Local Government TV

Friday, April 28, 2017

The Moon Crickets of Bangor

Have you ever heard the expression "moon crickets"?  I learned what the term meant yesterday, during a discussion with a Bangor resident.  Apparently, it is a term that plantation owners lovingly used for their slaves in the antebellum South when they would come out at night and sing gospel songs. The moon crickets are out. Ohh, what wonderful music they make!

It's a term that a Bangor coach used with two of his black athletes. They knew what it meant, and sued in federal court. The matter was ultimately settled in 2015 for an undisclosed amount.

Fast forward to this year. Bangor's shadow Superintendent is Bron Holland, the athletic director and boys' basketball coach. His boys had a wonderful season.Until the end, when he kicked two players off the team.

They happen to be of color. They had an attitude, I'm told.

All stallions have attitudes. A good coach breaks them and turns them unto team players.

Perhaps this coach did all he could do.Perhaps not.


  1. How many breaks did they get till Popeye said that's all I can stand and can't stands no more?

  2. People were joking that you learned the meaning of the term from Ron Angle.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. This is the problem at Harper Valley- Bron Holland runs the show, not the superintendent

  5. More confederate licence plates adorn trucks regionally as well as openly flying the stars and bars war flag. Do not be fooled..Bangor and the region are far behind the curve of enlightenment.

  6. Bernie, I personally witnessed these young men's behavior during games and it wasn't appropriate at times, although it seems the trouble started when the older brother joined the team. Both boys are very talented and coaches that want to win (and Bron does) will endure a great deal to tap that talent. Every year there is always trouble with a kid or two that doesn't get enough playing time or isn't fond of authority. Most times, those kids are white and occasionally they get kicked off the team. In the case of these boys, the mother (who is white) took her issues with the coaches to Facebook. If an adult used a forum like Facebook to criticize my attempts to coach these boys, I'd rid myself of the issue too. The pay scale is too low to put up with it.

    That said, I don't necessarily disagree with above comments and Bangor School District could probably use an upgrade in the professionalism department (although the same could be said for many school districts). Be well.

    1. The mother took to Facebook after exhausting other avenues and hit a wall with every attemptm

  7. Millions of dollars in debt, low test scores, a business manager on medical leave, an athletic dept. that runs the show- now you see why there is a leadership vacuum. what a mess.

  8. John Brown and Cathy Allen for school director. Here is a unique approach.

  9. Bron Holland has failed those student athlete's in his behavior and his leadership by permitting this to even happen along with his own shortcomings that are commonly known - just look at the circumstances as to how he got this position to begin with. To be the "leader" and he has surrounded and permitted several of those under his charge to be off he charts in their personal behavior. His Assistant Basketball coaches and the Baseball coaches- referred to locally as the "Part Group and are held at the Baseball coaches home. It has become what these adults think is the normal behavior and it impresses upon the young men. Just go over to the firehouse by the Bangor Park after the football game and see our drunken coaches and certain drunken school board members there.
    As a Parent your do not even think of opening your mouth for your son or daughter will not play-period and you will be labelled as a "troublemaker".
    Bron Holland could not get a job as a Director of Athletics or ANY Athletic Department anywhere else but Bangor as just a background check of his leadership with this going on would drop off the list quicker the a slam dunk. That's how the "leader" controls the pack. Its time to wake up Bangor. If these "leaders" and role models" think the Bangor Community is not aware nor is not watching? Your sadly mistaken. Former President of the School Board Mrs. Colton's behavior was not just at the Administration Office but extended down to the Athletic Department too and to think the five Board members who are very well aware of it did nothing.
    Onto the Athletic Departments "Assistant Director Panczer"- he posts all day long on the internet as well as sends countless messages all day and night on twitter. Doesn't this guy work legitimately to educate students as he is suppose to under the teacher contract?. This man I was told by a teacher is suppose to be teaching a full day but Dr. Defelice- who is afraid of Holland allows this culture to let this guy too have free realm and go down and "hang out" in the Athletic Department all afternoon. All paid for by you Mr. taxpayer. His behavior was so gross with a field hockey staff that students left the district- right under Mr. Holland's charge and leadership. Mr. Holland knew of it and did NOTHING. There is your leadership. There is a very sick demented culture at Bangor that has been permitted. Bernie, keep looking this is just the tip of the sick culture. The teacher also mentioned that Holland's time sheet is bypassed directly to Dr. DeFelice so it wont be questioned- talk about having control and power? Also please ask what Mr. Panczer does for his 8 hour pay and check the teacher contract since he is a member of the bargaining unit and is suppose to be teaching a whole day. The students and taxpayers are being screwed over by this being permitted.
    Dr. DeFelice leaving is a good thing as long as they bring in a real leader and not a person that will be used as a puppet or have to be degraded to rubber stamping. And do not think certain people want someone they can control and push like they have Frank DeFelice.

    A message to Mr. Holland. You have "tradition never graduates as your slogan"? I hope you seriously take a look at what "tradition" your impressing upon our student athletics at Bangor High School because with your behavior and those around you is deviate and sick. You could not tie Bill Pensyl's shoe's as he would never disgrace himself nor his school like you have Sir! I am sure there is also more to hear as to how our student athletes are treated if they are a minority or not related to a coach.

  10. Wow sounds like a big can of worms starting to get out

  11. I think the time has come for Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli be contacted and asked to investigate the Bangor Area School District. Some of what I am reading questions the line in the corruption of minors section of the Pa Crime Code. A grand jury would clean this up. Behavior doe not have to be physical but the witnessing or culture of such as well. If the students are witnessing this behavior are under the age of 18 and I asked and was told as young as 15 there is a problem. As a parent this raises my eyebrows and I am concerned.

  12. The really sad part is that local talent of any sort has a 1 in 1000 chance of stardom anyway.

  13. The sad part is that we do not have a separation of education and elite sports in general. Tax dollars going for entertainment is a shame.

  14. @6:06AM

    More confederate licence plates adorn trucks regionally as well as openly flying the stars and bars war flag. Do not be fooled..Bangor and the region are far behind the curve of enlightenment.


    Thought it was just me, but I've definitely noticed this trend more and more around the entire Lehigh Valley. What are they so proud of? Do they think it looks cool?

  15. 9:21, A 1 in 1000 chance is still pretty good. It is not supposed to be easy. Nothing wrong with reaching for the stars, and you should not belittle our youth.

  16. 9:41,I've noticed no trend like that in the slate belt,but have noticed it in some other communities.

  17. Hugh Hefner would be proud of the parties at the coaches homes. Everyone in the athletic dept. knows about them.

  18. you call your sources "rats" bernie...that is on-point.

  19. With all of this stuff going on where is the HS principal in all this? Mrs. Gray or whatever her name is?

  20. The HS principal strikes me as a dedicated professional whose chief interest is her students. Two school board members detest her because she refuses to show the favoritism that they think is due to their children.

  21. In a normal district, the HS principal holds rank over the AD. At least that is what my friend, a former AD, told me. Is the pyramid upside down because the AD is Bangor-bred and the principal is not.

    That being said, the principal also appears to have some skeleton's in her closet according to this defunct facebook page http://www.facebook.com/Bangor-High-School-PA-District-Skeletons-In-The-Closet-693272897434945/?fref=nf

  22. Bring forth the truth and light and it will set you free!
    I wouldn't want to be on that Bangor School Board if they paid me 100 thousand dollars. Look what you get for 100 thousand in each of the management staff at Bangor. Not much! Low test scores and the staffing at the top sets a very poor example!
    Sadly they brag about "pride" and are so full of themselves. Who is kidding who there? Has anyone told the king he has no on clothes yet? The party is over and the rats are scurrying everywhere. What is next to come out.
    Wish Pius was still here but Notre Dame is close Thank God.
    Phil Stampaugh as Bangor Athletic Director would straighten it out quick. Instead of School Board members resignations the Board should be demanding for some staff resignations at the top! Start with Holland, and the party coaches and go right to the Business Manager Schivone and knock on Defelice's door for his too! What role models they are-NOT.
    And sadly there is more to come.

  23. 1:30, the BASD Athletic Director is an entity unto himself. He nominally reports to the Super, but his real boss is the Board. The high school principal has no involvement. I did see a few cheap shots at her in your link but that is to be expected from parents who think their children should get special treatment. I go by what I see and what I see impresses me. As for the athletic director, I know too little to assess him. I hope these party stories are untrue. As for the BASD, the only one who bothers me is Bussenger. His body language is that he hates being there.

  24. That's bussengers body language everywhere he goes. We call him, "low energy steve."

  25. In the Lehigh Valley, as in many places, the athletic Department rules over any principle or educational staff.

  26. Jesus drove the money changers from the Temple. BASD voters need to do the same to the good old boys club. They all must be driven out!

  27. Bussenger has no scruples..has the school kids sell his candy as fundraisers and profits none the less. Ethics be damned.

  28. Holland only cares about basketball. He will be refinishing the basketball gym floor AGAIN for what? And who approves this crap? Other sports and the band suffer because they don't put any money into them. Put some money into the baseball field. The Bangor baseball field is the worst to watch a game. You ave to stand either behind the dugout or behind the backstop. Invest some money, install some bleachers down first and third baselines behind the dugouts. It would make for a great seat to watch a game. But wait, the gym floor needs to be redone...again! Right Bron?

  29. My son was a basketball player for Bangor. The language those coaches use in the locker room is unbelievable. There is no reason to degrade kids because they are losing a game or because they lost. The shit rolls downhill. The varsity coaches are the worst. It's the good ole boys club for sure. If you are not in the click, you are nothing! There is no doubt in my mind that these coaches used the term moon crickets towards those kids. I've heard them use some pretty foul language towards 16,17 18 year old kids and those words would not surprise me! Then we have the JV coaches who are so far up Holland's ass, we don't really know what their faces look like. And finally, the freshman coach is the same. A lazy foul mouthed still live at home mama's boy who degrades the kids whenever possible. This same coach is JV baseball coach who is now sucking at that job! Keep up the great work Bangor with having classless coaches in your programs! - I agree with a previous comment, bring in Phil Stambaugh and this school will be straightened out in no time. My vote would be for him in a heartbeat!! Drain the swamp has been a great slogan since November, let's just use that one in this situation as well.

  30. All quite interesting. Unfortunately, these comments are anonymous so I have no idea how valid these complaints are. But they are no personal attacks. The coaches are being criticized over the way they handle themselves. The foul language does not bother me. You have to motivate these kids and different coaches have different styles. Some like to yell. Some don't. I was impressed by how the basketball team handled itself this and last year, but if these complaints are true, the success will end. It's not the bad language, but the public degradation and favoritism. But I have no idea if this is true.

  31. I also have no idea how valid the complaints are but I disagree with your opinion about foul language. Coaches are teachers to our youth. While I'm sure these kids have heard and used the very same language, coaches should lead by example and as adults, the example is that foul language is unacceptable. No wonder these kids say it every day in school.
    Imagine a math teacher "motivating" students in the same manner. "Mikey, get your f***ing head in the game!. Sally is kicking your f***ing ass on every pop quiz!" That teacher would be out of a job.
    Sports coaches get a free pass when their "motivational" techniques cross the line.

  32. It's out of place in a classroom. It is accepted on a basketball court or gridiron. It does not bother me. Maybe it should.

  33. Foul language by sports coaches to youth is unacceptable. It is bullshot and should not be allowed. Your acceptance of it is unfortunate. It is from a culture that pretends youth sport is a paramilitary operation and requires man-boy coaches to pretend they are drill sergeants or big league coaches.

  34. If you are not on a Varsity sports team, you are nothing. I've witnessed Bangor sports for years now not even attempt to include the Junior Varsity and Freshman teams in all sports. These people are so stupid to realize that these are the kids who are future Varsity players. Anybody on teams below Varsity are treated like dirt. This goes all the way down to the feeder programs. Bangor is probably one of a handful of towns that couldn't care less about their feeder programs. Other towns have the high school involved with the feeder programs from 5 years old up to high school levels. They promote the feeder programs, they have the high school athletes involved with practices on the lower levels or they send high school athletes and/or the coaches give speeches to the younger kids. Never have I seen anything like this happen in Bangor. Varsity baseball coach Hartman years ago, mentioned the idea of bringing down HS players to attend Little League practices to showcase drills, techniques and to promote the game of baseball. It was all hot air from Hartman. He never once showed up to any one of the 6-8 teams we had in Little League. He's a blowhard. Bangor sports are on a downhill slide. Boys basketball and Girls softball have been the bright spots for Bangor Athletics. The football program has been on a downhill slide for years because of the good ole boys on the coaching staff not being able to see real talent on the team and playing all the less talented kids. The boys basketball program will be going downhill starting this year as well. The politics and the good ole boys club are driving the real athletes to not want to play for the high school. The baseball team will be taking a nosedive as well and it's starting already. Play the damn kids who are the best and stop screwing kids over because you like them better in class or because they play for you in a different sport. The bullshit has to end. A school with over 200 per graduating class and we get an average of 16 kids try out for Varsity basketball and baseball. And football has had less than average numbers for years. This tells everyone that the shit has to end. The Bangor faithful won't allow anyone not born and raised in town an honest chance. Rid the programs of these horrible coaches and maybe the programs will once again rise to the top!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree that the coaches should be more involved with the feeder programs but there are several high school boys that regularly attended Little Slaters practices and stand on the sidelines at the games.

  35. Having parties at coach's houses has got to be morally wrong. Since when are coaches, teachers or any adult in authoritative positions allowed to possess these kid's phone numbers or since when are they allowed to be "friends" on facebook, snapchat or any other kind of social media? Isn't there a code of conduct that is written for positions such as teachers and/or coaches? These coaches are getting a little too close for comfort. I know of no other High School sports team where the Head coach has parties for his players? This is wrong on so many levels. This crap has got to stop. Please look into this Bernie. Look into the assistant A.D. not doing his job as previously posted. Look into the A.D. having too much power and look into the shenanigans of the Bangor board overall. We the parents of athletes, past, present and future, cannot open our mouths as stated previously. If anything is said, kids are cast aside because anyone outside the good ole boys club is nothing but troublemakers. Bangor has been in bad shape for years and it's time something be done. There has got to be someone who can look into the shit going on for years now. If Hugh Hefner would be proud of the parties at the homes of the coaches, then you know they must be pretty bad.

    1. Just to clarify, are you talking about basketball coaches football coaches. Having athletes phone numbers for texting team info is not uncommon at any school. Also the same with social media. As for parties at houses, what are they supposed to do when they have a son or daughter on the team that they are coaching? Tell their child they can't have friends over? That's a sticky situation. If you are saying parents shouldn't coach their kids that a different issue. That has happened everywhere since the dawn of time. Some do it well and it isn't an issue, others not so much. And honestly if you think this is bad take a look at the new cheerleading coach's policies. Not good at all.

  36. Looking to Bernie as a change agent is not the road to progress. He is but a muckraker at best and a follower of all things Ron Angle. BASD is in the headlines for a few days here in the blog world and we all got to vent..now..go and be the change you want to happen and needs to happen. Vote like your community depends on it. Throw the bums out and start to make solid choices instead of old familiar ones we know are bad ones. This is not Bernie's fight but it is ours who live here and raise our families here. It all starts with you and me.

  37. I do remember getting a playbook and meeting with Coach frank Scagliotta on certain formations and drills he wanted us to teach as youth coaches. Not sure what the new coach does or if the old one even got the chance. I hope as time goes on, all coaches in all sports can be on the same page. We have alot of great kids in our district and alot of great parents and coaches who donate their time and efforts. Although there are always problems here and there with all sports programs, we seem to have had our share in the past couple years. I will refrain from any personal attacks, but Bangor is a big enough school that if you head a team of any sport, you shouldn't be an assistant elsewhere, you're getting full time money, coach full time...the kids deserve it. All of my children played sports for Bangor and honestly, I have no complaints. It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.

  38. I do agree, we've had some great kids and some great parents who have played and coached. But it seems all the good coaches are cast aside because the good ole boys club doesn't want to be messed with and disturbed. First off, in High School sports, you should not be allowed to coach your own kid. This would be tough if you coach in your own town but looking at different sports teams, kids play because of daddy here in Bangor. Look at the basketball team and the football teams. MOST of the coach's sons on these teams wouldn't even make other High School teams but here in Bangor, they not only play but they start. It really is a shame. And with the good ole boys club in the athletic dept, the coaches coach multiple sports so those same kids will be playing and starting for multiple sports!

  39. I have no intention of writing about the Confederate Flag displayed at Hotel Bethlehem. The hotel was merely abiding by the wishes of a couple who were Civil War enactors and meant no offense. The fellow who snapped out and who was cited was probably unaware that this was merely a group of re-enactors. I would not even object to a Nazi swastika under those circumstances. The hotel was very apologetic about giving offense, but there was really no malevolent intention. This is a business that wants to draw customers, not drive them away. Everyone is welcome there. They even let me in, but Bruce Haines makes me empty my pockets when I leave.

  40. Bangor High School is the worst place for minority's. In fact the vice principal and I quote says "in a predominantly white area you should expect to be called racial slurs". It's 2017! He is no longer aloud to handle racial issues due to the fact he shows bias towards Caucasian students. As for the hierarchy yes Bron runs the school what he says goes regardless he's in tight with administrators and every coach is his own personal friend. I remember them drinking and getting so drunk they walked around my development I live right next to Greg Hartmann he was singing down the street with Mark schiavone (assistant coach, works in admin) who is another alcoholic who just got out of rehab after having an affair with a former board member. Where does it stop nobody knows. As said before assistant athletic director slept with varsity head coach they won't lose there jobs they're too close with bron he's basically the superintendent.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. Anthony Jones the older brother.
    If you know the behind story you'd understand. This blog we had nothing to do with and didn't know anything about until the link was sent to us. And me and my brother act the same way you just don't see that because he fell for the trap that establishes the team from early on so they think everything is right. Like me and my brother act the same as each other and you fail to realize that. But the same family discussion that occurred last year, occurred this year but as players, we see standards not by who you are but who can play and we were frustrated not because I was brought into the mix but because of the clique and the tightness that you have to be to be favored like a king in BASD. But you do not understand the behind the scenes so you cannot comment about anything until you know the story.

  42. You'll have to ID yourself if you want to make that accusation.

    1. He did, Tony Jones, the older of the brothers mentioned in your blog. And I know, because he is my nephew.

  43. It's not an accusation it is a pure fact and I should tell you I will tell you i am a student currently and that will burn bridges

  44. If this is fact and you are a student, please contact the state police and the District Attorney's office. Even if you are 18, this is a crime. Please do it right away. I am forwarding your anonymous comment so this can be reviewed.

  45. Everyone knows Bron runs the show. Everyone knows about the married assistant A.D.' s affair w/ another varsity coach. Everyone knows about the coaches parties. Pam Colton's affair w/ the business manager was disclosed at a public meeting and he immediately went to rehab. Families destroyed & everyone, except a few, look the other way. The 4 board members who voted to remove her have guts, and some of them are paying the price.

  46. 90 grand for a boys basketball coach. Asst. AD who is at the top of the teacher's salary, but only teaches half a day. Also gets a stipend for AD duties (and leaves school to umpire baseball games). A secretary pulled from the high school office to the athletic office to do the AD's job. All on record. Endorsed by the Supt., approved by the former Pres. of the school board and signed off on by the business manager.

    Responsible use of taxpayer dollars?

  47. Bussenger and Berger are also part of all this.

  48. The assistant AD position is a joke. What the hell does he actually do besides try to get some tail on the side on school time? Oh wait, he tweets. Every damn 2 minutes our notifications are going off, most of the time for stupid shit. Start tweeting the important issues Mr Panszer, your tweets really do show how you so closely resemble that of a 12 year old girl on twitter.

  49. Mr. O'Hare, I read this blog entry a few months back & it has been tugging at my good conscious ever since. With all due respect, I have to disagree with the negativity you are portraying upon the Bangor Area School District, it's amazing educators, & athletic program. Next time before you poke at the bee's nest, please make sure that you have all of your facts straight. My son is a student & an athlete in the district, just as I & a few generations of family were years back. He is not a starter athlete by far, but sports, namely his COACHES, have done nothing but facilitate the lifelong values of hard work, working as a team, being RESPECTFUL, honesty, & integrity. Yes, at times harsh words from coaches may slip out, but I truly believe that they come from a dedicated passion to make EVERY PLAYER into a stronger, more focused young adult.
    I have a proposition for to you, Mr. O'Hare. Please come to a few practices or games & witness the dedication. Not just by the athletes (& of the particpants of ALL of the fabulous extracurricular activities Bangor has to offer), as well as the oftenthen form an opinion. I'd love to meet with you in person sometime & further discuss our differing opinions over breakfast, lunch, or even a coffee. (Heck, it'll be my treat!)

  50. Ms. Swanton, Thank you for your comment. At any school, it's important to keep an eye out for signs that students are being treated differently solely bc of their race or religion or economic circumstances. The "moon cricket" remark was made, by a former coach. After I posted this and a few other blogs, the NAACP became involved and Bangor was very cooperative. I also know that Coach Holland gave the Jones' brothers another opportunity to excel, and they have. In fact, they are one of the best teams in the Lehigh Valley. I have also had the privilege of watching Coach Holland work with his team over the summer, and he is nothing short of magnificent. I watched him in several games at Cedar Beach, and cannot say enough about him and so many other coaches. In fact, he and I have met.

    You are lucky to have him.

    I wrote a story I felt I had to write, but I completely understand and am glad that your son has had a good experience. I would be delighted to sit down with you at any mutually convenient time. You can email me at BOHare5948@aol.com

  51. Thank you. I will be in contact. Undoubtedly. Certainly I could, nor would, ever be obvious to aNY shortcomings that may be present, but there is WAY more good that is happening than bad. I look for to meeting (& enlightening) you. 😉 Go Slaters!

  52. WFMZ reports on more bullying plaguing the Bangor School District. Please investigate this Bernie and bring to light that Bangor is horrible at correcting what is wrong. Bullying is bad and those who the kids being bullied go to do absolutely nothing. Just ask the bullied girl who now resides in Belvidere how bad it was. Things have to change and the local, the born an bred, are blind to the fact. Hopefully things come to light and those who have chosen to do nothing over the years will pay for doing nothing!!


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