Local Government TV

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Brown Admin Has Spent $347,144 For Hotels and Travel Since 2014

Northampton County Executive John Brown's Administration has spent $347,144 for hotel stays, travel expenses, meals and conference since 2014. That's according to nearly 1,000 pages of information supplied in response to several right-to-know requests.

The $174,138.90 figure is for hotel stays, and not just for county workers. The County sometimes houses homeless people or even people making trips for visitation. This figure also includes extraditions and times when a deputy must make an overnight state in connection with a prisoner transport.

The $173,005.75 figure is for mileage,conferences and meals.

The overwhelming majority of these travel expenses appear to be related to trips to Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Penn State. But there are numerous out-of-state stays as well.

It will take me several days to sift through the information presented and report back to you.


  1. The headline is certainly sensational, for a post that isn't. Nice marketing!

  2. Idk, doesn't seem like an excessive amount for a workforce of the county's size. Is it possible to break it down by department?

  3. Out of control....this needs to be looked at. Using taxpayer money for trips that are not a necessity is a lack of responsibility. However, I'm sure county council won't care about it. They don't care about county taxpayers.

  4. i am NOT trying to give you more work, but in a vacuum, this could mean anything. is the travel spending out of sync with other local governments?

  5. County Council is up for re-election in November.

    If you truly want change, vote all incumbents out of office in November

    Other than that, shut your pie hole and live with it, or run for office and change it!

  6. Day's Inn and McDonalds are get5ing expensive.

  7. "The headline is certainly sensational, for a post that isn't. Nice marketing!"

    We will see once I wade through the information. Hotel stays in Las Vegas,Baltimore,New Orleans and Anaheim seem a bit out of the ordinary.

  8. " Is it possible to break it down by department? "

    I will be doing that.

  9. Bernie, that is not even compairable to a spreadsheet download that is 6 or 9 million in traveling expenses! Were in GOD's green earth did this public servant travel for that amount of cash to be spent on America's public expense account?

  10. Wonder how that would compare to the same time period in Stoffa administration to truly assess whether this is normal or excessive?

  11. He cries poverty, but travels on the taxpayers $$.
    Employee: Can I have a small pay raise since you took our health care away ?
    Reply: Go screw yourself, Amy sez NO ass wipe !

    I thought not!

  12. Bernie you should make it clear to your readers that this amount includes travel for the entire County payroll, not just JB spending. Some of your readers clearly think JB, himself has spent that amount.

  13. to 8:54,

    The county had eliminated travel cost from its budgets back when Reibman was the exec years ago, now you see the waste.
    Popcorn or a BACK TO THE FUTURE RIDE
    anyone !

  14. 8:54, My very first sentence makes clear that it is the Brown admin, not Brown himself. But I get your point and will amend my headline to be more clear.

  15. It's clear that the amount referenced is for the entire county. The couple of readers who thought the amount was incurred by Brown himself are obviously a bit "off".

  16. Well, this kind of thing happens when the people in charge actually, actually DO think that "government should be run like a business."

  17. Who in "Administration" does this cover exactly? Anehiem in California? Las Vegas? New Orleans? Why are our tax dollars going to vacationsfor administration? Thanks for looking into this abuse BO!


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