Local Government TV

Monday, May 15, 2017

NAACP to Meet Several Area School Superintendents Today

Lance Wheeler, President of Easton's NAACP, is meeting today with several school superintendents concerning the racism that unfortunately still exists at our area schools. He is hopeful that an area diversity committee can open closed eyes. As for me, I'm quite happy at the prom pictures from area high schools over the last two weeks.They include numerous interracial couples  I have more confidence in our younger generation than with people my age.


  1. Just one question. Is this the Same guy "Wheeler" who worked for a Judge and was let go for Double dipping? I believe in forgive and forget and everyone should have a second chance to straighten out their lives. However, If you are employed in the Judicial system you should be held to a higher standard.

  2. He was let go bc he angered tge county's then court admin, James Onembo.

  3. Well, let me defend 'Wheeler', here against an anonymous poster probing about his integrity. In my humble view, He and his family were under a lot of stress at the time. He and his spouse had a very ill little girl and if he had to make end meet- if that's what he did for a time.Whatever ,it was not GREED, but for survival of a household. I'm sure that we could find other things to grip about with a lot of others over there. 'WHEELER' is not criminal .This West Ward resident watches his neighborhood and takes care of his neighbors. He grew up in less that what we had as kids and has matured and is looked up to by many now, being a man in of middle age. He works his butt off now . I can think of a lot of other pretentious people the school districts admin would not want asking questions. They will find him more than reasonable. There are lots of times when people mature and wish they could take back ' that day' and re-write what happened. Myself,I admit it - hell I would need 10 years. How about you ,sir .

  4. John Stoffa could easily confirm why Wheeler was let go. Perhaps you should ask your buddy.

  5. John had no say in any decisions made by the court

  6. So Wheeler may have been fired for stealing at Peter Cochran excuses rather than angering an administrator as Bernie is alleging; or rather covering up.

  7. I checked and Wheeler never double dipped. He was removed bc Onembo perceived him as a threat to his own shenanigans. We all know what happened to him.

  8. That's hogwash and u know it.He was a court officer and also working as a constable. He was told to give up his status as a constable and refused to do it.It was a direct violation and a conflict of interest with his status as a court flunkie. AND you can take that to the bank. Plus a few other minor things the courts confronted him with. He was defiant and paid the price. The bottom line is don't screw with the guys that wear black robes.

  9. I know no such thing.Sofar as i know,there was no conflict between his work as a constable and his work for the courts. I am unaware of any prohibition on it, except in Jim Onembo's mind. He poisoned the court with false allegations concerning Lance, and how do you know any of this unless you are talking about things you should not be discussing? What I do know is that Onembo is gone, and I know why.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. If you want to continue this you will sign your name so Wheeler knows who to sue.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. ANON 1050 i don't make excuses-I have been wrong about about a lot of stuff -but i try to admit it when wrong. But-- my occupations and experiences of life have afforded me insight to issues that occure. Example - 'Republicans are in cahoots with Russians on Wikileaks over Democratic Party and Clinton's E-Mails.' All over the news ,right . Well I say the Democratic character that got shot and killed in D.C. LEAKED E-MAILS from within- about Clintons.That is why he is DEAD. and the Russians not involved HERE. It's a matter of judgement how one perceives issues. SO you can call me on this one i expect you to . I chose to defend a NAACP member because I know what his soul is made of.

  14. Peter C. sounds like a nut! Dem's killing chairmen? What are you smoking.

  15. Truth through facts speaks volumes. Hide behind your deleted posts!


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