 2008. He was 32 years old.

  64. True.
    The Batts posse has just pushed Alan Jennings into the dust bin of local history.
    Time marches on.
    Alan has show the Herculean discipline of shunning the spotlight as the Pawlowski administration he so shameless supported has crashed and burned.
    Everywhere one looks a new level of absurdity reveals itself in what truly is the The City Without Limits, a place where millennials are lined up chaffing at the bit, to live, work, and play, as Alan would say.
    What a fucking joke.
    It boggles the mind.

  65. Annon 1:39, Northampton County does not follow its own rules anyway. Stoffa hack Ross Marcus was the Director of Human Services. When it was obvious the next Executive would give him the boot he took a job with a big county vendor. This was in violation of county law. The county council said he could, in so doing they made their very own law toothless. Any future person can cite that and do the same thing. Bernie was OK with it because it was his pal. Just like now.

    The law is now worthless. Government always ignore the laws that don't help their buddies.

  66. ‘Doctor’ Batts is being paid by the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley, the Pool Trust, and others philanthropy enities to spent his days organizing the posse that showed up to demand he be installed as mayor last night.
    Quite a showing.
    Let’s all bow down to the new demagogue in town like Ray and Council was required to do.
    It’s good to see the Morning Call hop on the Doctor Batts train.
    There’s a Doctor in the house!
    Just when peopled believed Allentown had hit bottom it’s revealed that the bottom is nowhere in sight.
    Keep your eyes on the ASD and prepare for a shocking new level of incompetence to reveal itself.
    It’s a new day dawning.

  67. Monkey Mimma, I clearly misunderstood his past. I thought someone said his record was in 1995. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention because this is far more recent than I thought. Also, I saw your comment that he was already employed in human services at the time of this incident, so it sounds like he is a two-bit hypocrite.

  68. I will have to reD more about him but he does not have equity on his side.

  69. The moment is ideal for a mayor with multiple felonies.
    If not now, when?

    “Camden on the Lehigh”

  71. “Promise Neighborhood” is underwriting the
    Doctor Batts Medicine Show.
    Step right up......

  72. I do feel bad for the people at the meeting. This was a sham selection process. O'Connell was a done deal, everything else was show. People were forced to endure long hours for nothing but theater.

    This was put together when the Pwlowski/O'Connell plan to block Hyman was hatched. O'Connell got his reward. It is business a usual.

  73. Good Night for Ray and a good week for Dat Lambert making the Via All Star team !

  74. On this Good Friday...the cock just crowed.

  75. Good Friday and the people of Allentown were crucified, again! The Pharisees take care of their own.

  76. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  77. “It’s a new day for Allentown.
    Bla bla bla bla.....”

  78. 5:18, If you wish to address me, you will display at least some modicum of respect or I will delete you, as I just did.

  79. There is little hope for Allentown, if you are smart, you will start packing, if you don't get moving. you will miss the bus and it will be too late.

  80. Thursday was a great show for Allentown's Master of Confusion

  81. Barbara Redmond wrote at 12:45: "The Allentown NAACP is disappointed that the Allentown City Council is still playing the good old boy system. Last night’s selection of the interim mayor was living proof. City Council knew that accepting an application, from an African-American candidate who was not qualified to run, yet, they allowed his candidacy to move forward, pitting him against a highly qualified civically involved African-American woman."

    Barbara, you evidently do not know the process that City Council had to follow. Every person that submitted an application had to be interviewed as long as they were a registered Democrat for at least 30 days, were a city resident, and did not have a criminal record that included a felony arrest. Your assertion that City Council pitted two African-American candidates against each other is absurd! They did that themselves by submitting applications.

  82. Did “Doctor” Batts submit a valid application?

  83. Why the quotation remarks? Valid concern? Or are you just a bigot?

  84. Batts has a diploma mill Ph.D.
    Hence the quotation marks.
    He’s a liar and scam artist of long standing.

  85. all allentown people who realize how corrupt city council is --must back nathan woodring --a good man who wants to make the politically corrupt people on council to pay

  86. 7:13, Proof? Name the diploma mill.

  87. His Ph.D. Is from Nova Southeasrern, which has numerous accreditations. Your statement is a bigot’s remark.

  88. bernie--the fix was in the point guard won---just like the basketball scandals of the 50's

  89. It’s pretty hard to argue the fix was in when this took 12 ballots.

  90. Mota is a joke, so were the 12 ballots.
    Nova Southeastern University is an online diploma mill.
    No amount of prevarication changes that.

  91. It is an accredited university and you are an anonymous bigot.

  92. The problem with Allentown=the Cops do not walk the beat !

  93. 1 2 baLLOTS--lots of drama it was a set up if you believe the corrupt politicians did not stage this I got a bridge to sell you-- it started with the write in vote and ended with the 12 ballots no question they staged this dog and pony show.hopefully they will be taken by the state ethics board to court.if not allentown will sink even lower into their cesspool.

  94. 12 ballots was part of the set up? Changing course and allowing Battalion to interview was part of the set up? I see. Cuckoo.

  95. Nova acceptance rate : 48.8% (2014)

  96. bernie it was a fix you even said o'connell had his 4 votes from his buddies on the so called city council. you called that days ago. calling in all those people was a political stunt to try to make it look good--typical politicians--but you and I know it was fixed weeks ago.

  97. you are right bernie had ray picking his cabinet way before the vote.

  98. For those who believe that Ray O'Connell is ineligible because of the Charter to be appointed to the elective Office of Mayor--- I have this to say ... City Council ignored the strict interpretation of the Charter and because of that Ray O'Connell is now the de facto Mayor of Allentown if not the de Jure Mayor. With that being said , I congratulate Ray O'Connell for his appointment and I wish him well in carrying out his duties ... But I give him this warning , if he neglects the East Side of Allentown or makes the wrong decisions on East issues , the leadership of the East Side will speak up ...And no one in other sections of the City ought to give us negative feedback ... Especially, since the fact that there are no resident East Siders on Council .... In regard to Council giving an interview to Dr. Batts ... Council actually should have abided by what State Law said on Dr. Batt's eligibility ,,, But we have a Council which decides its own interpretation of Federal , State and even local allow ... No wonder the citizenry also makes their own interpretations on the law ... That's why some people sell cocaine , heroin and all type of drugs because they have their own interpretation of the law and expect not to be punished for their own interpretation. But when caught they are punished... And the former Mayor now knows this ... Councilperson Mota in an unaccustomed dialogue by her stated the reasons why Batts should be interviewed and considered ... She offered the picture of him as a changed man from his past experiences ... And Christians understand that concept as we must be changed or reborn if we are to meet Jesus in Heaven ,,, So it is very good and applaudable if Dr. Batts has changed his path in life... But let us consider this too ... We very much decry Bullies because they hurt people to feel important and get their way ... But when people fight back they shy away ... But some of them later come back and say that they changed ... And offer themselves as leaders in order to feel important again and get their way ... Of course, the most sincere of this class are the ones whom really ask for forgiveness and pardon for their past actions in order to get true redemption.... If Dr, Batts as a changed man is really doing good constructive work for the community I do applaud I'm ... But reflecting on some citizenry opinion at the meeting I think the wrong message about human cooperation was given. Obviously the Masterminds of Confusion were at work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  99. "bernie it was a fix you even said o'connell had his 4 votes from his buddies on the so called city council. you called that days ago. calling in all those people was a political stunt to try to make it look good--typical politicians--but you and I know it was fixed weeks ago."

    It was far from fixed. Four people told ray they would vote for him, but you should know that you never know what is going to happen until it actually does. I pointed that out, too. I spoke to one of the applicants on Friday and was surprised to learn that four council members had told him they were voting for him, too. You just never know until it happens. I was fairly confident that Ray's four votes would stay with him, but not enough to publish a post congratulating him. Also, I did not have Ray picking a cabinet. I asked my readers to pick one.

  100. I deleted two comments. One attacks someone for just being at the meeting. Anonymously, of course. Another repeats disinformation.

  101. A person to be candidate for appointment for Mayor, City Council or Controller should be a resident of the City for a year before the appointment application is due ... He or she should be a member of the same political party as the individual whose position is to be filled on the date of the nearest general election to the appointment.

    I believe the Charter should be changed in the following manner .... Leave the requirement that a current City Council member can not be appointed to an interim term as Mayor, Controller upon the resignation of the current Mayor or Controller. Members of City Council whom choose not to run for a new term for City Council will be eligible to apply for appointments for Mayor and Controller should the mayor or controller resign after their term expires. Council Members whom run for a new term on Council and lose can not apply for Mayoral. Controller or City Council appointments that occur before the next general election.... Councilpersons whose term is expired can be appointed to a department head position by the Mayor with the approval of Council ... As may Council people who are defeated in their attempt to return to Council. But no council person , Mayor or Controller shall work as a lobbyist or paid consultant for anyone dealing with city contracts for the City until after the next general election.

    This is only a suggestion ... If anyone could improve it make suggestions

  102. NOVA is playing great hoops and is going all the way!
    We can all snap our fingers for that.
    (I’m a Doctor of Hoopology.)

  103. It was fixed. The show they put on was wonderful but the outcome was known in advance. The Stop Hyman campaign by the Pawlowski/O'Connell camp worked. He is your mancrush and you cannot admit the facts but there they are.

  104. The fix was in.
    It was a moment in the sun for Mota.
    She is a class act, without a doubt.

  105. nobody stood a chance it was a show of all shows the politicians changed the charter to put their council president into the mayors seat if that is not the good old boys system nothing is , the people of allentown did not want o'connell they proved that twice but as we know politicians know best espicialy democrats they are in charged of most cities in this country -look at the results

  106. Ray "THE FIX" O'Connell. Allentown will have to wait until next year for even a hope of change. Sad!

  107. maybe the state ethics board can change this situation-- back nathan woodring I hear he is going to give it a try.

  108. The proof is in the pudding.

  109. The Mann Mob is burning out their keyboards in anger. Lobbyist Jenn Mann, whose name was mentioned repeatedly during the federal trial, is undoubtedly furious that her handpicked successor, Charlie Thiel, failed. She's undoubtedly missing out on a lot of fees. She tried to fix things for Charlie with a politically inspired opinion from Dan McCarthy, one of her loyal soldiers. It was requested by Courtney Robinson, another of her loyal soldiers. He is so irresponsible that his landlord was forced to sue him in 2012 ans 2014 for unpaid rent. But in a one-party town, most people do not look past party.

  110. I'm enabling comment moderation so I can relax over the easter holiday.

  111. No Jen Mann is too busy trying to loot the county government right now, maybe you should look into that

  112. bernie sure knows his goverment --he said allentown had 2 democrats run for the mayors office in the november electiun. must be a new rule made by the allentown democrats

  113. I can’t cure stupidity. As I have said several times now, Ray O’Connell ran as a Democrat in the Fall. He was not the Dem nominee, but waged a write-in campaign, and as a Dem. it is no different than what Dr. Van Wirt did in Bethlehem. If you bothered to inform yourself, you would not post such anonymous nonsense.

  114. I have known Hassham Batts for several years. I like him, think he is a genuine in his current desire to help Allentown, and I support his efforts. But here are the facts of his 2007 arrest that are easily found with a quick Google search: In 2007 at the age of 32, after selling 2 kilos of cocaine, his Allentown home was raided and he was found with 5 kilograms of cocaine, 50 pounds of marijuana, 6 loaded guns including an assault rifle and $50,000 cash. He was a major drug dealer at the same time he had a Master's Degree in Social Work and was serving as the Director of Children's Services at Northwestern Human Services in Bethlehem. I am dismayed that Cynthia Mota voted for him 11 times and another Council member suggested he ask the Governor for a pardon. I can't understand how one can think he should be issued a pardon, never less hold the position of Mayor! I can only think that maybe those City Council Members did not do their basic research on the candidate before voting for him and/or singing his praises. And given the weight of the responsibility of this Mayoral vote, it is discouraging to think the most basic of research was not preformed on the candidates. I wish Hassham well and hope he will continue to be a voice for those coming out of the prison system in need of second chances.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.