Local Government TV

Monday, February 26, 2018

McClure's Meet 'n Greet Leads to GOP Complaint

Ben does have a halo going for him. 
The Express Times has failed to cover a NorCo Council committee meeting for years. A freelancer covers county government only when something being promoted by the urban growth regime, like the DaVinci Center in Easton, is on the agenda. Even its high school sports coverage, which used to be its strength, has all but disappeared. So I was a bit surprised to see a rare letter to the editor criticizing NorCo government and Executive Lamont McClure on Saturday. It's of course accompanied by the lousiest picture editors could find of the Exec.

I'm happy to see it. Even though the information is flawed and I disagree with the political part of it, this is very necessary in a democracy. A newspaper that fails to inform the citizenry has no reason to exist.

But the information is flawed. The newspaper, largely because it no longer follows county politics or government, was played.

Ben Hedrick, a very nice gentleman who attends nearly every Council meeting, sees McClure all the time. He is also a GOP Commiteeman. He did not go to the meet and greet to talk to McClure, which he already knows he can do anytime he wants. He went there precisely so he could write the letter that got published.

The newspaper should have told you that Ben is a GOP Commiteeman, but no longer has knowledge of county government or politics.

I contacted McClure about this matter. He tells me this was a Chamber of Commerce event, and neither he nor his campaign benefited in any way.  I agree that Chambers of Commerce need to stop charging for "meets and greets" when they involve elected officials, but they sometimes do.

McClure saw Ben was on his way out as the Exec was on his way in. He also saw Ben get into a parked car that was waiting for him. This leads me to wonder whether Ben went there, hoping to be chucked, so he could make points with county Republicans. And he did. Links to his letter are making the rounds among my GOP friends on Facebook.

The reality here is that McClure, who prides himself on transparency, is on his way to becoming the County's most transparent Exec. I actually receive this thing now called a "press release," that tells me about what's going on. Since his election, department heads are far more willing to speak. They had been muzzled by former Executive John Brown, especially in Human Services. In fact, Brown's penchant for secrecy is 90% of the reason why there is such suspicion about the General Purpose Authority and his P3 bridge project.

Under Brown's tenure, past online election results disappeared, along with prior Council minutes. McClure has been able to restore election results back to 2008

I agree with Ben that these events should be free. But instead of attacking the source of the problem - the Chamber of Commerce - Ben attacked "this new administration."

Funny how he never had a word to say about Brown's complete lack of transparency.

Naughty, naughty, Ben. I commend you on playing the Express Times, but that no longer means anything.


  1. It may very well have been an ambush. Lets not forget the Chambers of Commerce are republican by nature and voting. So who knows maybe they helped set up McClure.

    If McClure ever thought the Norco GOP was going to be anything but antagonistic, he was dreaming. Wait till top republican agitator Pocketbook Peg gets back from her extended vacation, then you will see a pro agitator at work.

  2. “Information is flawed.” Funny! Sounds like everything you write. You would hardly know a fact if it hit you int he face. Mostly rhetoric from your incorrect “agents” or those who aren’t even in the know enough to give you information. You know, like when you cause a flu scare about an employee dying, but in reality you false reported since he actually took his own life. Tragic event that you caused unnecessary chaos about. Really, stop throwing rocks from your glass house.

  3. BO - the master of cover and kiss ass

  4. "like when you cause a flu scare about an employee dying,"

    I would do the same thing again. I had a memo from the court admin to the court detailing precisely what I wrote. I had every reason to believe I was correct and when I discovered the inowas wrong, immediately pointed it out. Yours is a personal animus.

  5. I would think Mr. McClure is an educated man capable of making big choices. The fact of the Chamber charging is NO news and is common info.. so why did he go? He did not have to.

    Tell them No when they invited and the reason was cause you charge...

  6. If the disaster in chief could charge a fee to send out his newsletter with a "Donate Now" & "Visit Our Store" preying upon young school age dead bodies, he would so why can't the chamber do the same?

  7. I wish you had spoken to me before you wrote this as I would have been happy to fill you in on the details, my thoughts, and my intentions so you wouldn’t have had to speculate.
    You are correct that I very rarely send letters to any media source, including yours, until I really get upset about a wrong.
    I also sent the letter to the Morning Call and was told it would be published, which it has not been. You can speculate on the why.
    Yes, I am a Republican and a committee person. If that invalidates my opinion or my sense of injustice in your estimation, there is nothing I can do about that and am very sorry you feel that way.
    I did not see Mr. McClure at the event for, if I had, I would have asked him not to legitimize the event by attending or, at least, make the Chamber return the entry fee to all those in attendance.
    I did not have a car waiting, as you say Mr. McClure stated. I drove myself to and from the event in my 2005 Toyota Corolla and was pleased to see it waiting where I parked it.
    You are correct that I did not go to the event to speak with Mr. McClure, something I can do at the County Council meetings. I went there to hear his plans for the county as was advertised in the Facebook invitation. At one time you praised me for attending a Democratic debate at Gracedale (5/9/14). I told you then and I tell you again now, I want to hear from both sides. You also sat next to me at a free meet and greet for Matt Cartwright at the Community College. You also spoke to me at the Court House when I attended the installation of new officers for Mr. McClure’s cabinet. I have also graduated from the County Citizens Academy, continue to attend all the County Council meetings, and attend all the Bethlehem Township meetings.
    I am not against Mr. McClure and hope that his administration does all the good for the county that has been promised. I shook his hand at the Nazareth No Jail At Gracedale rally, wished him well in the election, and explained that I was more interested in the welfare of the county than I was in who won.
    I realize you don’t believe that my motivation for writing was not political but, rather, an intense sense of injustice. No one should be charged a fee to hear the plans an elected official has for them. To then blame the venue for that when, by attending, you give legitimacy to it rather than putting an end to it, is disappointing.
    Mr. McClure knows better. This should never have happened.

  8. Ben, I do accept your explanation that your motivation was not political. I do have high regard for you and consider you an engaged citizen. But in your letter, you attack the incoming administration instead of the Chamber as the source of this problem. Also, I never heard you onceadmonish Brown on his complete lack of transparency, which included the posting of armed guards at a news conference. I suspect your views, like mine, are somewhat tainted by your politics. But I welcome your view, and accept your explanation. Did you contact McClure before you wrote your letter. You say I should have contacted you. Did you reach out to Lamont?

  9. Bernie, I did not confront Mr. Brown for a lack of transparency as you did that so I saw no need. Would my having gone public do more than what you were already doing? But no one, except me and now you in response to my exposure, mentioned the lack of transparency in this event. As for the Chamber, it was mentioned in the letter but the only one who could have put an end to it was the guest speaker, Mr. McClure. I just don't see how you can speak of transparency and then allow the host to charge an entry fee and voluntarily participate. No, I didn't contact Mr. McClure before I wrote the letter...maybe I should have. Did Mr. McClure contact me if, as you say, he saw me leave in anger? Did you contact me, as you apparently did with Mr. McClure, to find out my thoughts, feelings, and motivation before you wrote the article? Maybe it could have been handled better by everyone but I hold to what I said above: Mr. McClure knows better. This should never have happened.

  10. Tony "I have never felt so proud of America for voting for Trump" Chamber?

  11. Was McClure giving a "state of the County" speech? If he was it should have been advertised and free.

  12. Friday, 8:30 am, Hotel Bethlehem. I will have a story. It's free to everyone who registers in advance.

  13. Except Ben. He has to pay me $10,000.

  14. Actually, registration starts at 8:00. Marcy and I will be there so how about I buy you breakfast there instead?

  15. Why is an ambush a bad thing? I love when politicians are ambushed. It keeps them on their toes. Mike Wallace did it with 60 Minutes. Bernie does it her from time to time. I like when public officials are ambushed. If they and their defenders don't like it, stay out of the kitchen.

  16. Chambers of Commerce much like the modern NRA are nothing but extensions of the Republican Party designed to keep them in power. They will use McClure of necessary but he certainly can never trust those bastards.


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