Local Government TV

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Bangor School District - the New Harper Valley PTA

On Monday night, as I told you, I visited a Bangor School Board meeting. I was told a big story would break, but it was a bust. The school board went into executive session after honoring several students. After an hour and 40 minutes, I took off. Since that time, I have been wondering whether I should tell you what's going on. The school district appears to be adrift. Dr. Frank DeFelice, the Superintendent, is leaving at the end of the school year, and refuses to stay even with the offer of a considerable raise. The business manager was out on medical leave, and whether he stays much longer is very much an open question. The assistant business manager is also retiring. These departures and problems indicate something is amiss.

The problem is one I'd ordinarily consider nobody's business. A private matter. But when the private lives of people begin to interfere with their public occupations, it becomes the public's problem.

The problem is that Bangor Area School District is Harper Valley PTA.  Pam Colton, who served on Bangor's school board for 16 years. She served the last three as school board President, but suddenly resigned in 2015. In her resignation letter, she slammed the board as "unprofessional" and "divisive." At the time, there were a number of whispers about her that I considered inappropriate and deleted. Two of her daughters came on this blog and defended her against anonymous attacks.

Unfortunately, there is more substance to these latest allegations, which involve a meretricious relationship with a school district employee that has been admitted to by this employee. It has thrown a monkey wrench into operations. What people do with their personal lives is their business, but not when it interferes with the efficient operation of a public school district.

Colton serves as liaison to Northampton Community College. She was approached and was asked to step down, but refused. So that's why the Board when into executive session on Monday night. Though she is an appointee and not an employee, the other person involved is.

I know there was a lot of yelling and screaming behind closed doors because everyone could hear it. I got tired of it and left. When directors returned, there was a motion of no confidence in Pam as liaison, but it failed by a 5 to 4 vote. Ken Brewer, Bob Cartwright, Ron Angle and Laraine Brands believe it's time for Pam to go. I agree. This alleged relationship has interfered in smooth school operations, and both she and the employee in question should go.

Those who voted to keep Pam include Craig Berger. He apparently found the whole discussion distasteful, but that's his job,like it or not. After the meeting, he sent a condescending missive to his fellow board members. I was told about it and asked for it. Berger initially refused, but changed his mind after I filed a Right-to-Know request.

In his email, he complains about personal attacks. That's fine, but he had no problem launching one against me, who was just there for a story and actually ended up taking pictures for the school district. He also personally attacked Ron Angle, knowing that Ron hates computers, refuses to buy so much as a smart phone and hence was defenseless to Berger's bile.

Here's his email:
I would like to suggest that we no longer meet in Executive session. There is obviously no sanctity to the process. Funny how the person that praises himself so much about knowing public meeting rules more than anybody, feels the need to update(and invite) the press after our meetings. Maybe we can just vote to have Bernie be an honorary member of the Board and he can sit in. I’m sure you can get a 5-4 vote for that. Last night was very disheartening. I know we don’t all agree but in the end we usually end up doing the right thing for the District….last night that did not happen. As Bob [Cartwright] always asks “At the end of the day does this make us better”, the answer to that is an emphatic NO. I was embarrassed to be a part of this Board last night.

I will not sit through 4 hour meetings filled with personal attacks and agendas. While some of you may have all the time in the world, I have many other obligations that need my attention as well. While I have no problem giving my time to the District, I will not waste valuable time that can be used more productively….for gods sake don’t you realize Steve [Bussenger] and I have a school District to run.
Just so Berger knows, neither he nor any school director runs the school district. Dr. Frank DeFelice has that responsibility, along with the entire school board.

Berger later told me his last sentence was intended as a joke.

When a former school board president who is the liaison to the community college completely screws up school operations and has everyone's tongue wagging with an alleged meretricious relationship with a district employee that she actually helped hire, the Board needs to step in. People can do as they wish. But when they disrupt operations, they need to go.  

Just so you know, I did contact Colton to ask for an explanation. She knows from my past dealings with her that I would be very receptive to any explanation or request. I heard nothing.

11:15 am Update: Pam Colton has responded to me and claims the entire story is "nonsense." She has asked me to remove the blog post,but that is contrary to what this district official himself has admitted. So I need a bit more.


  1. I agree, Both Mrs. Colton should resign and the other cheater should resign and be removed from employment at Bangor. I heard that the other party is a high ranking Bangor School official within the School District's Administration. Role Models in the community and to our students? There is no place for this within the walls at the Bangor Area School District. I also understand Mrs. Colton has a job that brings her into the Bangor and Pen Argyl School's daily to meet students thru Valley Youth House via Green Knight/Slater Community Action. This is not acceptable for her to serve as a role model to our student's or troubled youth or community. This shows a very serious flaw in judgement.
    As for Mr. Berger, he should resign as well. He believes that Mrs. Colton's infidelity behavior is not an issue in her representation of the Bangor Area School District community and families on the NCC Board of Trustee's. I feel strongly differently. He, along with Steve Bussenger, Chris Marozzi, Toni Lynch and Mike Geoffredo by voting to keep her send the message of their belief that her behavior is acceptable. It does not represent the moral family values that I want my family and children to be think is acceptable behavior nor do I want my family looking to them as role models either. These five school board members disgust me by thinking this is acceptable behavior and voting to keep her and not stop her representation on NCC and permit her to be inside the Bangor school's with children in her job daily.
    MR. BERGER IS UP FOR RE-ELECTION- DO NOT VOTE FOR CRAIG BERGER! He does not represent the moral family values of our families that we are trying to teach our children here at Bangor Area.

  2. In fairness, this may not the first district high ranking employee she was involved with. Why would only this one be asked to resign? Shouldn't both employees be asked to resign, especially considering one received a significant promotion during her tenure as board president? I would suggest it appropriate for an outside party investigate this situation and make recommendations. Several of the current board members were involved in that hiring process.

  3. Its time for the taxpayers of the Bangor School District wake up and vote Burger, Bussenger, Marozzi, Lynch and Goffredo out. Anyone who votes to keep Pam Colton as a representative of the school district does not have the best interests of the district in mind. The district is millions of dollars in debt, has a leadership vacuum, ranks low state wide in test scores, and these 5 individuals vote to keep the status quo. This isn't Pam Colton's first "inappropriate" relationship with a district official, and probably won't be her last, AND she no longer resides in the Bangor School District.

  4. My daughter played an outdoor field sport and the married woman sports coach was having a outright "afternoon matinee" with one of the married male members of the school districts athletic department. The girls were talking about it and some concerned and upset. We now have our children attending Notre Dame. There is a culture at Bangor among a particular group of sports adults that this behavior is acceptable as some sort of deviate tradition of having played sports and being a "slater" that even when it is so wrong that it is accepted and alright. Yes to tradition and school loyalty however when it goes to the extreme of the foundation of values taught from when your a child then enough is enough.
    I also agree that Craig Berger and the other four School Board Members should resign. I will not vote for him this election or any that voted to keep Pam Colton in any position. This happening at Bangor has been a long time coming.
    I know several teachers that have been asked to leave and resigned for having flings and others have bee terminated. Its time to clean house and say ENOUGH and start with the fornication in the school athletic department that I viewed. ANY employee that commits marital immortality should be terminated. Its time to clean out this deviate nest that has infiltrated our School District at the sports and administration levels.

  5. sometimes news isn't news--sometimes it's people taking great pleasure in the suffering and misery of others. it's joy in gossip and joy in exposing human flaws when in fact we are all flawed. I trust that the school board members I elected are making decisions based on the facts of work performance. Personal problems should not be a factor if work performance isn't effected. If I find out differently, I will not vote for them again. But until then, I say let them do their job as best they can despite Angle inviting media coverage to create drama and gossip. Some people are pleased when they are the originator of gossip, so maybe he is happy with himself now. I, however, prefer leaders who lead with grace and dignity. If he really cared about this school and community he could have come up with real solutions for this issue without making a spectacle. As you can see, it has devolved into something much worse, attacking other board members and dragging family into it. Despicable and shameful. Next time you get an invite to a school board meeting at Bangor, which you "never" seem to cover,do us all a favor and tell Angle to pound sand.

  6. Bangor? Never touched her.

  7. meretricious |ˌmerəˈtriSHəs|
    1 apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity: meretricious souvenirs for the tourist trade.
    2 archaic relating to or characteristic of a prostitute.
    meretriciously adverb.
    meretriciousness noun
    early 17th century: from Latin meretricius (adjective from meretrix, meretric- ‘prostitute,’ from mereri ‘be hired’) + -ous.

    **This is a Public service for blog readers who have not achieved a High School Diploma**

    1. Is that similar but not like selling a sad sack o shit as a positive to the public it serves? MOmentoum!!!! hahaha

  8. Don't kill the messenger or his friend for telling the truth. Deal with it in the light of day and be set free.

  9. Slater Pride? Not so much...at this place and time.

  10. Bangor sch. admn. has brought this on themselves. They own it and now must face the public for what they have let happen on their watch. Nowhere to hide now. No more secrets. The scabs ripped off to see the wounds..the self inflicted ones..exposed to the sunshine.

  11. Ron Angle no angel. He did not create this most recent scandal but you will blame him for it's uncovering. That is not fair or realistic. Those who point finger at him are enabling the current corrupt school board members who continually vote to remain a secret society within our midst charged with our children's education. Students need real role models..not this sleazy affair cover up. Stand up for our community and demand these peoples resignation for this affront to our decency.

  12. Craig Burger is not only a coward, but his childish response underscores his ignorance as a school board member.

  13. Craig Burger trying to take on Bernie O'hare? What a joke- Burger caved in 5 minutes! Ask the former Mayor & police chief of Nazareth how well that worked out.

  14. You should all be ashamed of yourselves, judging others the way you all are. Everyone makes mistakes in their lives, including all of you who are commenting. And now your calling our members names. Unless you all "walk on water" stop judging.

  15. i am not at all shooting the messenger, but i value leaders who lead with style and dignity instead of looking to sensationalize and lead with negativity. if he really cared about the school district and community he would have been looking for a way to resolve the issues; instead, his decision to alert bernie to come to the meeting has now escalated into mudslinging, character assasination, and devolving to bringing in innocent family members of the board members. shameful and despicable. i hope the board members, whoever they are and will be, will think twice before voting Angle on in any capacity should the occasion arise again. there will always be problems, whether they are having to do with personnel matters or misconduct--just the way it is. stand up and be a man (or woman) and handle them instead of running to tell the media. and next time Angle calls you, Bernie, for a story (although you have said many times you don't cover school boards, but Bangor is sure covered frequently), do us all a favor and tell him pound sand.

  16. It appears that Bangors School Board issues need to become public knowledge. So I would have to agree with Ron's decision to involve Bernie and enlighten the public of the on going "norm" of operations behind closed doors. I agree with Bob's philosophy of "have we made things better", but everyone and everything done by the board should be for the taxpayers. Enough of the closed door society, if they want that atmosphere maybe they should become a member of the Masons or some other private club.

  17. Why hasn't the name of the administrator indecently involved with Mrs. Colton been released? It takes two to tango!

  18. Solely bc he is a school district employee. Although I know who he is and have learned this information independently of what school officials tell me, he has not been the subject of any public discussions.

  19. " Personal problems should not be a factor if work performance isn't effected."

    I agree completely. In this case, work performance has been affected and that is why I published a story. Under most circumstances, I would be reticent to mention this.

  20. I try not to read the comments attached to articles mostly because it’s people hiding behind an “anonymous” tag spewing venom about things without any consequence of identifying themselves. I can accept any criticism from anyone that puts their name to it because that would give me the opportunity to rebut appropriately. I am more than willing to discuss my reason for any vote I make with anyone. You can feel free to contact me at cberger@brothersautotransport.com. Unfortunately, this situation is allowing the public to be duped. This entire chaos is caused by a handful of people trying to shape the results of an election for their own benefit. I would like to respond to a few inflammatory statements that were made about me. This will be my only public comments. I will not engage in a back and forth battle with anyone in the comment section of an article. As I stated….you can email me with any questions or concerns you have about School Board business and my coinciding votes. I will reply in a timely manner. I do not mind criticism. Criticism makes a person better if it’s presented in an intelligible, thought out way. These current comments are going so far out of the scope of the initial intent of the articles. Anonymous posters are now “scope creeping” and trying to expand the circle of accusations to include people with no basis other than to throw something up against the wall and see if it sticks. The only thing that does is negatively affect more people and their families. Again….put your name to it and it makes your opinion a little more valid….not correct, but valid. Do not fight someone else’s battle for them unless they are in front of it with you…..sitting in the shadows pulling strings is the sign of a coward not a leader. I would rather be judged than be the judge. I can handle people talking about me. At least if they’re talking about me it saves someone else from being talked about. I would like to thank Mr. O’Hare for removing any comments related to families. We run for public office and expect to be under a microscope. Our families are not in public office and therefore should be off limits. I respect Mr. O’Hare for holding true to that.

  21. continued....

    Morality: I will not speak to anyone’s specific situation but I will tell you that I consider myself a morally sound individual. I do not condone infidelity in any way. I believe in the sanctity of the family unit and anyone who knows me knows that I have always strived to be the best husband and father I can be. My family values are second to none and I will not allow that to be questioned. Everyone’s situation is different. No one knows what goes on in someone else’s life and honestly, it’s no one else’s business. I cannot control what two consenting adults do on their own time, away from their place of work. The punishment from that comes to them in the toll that it takes on their children and families. Calling for my resignation based a vote that was brought forward by someone with an axe to grind is ridiculous. I would hope that I was elected based on my ability to make decisions free of outside influences and based solely on the facts and alignment with the District goals. The 5 votes that Mrs. Colton received were based on the performance of the job she was charged to do. She has served well in that position and is very well respected in the NCC community. Her term is up in June of 2018 and at that time I’m sure the Board will evaluate her service and make a decision at that time and decide if they want her to continue in that field. I voted to keep her in this position based on her job performance.

    Personal Attacks: I have been accused in the articles that I personally attacked Mr. O’Hare and Mr. Angle. First of all, I did not personally attack either one of them. The comment about Mr. O’Hare was directed at the fact that he was “invited” by a Board member for a “big reveal”. That was not an attack on Bernie it was my disagreement with the “scheduled drama” that was going to happen at the meeting. As for Mr. Angle, I was expressing my displeasure with the same situation. I do not dislike Mr. Angle….honestly, I don’t know him well enough to like or dislike him. He served the Board well last time he was an interim Director and I was hoping the same thing would happen this year….but since it’s an election year It appears it may be different this time. I think Ron is very smart and has served the public for a long time….I’m just not a fan of drama that comes along with it. Anyone that has ever asked me about how it is being on the Board with Ron….that has always been my response. I would not personally attack someone for donating their time to a cause. We can disagree on many topics but personally attacking someone is unacceptable.

    Running the school district: My comment about “running the school district” was a sarcastic response to a Board members accusation that Mr. Bussenger and I run the District from behind the scenes, which is obviously a false statement. It you feel the need to blow it out of proportion…please feel free to do so. Dr. D. and his staff run the District…end of story. Our role as a Board is to 1) Evaluate the Superintendant, 2) Adopt a budget, 3) Set policy. My contention since I’ve been on the Board is that several Board members feel the need to micro manage the District. We do not belong in the schools and affecting the day to day operations of the District…that is managements role, not ours. We are not part of the Staff and to that point should allow Admin to run the District. All too often too much of Admins time is consumed by whims of Board members rather than allowing them to run the District.

  22. continued....
    Voting: When I vote I put careful consideration into my vote. I do my homework prior to the meeting so I have a full understanding of what I’m voting on and cast my vote accordingly. When I make that decision, I’m sure to think about how it will impact the District, is it something that will make our students more successful, will it open the District up to possible litigation. I do not have personal agendas that I’m trying to push through. Several years ago myself and Mr. Bussenger were unable to attend a meeting. At that meeting a few Board members took advantage of that situation and voted to stop the Step by Step reading initiative which was put in place to boost the reading proficiency of our elementary students. Fortunately, at the next meeting we were able to re-open the vote and it was passed. This initiative has brought the on grade level reading proficiency of our students from 63% up to 85%....the highest it’s ever been! My only agenda is that we provide the students of the District all the tools they will need to be successful after they graduate, whether it’s going to college or entering the workforce. Would I be on the Board if I didn’t have kids….probably not. I also wouldn’t have been involved in cub scouts, soccer, youth basketball and youth football.
    I could go on and on about these issues but as I said earlier, anyone can contact me at any time to discuss my decisions as a school board member. In my opinion I represent the school district well and base my votes on educated decision making without personal agendas. I can assure you that my only goal is to make BASD a great vehicle for our students to achieve their goals. I will not engage in mudslinging or negative comments about other candidates up for re-election. All I ask is that you don’t fall into the trap created in this comment section to do someone else’s bidding for them. If you have a valid point feel free to express it with your name on it.

  23. Craig,

    You most certainly did personally attack both Ron and me, and in a way that afforded neither of us an opportunity to respond. I was disparaged for being there, and you went on to claim the board should make me an honorary member. Angle was criticized for being knowledgeable, which he is. The fact that you would engage in these personal attacks in an email condemning personal attacks is just a tad hypocritical, don't you think? You are implying that certain people should be beyond reproach for anything, while others can be smeared whenever you want. This is the attitude of a phony.

    Like you, I agree that adults should be able to do whatever they want, so long as it does not interfere with smooth operations.In this case, it clearly has interfered. Your vote allows this to continue. Your peevish email, which you initially refused to disclose, is an attempt by you to do some of your own smearing, and I called you out.

  24. Berger being a phony. His political campaign pitch falling on deaf ears. Only his resignation will suffice now along with his secret buddies club members..Marozzi,Bussenger,Lynch and board prez. Goffredo. Your votes on this issue echo thru the district. You are all unfit to serve us.

  25. What a sanctimonious reply Craig Burger- you tried to smear Bernie and, like the 2 married adults involved, you got caught with your pants down...

  26. The other adult involved, disclosed tbe affair at a public meeting- He should resign also.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. I am not going to allow vulgarities

  30. Craig Burger, you just don't get it- this has nothing to do with an election or "doing someone else's bidding." It's about competency, and exposing the toxic environment in the district.

  31. Bernie, We know you do not cover SDs, BUT, how does this affect the election for School Board in Bangor? There are 5 running for 4 seats?

  32. Probably very little. This blog has 5000 readers scattered throughout the LV, and I suspect only some are in the slate belt. ThE MC will have no coverage. The ET is using one freelancer to cover just about everything outside Bethlehem and Easton.

  33. Perhaps now someone else will enter race as a write in and get rid of Berger and some others.

    1. Who would you suggest to write in? There are 5 running for 4 seats. Do we know anything of the other candidates? Besides Berger, there is Cortright and Brewer. What of the other 2?

  34. Wait til this weekend..bet the MC and the E-T's run with Bernie's story. They are both pathetic rags none the less.

  35. No longer is there a focus on academic achievement. Everyone knows the athletic department runs the show at Harper Valley PTA. If you dig deeper, Bernie, you'll be shocked.

    1. When my son was at BAHS, he was involved with a few athletic teams. I found supplements from GNC in his backpack. Granted they were 'legal', but specifically stated not to be taken under the age of 18. When we questioned him, he told us that all the coaches encouraged their use.
      Fast-forward to our meeting with the administration/superintendent, we were assured this would be looked into and addressed.
      We're still waiting, 5 years later.
      Par for the course with every other concern/issue/interaction, both before and after.
      My daughter was pulled out to be cyber-schooled two years ago, for much of the same problems.
      We are all very, very happy!

  36. Why all the hypocritical BS. A good looking woman and a man hook up. What is the issue?. It happens everyday everywhere. Schools are well known to be great grounds for hookups. Is there even a school district there this does not happen. Tales for4m every school are out there. In Northampton County it has been a way of life for many. many years. O'Hare is aware of many of the tales but he won't write about them since some involve his mancrusheres. The hookups have been well known by county folks for years.

  37. I'm aware of many of the tales? Actually, I'm not, and in most instances, couldn't care less. The only reason I care here is bc this is one relationship that had a negative impact on school operations.

  38. What is the deal with Ron Angle? Every time he shows up on some Board or government, all Hell breaks loose. He is a one man wreaking crew bringing unrest and controversy everywhere he goes.
    Now more people have their lives destroyed to satisfy his ego? What the hell is wrong with the guy?

  39. WTH is wrong with you? The issue is the leadership of the district...finally! Ron Angle is not the problem..BASD administation and several good old boy school board members are the problem.

  40. Bernie what position in this school district does the other person in this story hold?

  41. I'm not saying, but he should hold no position at all. He has been making lots of mistakes bc of this relationship.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. When someone says a story is "nonsense and should be removed," all kinds of red flags (red ones and even red ones) should be waving.

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. That kind of personal attack is off limits unless you ID yourself. I attached my name to what I wrote.

  45. I hope that the voters have enough information to make the necessary changes to clean up the BASD Board. Where there's smoke, there's fire and the smoke is very thick. Craig Berger is not fit to be a board member and the interest of our kids is certainly not his interest. It's more than apparent he lacks the ethics, morals, competence and judgment to serve our community. Voters, please do the right thing and remove him.

  46. I am HAPPY people want to put their bodies together through love rather than violence: I bet this makes things actually run more smoothly. I applaud their love, their intimacy. Pillow talk will, surely, lead to personal interests out of the marriage-bed, but one cannot simply assume these decisions would provide distress to anyone in the school district. Axes to grind and paybacks (see other local school boards too -- I'm looking at you Easton). I want to find out how funds are being misused, how people are hired behind closed doors with a wink and a handshake, the alcoholics and drug addicts who have taught in this district and continue to, a former admin pulling the strings from the East, and administrators and teachers not doing their jobs to make students successful. This is repetitive: Let them love love love . . . .

  47. Let's not forget the real issue at hand. Bangor's academic performance is among the absolute worst in PA. Inept administrative officials and a Board that isn't capable of making the right decisions to improve the situation for our kids. Our tax dollars are not being effectively utilized. Let's vote for board members with no obvious outward self interests such as their kids making a team (Berger, Bussinger).

  48. Is it true that the AD doesn't have the necessary credentials to perform the role from an accredited college/university? I'm sure the Board would have properly assessed when making that decision. And how about board members that are related to the AD? Did they recuse themselves from the vote? I'm sure public records would indicate that.

  49. 1:45, I checked and Bangor is far from among the worst academically. I believe I may have even linked to its rating, which is ok

  50. The majority of reputable companies have a no tolerance policy for co-worker extra-marital affairs and terminate upon validating. With the widespread abuse of this practice at Bangor, why doesn't our Administration, Board or both act on this. If the culture of most organizations won't allow this type of behavior, why is it allowed to continue at bangor. I guess it's deemed acceptable at bangor for our children to to see, know and accept this as acceptable behavior. Great ethical and moral examples to lead by!

  51. If you want to name someone, start by naming yourself.

  52. Bernie, always appreciate you bringing up the issues. Suggest that your blog require a login/userid so that people can stand behind their comments a be a bit more fact-based vs. feeding into a bunch of conjecture. Thanks again for bringing up issues important to the Valley!

  53. Why, then, did you not ID yourself? Your comment is "conjecture".

  54. Keep digging sir! You've only begun to scratch through the surface.......

  55. Accountability is the word here! No wrongs make a right so why is everybody upset? Taxpayers can demand changes, but we all have to stick together. A phrase was told to me,"Their is the right way, the wrong way, and the Bangor School way", what is up with this statement? I guess special rights for the Bangor's school board members and administrators. My understanding is the problem looks to run deeper then just with school board members or administrators but also with teachers coaches and staff too, the rumors continue to fly. Artificial turf fields, new sewer plant, drinking water issues at each school, Busing problems, racial issues, debt, drugs and the so called affairs just to name a few. If you want to clear or clean this up, Taxpayers need to get on the ball. Taxpayers have to ask for an investigation starting at the top down. No one person should be excluded from what he or she has so called done wrong or in a rumor. If its rumors being spread around our community, the probability of some truth is there so why not act. The Taxpayers are throwing their hard earned money away if any or all the rumors are true. Lets not talk about role models either. Teachers and coaches are far from any role model if the rumors run true. Not to point the finger at any one teacher but its their job to educate our youth, just 4 classes a day, not to spend free time talking with others about who is having a party this weekend or letting youth outside the building unattended. Its not a joke anymore. Coaches with racial remarks, affairs, bullying just watch and listen to a game or practice or listen to what the youth are saying. Isn't the school boards job to look out for student safe for a good education so why do issues like bullying and and racial remarks keep coming up at board meetings. Then you have the private board meetings about affairs with teachers, coaches, and school board members having sex on school grounds, Great role models just how I want my son or daughter to become. Ladies and gentleman open your eyes. The athletic department is trying to sneak an artificial turf field into the district. Why is this happening? Good question and as rumor goes. The coaches don't want make that trip to the park anymore. Think about this taxpayers. If the school was to put a artificial turf field at the district its more then just a giant carpet and phrase was coined. You need lights which the park has, bleachers which the park has, toilet facilities and concession stands which the park has, fences around and new parking lots plus to update our aging sewer plant. Plus the up keep and maintenance to the artificial turf, you know the little black rubber pellets and the sprays needed after each practice or game so the youth does not come home with ringworm or other parasites. So the couple of millions of dollars the athletic department is telling us about putting in a new artificial turf field turn into a couple of more millions of dollars with all the other added features, wake up! And I forgot about the security issues needed plus the traffic problems. The security can not stop the people now from driving on the fields with cars truck snow mobiles motorcycles and 4 wheedlers ripping up the grass costing thousands of extra dollars. Sitting in a chair in a office watching monitors with camera spread thru out the district will not stop the problem of then getting on the artificial turf field and ripping millions of taxpayers money up. The point is we are all accountable for our own actions. Some think they are above the responsibility of they job title to play hanky panky and do what they want and as rumor would dictate it is happening in all the departments. Not saying everybody is bad news but the few who don't work make it bad for the rest who do. This is not a joking matter when it comes to education of our youth. Think about what happened at Penn State university so are we that far off that mark? If Dr D. is leaving the school district he probability knew something was coming. People wake up!


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.