Local Government TV

Friday, May 12, 2017

LC Comm'r Race: Candidate Chicken Lady Cries Fowl

Amy Zanelli is the establishment candidate for Lehigh County Commissioner in District Three, which includes west Bethlehem and Allentown's east side. Incumbent Tom Muller endorsed her on the very night that he decided against seeking re-election himself. Two other Democrats, opportunist Basilio Bonilla and longtime citizen activist Dennis Pearson, were also running. Muller shoved them aside without doing his homework. Had he done so, he would have learned she was fired in 2012 for failing to show up at her job as a caseworker for child protective services in New Jersey.  He would have known that she was fired from a similar position in Northampton County in 2015. Muller told the crowd that Zanelli had been an announcer with the Lehigh Valley Roller Girls, but this is what Lehigh Valley Roller Girl Michelle Torte MessaHess said on her Facebook page: "DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS WOMAN. I care too much for Lehigh County and its residents. She is mentally unfit, financially irresponsible, and devoid of familial accountability. She has caused tyranny in several, local non-profit organizations within Lehigh and surrounding counties. DO WHAT'S RIGHT. SHARE THIS POST AND VOTE NO TO AMY ZANELLI."

Muller failed to mention that Zanelli is Hanover Township's chicken lady. Before she got canned by Northampton County, she lived in Hanover Township.She showed up at a Supervisors' meeting one night, asking them to do something about the Township's ban on backyard chickens She received permission to make a presentation at the following meeting, but never showed.

I spoke with Zanelli about these allegations, which she said were dismissed by the newspaper and WFMZ-TV69. She told me her termination in New Jersey was the result of discrimination. In Northampton, it was a misunderstanding about her hours. My own view of the information I had is that there are too many red flags for her. So after some thought, I posted a story entitled, "Why You Need to Vote for Dennis Pearson for LC Comm'r."

Zanelli published this comment, I wish to share it with you.
Greetings Mr. O’Hare and friends. My apologies for being late to the game here, but I didn’t realize this piece ran until I received a message from Dennis this morning. I will be the first to tell you that I have the utmost respect for Dennis and have no qualms about your endorsement of his candidacy. However, I think it’s important to note that the allegations regarding my raising chickens and my former places of employment are unfounded. For the record, I did not need to show up to the next township meeting. I was granted permission to raise my chickens into adulthood and re-home them for the sake of the children who were helping to care for them. And I did. In addition, the controversy surrounding my previous employment is untrue. In fact, it was at the hands of my competition that several news sources in the area received this false information and this was the only website where it appeared. Several days ago, I spoke to Mr. O’Hare and offered to meet with him to show him proof that in both instances, I was exonerated of all false claims. He refused. Neither case involved FMLA and since leaving Northampton County, they have since sent correspondence offering me two similar positions of employment, both at higher levels and pay grades. I have proof of those as well. I do not know who made a post on my behalf last night, but for that I am grateful. I can assure you it was not myself and my camp is too busy working to get me elected to spend their valuable time entertaining false accusations and fake news. With that said, this would not be the first time in history that an intelligent, well-spoken, beautiful woman has intimidated a man who then feels the need to spread rumors and lies in an attempt to tear her down. But as my grandmother used to say, if you have a target on your back it’s only because you’re so far ahead that it’s all they can see of you. See you all at the polls.
Unfounded claims.- Nothing I wrote is "unfounded." She was terminated in 2012 from a child protective services agency in New Jersey at a time when  staffing shortages and increased complaints had reached crisis levels. She appealed her Jersey termination and an arbitrator ruled against her. I have a copy of the lengthy decision. She simply refused to work, letting our most vulnerable element, our children, go without protection.

While refusing to come to work, she was being treated for a mental illness of some kind and was both receiving medication and undergoing therapy. Though too sick to work, she was still selling Avon products and brought them in for other workers.

The same thing happened in Northampton County, where she was terminated before her probation was up because of a disagreement over the number of hours she would work.Once again, she let down the most vulnerable element of our society.

Newspaper coverage.-  With limited exceptions, newspapers run for the hills from election stories. While there is always the danger that they are being played, failure to report at all is in my view irresponsible.I believe voters have a right to know that Zanelli was terminated from two positions and that some people take a very dim view of her role in ventures like the Lehigh Valley Roller Girls.

The chickens.- Zanelli now claims she had no reason to return to the Supervisors because the Township made special accommodations for her. She had50 people sign a petition for her and then let them all down because she was given whatever she wanted. Are you beginning to see a pattern?

Refusal to meet her.-  She did offer to meet with me concerning this matter, but she answered my questions so I saw no point. She may have concluded that I refused to meet her, but why would I call her if I didn't want her side? She gave it to me, and those flags were still there. I certainly would have met her if that is what she wanted.  

Sexism. - Zanelli finished by asserting that she is "an intelligent, well-spoken, beautiful woman" who "has intimidated a man who then feels the need to spread rumors and lies in an attempt to tear her down." Actually Amy, what you look like is irrelevant to me, as is your sex. There were no lies. No rumors. Just facts.

Dennis Pearson and Bob Smith are both head and shoulders above these other candidates They have integrity something missing from Zanelli and Bonilla. They have their roots here,and do not move every three seconds.


  1. Yet you did not allow a comment supporting her views and your unfounded attack and stubbornness on this issue.

  2. Just what we need, another quack in government!

  3. This Lady is nuts!

  4. As a lifelong Democrat and a resident of District 3 I've been trying to decide who to vote for out of the 3 stooges. Thank you for doing some real journalism regarding these candidates, The Morning Call seems to just roll over and publish whatever is fed to them instead of doing any fact checking. While Pearson may believe there is life on other planets (FACT) and Bonilla was kicked off of Bethlehem's school board (FACT), these are the only things we hear about these candidates. I've heard plenty about Zanelli and all of her accomplishments which I think have been taken by everyone at face value because she is someone we don't know. That, and Ms. Zanelli talks a lot. She is also arrogant and seems to have a knack for stretching the truth in her favor. I am certain the roller girls facebook post is only the tip of the ice burg when it comes to truths about her.

  5. Where do these folks stand on Green Futures? While I support farmland preservation, shouldnt we have some balance. Green futures and farmland preservation are noteworthy programs. Bethlehem city nearly cashed out its entire allocation in the early stages of the program with the acquisition of Bethlehen Authority property. The County should reconsider their action of disbaning the program that also benefits more developed areas where only a few properties remain that are worthy of preservation or acquisition for recreational use.

  6. mental health is no joke. i hope she gets the help she needs.

  7. If she has proof, thsen what is the big deal? And the county wants to hire her back. I don't know much about pearson or Smith. Bonilla couldn't keep a job at Bounce U andd still lives at home and no one has a problem with that. Who cares where these people are from, it's about good government. If I had to watch children being abused by their parents as my everyday job, I might be mentally unstable too.

    1. As an insider at the county, I can assure you that Ms. Zanelli is not being truthful in the details about her departure from CYF. While employed here, there were numerous complaints about her job performance, as as the fact that she listed on her Facebook page that she was part of the "elite special victims unit" at CYF, which does not exist, and she refused to take it down. If she is still receiving letter regarding employment, they are from the state civil service, as she would remain on their testing list. I assure you, the county is NOT looking to rehire this woman, nor should voters be considering putting her in office.

  8. Zanelli comes from the San Bennett school of overblown hyperbole, manufactured outrage and passive aggressive manipulation.

  9. "If she has proof, thsen what is the big deal? And the county wants to hire her back."

    There is no way the county is going to re-hire someone it fired within one or two years ago, especially someone who had already been fired at another agency. Once they would do a background check,she would never be hired. it would not be right to the children,and it is not right for voters, either.

  10. "Yet you did not allow a comment supporting her views and your unfounded attack and stubbornness on this"

    You were deleted bc you are all about attacking me as opposed towhat I write. And you are anonymous. Follow the rules.

  11. I would like to thank you, Bernie, for doing due diligence on Ms. Zanelli's background. There have been other local groups Amy was asked to leave for being divisive and fiscally irresponsible.
    So pair this information with your research and comments from others and you have yourself someone who is wholly unfit to hold public office in any capacity.

  12. I have had immediate experience with Amy, and we parted ways many years back due to drama caused by her. However, I ran into her last year while taking my child to a common gymnastics class (Kids CO-OP) as her daughter. Let's just say that I immediately pulled my child out of the classes because I knew if she had any influence on them or the business, that the drama would resurface.

  13. Bernie I have heard you called a lot of things.. now with this woman.... " A fowl Fuc..r! Omg Bernie that poor woman cluck cluck cluck

  14. All kidding aside, I do wonder why none of the other news sources have printed anything. I Googled her every which way and can't really find anything negative. I have a few friends involved in local Roller Derby. I know it's the most back-stabbing corrupt sport in these parts, so again, I can't pay much attention to all that nonsense either. Instead of spending time on all this chicken stuff, it might be better to address a more important issue - that no one ever comes out to vote. Now there is a story.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. You're gonna have to sign your name and reveal your agenda

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Fact - Fired Twice; Fact - Was to make a presentation to Hanover Board of Supervisors and was a NO SHOW concerning the chickens. Check their minutes from 2015 available on line. Glad she moved from my neighborhood. Total wack job. Anyone who votes for her is NUTS.

  19. I used to work with "Crazy Amy". She is used to getting her way and when that doesn't happen she loses her shit. THIS is the reason she can't keep a job. Amy has a philosophy that if she repeats a lie enough times people will start to believe it. Don't be fooled by her!

  20. SEXISM. Indeed. Numerous comments attacking this young lady. Reminds us of Amy Trapp, Cathy Allen and many other ladies. An interesting trend. No personal attacks unless they attack the woman victim of the day.

  21. 1030.. you must be talking about our President. Save your toilet talk.

  22. This is hardly an issue of sexism. Bernie attacks the mayor on a daily basis, what's the excuse for that? There are plenty of strong, capable female candidates out there. Don't just vote for Zinelli because she's a woman, vote for her if you actually believe that she's going to do what's best for your district. A little research goes a long way and it doesn't take much to realize just how unstable she is.

  23. Many anonymous personal attacks against Ms. Zinelli have been posted. They remain unfiltered. many comments defending her have disappeared. You do the math. A sad misogynist smear campaign against this young woman by the blog and many anonymous posts that remain despite the so-called policy. A policy selectively enforced like a soviet style newspaper.

  24. I have deleted two anonymous attacks aimed st me. There's your math

  25. WTC? (What the Cluck?)

  26. Can you trolls please leave this poor young woman alone?

  27. If you don't believe what is being said. Call her former employers and Hanover Township. She's 1.05 short of a 1.00.

  28. Several of the roller girls have tales to tell, too. She should never have been hired to work in CYF anywhere.

  29. I'll never understand people that run for office that don't even vote.

  30. Proud of Amy Zanelli and glad she won Lehigh County's District 3 Democratic party nomination.

    According to The Morning Call:

    Zanelli -- 1,523 -- 54.53%
    Pearson -- 695 -- 24.88%
    Bonilla -- 575 -- 20.59%
    Precincts: 34 out of 35 (97.14%)

    According to WFMZ:

    Zanelli -- 1,229 -- 53%
    Pearson -- 625 -- 27%
    Bonilla -- 463 -- 20%
    79% Reporting 27 of 34 Precincts


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.