Local Government TV

Monday, February 26, 2018

And the Fallen Angels Just Laugh

Yesterday, as he does every Sunday, Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski posted an "inspirational quote" on his Facebook page After all, he is a very holy man. He went to Moody Bible College. He's married to a very holy woman who also attended Moody Bible College and cured homelessness in Allentown.

And the fallen angels just laugh.

The man who has prayer meetings at city hall, and who beats his breast as well as any Sadducee, made sure he checked under the stalls of bathrooms so that no one could hear him conduct criminal business. He could look the jury in the eye and piously deny any wrongdoing, while simultaneously telling his Myrmidons, "You can’t get indicted for anything except for the s--- you say out loud, so don’t say s--- out loud.”

And the fallen angels just laugh.

The man who proclaimed he had no influence over the Zoning Hearing Board or the Parking Authority and who spoke with the jury as though he was a guest in their living room, has also posted comments on his Facebook page asking us all to "be kind" to one another. Yet this is the same holy man who nearly assaulted former Human Relations Commissioner Eugene McDuffie back in May. McDuffie was backing someone other than Fed Ed in the Mayoral race. He has used these same bully tactics against Council members Cynthia Mota and Candida Affa, and amazingly, may have assaulted Mota last week right before he took the stand.

And the fallen angels just laugh.

On Friday, I learned from a Syrian business owner why that community really supported Fed Ed. His opponent was a Jew. Fed Ed played on their anti-Semitism.

And the fallen angels just laugh.

He claims to be shocked, just shocked, to learn that city contracts were going to campaign contributors. But that's precisely why two fallen angels, Mike Fleck and Sam Ruchlewicz, worked for him. He told them they "need to insulate me from all this crap." They were his fall guys.

And the fallen angels just laugh.

Last time I was in the courtroom, I saw Pawlowski supporters and detractors. I'm also sure that Lucifer and the fallen angels were there, too, quietly laughing.

In Dante's Inferno, barratry (political graft) is considered even worse than simony (stealing the collection plate) because it has such a negative impact on society. That's certainly true in Allentown, both in the government and the community. Trust for elected officials is gone. Business is stalled.

And the fallen angels just laugh.

Fed Ed's cross-examination resumes today. He did pretty badly on Thursday. He's already been forced to concede he lied to the FBI about a cyber attack. Worse, he got caught in a lie about Fleck and Ruchlewicz being there to insulate him.

Blogger's note: Apologies to Ray Wylie Hubbard.


  1. Christ O'Hare, its not an opera. You are really loopy over all of this.lol

  2. Bernie,

    I respectfully submit this for you as a minimal fraternal correction regarding your use of the word "simony." The attempted simony occurred when the magician. Simon Magnus, approached Simon Peter and asked to purchase his "power" and the "power" of the Apostles to "heal and perform miracles." The Apostles declined the request.

    Simony is the sin of trying to buy a church/ecclesiastical communication of the Holy Spirit. Simony is a form of selling the Church's positions, offices, roles, and anything related to the selling of the Holy Spirit.

    Simony is much, much worse of a sin than stealing from a collection plate. Although the distinction is minuscule, this distinction is important. Punishment for this type of sin is much worse than stealing. Thanks for reading this babble. It is just an fyi.

    Peace be with you,

  3. Secret Agent Man, "Fed Ed", has been flying the banner of the Moody Bible Institute since he came on scene. He is no more holier than James Baker of the PTL [Pass the Loot] club. Just like Baker and his ex-wife Tammy Faye, Him and Lisa have been bilking money out of contributors for years. The money both of them were paying out to H-Street Strategies and other owned Fleck companies for insulation, should have set off bells and whistles. However, Ms. Lisa and he kept paying the humongous bills from the campaign fund without a whimper. This in itself shows their complicity in this affair. From the beginning I said both of these individuals should be going to jail, but the feds gave her a free pass because of the kids! I hope this wasn't a fatal mistake.

  4. Bernie,
    Type O and the fallen angels laughed, Thursday not Tuesday. The grammar police say be kind to those that be kind to you, and the fallen angels laughed because of there evil deeds!

  5. I am using both "simony" and "barratry" in broader senses. These days barratry applies to lawyers who file vexatious lawsuits, but it originally included graft. As for simony, no less a source than Blackstone's Law Dictionary says it includes obtaining your preaching papers by paying someone off. Technically, I used neither word correctly. But I liked the sound of them. Sue me.

  6. OMG Bernie.. for the love of god! Don't dose us with these big words like "vexatious", "simony" amd "barratry".. we are just regular folks like Weasel and Bad Mark.....

  7. "What in the World is Happening at Moody Bible Institute? - Juicy ...
    Feb 1, 2018 - Allegations of questionable spending practices and wavering Biblical orthodoxy come to light at Chicago's Moody Bible Institute."

    Has Ed read about his alleged Alma Mater lately? Falling Angels everywhere...

  8. "What in the World is Happening at Moody Bible Institute? - Juicy ...
    Feb 1, 2018 - Allegations of questionable spending practices and wavering Biblical orthodoxy come to light at Chicago's Moody Bible Institute."

    Has Ed read about his alleged Alma Mater lately? Falling Angels everywhere...

    Moody Bible President and COO Both Resign, Provost Retires | News ...
    www.christianitytoday.com › News & Reporting › Archives › 2018 › January
    Jan 10, 2018 - Amid “widespread concerns over the direction” of Moody Bible Institute (MBI), the historic Chicago school announced today that President J. Paul Nyquist and Chief Operating Officer Steve Mogck have resigned, while Provost Junias Venugopal has retired. Current Issue. March 2018Subscribe · March.

    UPDATE: Top Leaders Leave Moody Bible Institute Over 'Crisis of ...
    Jan 10, 2018 - Moody Bible Institute's problems include falling student enrollment numbers, a climate of fear and intimidation on campus, a liberal theological drift and widespread layoffs.

    Moody Bible Institute Facing Unprecedented Crisis. Please Pray ...
    Jan 4, 2018 - The Moody Bible Institute (MBI) is facing what is arguably one of the most serious crises it's faced in its 132-year history. In addition to a dramatic financial downturn, which caused the institute to close its Spokane campus and cut nearly one-third of its faculty, MBI leaders are now dealing with allegations ...

    Moody Bible Institute President Resigns Amidst Scandal - Pulpit & Pen
    Jan 10, 2018 - The Moody Bible Institute today announced the resignations of President Paul Nyquist, Provost Junias Venugopal, and Chief Operating Officer Steve Mogck. As I first reported Friday, the administration was facing serious allegations including allowing professors who deny the inerrancy of Scripture to teach ...

    Moody Bible Controversy: Former Employee Reveals Confusion Over ...
    Jan 29, 2018 - Following the resignation of top leaders at Moody Bible Institute amid controversy, some have now detailed their concerns about the theological direction of the institution, especially over the inerrancy of Scripture.

  9. Why communicate with written words if they cannot transfer thoughts properly and logically? The demise of thought and society.

  10. I am a great believer in using the precise word to fit an occasion, and these two words are perfect. That may be what bothers you,

  11. Thanks Bernie for this well-written and poetic piece.

  12. 9:13, i’ve Always been partial to songs about the devil.

  13. @8:22 I checked out our link. According to the report, the Executive Committee of the Moody Bible Institute Board of Trustees and President Paul Nyquist planned to meet on January 5 to discuss allegations including: Fostering an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, silencing whistleblowers by reprimanding, or even firing them. This is how Fed Ed and his bureau managers ran their departments, with fear, intimidation, micromanaging. They would fire anybody that was a threat to them and make up false allegations. They would corroborate their lies with each other to build their case.

  14. I dont know hwy you keep trashing the mayor, he has been doing god's work, maybe he cut a few corners, but it was all in the spirit of the party and for the uplifting of the less fortunate. He is only trying to help the city and those less fortunate than himself, Is that not really what a good democrat and a good Christian should be doing.

  15. I predict there will be a fainting episode by the wife or defendant just prior to the jury going in to deliberate.

  16. There is SO much on the jury's table here. It's been a long trial. My guess is, Pawlowski will be convicted of 2-3 minor charges out of the 50+ charges to choose from. The mindset of the jury is probably "Come on, folks . . we all just want to get out of here as quickly as possible."

  17. I have been following the live time twitter feeds of both Emily Opilo and Jamie Stover all day. The Federal Prosecutor completely destroyed whatever credibility Ed thought he had with the jury. Ed was forced to admit several times that he had lied. Tapes were played concerning Ramzi Haddad that had not been heard before rebutting Ed's testimony that he had no deal. Read the twitter feeds, and you will be astounded by what exactly the Feds had Ed on tape saying. Ed would be asked what he told the FBI, he would testify to that, and then the Prosecutor would play the tape where you would hear the exact opposite. There was a Conspiracy, Ed knew all along what was going on, and Fleck is on tape asking Ed if that was what he wanted, and Ed said yes. Best of all for the prosecutor, a tape was played where Ed told Fleck that the phones might be tapped, so don't talk about the gifts on this phone. Ed testified that he was telling the truth when he told the FBI he had just received his burner phone days before the July 3 raid, but they had tapes and texts of Fleck telling Ed they were ready in April, and they had tapes of Ed calling Fleck on them. Party Over. They have him lying cold, and the jury is now wondering, is he lying about everything else too? all that testimony is now seen as a show. I think the Prosecutor did a masterful job letting Ed hang himself

  18. They did not prove quid pro quo. They do have him on lying to the FBI. That is what they will get him on. Despite Bernie's theatrical musings the climax of this trial will leave him wanting.

  19. Ed is a sick fuck.
    Anyone supporting this mobster is an utter fool or an unindicted co-conspirator .

    1. That going to be in the next level down yet up in hell of the Lehigh Valley!
      Tell em Bernie you can shine shit all you want even paint it the colours of the rainbow , at the end of the day it better be flushed or infection spread.
      Maybe Ed can hand little pieces as parting giftz to his co-conspieritorz

  20. Lying to the FBI is enough to force him out of office and disgrace him. So that's fine with me. I also think that there is ample evidence for the majority of the counts. I think the Ten contract charges are weak and Spillman Farmer is weak. The rest is fairly solid.

  21. Are we sure he's not related to Trump? Pawlowski: 'I wasn't correctly telling the truth'

  22. Who's going to force him out? We will see if that really happens.

  23. @3:51 we have a perfect example of the intelligence of an Pawlowski sycophant .

  24. “I wasn’t correctly telling the truth.”
    The inscription for Pawlowski’s tombstone.

  25. It seems that Pawlowski convicted himself effectively this afternoon under cross-examination.

    The only thing left is the conviction and ouster from City Hall

  26. Lisa Pawlowski isn’t only more attractive than her criminal husband, she is smarter, more devious, and wears the pants in the family. Lisa is a stone cold sociopath.

  27. I think they have him cold on about 40 of the 54, give or take a couple. All they need is one for council to legally remove him from office. But I am actually hoping he refuses to go. Why can't this opera have one final act where the lead falls on his sword?! Can you imagine the footage if they have to drag ED out of the building?! The Passion of the Christ redone as "THE PASSION of PAWLOWSKI!"

  28. I say , Bernie he’s out of hot water ,overall. I say the jury will not find him guilty as charged . 60/40 chance . I sat in the last preliminary arrangements ever between with both Gus Milides and Charlie “Spaz”opposing each other ,with District Justice Leo up on Lehigh Street . wow that was a show down . Best pals ,working a molestation case ,I had defendant in tow. This was a heave file ,and Ed’s case is ahhh Luke warm compared to this preliminary. So ; I say Mayor walks .

  29. Pawlowski is a narcissist, much like Trump. People like them do not accept or pronounce any guilt for anything. They are individuals who see themselves as above law. They are infallible and incapable of serious self-analysis.

    He may go to jail but you will never hear him admit guilt or say he is sorry. He will not show any remorse. Pawlowski is the local version of Trump.

  30. Ed is an innocent man.
    Praise Jesus.

  31. "I wasn’t correctly telling the truth"

    Ed's Epitaph.....

  32. Pawlowski is the iconic leader of Allentown's Democrat Party. If one Democrat politician is lying - and he is - how many other Democrat politicians are lying? This is a Democrat Party problem, not a Trump problem, 7:02.

  33. Which one of the seven elevators to hell will fed ed be riding Bernie, and we all know there are two more levels from Dante's description? Would the two other levels be down or up riding sideways?

    Just saying since ed being the theologian.

  34. Ray Wylie Hubbard wants his lyrics back.


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