Local Government TV

Friday, May 12, 2017

Fed Ed Tries Bully Tactics on Eugene McDuffie

I've told you before that Allentown City Council needs cops, not criminals. I feel reassured knowing that former police chief Roger MacLean is on Council. The same goes for Daryl Hendricks, a former Captain. He has Fed Ed's number and most certainly deserves re-election. I also support Ed Zucal, a retired APD SGT, and Dan Buglio, a Deputy Corner and part-time police officer in Coplay and Slatington. These guys put their their lives on the line for you. They know what it means to serve. Allentown is in crisis mode and really needs first responders on Council.

Having said that, I want to talk a moment about Eugene McDuffie, another City Council candidate. I met him in the September 2015, and over the course of a few hours, he told me his life story. It's the sad story of a 14 year-old boy who ran away from abusive parents to live on the streets of NYC. Thinking he was worthless, as attempted to end his own life several times. But it's also a happy story. He found God, moved to Allentown, raised a family of his own and has a passion for the City's homeless. It was McDuffie who was my tour guide several years ago.

He is a gentle man. His view of the world and other people is almost childlike. He is someone I consider a man of God, even if he lacks a degree from Moody's Bible Institute. I chose not to support him in his bid for a seat on City Council, but only because I believe he does more good helping people one-on-one. Believe it or not, I think he's far more comfortable with the homeless and addicts than with politicians. He is " Pawlowskia first responder for the soul.

McDuffie asked to speak to me yesterday. Apparently,he's been accosted by Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski. On May 5, he was summoned by Fed Ed assistant Ismael Arcelay for a meeting at City Hall concerning the Human Relations Commission, of which he was a member. He went into a room and Fed Ed was sitting there, along with City Council candidate Jessica Ortiz, who is in Fed Ed's pocket.

Fed Ed had no interest in discussing human relations. He was misusing city resources for politics. He was there to bully McDuffie. He demanded to know why McDuffie had posed for pictures with Allentown activist Robert Trotner. He then demanded to know why he had appeared in a video with Mayoral candidate Josh Siegel. Grabbing his cell phone, he shoved it into McDuffie's face, yelling at him. McDuffie was extremely upset that evening and has decided to resign from the Human Relations Commission, which he believes is being perverted by Fed Ed for political purposes. Last night, he went to Allentown police to see if Fed Ed's conduct amounts to criminal harassment.

So much for the phony who exhorts everyone to "be kind."

Whether this conduct constitutes harassment is in my view questionable. But I do know that using public resources for political purposes, as Fed Ed clearly did, is a theft of services from the taxpayers of Allentown. It is precisely that kind of conduct that led to Bonusgate.

According to McDuffie, Fed Ed has tried similar bullying tactics on two of his former supporters. One of them is Cynthia Mota and the other is Candida Affa.

He's a bully.


  1. Not surprised at all, but Eugene McDuffie has faced down much bigger challenges than the likes of crooked politicians like Fed Ed and Jessica Ortiz, and enforder Jaime Gonzalez. They picked on the wrong guy, and they will pay. McDuffie, armed only with the truth,put them in their place.

  2. This is the true Ed, puff pieces by puppets aside about how inspiring he is, They can't indict him soon enough. We can only hope that one of the challengers can knock him off

  3. Classic "Fed Ed" buoyed by the $93,000 campaign war chest and the Muhlenberg College/Chris Borick poll that essentially states he will win the primary, he is back to his old self; an angry tyrant who will force his political will on everyone. I know at least four people who will not back down from his majesty: MacLean/Hendricks/Zucal/Buglio. Your spot on Bernie and as soon as the informed voters of Allentown wake up, this menace to good clean government will be sent packing. I only hope that the MC/Borick poll is as right as the Hillary Clinton poll.

  4. The "Mayor" tried his bully tactics with the Allentown Firefighters Union President immediately following a ride along program the other day with teachers and kids still outside.

    He grabbed the Fire Lieutenant, who is the Union President, to demand that the Firefighters stop making the citizens aware of the public safety crisis that exists in the City of Allentown.

    Fire trucks are absolutely critical to the Safety of the citizens and Firefighters of Allentown. When they fail at operations due to their age and the mismanagement of Fleet Maintenance, the city is put into a public safety Crisis.

    Well needless to say they are the wrong group of people to pull his bully tactics on. You can't demand things when your political decisions created the safety problem.

  5. 7:04 am
    This is a design of both local public and private sectors colluding to dillude, or as Bernie put to print failure to due service by disservice! This is a team effort, although all are not in on the designs there are many in service today as well as collecting the pension package proCUREment the mayor and his team of bandits perpatrated against the very public they were swrone to protect.

  6. Unbelievable. Pawlowski's destructive behaviors need to be stopped.

  7. The funny thing is Daniel Bugilo is also endorsed by the mayor !!!! There are a few candidates that have not come out in public and that scares me more , they are double crossing us all.

  8. Just talked to him and your charge is sheer nonsense. A lie. Buglio is not endorsed by Fed Ed,nordothe two speak. Knock off the mud.

  9. Its sad that seven people have already had their lives destroyed and the core of the destruction walks freely. People have indicated they are going to testify against the Mayor. Based on all the facts that have caused seven people to "Plead Guilty" not found guilty at the very minimum the term guilty of conspiracy comes to mind. Hopefully, in four days a whole new administration will be voted in and we can move on as a city.

  10. Bernie, I heard from a reliable source a couple of months ago the Dan Buglio was endorsed by the mayor.

  11. Hopefully Fed Ed does not win on Tuesday and the City Council candidates Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, & Daniel Buglio do. Then we will have a decent City Council especially if Ray O'Connell becomes mayor. For sure there will be no cloud of corruption over Allentown.

  12. This is a little off topic for this discussion but I wanted to say your endorsement of Mr. Pearson is more than deserved. He had paid his dues to his community. He will represent the community with honor.

  13. Fed Ed this and Fed Ed that.... the Penguin will walk.

  14. Daniel A. Buglio, Candidate for Allentown City CouncilMay 12, 2017 at 11:34 AM

    Anonymous @ 11:00, I would love to know your source for this information, or who you are,but since you hide behind a keyboard, one will never know. To clear the air, I assure you and everyone; there is no endorsement between Ed Pawlowski and I. And Mr. Anonymous if you knew me, my campaign platform or the other friends and candidates in my circle, you would know this. It was no secret 10-12 years ago, I was a huge supporter of Pawlowski. That has changed. As a police officer, I do feel everyone is innocent until proven guilty, however in this case, I always have made it known that Pawlowski should have stepped down during this investigation. Through the years, I have seen Pawlowski turn into an arrogant person. I have also heard the same from numerous city employees, including the Allentown Firefighters, by the way- who have endorsed me for this election. Like Ed Zucal commented above, I agree with Ed’s words. A new administration needs to be voted in and we can move on as a City. Weather I win this election or not and even though Ed Zucal, whom I have known for 18 years and I might not have seen eye to eye on this campaign, I truly support him and a two other candidates, knowing that they have a heart for this City. Again, during my campaign I have had little to no interaction with Pawlowski. No monies exchanged hands. No paparazzi photos were taken. I attended no events of his, nor has Pawlowski attended any events of mine. So, Mr. Anonymous, if you have any questions or would like to meet with me personally, please let me know. Or just follow my Facebook page and see what is going on. Regardless, change in Allentown needs to happen. Weather I get your vote or not, there are fresh new candidates to choose from. Remember to vote on Tuesday, May 16, 2017! Thank you! -----DAB

  15. Red sneakers with a red tie, that seems like the calling card of an informal "brotherhood" that has ties all over the country and correctional system.

  16. Trotner's Coffee/Commie Party is a dangerous leftist splinter group not worthy of a seat at the table. He is also a frequent commentor at Molovinsky's hate blog which shows he is willing to roll around with facist pigs, maybe his Kippah keeps him clean from all the filth.

  17. None of this is going to matter on Wednesday anyway.

  18. If the fire engines of the AFD are on their last legs, then stop taking kids to school with them.

  19. Dan, Thank you for your explanation. That clears up a lot. Good Luck on Tuesday Anon@11:00AM

  20. Bernie I don't know this buglio guy from anyone else and I don't know if he is endored by pawlowski or not but I drive by 7th and tilghman about 3times a week and there is a campaign banner with pawlowski sign right with his .so I'm a little confused I'm reading the comments so I don't know one way or the other .I don't live in the city and can't vote for none of them .seems a little strange though

  21. Bernie, who are they in the picture?

  22. Daniel A. Buglio, Candidate for Allentown City CouncilMay 12, 2017 at 12:43 PM

    Anonymous @1100AM--You are welcome. Thank you! --DAB

  23. How sad it is to see bullies who pose as progressives demean someone like Eugene, whose economic circumstances prevent him from having the most expensive clothes; or Robert Trotner, who happens to be Jewish. I actually consider Eugene a holy man. His message is love.

  24. Daniel A. Buglio, Candidate for Allentown City CouncilMay 12, 2017 at 1:00 PM

    Anonymous @ 11:55AM----

    To clear up your confusion, please read my post above. If that does not clear up your confusion, I will add the following: I assume the banner you are mentioning is the one located at the Chinese Restaurant? If so, two things--First, in my opinion they have the best eggrolls in the City! Secondly, I am honored to have their support and a banner posted in such a highly visible area, it got your attention, right? I cannot "bully" the support I receive from friends, family and businesses to not like or support a specific candidate. Whoever they support, is their choice and their right to voice their freedom of speech. That is what America is about. Throughout the city you will see several Mayoral Candidate signs and Allentown Council Candidate signs close to Mayor Pawlowski signs, both on public and private properties. It certainly, does not mean those candidates support whomever there sign is next to. Being new to politics, I have learned that some businesses want nothing to do with political signage and some welcome every candidate to display a sign, just to show fairness. A very close friend of mine, whom I love dearly and whom I agree with on everything-except politics, has a Pawlowski yard sign, a Buglio yard sign and another council candidate yard sign on her property. I appreciate her support and for keeping my sign in her yard and it does not mean I support her choices, yet we remain the best of friends. Again, it is with America is all about. So, Anonymous @ 11:55AM, I hope that clears up the strangeness for you. Please feel free to follow me on my Facebook page if you would like to learn about me and my platform. I understand, you are not a city resident, but wherever you reside, please get out and vote. Every vote counts! Thank you---DAB

  25. 12:15, Eugene is in the center, and is flanked by two of tge teens with whom he works to reduce gang violence. He is wearing red shoes bc his wardrobe is very limited.

  26. I met Eugene only once. When it comes to the youth he is the man. He has a compassion for them and believes he can make a difference. Isn't making a difference what it's all about in the end anyway. You are a good man Eugene.

  27. Ed, he is a first responder for the soul.

  28. Ed will win the nomination for Mayor on Tuesday. We all know it.

  29. Bernie I been reading your posts about the Allentown fire department it's making me sick to my stomach these guys put there life on the line for us and fed ed spends the taxpayers money on giving raises for people that he likes like the acting police chief that guy should be fired for all the cover up he did for his boys instead of that he should by a fire truck so the people will be protected

  30. Bernie, two others of fed ed lite family, one could sell you the Broklyn bride and a jackass and you would think you were riding a stallion over the moot to your castel and the other is just a electrical engineered malfunction fusable link. This gang of thugs have run rampede in the entire valley far too long for only one to have noticed there criminal enterpises and there activities.
    How is it that one sleeps with a criminal and has no knowledege of there underhanded activities?

  31. Does anyone know anything about a 1 PM press conference that Eugene had? Apparently charges are being filed against Mayor Pawlowski. I don't know what the charges are. Jessica Ortiz was also at the press conference. That's all I've heard.

  32. correction to 4:08 PM... the press conference was at 11 AM

  33. I was there. It was 11. He has spoken to police. I doubt this rises to a criminal level. I did not see Ortiz, who should be ashamed of herself. She was part of the set-up.

  34. Chicago style politics here in Allentown. Pawlowski was questioned on Facebook about this and his response was..."Nonsense" Hmm one of the same responses he gave about the fire department's claims.

  35. I just watched Eugene's Press Conference. I could not help but to have tears in my eyes. Mr. PAWLOWSKI you are scum. You owe this man a public apology. If you have any decency do it and do it now. People don't treat rabid animals like you treated him. You should be ashamed of yourself. A fine example to set for your children. As Mr. McDuffie said, God will take care of the judgement.

  36. THIS is why people comment anon. if they are from Allentown.

  37. Just watched the pseudo press conference and it was embarrassing for everyone involved especially Trotner who looked like a dwarf Easter bunny in his periwinkle outfit while Eugene put on a histrionic display replete with crocodile tears and lots of hand gestures.

  38. Nobody on the inside is surprized by this bully boy performance. It's what the Mayor does. Fran was even more intimidating than Ed when it was time to shake somebody down. They always bring a few staff along for effect.
    Ironicly Fleck was the only one up there that was respectful and actually appeared to listen. How long will the U.S. Attorneys office let this continue?

  39. where is a recording of the press conference?

  40. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGpM3rHYEyU&t=3s

  41. Good eye General

  42. Thank you. It looks like there are two parts:

    Part 1 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0E0Cv9hjVQ
    Part 2 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGpM3rHYEyU

  43. Mayor Pawlowski today, Mayor Pawlowski on Wednesday. No charges.

  44. Eugene seems like a sweet person. However...is there any proof of this incident? I'm not saying it didn't happen....but I can't say it DID happen. Without proof, or at least one person corroborating this story, I don't find the story credible.

  45. I believe it happened because McDuffie is a very honest person a deeply spiritual person and his story is corroborated to the extent that others have endured the same kind of behavior from fed Ed as McDuffie . In short I believe him.

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. A comment with antiSemitic overtones has been deleted

  48. http://molovinskyonallentown.blogspot.com/2017/05/looking-for-mr-rogers-in-allentown.html

    Read about MM's response to this blog, he makes some very good points care to address them Bernice?

  49. 5:10 pm
    Go put your big boy panties on, lined with itz soiled feminine diaper liner!

  50. I will wait for the FBI to jail Pawlowski just as long as Philadelphians waited for the FBI to put Chaka Fattah in jail.

    Bully? He is much more than a bully. The Mayor is a liar and a crook. He worked hand-in-hand with Fran Dougherty, Gary Strathearn and Mary Ellen Koval. They all pleaded guilty to the crimes they committed hand-in-hand with Mayor Pawlowski.

    I will continue to wait for the FBI.

  51. Rich, it is not the FBI. They are done. The US ATTORNEY's office is n shambles, I'm told, with no one clearly in command.

  52. Lil oll Beth Twp is seeking millions for it's 2 volunteer depts. Not sure if it's necessary as the twp spends taxpayer dollars as soon as the federal govt prints it.

  53. Ed also tried similar bully tactics on the President of the Local 302 Allentown International Association of Firefighters while he was on duty as a Lieutenant in public after a community event the other day.

  54. His word against two other people. It would be a good way to get some publicity.

  55. Ed will be a thug untill the day he's convicted.

  56. Except he has not been charged with any crime except yon this wonderful blog!

  57. There is no doubt in my mind that he is politically corrupt and morally bankrupt. He belongs behind bars, where he can no longer hurt people.

  58. Hey Bernie, how about a synopsis on the Northampton County Council candidates on both democrat and republican side for Tuesday. Would love for you to give us the good the bad and the ugly on both sides. I have no intention of voting for all five in my party primary. I never do.

  59. It is a waste of my time to do so because all five candidates from both side are going to be nominated. I have preconceived notions on my top five, and three of them are Republicans. But I want to hear from all 10 candidates before making my erroneous picks. It would be premature to do so now.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.