Local Government TV

Friday, February 23, 2018

Did Fed Ed Assault Allentown City Council Woman?

Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski is not only on trial for political corruption, but is currently on the stand, undergoing cross-examination. I've told you his fatal flaw is his hubris, his belief that he can do whatever he wants with impunity. That attitude has been unhelpful to him on the stand. And amazingly, during a time when he should be on his best behavior, he bullied Allentown City Councilperson Cynthia Mota.

On Tuesday night, Allentown City Council voted to delay the nominations of Tom Muller and Dan McCarthy to managing Director and Solicitor, respectively. These are two excellent choices, so I could understand some frustration at the delay.

Fed Ed confronted Council member Cynthia Mota and began screaming at her. He also may have slapped her arm, accidentally or intentionally, while he was yelling.

Mota has declined to a request that she tell me what happened. Several people who witnessed the incident are unwilling to go on record, which is what enables bullies like Fed Ed.

Council President Roger MacLean, the City's former police chief, confirms that there "was some sort of confrontation." From what he's determined, Fed Ed's hand went in a downward motion as he spoke to Mota and it struck her arm. This could have been an accident or an assault.

"According to my information his hand did make contact with her arm along with a raised voice," MacLean told me. "No matter what this behavior is completely unacceptable by the mayor."

This incident fails to appear in the report of the stringer who covered this meeting. That might be because he worked for Fed Ed's campaign.


  1. The man is a loose cannon.
    The sooner he is behind bars the safer the community will be.
    Ed’s a thug.
    He’s a wounded, stressed, flailing, thug.
    City Hall is in terror mode.

  2. This prick could crack. Mike and Sam are gone. The First Lady is sweating out her own charges. Compliant fieldhands are leaving thenplantation forcing nasty confrontations.
    Frans not around to grease the wheels of day to day operations out at work sites.
    There is a cyber breech of major proportions and Ed outed the late shift of the APD as causing the crash as they used the system to patrol child porn sites.
    The FBI may need to raid this place yet again.
    This is a horror story unfolding,

  3. Tensions are running high. Even Pawlowski hand picked high chancellor Muller has gotten into it with city council. He got into an argument because they will not confirm his appointment. He is angry and demands they do it. They are wisely waiting. In the mold of his boss Pawlowski.

  4. Now you are claiming physical assault? WOW. That sounds like something you can get sued for. After the trial, he may take you to court for your wild claims.

  5. I think Ed is going to be in federal prison after this trial, 3:42 am.

  6. This is not the first time he has gone after Ms. Mota after a city council meeting. Once before he chided her for her position on an issue and reminded her "HE got her elected".

    This is typical "Edwin" at his Chicago best. Even if he is found non-guilty of all charges, [and I doubt it], his character has been exposed and he will be truly ineffectual at his job.

    I cannot believe that Tom Muller wants to work for this arrogant, delusional, control freak. He has plenty of money, lives outside of Allentown and will not move in and wants to resettle in Florida. His political hack sidekick, McCarthy, always needs a public handout with a government job no matter who he reports to.

  7. Even stranger things are going on.
    This isn’t ending well.

  8. Temporary insanity, like his whole life...

  9. It’s too bad the building isn’t wired.
    The stuff going on is absolutely unbelievable.
    Is it any wonder City Council members rarely or never show up at the trial?
    The City of Allentown government is a zoo and there is shit on a whole lot of shoes.

  10. Just a qwick thought, how is it that whole homes can just dissapear and these matters stay in house? What house city, county and state and the feds are not watching but they do not want a mancave remodel!

  11. The situation is out of hand.
    It’s time for the appropriate judge to issue a (?) receiving order and restore some semblance of sanity.
    Why is this rudderless ship of fools allowed to sail on?
    This is goverment in collapse.
    This is Banana Republic stuff.
    Maybe the APD night shift should turn off the porn and lead a coup d’état?
    This is a cruel farce.

  12. Bernie.. and what if Ed is found NOT GUILTY? Are you moving to Canada?

  13. "Now you are claiming physical assault? WOW. That sounds like something you can get sued for. After the trial, he may take you to court for your wild claims."

    After th trial, his main concern is going to be staying out of jail before he is seneences. His bail should be revoked,and this incident should be mentioned as one of the reasons. Yhe Council president, a former A-town police chief, has weighed in. And as I understand it, it may have happened in view of the city's cameras. Also, he's done something similar to Mota before. And we all know he bullied Eugene McDuffie right before the primary.

    If he intentionally slapped her arm, that's an assault. And no matter how you look at this, he was out of line.

  14. Scenes from the Berlin bunker.

  15. How dare Mota not follow her marching orders?
    It’s a peasant revolt.
    It must be stopped.

  16. Bernie, if that had been the Iron Lady the beautiful Ms. Eichanwalt after all the verbal abuse she had suffered from fed ed and his corrupt clown criminal posse she would have knocked him out politely. Having fed ed striking the first blow is reason to defend oneself for fear of bodily injury.
    This man should be looked up right after the feds are done handing his head to him on a silver platter to stuff up his OWN ass. There is a public saftey issue here as well as the issue that at this point he is also a threat to himself and family members around him?

  17. I am not going to mention the name of any of Ed’s sycophants and apologists.
    Mrs. Eichanwald is a HERO!

  18. What was his intent? If I bump into someone while turning the isle in a grocery store is that assault?

    1. The mayor is just a hot head that is going to blow at some point. The stress must be getting to him.I wonder if he has confession after every trial day.

  19. It’s impossible to say whether it was intentional based on what I know.

  20. Fred, if you negligently bump into someone at the grocery store bc you are not paying attention, that is assault. But it is not criminal. It is a tort. I do not think Fed Ed intended to strike Mota, but do think he was negligent.

  21. Everyone who has ever worked for Pawlowski knows the man is a bully.

  22. “If they don’t do what we say we’ve got people who will smack them around.
    We’ve got people who love to smack people around.”
    M. Fleck on pay-to-pay.

  23. Bernie , I never sat through a 5 week trial . The jury has got to be worming around and wants out. I say Mayor gets off . I say he walks.

  24. I can see more clearly now why Fed Ed did not fire the recycling bureau manager for assaulting a waste management employee and a city employee. He swept it under the rug.

  25. Ed probably brings the pain and suffering he is currently being subjected to at his trial into work with him . Of course he didn't mean to hit anybody but he does look like an uncoordinated little fellow who has a problem managing his emotions. No, he wouldn't hit anybody or at least not in public.

  26. Oh, Ed will never consider hitting a real man.
    No way, Ed will yell and threaten but he knows he’s a doudy punk and most any real man would punch his lights out.
    Like most bully’s he is a coward.
    He will yell and fail his arms.
    He’s more than capable of hitting a woman.
    He has willing thugs on the payroll for us in intimidating men.
    Everyone from the solicitor on down know who the thugs are.

  27. You don;t have to worry about Ed P hitting you, the other Ed well that's another story cowards!

  28. The reference the other Ed is to Ed DisGrace, a coward. I have personal experience. The "Lagata" comment is from Villa, who spent the day impersonating people to counter this truth with his lies. He's a coward, too. I have personal experience with him, too.

  29. At least the Boy Reps, Lil’ Pete and “Once is Not Enough” Mike have the common sense to shut the fuck up for the time being.

  30. I don't understand why no one is talking about this except MacLean. If nothing happened, why doesn't Mota just say so? And if something did happen, why doesn't she just describe what happened? (Same with other eye witnesses.)

  31. MM, Ed’s got dirt on Mota, his wholly owned subsidiary. She’s another Ed-bot.
    Mota is a complete lacky.
    Ya’ think suddenly this crew finds integrity and courage?
    There’s new political favors to distribute in the pending post-Ed era.
    She too, might find work with the ASD if she plays her cards right.

  32. Monkey Momma, This happened before the meeting. Several people have confirmed it to me, but are unwilling to let me use their names. Only MacLean was willing to speak out. I think the reason for the reticence is simple - fear. They are still afraid of this guy. I actually delayed this story, hoping that more people would be willing to go on record. Let us not forget, we know know that he is very vengeful.

  33. A hostile witness to a blogger.... This could be real news brewing...

  34. I dare Feddie to do that to Candida!

    1. Candida has been Ed’s punk forever.
      She has been a profile in cowardice and stoogery.

  35. the same way he bullied Eugene Mcduffie. Now that feded has 47 counts maybe we can bring that up too???? smh. Mota was also there for that ordeal.


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